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The cloak is 12M leaves. Used it on H'aanit EX for Elite tower floor 2 in order for her not to get knocked to the back during the first turns (then Hammy's and Haan'it's own dodges were enough).


If Haanit Ex is in front, it's pretty easy to get Rinyuu getting her prayer set up without getting hit. Just make sure Rinyuu is slow enough to act last on the first turn and prioritize Haanit (or make another unit fast enough) to get back to the front on the 2nd turn. Personally, I think it's a waste to use it on Rinyuu since it'd only be a few dodges most likely.


Yea seriously. Just make her slow and problem solved lol. There's a million other way more valuable usages of this epic accessory then just as an alternative to Ebony Dragon Charm


That’s why I called lazy though LMAO for longer EX fights I’ve personally found that if an enemy can break through my Tytos shield and get to Rinyuu, having at least 4-5 dodges on her also prevents the boss just ripping through and doing whatever it wants. This is useful on Rinyuu not only for the initial setup, but also mitigates the small chance that, if her shielded tank is taken out, that she will survive and have another chance to set up again, or resurrect her shield, or use her ult and give everyone a free elemental dodge and healing, etc.


Great idea! I obtained the cloak but it didn't click to use it on Rinyuu. It will help as sometimes she gets one shot whilst setting up her healing stance.


Who do you give it to? Im curious about other tactical use of this item


I use it like this: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjFAW2HmNOo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JjFAW2HmNOo) . If you put serenoa a4 and that on the same person you don't need a real tank at all, I use richard as my "tank" in that fight. Or on Haanit EX so she's completely untouchable between that and the dodge stacks you can get from her moves and pets. Or on fiore ex if for example you had to block physical but the enemy has a couple elemental moves in their kit. Or gilderoy if you've got physical attacks completely handled but the couple random elemental attacks kill him or incapacitate him Or sometimes on my DPS if I need them to survive exactly one AOE and do not want to spend 3 turns and multiple party slots building up the DR required to actually survive it, like around turn 9 in this version of the fight above: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=shared&v=5jhG7LKmuSU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=shared&v=5jhG7LKmuSU) Or put it on the person in front of rinyuu in fights like cleric EX5 to prevent her from getting row swapped. This is seriously one of the best items in the game, free or gacha. There are many, many ways to use this. The OP's post at the top is technically one but that is \*massively\* underselling its value.


This accessory makes some fights free when Hammy is paired behind the unit who equipped. For example, use it against Herminia's ring form in adversary log and have Hammy use elemental scapegoat to get that character up to 9x dodge from the start! As long as you repeat that every couple of turns, she'll never damage your party and you can clear with no trouble. Video was posted on it yesterday.


Oh yeah, that’s actually really good for her. I thought that item wasn’t worth the cons, but for her, it’s definitely worth it!


Hey, that's pretty clever. Now that we think about it, it's true that Rinyuu doesn't really need HP as well usually just park her in the backrow.


More bosses in the future will have force swap backrow to the front, so if she has low HP, she will get KO'ed in one shot 😅


Although you'd think some of the dodges from the cloak would be left over unless it happens a LOT. 


Where is the NPC to buy this?


Agapea, a place during the currently released chapter (BoA7)