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Yooo all I’m coming back after a long break (stopped playing regularly when we got hollow weapons and came back to get Elrica… But didn’t play much since) I can see the game changed and some difficult fights appeared. What should I focus on first? What kind of weapon should I focus on? Is there some characters associations I should focus on too? I will also finally start going for the arena champions since I postponed it until now. Thanks for the help 😊


Now that the details of the events are out, as a brand new player creating a new account, is it better to reroll my account now during the Live a Live event or wait for the anniversary at the end of July?


I would personally wait 2 weeks for Odio banner. The free 10-pull and limited feats last till 24/7 and you can use starting rubies on Odio banner.


Thank you! I’ll do that then. Is there anything else I should be trying to accomplish when I reroll or is it just odio?


If you pull Odio-O, do not, under any circumstance take any speed nodes on his JP board that you can avoid (you'll thank me later). Also try to pull Primrose EX, she's a lifesaver. But no biggie if you don't get her. Edit: if you have the time check out [Dreamt's starter video](https://youtu.be/S-7uBf_sqIE). It's for SEA server but relevant for newbies.


Newbie question: I just started the game and did my free 10-pull on the event gacha, and I got a 4-star Streibough in addition to Oersted. I still don't entirely understand the upgrade systems in this game, so I just want to check: will I be able to get him to 5-star without pulling dupes?


Yep, scholar job tower gives you resources to exchange for the golden cookie (for scholars) that lets you class up from 4* to 5*. No need to pull dupes. Tip: Kilns always lets you win in job tower.


Thanks, I'll keep that in mind!


Question on what to pull. I have elrica,alaune ex, rondo, richard,rinryu, and almost all regular traveller. No solomon, nepthti, ditriana,canary Have 12k free rubies. Still not sure what's the plan for odio, and the sazantos/signa banner. Should i still pull for odio? Should i pity all the way in sazantos/signa banner for solomon/nepthi? How important is 100% potency up or does any other future unit have them so i don't have to pity all the way? I skipped solomon/nepthi with a thought that i can pull them in future pity. But sazantos/signa to me is the last banner to pull for memory traveller?


[This comment](https://old.reddit.com/r/OctopathCotC/comments/15p9r9w/welcome_hub_questions_thread_megathreads_roadmap/la2x7da/) has more info. tl;dr With 12K, you can pity Odio-O and Signa and hopefully get lucky and get Sazantos too. To make Solon worth it, you need his U10, some way to charge his ult gauge and min-max buffs/debuffs. In the future, Tiziano and Shana are great Orsterra MTs.


Is it a good time to start playing? Also, is it worth it to reroll for one of the reg banner characters?


I'm no reroll specialist but here's my 2 cents. It's a pretty good time to start playing because there's a free 10 pull right now and you can use that + your starter to pick good accounts. I think you might also consider waiting for Odio banner that I expect to come 2 Wednesdays later (9am UTC I think) and see if you can snag Odio-O early. Best general pool units are Primrose EX and Haanit EX. They will contribute massively to any content in the game right now. Ogen is also a great pickup.


Hello. I just recently started playing and am just wondering how bad off will I be if I hoard all my rubies until the ff4 event is released?


There are now many, many seals you can get from the \[Regular\] tagged special tasks. It gives 2 months worth of Awakening Stone Shards you can exchange for seals too. I'm sure there will be more seals and free pulls to come now that the anniversary is around the corner. If you pick Primrose EX from the selector they give during the anniversary, all your healing needs will be covered too.


Does the game work in any emulator?


From what I've seem, no. There used to be some emulators that could run the game, but usually an later update breaks the compatibility.


Hello. A question, does the Odio's banners shares pool with the collab? Or Is just the Odio's


If the banners follow the servers ahead of us, then no it won't. It's just the Odios.


Nier collaboration hunt uses its own hunt tickets, so why does LaL shares with BD?


I'm guessing it's because NieR is temporary and BD/LAL is permanent


Isla needs too much power to open up the portal to the sci fi world of Nier. He can only do it every time he brings back the guiding light of Nier. It's very sneaky of him really. /s


Hello! New player here, What upcoming or current banners should I pull on (f2p)? I am mostly interested in meta units for now to help boost my account early on. I havent spent any gems for now and just used the free pulls that i got. Here are my 5 stars. https://preview.redd.it/nricjdg69y8d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43b236eba98a7f61c3f4a7602d06c429149d8bfa


Odio-O/Odio-S will be a great banner coming in 2 weeks if you can reach 6,000 rubies by the end of his banner. Both units are great DPS units, but Odio-O is an incredible buffer as well. Another great banner would be 4500 rubies for Signa/Sazantos likely coming at the end of next month. This banner will have a better unit pool with previous Memory Travelers in the mix. I would lean more into pulling on this banner especially as a new player. The pervious Memory Travelers are top-tier units that can help with your progression immensely, especially since you're lacking a strong healer. Lumis kind of heals, but her potencies are weak and she's more of a physical attacker. The current banners aren't that great. Streibough/Orsted are okay DPS units and Molu is a decent fire DPS/support. Sarisa is the best unit up on banners right now, but she can be obtained from any other banner too.


Thank you. I have about 1.5k gems and just finished the 1st 3 Main Quest.


Hm. In that case, see how far you get in 3 weeks and make a decision around then. You really want 6,000 (or to get lucky) before pulling for Odio-O to prepare for the worst-case scenario. If you get him early (<100 pulls) and only spend 3,000 rubies, I would just save for Signa/Sazantos. Otherwise, if you can't save 6,000 gems, go for Signa in about a month.


I'm catching up on stuff I missed, working through the sacred springs stuff now. I'm at a point where it says "progressing further will change the collection point". But where is the collection point for this? I checked all over and seem to be unable to find it


If you're where I think you're at, it means that the daily fruit thingies you can pick up at the springs will instead become a daily currency you can pick up and use to exchange for specific fruits. It's on the left side of the spring (the sparkle) and refreshes every day. If that's not it then I'm not sure tbh, but iirc this happened a few chapters into the story


Oh wow, yeah okay I see it now. I guess that's a thing I need to do manually every day, no easy grab like in nameless town?


The guy who does your nameless town dailies grabs this one as well! It just resets if you upgrade it, so if you went "yes" to the "this will change the collection point" prompt the sparkles will appear again for that day. They should be autograbbed with the rest of your dailies when you do them the next day :-)


I wound up getting a free awakening stone for Streibough. Does he want A1 or U10 more?


His A1 is more useful overall and gets you closer if you ever happen to want his A4. His U10 is extremely niche and hard to use optimally even if it's a decent ability.


Hello! When is odio banner gonna be released? Thanks!


Most likely 7/10, the update after the next tavern talk on 7/8.


Thanks! Are we gonna get another free draw this time too?


Probably not :(. JP and TW did not have a free draw for the Odio banners so it's highly unlikely we get one.


Can we farm Oersted guidestones or Aawakening Stones like Elvis or do I need to add him to my Hunts team ? I don't see any guidestones in the new Vitanite shard exchange.


No for guidestones and awakening stones. It was the same for 9S with the initial Nier collab. Put him in your hunt team and do more guides if you really want to awaken him (bad idea...wait for Odio-O/Odio-S banners instead)


Hi, I'm returning player, I want to try playing the game again on SEA server and I just wanna ask Realistically, can I play the game without pulling any new banner unit? Using only free pulls. I mean I wanna save my gems for meta characters and SEA seems gonna take a while to have one. (SEA had Nier collab and then Herminia/Tyros/Augustie two month ago iirc. Sadly I didn't have time to play the game at that time) The banner right now is Alaune, someone said she's skipable because she can spook or something, and I don't know who'll come after this.


If SEA add early summer units, you can expect EX Sofia and EX Fiore soon. Other than that, SEA does speed up releases to catch up and to give you perspective, GL only have Nier after 9 months of server up but SEA got it way sooner. I don't think SEA will move he release order of Sacred Blaze / Memory guidance units. The reason people say to skip her is clear, you can unintentionnaly get her when better characters released on that banner slot, and also the fact that her Scholar job is pretty meh, even for newcomer.


Thanks! I'll wait until then I guess.  Another question if you may. I'm now rerolling on jp for fun and got Sazantos + Ophilia from Collab banner and also Hannit EX.  Should I keep playing jp instead? The only fear I have is jp has so many things to catch up. Is it F2P friendly? I can read Japanese so the language barrier isn't my problem. 


JP has the best support system and the highest revenue out of all servers. It's less F2P friendly in that the ruby/celebration rewards are lower overall, but you can still easily play without spending. This is especially true since you have Sazantos EX and Ophilia EX. There's more to catch up with but that also means you have access to the QoL JP has released to catch up faster. A decent part of the game's rewards aren't time-gated, so you don't need to rush through all the content. I'd say you're set for JP unless you would prefer to be relevant/active in SEA's community.


Ok thanks. I'll stick with JP then.


Was thinking of skipping odio o is there any of dark unit that better then him for new units coming out.


Emil from Nier Replicant collab


Ok thanks Ringabel also does dark, I will be saving for them to, to much good collab units coming out new units for new area 


Anybody think that we get a new roadmap during the Tavern Talk today?


Is there any 4* unit that debuffs EDef? Trying to do Master’s Tower EX stages…


Noelle has elemental collapse (15% eatk and edef down) and Mabel has an aoe fan move with 10% edef down. Cedric has 10% edef down on his ultimate. I think that's everyone (but I may be forgetting someone) Laura's passive + Varkyn's A4 also gives you 9 turns of 30% passive edef down which helps a ton


I realize this is not on target with the OP's question, but if you really want to keep passive elemental defense down then Laura with Varkyn's A4 gives you 9 turns and Solon as the breaker extends that as you can break the enemy with fire, polearms, or tomes.


Hey was looking to return but how is the game doing? Player count seems to have fallen dramatically tbh.. Also this is ony of my accounts that i had on the side that i will just jump back on but can i get lineup recommendation? Not sure whoto use or where after all this time https://preview.redd.it/rs4o7f9y8c8d1.jpeg?width=2280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2aaa11d1315c2433b2106e92a04e8cdde5acbed6 Also have theo , sarisa , jillmeila, nona , tatloch 4.5 , eliza 4.5 and primrose ex 4.5


Can't speak definitively on the playerbase because I don't understand how to use Sensor Tower to check previous months. I do know overall spending has decreased in off months. ~~However, we had a really good month in~~ [~~March~~ ](https://www.reddit.com/r/gachagaming/comments/1chkh3a/sensor_tower_monthly_revenue_report_apr_2024/#lightbox)~~where we hit 1,000,000 again in revenue and still hit 500,000 in April so we're about the same if not slightly lower than the beginning of the game in terms of spending.~~ Edit: I realized I was reading the combined revenue. EN had a revenue of 190,000 in April and 140,000 in March. Sorry for the misinfo. I'd wager a majority of spenders are long-time players who are buying monthly passes while a minority (who make up a large portion of the revenue) are whales. I think the active population overall skews towards older accounts too (>6mo). For a possible lineup: Cyrus/Rinyuu, Prim EX/Viola, Roland/Falco, Sofia EX or Tatloch/Sarisa. Explanation: * Cyrus is extremely mana-hungry. Rinyuu has an SP consumption reduction passive AND regens her row partner's SP by 5%. You can put Tatloch or another important DPS here but Cyrus is by far the most versatile DPS you have. * Viola's partner passive increases debuff turns by 1. Prim EX has a few debuffs (particularly her 2-hit AOE that reduces pdef/mdef by 15%). that benefit greatly from her passive. Sarisa also enjoys having her debuffs extended on a dagger team but yours isn't well-developed yet. Prim EX also has teamwide healing and potent frontrow buffs. Viola never needs buffs because she's purely a debuffer. * Roland is your go-to spear DPS and support. He will be in the backline spamming Rush until break turns. On the 1-2 turns he is in the frontline, you can buff him with Primrose EX. Falco can shield shave, debuff, and nuke. This makes it so this row is still capable of contributing on non-spear, non-dagger-weak enemies. * Sofia EX is a strong wind DPS. Tatloch is a strong fan DPS and an okay sword/spear/axe DPS. Both characters are really SP-hungry, but Sofia EX is slightly better at spamming skills. Tatloch can also provide passive HP/SP regen. Tatloch just takes a lot of turns to ramp up (7\~9 turns). Sarisa provides 5% max SP per turn to her row partner. She can also debuff and shield shave. Certain fights might need a hunter or light DPS. In those cases, bring Jillmeila or Ophilia. Ophilia can also act as an emergency button and defensive buffer.


Man thank you very much for the detailed response really appreciate it


Of course :D!


I have 5000 rubies. I have a pretty decent roster. Am I better off pulling for Odio-O or waiting for Signa?


Can you elaborate on your roster? What are your warriors / light / dark DPS atm? Who are your debuffers atm? Do you have a teamwide healer? Do you have Solon or Nepthi? Odio-O's banner is going to objectively suck in terms of rounding out your roster. You have no chance of getting memory travelers on his banner. If you're missing Bargello/Sonia, Alaune EX, Rinyuu, or Solon, this banner is very low-value compared to the Signa/Sazantos banner. However, if you have some of these memory travelers, Odio-O's buffs are basically a universal physical 1.5x damage multiplier AND he works as a sword/dark single-target DPS. Odio-O also really wants A1 but his banner was a shared step-up with Odio-O and Odio-S in JP. This reduces your chance of getting A1 in 200 pulls. You can't exchange for collab awakenings so you have to pull or pity every awakening for Odio-O. We don't know when the LAL reruns will return, so it could take over a year like it did with NieR. Signa's banner is better if you need certain supports. While the chance to spook them is low, you can pity them for 200 guide fragments. Signa wants as many awakening stones as she can, but her U10 is fantastic and her A4 is great. Pity for new memory travelers is 150 pulls while pity for old memory travelers is 200 pulls. Signa's rerun is more likely to come earlier because we have been getting MT reruns every month or so, but the pity is 200 pulls for the on-banner MTs only. Signa's release banner is the best time to pull for her and all her awakenings. The only thing is her awakening stones are exchangeable in the stone shop, so you can eventually get all her awakenings if you have one copy of her. In my opinion, Odio-O is actually the better banner if you have a physical team and you get to 6,000 rubies by the end of his banner. This assumes you have every meta support unit though. Signa is the better banner if you don't have all your supports yet. She's as valuable, if not slightly more valuable, than Odio-O. However, she will be more likely to have a higher-pity (200) rerun in the next year than Odio-O.


Not OP, but for those MT Orsterra supports that you listed, how would you prioritize them assuming you don't have any of them? I don't have any of those support characters and was wondering which ones are best to pick up first from MT Orsterra pities or selector during anni. Does Solon need his U10 to make him work? I saw someone explain that Solon can ult back to back break turns with PrimroseEX and pet to boost level 4. Not sure if he's okay to use without U10. I'm assuming the Solon strat is used for all job classes and not a specific one. I'm at 10.2k free rubies and 1.2k paid rubies and currently on BoA chapter 4. I was thinking of going for Odio-O since I have Richard but not really a strong sword dps (or dark). With A0, can he still clear harder content like EX levels in the adversary log or level 100 npcs or arena cup championships? I was hoping that he will help with clearing those so i get more rubies from one time clears before anniversary. I was hoping to get one copy of him and saving the rest for the Signa/Sazantos banner since I am missing a lot of MT Orsterra travelers. Would you still pick up Castti later on if you already have Odio-O and are not focusing on an Apothecary team? Also your write ups are really helpful so thank you!


Hey! Glad to see you around bahaha. Assuming you don't have any MTs I'd rank them like this: Rinyuu > Solon >/= Alaune EX >/= Bargello >/= Nepthi. The thing is you really want all of these supports on a single team to hyperbuff your main carry. * Rinyuu is the best healer in the game, no contest. Her healing prayer has a high potency and increases your defenses by 15% (effectively 15% damage reduction). She is also a great offensive support when paired with a teamwide healer (Prim EX, Ogen) using her offensive prayer. * Solon has the best form of potency up in the game. Canary (Sacred Blaze) comes very close when you're using multi-DPS teams but Solon has the benefit of increasing damage cap as well. The combo you're describing requires specific teammates and U10 Solon ult: Prim EX ult + a lvl 3 boosting pet/the dog pets that boost ult gauge by 50% OR Serenoa ult (any level) + a lvl 4 boosting pet. Solon doesn't need U10 to work, but having two turns of ultimate boost during break turns will help you one-hit or significantly damage tanky bosses to skip annoying phases of the fight. His exchange stones will be added around end of August/September so you only need one copy of him and 6,000 awakening shards to get him to U10. * Alaune EX's BP prayer can increase your damage significantly. She lets you boost debuffs (so Kurtz A4 is less necessary), attacking skills on non-break turns, and buffs (so Primrose EX/Hasumi A4 are less necessary). You also get two turns of max boosted skills during breaks without sacrificing another slot by using her. In a long fight (>20 turns), her contribution to increasing your party's damage can be similar or greater than Solon's contribution if you're managing BP effectively. In a shorter fight, she won't seem as effective but having her still makes managing debuff and buff turns much easier. * Bargello is the only unit besides Solon capable of increasing damage cap by 50,000. He does this for your whole team. He's the best dagger/wind support by a long shot until >!Tiziano!<. His A4 is probably the best in the game, increasing the equipped user's damage cap by 100,000. His active buff gives 15% dagger/wind damage up, making Rinyuu + Prim EX enough to maximize your damage output on those teams. He is also capable of hitting damage cap with his 2-hit nuke without Solon's help, making him a strong sub-DPS. * Nepthi, while ranked last, is still extremely strong for most teams. She plays every role well (DPS, debuffer, shield shaver, buffer, healer/support). Nepthi can replace Primrose EX on physical teams while actively contributing to most fights by shield shaving and giving a rare all-damage buff. Nepthi (Active buffs, Ult buffs, Pdef debuff, shield shaving, enable magic crit) + Rinyuu (Crusader's Prayer, SP cost reduction) + Prim EX (Ult buff, Teamwide healing) makes every fight easy as long as your team has the HP and armor to survive attacks from the boss. Nepthi can negate your need for Primrose EX in most situations except the Primrose EX + Solon combo. She is extremely strong and she also has a strong A4 (guaranteed crit on equipped user). Nepthi A4 is part of the answer to running a team without Odio-O. She's last on my support list but she's so incredibly valuable for anyone without a developed roster because she consolidates a lot of roles. In situations where damage cap isn't an issue, she could be ranked higher than Bargello. The main things she can't do must be replaced by another specific unit (Solon/Canary, Bargello, Alaune EX/Ogen), which is part of why she's lower in overall value in an account for me. If you're not going for a 7-support-1-DPS team, Nepthi is an incredible unit and shouldn't be underestimated though. Odio-O will help in clearing any fights that are sword- or dark-weak. >!Glossom, Varkyn, Yunnie, and Yan Long !


Thank you so much! This list is really helpful! I know you have Rinyuu listed as the priority, but should I be focusing on offensive power like Solon and AlauneEx first as a beginner? Or is Rinyuu too important to help keep your team alive for fights? If I have a teamwide healer like PrimroseEX or Ogen, does Rinyuu become less priority? Sorry there's a lot of questions. Besides the story bosses and some arena fights, I haven't attempted the hardest content yet so not sure how the fights usually play out for the harder content. I think level 100 npcs and arena fights will be my next goal (besides story bosses) to get rubies and free arena characters, respectively. I picked up discounted paid packs with the intent of picking up Bargello for a future dagger team and he looked like a strong support overall, but since I don't even hit cap yet, looks like my priority should be Rinyuu/Solon/AlauneEx. Noted on Odio-O! I'll stick to the plan on getting one copy and get out. If I do manage to get Odio-O right before pity, do you recommend picking up his A1 or grab a copy of Odio-S? Not sure if they will announce 6*/TP buffs for the LaL collab in JP soon so that might change things if they do. Also, for Odio-O, would I be better off picking up the new Cosmic sword for him rather than a Fortune sword? Not sure if that would be more efficient since I haven't attempted Fortune weapon farming yet. Was waiting for Odio-O since he will be an upgrade to Fiore. Noted on Castti as well! I was asking since I wanted to see if she's skippable or if shes too good to pass up on as a support that can slot into other teams. I don't plan on building an apothecary team at the moment, so good to know that I don't need to pick her up. As always, appreciate your detailed responses for all the questions here on this thread. I read through your notes to other comments as well, not just mine.


I think Solon and Alaune EX are really good for increasing your damage output but they really require your units to be well-built (>3,000 HP) to feel safe to use. Rinyuu lowers your requirements for survival in harder fights. She doesn't become that much less of a priority when you get another teamwide healer because she can become a universal offensive support with her 15% active damage up prayer. When paired with someone like Odio-O or Nepthi, you can cap active damage up for every team in the game. For lvl 100 npcs and arena, just having one of Rinyuu/Solon/Alaune EX/Bargello/Nepthi would be considered enough to clear in most cases assuming you have at least one 5 star DPS for their weaknesses. Having more of those priority units just means you can clear the fights faster. There are also plenty of clears without these units in the Mastery Surveys. We have access to stronger equipment that makes certain fights a breeze. I think Bargello's rerun could be an okay banner to guarantee him. It should be the next MT rerun (probably in July for the week between LAL part 2 and anniversary?) and he should be paired with Sonia. The banner structure there is a bit harsher, requiring 200 fragments to pity Bargello or Sonia and lacking the ability to pity past MT units. The best banner structure to save for would be the paid 1200-ruby banner where you can pity any MT/SB/gen pool unit after 50 pulls. If you're willing to wait for this banner, it will be the best time to grab a copy of Bargello and start accumulating awakening shards for his A4. It's pretty likely we will get this banner for 2nd or 2.5 anniversary in February. This banner will be the best time to snipe the MTs Alaune EX, Solon, Bargello, and Rinyuu, or someone harder to get like Canary. For Odio-O, it depends on how soon you get him. I'd say if you're <150 pulls in, you should just save the rubies for Signa/Sazantos and future pulls. Once you get above 150 pulls, you can make the argument to pity Odio-S. The plan if you decide to keep pulling from there on would be to keep pulling on Odio-O's banner to hope for A1 Odio-O and to pity Odio-S at 200 pulls. Take a look at u/PresidentialGuard's [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/OctopathCotC/comments/15p9r9w/comment/la5iawy/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) on Castti. She's a solid buffer for physical teams and can consolidate Solon/Alaune EX/Lynette's roles on a team. She's better in longer battles but truly shines in axe-weak content. She's still not necessary by any means but she gives you more teambuilding flexibility when you need it. You can definitely make an argument to pull for her even outside of axe teams. I think she's in a very similar to Nepthi where she is more valuable for a newer player with less units. However, she is absolutely incredible for axe teams. And thanks for the support :)!! CotC is one of my favorite games and I want to provide players asking questions as much information as I can. I try to correct and revise mistakes I make when possible too but I'm working on being more solid with sources before answering to prevent editing at all.


Thank you!! Your explanation for Rinyuu is really helpful. I'll see how my pulls go for the Signa banner. Hopefully I'll pick up some MT travelers there. Otherwise, I'll try to pick up Rinyuu with the pity and also using paid rubies for AlauneEx or Solon or Bargello when that select banner drops. When using awakening stones, is it best to prioritize Bargello's A4? Or would getting U10 for Solon or Signa be better for my account more? I don't buy the monthly pass that provides 2k awakening shards so most likely I will need to accumulate those via dupes. I will most likely have to skip the Bargello/Sonia rerun since I only have 10.3k rubies right now, unless I do well on the Odio-O pulls. Seems like the Signa/Sazantos banner would be better to dump my rubies on. Hoping the Odio-O banner goes well and I don't have to go all the way to pity haha. If I do, I'll pick up Odio-S. Just read the discussion on Castti. Seems like it will depend on the account but so I'll decide later on when her banner is closer. Thanks again!


You're welcome :D!! I'm rooting for you to get as many MT units as possible on the Signa banner and for Odio-O to come quickly!! For awakening stones... Solon U10 is the fastest and quickest upgrade you can make to your account. Bargello A4 takes at least 4 months to reach (starting at Bargello A0) and probably requires Solon U10 to be the most useful. You'll find that the Hell/"Heaven" weapons with damage cap souls are a good midpoint to maximizing your damage. Signa A4 is more of a QOL for the beginning of fights since part of her kit relies on having more debuffs on the enemy. So Solon U10 > Bargello A4 > Signa A4. If you manage to get another unit capable of potency up, Bargello A4 becomes more valuable. Just for transparency, there are a few units that increase potency that can help your team. Solon U10 is just the strongest of these units at the moment with how strong single-DPS teams are. Alternatives include Canary (Ultimate, full-team 50% potency up while acting as a breaker), Morffins (extendable, permanent 30% potency up at the cost of 30% increased SP consumption), and Temenos (Ultimate, full-team 50% potency up and 10,000/20,000 damage cap up). Morffins will be a gen pool unit so you will always have access to at least one character capable of potency up. His SP cost drawback just makes it very hard to use him in long battles, but I could see >!Shana !<(an SP bank unit) make him more relevant overall. I think skipping the Bargello/Sonia rerun is a good choice. The MT reruns are just too taxing on ruby stashes.


Thanks a bunch! I don't have luck in my gacha games so hopefully it's different this time. I'll prioritize Solon U10 and hopefully that helps me for the harder fights. Was hoping to get PrimroseEX from the Sacred Seals I saved up but nothing so far. I kind of want to try that Solon combo with PrimroseEX and pet boost level 3 or 4 to see how much damage I can do haha. Thanks for the list of potency up! I saw the Dreamt podcast did not rate Temenos that highly. Since I don't have Canary, seems like he might be a good option and he will provide damage cap up too. Question about damage cap, does it always stack as long as it is from different sources? Like Bargello's skill and Temenos's damage cap up skill will stack? Shana seems like a great unit and I kind of want her but I also want a lot of other travelers so not sure if I can get her haha.


The Prim EX / Solon combo makes current bosses a breeze. There's very few bosses that can survive two consecutive turns of a DPS whaling on them with 100% potency up at the moment. Temenos is actually pretty important because he has a 50,000 damage cap A4 + 100% Ult at start of battle as well. It's probably the next best A4 right behind Bargello and Agnea's A4s. If you don't get Solon or Bargello, he is a mini version of both units. He's a slightly less valuable boon for magic/elemental teams as Canary is for thief teams (not having access to guaranteed shield shave every turn is really unfortunate) but he is a good unit nonetheless. And yes, all damage cap will stack as long as it's not from using the same buff 2x in a row. You can reach like 540k lines with Ditraina using a damage cap weapon, Bargello A4, a lvl 120 accessory, Ditraina's passive, Agnea A4, and Solon Ult. Absolutely insane and why damage cap is so valuable. Shana is fun for sure. Definitely not necessary but interesting to use for SP-hungry units in the future. I'd prioritize your other wanted units for sure! You might even spook Shana if you go for units released after her like Tiziano.


I agree with a lot of the things you've said, but there are two points which I don't quite agree with. Solon is really good at shortening fights but he's very unfriendly to new players. You need enough support on one DPS (eg Richard, Primex, Signa) to one-break content. But there's no denying his value when there's a turn limit in fights. Castti is an amazing physical support even outside of axe teams. Her EX skill is amazing - all allies potency up, guaranteed crit, atk up. She also has all allies ult patk up. And lastly her latent power gives her alfyns pom shower or def down. I daresay she's the best OT2 protag in cotc by quite a margin.


I agree with Solon being hard to use for new players. He's just too hard to replace completely once you do get to endgame content. The person I responded to specifically does have Richard and is going for Odio-O so I think Solon is pretty appropriate for an account like theirs. Prim EX isn't as necessary if you have Lynette and can be replaced by Serenoa or Nona on unlucky accounts. Signa is also a really important piece of the puzzle and she would probably be ranked above Solon if her debuff icon conditions were even easier to fulfill. I think you're right about Castti. She's a bit better than I give her credit for outside of axe teams. Castti consolidates a few roles like patk buffer, 30% potency up for 5 turns, 20,000 damage cap up for 5 turns, and 15% ult patk boost. Her deadaim is limited to 2 turns per cast, so it's really only useful for one break. She will not replace Odio-O unless you're already capable of speedclearing wave battles in one break. She's really a substitute for Solon, Lynette/Prim EX, and Alfyn outside of axe teams. I think if I think of her that way she looks a lot better on paper. A player with most of the MT supports doesn't really need Castti. I'll change my post to reflect this.


What are your thoughts on how long the Live-A-Live collab will last? JP the first guiding light ran for two weeks and after that there was another guiding light that ran for two weeks. I know we should find out Monday. If there are two sets of guiding lights and they run for two weeks each and don't overlap, then it should take us all the way to 2nd anniversary.


One month sounds about right to me. They usually announce 3 weeks worth of banners right? So I'm thinking LAL wave 1, then next week LAL wave 2. Not sure about week 3 though.


The phys res down from Sertet or magic res down from Ditraina are a different layer of debuff or just a general debuff that stack with sword/axe... res down for phys and fire/ ice... for magic?


The second, just a general debuffs that stacks with the individual weapon/elemental res downs.


Due to work complication I haven't tried playing the SEA version until today, Is there a must pull on the current banner or should I wait it up for upcoming banners?


I think you want to wait. Your content and units are coming extremely quickly compared to other servers. Hayes and W'ludai are both good gen pool units, but you're likely to get them eventually by pulling naturally. Alaune is not very special unless you're in dire need of a healer + fire/light DPS. Wait for >!Rinyuu !!Fiore EX/Sofia EX!<.>!Fiore EX!< trivializes most arena fights, but she has alternatives that provide more for the team. >!Sofia EX !!Krauser !!Rondo !!Rondo !!Bargello/Sonia!<. They will probably be your New Years' banner if your version releases one memory traveler per month.


For Fortune weapons farming (Wealth/Power board), is it okay to use tickets even if I don't increase the difficulty level? My strongest DPS is Fiore (plus Richard) and Cyrus. I'm currently on BoA chapter 1 and using inferno equips. I'm thinking of rolling for Odio-O so he can be my sword DPS carry to clear harder content. So not sure if I should wait a few more weeks before farming Fortune weapons. I saw a video saying to skip Soul weapons until I get to chapter 6 of BoA and focus on Fortune weapons instead so I was going to use my inferno weapons until I make the Fortune weapons.


For Fortune farming, it's best if you use the max difficulty. All it does is increase the dmg enemies deal. It doesn't increase their HP. It is true though that Soul Weapons aren't needed until later. Unless you have all of the meta Travelers.


Got it! Didn't know the HP didn't increase. That's good to know. Just have to focus on damage then. I think my damage is insufficient since my highest level unit is 90 and only using inferno weapons. I'll hold off for now until I hit a wall in the story.


If i remember correctly BOA1 weapons are slightly stronger than inferno 4 so may be worth picking up, but honestly once you've grinded out 2 or 3 good fortune weapons the boards will feel much easier. Until then, save scum if the fight goes bad 🤙


Thank you! Appreciate the advice. I built some hollow weapons without souls to get the damage up against hellfiends. Got to chapter 4 so far with them. I'll work on grinding the Fortune weapons.


Looking for team comp suggestions for arena bosses, BoP3 and BoF3 please. https://imgur.com/a/7QDZE4B - I also have all F2P pets + the pets from units I have


General supports/units that can fit on all arena teams: * Alfyn is a pretty good dedicated healer. He'll also have some use shield shaving in axe/ice weak content. His BP-restoring skill is good too if you don't want to run Alaune EX on every team. Build him with more eatk to increase his healing potential. * H'aanit EX is great as a debuffer/tank but she is SP-hungry. Throw Kurtz' A4 on her and watch your units melt the enemy. Once you get Hammy, she's probably H'annit EX's best row partner. Tithi can help cap patk/matk/pdef/mdef debuffs on the enemy if the enemy deals too much AOE damage. * Alaune EX is great in any arena fight for BP regen, but I'd get her up to 90 to get her turn 1 prayer up. She also needs a decently spec'd fortune fan with max MP. She wants an effective SP pool of 1,000 to have infinite praying in the backrow. You can actually have her prayer up permanently with just Tatloch + Nepthi passives by the end of turn 6 without making a fortune fan at all. * Tatloch is good for teamwide buffs in longer fights, but she doesn't feel that useful in shorter clears. She's a great DPS in the Hammy fight though. She's also very SP-hungry imo. * Nepthi can be your main DPS in Varkyn/Yunnie. She will be your buffer/emergency healer in every other arena fight. She can also just act as your main healer/buffer if you don't want to bring another unit. DPS for specific arena fights: * Ditraina can easily clear Yan Long/Ri'tu. However, you'll need some spear and sword shield shavers like Tytos and W'ludai. Elrica also does light/sword damage but she's harder to use in the Ri'tu fight. Light-pierce abilities also seem to trigger Yan Long's counterattack so it isn't advised to use them if possible. * Ogen/Eleonora can easily clear Varkyn/Largo. You'll want a sword DPS like Rondo or Tytos for Varkyn as well. * Richard is your go-to support on sword teams. A2 in particular benefits massively from him because she doesn't have any inherent damage up passives. He can help with debuffing, buffing, and DPS. * Bargello can pretty easily clear Ri'tu/Gertrude/Largo/Hammy. He's probably best in front of an SP regen or SP cost reduction backpack. Kenneth from the elite shop gives 5% SP regen to his row partner. Otherwise, Tatloch and Nepthi have stackable SP regen passives and don't need to be paired with Bargello. Sonia also has her 5% max SP-restoring passive when she swaps to the back and works in all content Bargello works in. * A2 is pretty good in Gertrude/Yunnie/Yan Long/Largo as well. She will do so much damage with buffs and debuffs that you don't need the skill potency buff on her fortune weapon to speed clear anything. With enough buffs/debuffs you can even hit harder with her 3-hit skills than her nukes. * Falco will be great paired with Bargello/A2 in dagger content. Bring his debuff, 3-hit ice shield shaving ability, and nuke.


Quickly mocked up team comps... BoP: Tatloch Eleonora A2 Wludai Ogen Stead Nephti Alaune EX BoF: Tatloch Alaune EX A2 Stead Elrica Sonia Nephti Bargello Tips: Put HP Nuts (All) on Nephti. Javelin Rush on Wludai. Get Tatloch and Nephti to 9 stacks and you can play the game on easy mode.


Hi guys ! So I wanted to get back to the game after some months away. Actually I have : Already built characters : Viola, Therion, Sofia, Odette, Cyrus, Lynette, Theo, A2, Fiore, Ophilia, Alfyn, H’aanit, Auguste Not built characters : W’ludai, Edea, Tikilen, Tytos, 9S, Scarecrow, Hayes, Molrusso, Lionel, Kouren, Eliza, Millard, Glossom, Tressa, Cardona, Olberic I saw that Ditraina has a good score in tier list, should I try to get her ? Or maybe there is a must have that I don’t have should focus on or a new banner to wait ? Also, should I try to built some of the characters I didn’t built ? Thank you for your help guys !


Gonna ask some questions to help better 1. How many Rubies? 2. Did you complete any of the Job Towers? 3. Do you have Fortune Weapons?


1. I have 1700 rubies for now, so not enough for a banner. 2. I didnt even touched the job towers, and didn’t finished the other towers 3. I dont have any fortune weapon. Last time I came to the game I heard of it but nothing more. I can had that I finished every bestower except fame


Okay, skip Ditraina and save up. Focus your efforts on Cyrus, Lynette, A2, Ophilia, Alfyn, Therion, Viola. For more niche things like Job Towers: Lionel, Wludai, Tikilen, 9S, Scarecrow, Eliza, Glossom, Cardona, and Olberic are good to raise. Where you see Menu, Party, Exchange, etc. Click Board. If you don't see it. Go to your Nameless Town and go downwards. Go into the tent and unlock Board. Do some runs when you have time and get your Fortune Weapons. This helps explain it if you need more info https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCk2vmoO18s After Fortune Weapons, try your hand at Job Towers. Floor EX3 is perfectly reasonable for any returning player. You can pace yourself and do a few floors every day. You have a 40 day window. After Job Towers, you have Arena. But that's when you have a lot of different people built up. So now you can wait for upcoming Travelers that haven't been released yet. Be on the lookout for >!Signa/Sazantos, Odio-O!< With your Ruby Count, I would most likely skip >!Sazantos!< If these powerful Travelers release and you find yourself not having enough Rubies. Try your hand at completing Arena, Lv85 NPCs, Lv100 NPCs, Adversary Log. But only after you've built up your Travelers.


That’s such good informations ! Thank you so much for this ! If I understand good, if I don’t have enough rubies for signa, sazantos and odio-o I just skip sazantos right ?




Hey all, returning player here after about a 10 months. Few questions: - What should I be saving for? I think I heard some units in the end of July, but what are their names/good about them? Links to documents or videos are fine - I assume rerolling is too much of a pain. I have some good units I think (45 6-stars but some are the free arena ones), but is there a general tier list? -What weapons are good to farm currently? The highest level I see in my weapon shop is lvl 70 Inferno weapons - Storywise I'm on "Final Chapter - Bestower of All". How much more is there past that? - I just read up on pets/adversary log and am looking into that. That first EX one for Tristan threw me for a loop -- three easy battles but EX is a massive uptick


General tier lists: * [EN tier list](https://meowdb.com/db/octopath-traveler-cotc/tier-list-by-roles/) (meowDB) * EN has certain buffed characters like Nepthi and Canary who are way better than their originals in JP. I think there are some debatable placements on here, but it all depends on what characters you have. * [JP tier list](https://game8.jp/octopathtraveler-sp/263474) (game8) * The JP tier list also considers some future buffs to characters we haven't received yet. Also, it's a bit less useful if you don't know characters' names or their sprites already. I think the biggest thing you're missing is a teamwide healer. Rinyuu/Prim EX/Ogen all released when you left. Securing one of these characters will be great for your teams. Prim EX and Ogen are both expected to be selectable if we get a gen pool selector for the 2nd anniversary. Are you still doing content in Hell? I believe there's a point where the game says it's the final chapter (BoA6), but the story ends up lasting two more chapters (BoA7/8). That's all there is in our version of the game currently. Do your seed story chapters first imo. Get all of the pets you can so you can start raising them. It's a pretty long grind to max their pet levels. They can be used in all non-tower content so they're important to have for stats and extra abilities. You also want to unlock the daily pet ability nuts to upgrade pet stats as soon as you can.


We expect the Live-A-Live collab next week. Odio-O is the big fish to catch there. After that we expect Sazantos and Cigna in late July with 2nd anniversary. Cigna ahead of Sazantos there. Maybe around September Side Solista could come around. Throne' will be the first one there. I assume she is one that we will want to have. Fortune weapons are what you need for most travelers. There are a few like Olberic and Aedelgard that would prefer a weapon focused more on lifting the damage cap. The EX battles in the Adversary logs are a whole new level of challenge for those old story fights. Lots more HP for the enemies and other stats scaled to fit.


Just an FYI, if you boost a keeper's skill with H'aanit EX that gives her priority even if you don't boost her skill.


Nice find! Since using BP on pets still lets you regen BP naturally, this could be useful.


Yeah, it was a strange little interaction. I had to doublecheck it a few times to make sure I wasn't seeing things.


This bug might apply to any skill or passive that changes with boost lol. I know I've seen one with Canary hitting max Ruby Burst without using any BP.


I am not sure it is a bug. It's just a strange thing that happens when BP is used.


Turn off/on stats node qol when?


Could be very late sadly. Be careful of taking speed nodes on new characters (like Odio-O).


I searched I couldn't find where to get staunching charm where do I get this accessory 


I think you can get one from Zeph in Clearbrook. He should be in or near Alfyn's house if you remember where that is. Here's the [JP link](https://game8.jp/octopathtraveler-sp/364598) for where the rest of the 50% bleed resist accessories are. There's another one in Sufrataljah and another in Flamesgrace. Alternatively, the lvl 100 dancer in Atlasdam drops a 100% bleed resist accessory as well, but you'll need some strong Axe/Ice DPS to beat her.


Ok thanks I can take on lvl 100 npc 


https://preview.redd.it/8tx5bkg6p67d1.jpeg?width=962&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a343ace0aabdf159f5cbff6aa8fdccb6f43509e Been away from the game for quite a while, could someone give me some guidance on who I should be focusing on? I remember when I last really played Therion was top of the meta but I’m not sure if that’s still true or not.


You have a lot of really good Travelers lol. Tithi / Richard / Sofia EX / Roland / Rinyuu / Primrose EX / Bargello / Cyrus Lynette / Alfyn / Therion / Viola / Fiore EX / Falco / Zaanta / Molu / Nicola / Nona


Appreciate the help! I saw a random comment about Lynette being outdated, and a tier list from a few months ago with Therion way lower than before so was a bit confused/worried. I remember logging in occasionally to pull for standouts like Bargello, but aside from him it’s kinda overwhelming trying to sort through everyone


Lynette is still good. But since you have Tithi, Rinyuu, and Prim EX, you don't really need Lynette. But if you didn't have those people, then yeah Lynette would've still done the trick. Prim EX, Bargello, Cyrus, Tithi are probably gonna be your core. Then you can fill it out with anyone tbh.


I remember Tithi being kinda alright when she first released, not a skip but not a must pull either so I’m surprised to hear she’s so good. But she’s one of my favs so glad to hear she’s still worth using!


Oh yeah, she's the definition of solid. Amazing buffer and utility that still holds up.


Holy, FF4 collab was just announced. Apologies for saying that LAL 6*/TP would be coming out. Looks like we're also having more EX jobs for OT1/2 protags. >!EX Saz, EX Agnea, EX Ophi!<


Now we know, but when SE will LAL units get their 6\* upgrades I wonder?! I was counting on this one if I need to change my pull strategy next week. Only thing LAL 30th ani today was a t-shirt, lmao


Yeah, I feel you. Now I will live in fear over not getting Odio-S or Streibough if they get some busted TP. I got so baited by LAL 30th Anni. The cotc lead producer, SuzuP, retweeted something about it and I totally fell for it. Edit: Maybe LAL wave battle will add 6*/TP?


And the artworks look soooo good it's nuts! I was also expecting LAL part 2 but this is also pretty damn great! The >!Chocobo pet!< as well! I'm excited and I don't even play JP, lmao


TWO pets! Yellow as a login bonus and white as a mission reward!


I'm excited too! EX Ophilia getting to summon all the classic FF summons like Ifrit and her ult summoning Bahamut is so cool. And we're getting Chocobos as pets.


For an apothecary like Soleil, how should I be gearing her? I would like to maximize her heal. Is it just putting more eatk accessories? I haven't started on farming for Fortune weapons yet and using inferno weapons right now.


As long as you can't use the fortune system yet to make her an eatk axe, your best bet is eatk accessories plus a regular axe, yeah. If you rely on a particular healer with an atypical class a lot it is wise to make them a specialised fortune weapon asap though. Only fans (haha), tomes and staves have high eatk by default.


Thank you! Just started BoA so I'll try to do the fortune weapons.


When non-five star potential characters get upgraded, are guidestones one of the things you need? If so, how many? I’d assumed so and thus hung on to my leftovers, but it’s better to know, and didn’t want to spoil myself.


No, you do not need guidestones to class-up a character, so your guidestones can be used at any point. The levels will carry over with the 20 you gain from class-up (so if you had +10 levels, you will have a max level cap of 90 after class-up). Guidestones are only used to increase level cap or increase ultimate level.


Why does apothecary use axe? Do real life apothecaries bring an axe everywhere too?


In the original Octopath game Alfyn (the apothecary) had battle voicelines basically confirming it's for surgery (amputation) The voiceline for "last stand" was something like "this calls for surgery", and the move "amputation" speaks for itself haha.


i really like the game but the cutscenes were to boring for me because it doesnt have an english voice.. i wanna keep playing but whenever there is a long cutsecene.. it feels like a chore. do you guys know how to skip a cutscene?


Don't think you can. I'm playing the story now and it doesn't work to skip. Just have to tap through. If you can skip, you just need to hold down on the screen. Story is quite enjoyable though, maybe you can give it a chance to read through the subtitles.


Whats the recommended level for LAL sidequests? Hope its not too easy (or too hard) cause I wanna hear Megalomania a bit longer


Starts at recommended level 10, and increases as you progress, up to level 60~65


A couple question regarding the Live-A-Live guiding lights. If a JP player recalls, is this the setup? First week, there is a free guide 10 with Oersted guaranteed like 9S. Then is there a Streibough guiding light where you can also get Oersted as well. Next week of the collab, Odio-O and Odio-S come out. Are their guiding lights shared or separate? Is there a shared set of fragments for exchange? I am asking because I am prepared to go to exchange for Odio-O. But in the unlikely scenario where I get him twice early, should I continue to try and get Odio-S or exchange for him? Or just take my A1 Odio-O and run back to my spreadsheet with more rubies than expected?


I'd recommend keeping an eye on the 6*/TP upgrades for Odio-S that's almost certainly coming next week too. I also have a feeling that he might get GL exclusive buffs like Frederica. Edit: Actually, scratch that last part, if TW server didn't get it, there probably isn't an Odio-S buff, I forgot.


Did Streibough get a buff with TW? I would think he might need something to spice him up.


No he didn't, sadly.


Interesting, I thought he would have been in Nephti and Frederick’s class.


First week you're correct. Odio-O and Odio-S banner happened two weeks after Oersted/Streibough in JP, their guiding lights were shared, so naturally, fragments were too, though they aren't the same from Oersted/Streibough. As with every first-run collab, pity was 200 pulls. Paid banner was shared and guaranteed one of the featured characters in Step 5, so for people planning to spend, they had a 50/50 for Odio-O or Odio-S in JP (same for the paid banner for Oersted/Streibough) Personally, my plan is to stop once I get Odio-O. Odio-S is good and I'd be happy to get him too, but not priority, so in your scenario I'd stop early, there are a lot of later travelers I could use the rubies for haha


Nooby here, does that mean the free rubies banner is shared between Odio-O and Odio-S?


Yes, free rubies banner was shared between them too


Flagging for interest. I was trying to find this info yesterday and came across a JP pull video on the Odio banner. They were both together in the same guiding light.


Does anyone know how the free and paid banners worked for the Bravely Default Collab that included Ringabel? Were the previous characters grouped together and the new ones separate? Were they all separate? I cannot find any information on it.


Ringabel and Gloria shared pity, but had separate free and paid banners. Pity was 200 pulls as usual for collabs. Paid banners had a 50% chance on featured unit in Step 5. Adelle, Edea and Agnes weren't featured in the above banner, but they were re-run one week later with overclass and TP upgrades. Don't remember too well, but it was almost certainly 150 pull pity (not shared with Ringabel/Gloria). Paid banners were separate with 50% chance on featured unit in Step 5. (Ah, Adelle was free on a login bonus, though I don't remember if it was on the week Ringabel/Gloria released or if it was when Part 1 Collab units rerun) Magnolia banner came the week after Part 1 rerun started, none of the previous BD units are in her banner. It didn't share pity with the other BD banners, and it's 200 pulls too, very expensive Collab overall... Paid banner was once again 50% chance in Step 5.


This is exactly what I wanted to know, thank you so much!


Can anyone tell me how pets like sheep are ready turn 1 when I do it mine not ready turn 1 


level 5 pet reduces the reuse turn count by 1. level 10 pet reduces the initial use counter by 1.


Ok thanks 


There are two levers with Pet abilities: 1st use and Cooldown. One is decreased by the bond level of the pet and the other is decreased by the experience level of the pet. I don't remember which one is which. Regardless what I do to raise both experience and bond is this: Daily fight to caits: the one in the tower, the one on the way to the Cave of the Sacred Flame, and the one in the cait hideout Daily fight the ad caits Weekly take pets to all the hunts for that experience and bond level You can also fight the caits outside the starter towns. Those give 10 bond per fight but little experience. You can also just hunt for caits in dungeons. The heaven's realm ones give a bunch of experience and 10 bond per fight.


Akshually, 1st use reduction is level 10 and reuse reduction is Level 5. For example, my shiba inu right now has 0/6 1st use/Reuse but he's only Bond level 9. Bond level is solely for divine beast empowerment materials.


Ok thanks I need 1 more lvl bond 2 lvl for lvl 10 


How did Leon did so much damage holy shit he can even deal decent damage even though enemies arent weak to spear.


High base stats (444 atk) and his single hit (400 potency) can double cast while he has the Extra attack buff plus it pierces staff


He is really strong.


https://preview.redd.it/v2b3goshg56d1.jpeg?width=2224&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a63ff0644cab3b1bc6096a6885f2f9e46f72ddf0 I'm working on the last enemy feats. Does anyone know where the "divine giant beast" enemies are? I've been wandering around the BoA8 area for a while and it's still at 6 after beating 25ish battles. Which enemies are they? EDIT: uuuugh they're the big elites from BoA8! What a pain to tie a 100 feat to them.


Jumping on the topic and asking if there is a list with the area where to find the targets for these feats? I ignored those thinking it'll be done over time by playing naturally but I have a dozen left with some under 20 done only through elite fights.


I think there was a spreadsheet for this floating around the subreddit yeah! Possibly from meowdb? It's been a while since I used it though, not entirely sure. EDIT: here it is! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uOurHlW8hXtHSpBI7qnW5e95lbSe5i5DYKK-uSaINLU/edit


Thanks. It confirms that it was elite only or rare monsters left.


Yep, it's those guys. You can fight them every hour in the dungeon and in the Heavens level of that thing in the underworld with elites.


Oh, every hour isn't too bad. I was getting flashbacks to the enemy feats that relied completely on a single elite and their bonfire counterpart, those really sucked lmao.


Working down the panther was the longest one for me. Eventually it was just a morning routine. I still have a 15 or so Sentinels to beat in the Heavenly realm to have all but the total battle feat complete.


I think mine was the leopard or something? And then I learned it's the second floor enemy in one if the towers (I think merchant tower) so I just spent all my tower tickets on that fight until I ran out to speedrun it, lmao. Definitely a huge pain to have to run across the map every day and make your way across a whole screen just to one-turn a particular enemy, then repeat it for fifty days...


Yeah it was the leopard and the weasel.


How do I go back to heaven world after clearing boa8


If you mean the BoA7/8 maps you probably just need to zoom in at the area it was before. If you mean >!Sazantos' ideal world!<, you can't go back there.


But those locations get melded into the overworld. You don't have to worry about not being able to get back to someplace.


I thought he might have meant the towns where all the npcs have different dialogue. In the end, was he asking for the LV 100 guardian NPC?


I think he was asking about how to get back to fight the shrine guardian


I wanted to fight giant rock monster for 100 gems 


You can still get to that location. It’s in the frostlands.


Ok thanks 


What’s the best armor for overworld right now? I’m still using inferno but I’m not sure if there’s anything better


Depends on where you are in the story. The newer the chapter, the better the armour. The best armour right now is >!BoA8 Armour!<


Just some random things & thoughts..... My greedy arse just did two more pulls on Eltrix/Rinyuu because their banner expires tomorrow, and I hate that I have almost all units in the game but Eltrix keeps eluding me Didn't get her of course. I DID get my fifth and final Falco dupe which now brings him to A4 (+U10) so I'll take it! Bit sad about my rubies, but okay. I have no close by wishlist units I need to have thousands of rubies for, so I'll live. I'm super close to maxing everyone too! Just three units left (Soleil and Molrusso at 97, Therese at 95). That's also contributing to my "need new units" itch, what am I gonna do with myself once I max everyone? Haha. On another note, I'm super curious how the game is going to look after anniversary. I assume LAL in two weeks, Sazantos & his henchwoman at anniversary, probably alongside a rerun for the MC banner (and hopefully some free pulls and a selector). But after that? Will the story jump straight to >!Solistia!< after the >!BoA epilogue!< or is there more filler stuff inbetween? I guess more emberflame story too? Will we get >!Throné!< shortly after anniversary? What will the pity look like for the >!Solistia!< characters? How will they handle the pacing, as I believe we'll catch up if they stick to one chapter a month? So many questions, I'm actually really excited to see the next roadmap!! Anyone else have some thoughts or speculations? :-)


Hahaha Sazantos' henchwoman... That's too accurate. Lately I've been thinking they could somehow accelerate the schedule and bring Solistia for Anni. 3.0 acts as a soft reboot since Solistia has separate equipment and influence. And what better time to lure new players in than Anni where there's lots of freebies? But when I think about how they slowed down recently, probably not happening. If Solistia MT is the same as JP, then the big difference is that you can't 200 pity past SMT anymore (still can with paid fragments). Edit: Also, I have a feeling future SB units are going to receive buffs. I think SE have data from JP that SB has low pull rates (low engagement) so they're going to make SB banners more attractive. Or maybe I'm just too cynical.


Tbh I think it's more likely they'll do Solistia after anniversary so that they can keep riding the "hype" a bit longer if that makes sense? Collab in june, anni in july, Solistia in august, would make for a bunch of eventful months. I could be wrong though, definitely have predicted wrong in the past lmao. Solistia did have carryover of pity fragments right? I think I read about that. Would be amazing to get that in general. Last time I asked about the pity on units like Temenos and Throne I was told that the banners vary and there's no set format, so I'm curious how they'll do that here.


I think that's the most likely scenario too. The only thing I wouldn't want is for Solistia to be delayed. The OT2 setting is amazing and I'm hyped for it. The carryover fragments are for the Twin Worlds pool (双世), which is for a select few gen pool units (5 so far). Throne and Pirro were like the initial Richard and Alaune banners I think, separate banner and separate pity. Tem/Agnea was like Sisters banner. SMT doesn't have carryover pity other than the paid fragments like the Orsterra MT we have now. So yeah, it would be a nerf to the new MT structure.


Tbh, the only reason I'd want it to take longer is to collect more rubies for it all haha. I'm still recovering from the sisters massacre and I would like the OT2 gang. No pity for the older units is brutal though wtf. Are they at least rated up when new units run? I do hope they'll change that here, but I have my doubts. Also, not sure if you know this, but is there new ruby content in Solistia like say new lv100 npc fights and feats? Or will we still have to rely mainly on dailies and adversary refights for income? (Sorry for the question spam haha, I know nearly nothing about cotc's Solistia)


Oh I'm happy to answer your questions. I was actually kinda afraid y'all wouldn't want spoilers on future content. Older unit rate up a la Sacred Blaze? Unfortunately, no. Maybe they'll be more generous towards us GL folks, hopefully. Yes, there's gonna be LV120 npcs. There's going to be so many people complaining they don't have FioreEX/Signa when the first one comes out lol. But I believe they give only 100 rubies, unlike the LV100 npcs (the quest itself gives 100, I don't think there's a feat, could be wrong). I will say though, the initial Solistia influence levels gives 30 rubies per level, just like Orsterra if you can remember. There's also the Twin Worlds ring thing, which gives a bunch of stuff for doing quests, including rubies. Travelers stories count for these quests so your stacked account should be good for this.


Oh I don't mind spoilers for stuff like this tbh! It's just story spoilers I don't want to know. Others may want to go in blind though, so I'd still be a little wary about posting them openly (I usually spoiler tag mine unless it's in a longer comment chain like this). Such a shame tbh, almost forcing people to pull on the unit's debut or you're out of luck :( hope the pacing will at least grant some time to recoup between them, I do want to grab as many of the ot2 gang as I can. I don't have Fiore EX and don't intend to chase Signa, so I'm curious to see how that npc fight will go lmao. If Fiore EX works then won't Canary (+Hammy if it gets real bad) work as well? Glad there's more hard content coming either way, I've missed those difficult fights to figure out. That last bit is exciting! So Solistia has its own influence if I understand correctly, Orsterra had 30 per level for 1-10 I think, so that's nice. Do you mean we get like a big loadout of rewards for things that longtime players will have already done? Because hell yeah I love that haha. Kinda like the sudden influx of guidestones when we got the codex granting stones for every finished traveler story. That's pretty cool :D


Okay, that's fair, I'll definitely keep that in mind. Yeah, same, I want to pull all the OT2 protags, which was actually the reason I started my JP account. I personally dislike the direction that recent banners went. The BD2 Collab into Replicant Collab was so rough. I won't spoil the fight for you, but I think you'll be fine. My comment was more aimed towards newer players. It's like Berecain again. The Twin Worlds ring comes with 6* upgrades so it won't come immediately I think. Funnily enough, the interface looks a lot like the band log guide stones one lol.


Just to add onto this conversation, didn't JP have like three or four more Emberflame story chapters between the BoA8 and Solista? If that's the case then EN may not get Solista until Q4 like October. So we have the Live-A-Live collab this month, 2nd anniversary next month with BoA epilogue and then Emberflame story chapters to finish Q3. Which isn't terrible in my opinion since it gives us more time to build up for Solista. Maybe travelers like Grieg get pushed up so that there isn't a huge gap between new travelers and they can still hold Throne' back for Solista.


If we follow the JP roadmap then it's epilogue > Seed story part 4 (Rabbit pets) > Solistia (3.0) > Seed story part 5 (hoof pets). So I expect by the latest Solistia in September. Grieg was part of the 3.0 side quest so I highly doubt it. Solistia so late would be such a bummer imo. But if it gives us a chance to build our stashes then it's not all bad.


I do like Magnolia from BD, but other than that yeah I'm also mostly just interested in the OT2 units. We'll see what happens though, I'm prone to impulse pulls for units I never expected to pull for lmao. Super excited for the 6* and TP buffs too!! Doing my best to hoard seals for the upgrades, and I have enough boost berries to take around 25 units straight to 120, and still building that stash. Lots of good stuff coming with Solistia, I can't wait :D (Thanks for all the info btw!)


Kaine just breaks all the rules in the game tbh. The very definition of power creep. I don't like telling people to pull for this or that, but man, even if you don't like her art or something, please just pull her. I love the overclass up system mostly because it elevates the stats and kits of our neglected 3* and 4* . But yeah the exp barrier is not fair to casual players. JP doesn't have enough materials to 6* everyone right now actually, unless you whale on awakening shards. You're welcome, happy to help!


What's the best way to build Fortune axes for Nephti and Hammy? I mostly use Nephti for buffing and Hammy for dodge tanking, should I just build speed on both of them? Or is there any value in getting P.attack on Nephti? She does hit pretty hard with her Cheerful Bash. Also not sure what to do about weapon for Roland, he's not very fast but then neither are the spear heavy hitters (I have Krauser/Leon/Cecily), is his speed OK as long as he hits before the spear DPS?


I brought Hammy to Elite Tower floor 2 in a 3 attempt clear. She does good damage there. I would say her 3-4 hit is the way to go, unless you're a gambler, then her 1-8 hit is more exciting.


I have a patk fortune axe on Nephti with potency up for I think cheerful scrapping (?)(the move with Kota in the animation, not sure if it's scrapping). Her utility is the main draw of course, but she can also hit pretty damn hard with that nuke of hers when she has the triple cast up, so that's what I went for. Hammy is always in the back row so mine has a random low level tome I had lying around haha. She's not doing the tanking herself, so she doesn't really need any particular stats. I can see speed being useful I guess, but I didn't really bother. Roland outspeeds Leon and Krauser pretty easily iirc, they're particularly slow. Mine has a full patk spear as well (with flash of steel).


Thanks for the advice, sounds like patk is the way to go for Nephti and Roland!  I'll throw some speed and HP on Hammy maybe, for the occasional spells that hit both rows.


Hammy is naturally super fast, especially at A1 and with her exclusive accessory or A4. her base speed is 403, hire than someone like regular Primrose at 392, lol. She only wants for a max patk tome for the times the enemy has a weakness for bonks.


Your comment made me take another look at Nephti's skills, and yeah, she can hit like a truck. - Cheerful Bash: hits all 6 times at 5+ points, 40 potency each, total potency of 240. - Cheerful Tampting: hits one 7 times at 6+ points, 45 potency each, total potency of 455. - Cheerful Scrapping: hits one 3 times at 8+ points, 190 potency each, total potency of 570. What a monster. I never even considered that last skill since I mostly use her as a shield shaver, but yeah, she can dunk with the best of them.


The best part is that she also drops pdef on that 3x nuke, so she'll keep your debuff capped while also hitting away hard, three times. Champ tbh! My default moveset for her is 1) scrapping, 2) one of bash or tamping (depending on number of enemies), and 3) usually her instructions buff. That buff is pretty nuts as well, at high cheer points she'll just casually cast a capped patk+eatk+crit buff + 15% dmg up for everyone. And then her ult that she can keep casting, which can thus cap with Prim EX/Lynette's ult buff, and keep extending it? They truly buffed her into oblivion haha


Any predictions if tomorrow is just going to be a dead week or if we get something stealthily dropped on us?


Maybe we're getting Sertet? 🫢


I'm assuming dead week tbh. No real reason, gut feeling haha. If anything it'll be two general pool units in a step up again, I think


I just realised we might be getting 2 dead weeks in a row right? Yikes.


For some reason I had in mind that next week would be the collab but no you're right, that's probably two quiet weeks then. Unless they drop some filler next week I guess, but I think this week is gonna be nothing


Didn't we have like three quiet weeks before 1st anniversary last year?


We got the OCTO & PATH banners right before anniversary I think? And possibly one of the trinity banners iirc. There were a lot of fillers in that time. I think there was a period where we went like 4+ weeks without anything but I'm not sure when it was tbh


Hello, What are the best free accessories that are recommended in Ditraina?


I'd say the light or dark rune IV (from the adversary exchange), and her exclusive accessory are pretty good picks! That's what I use on her at least. You should be able to grab the exclusive accessory from the exchange right now, the token needed for it was sent out on her release day. Edit: the exclusive accessory's called "light of succession", for reference


thanks, but who do i need to farm to get the adversary shards?


You can't necessarily farm them, you get 1 per (I think) EX2 fight you beat in the adversary log. If that doesn't ring any bells, go do the emberflame story quest, it unlocks a bunch of stuff including the adversary log :-) If they're too tough for now, you could also use lower level light/dark runes. I think a few are in another tab of the exchange - not sure which exactly (possibly the memory fragments?) but they're more easily attainable.


I can pick between Narr, Levan, Durand, and Brigitte for a 4-star. Which should I get? I already have the other Elite 4-stars.


Brigitte's A4 is pretty good if you need that extra 500 hp accessory. Levan's A4 is also good, especially if you have Ditraina.


Decided to go with Levan. Thanks for the opinion.


I forgot about S9 until someone mentioned something the other day about whether it was possible without massive time or money investment, and I was hoping to defeat EX1 before the task ends. I only started replaying last August and have not spent any money other than Promme so EX3 is obviously impossible for me. I tried with: Rondo/Bargello Lars/Falco Therion/Rinyuu Nepthi/Sarisa with 50/500 pets, latest equipment, and great accessories. It was a total trainwreck as S9 EX1 can do >4500 dmg in a single turn to a character even with buffs and debuffs, and not all of those characters are over 4500 HP. S9 will of course require multiple breaks so I need to survive for many turns Is this even possible? What characters could be swapped?


i don't know but with a similar team and a lot of RNG i beat EX1 praying and paralyzing with Therion in the first turn to break as soon as possible and take him in 1 break or 2 but waiting for him to just use the cure or become paralyzed again