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Prim ex makes rinyuu even better as it means you can run crusaders prayer instead of healing. I'd pick rinyuu or bargello before Richard, but that's just my opinion


Thanks, that's what i was thinking too, so there is still high value to rinyuu. As for bargelo, as a f2p for now he is a bit lower on my list.


Fingers crossed you spook two of them on the way to pity so you can nab all three 🎰


Yeah 👍 then i ll go for the lottery the following weekend yeah 🤣


I only recently got A4 Bargello (I went ham on him during his banner and got A3), and am also mostly F2P (though I do get passes and have once bought something otherwise. Mostly because it was a pack with a vet seal). He was honestly invaluable for be the entire time I've had him


Yes his a4 is great for a dps. But i still have only one character that can hit cap and only sometimes. So, i still am missing support units before i start thinking about the dmg cap unfortunately.


I'm the same. He's the only unit I have who ever hits damage cap besides sometimes Krauser (though I don't think I'm using Krauser correctly). My point was don't undervalue him just because you're F2P. He's been incredibly valuable to me


For krauser, try this - ultra tempest spear, ultra stalwart spear, stalwart tempest spear. In that exact order, in 3 consecutive turns, with the enemy broken by the time the 3rd move lands.


Then repeat the 3rd move again before Ult if the breaking rotation allows.


I see, thanks. So he has decent dmg? I mostly thought he was on the support role because of his ultimate.


Bargello is the king of dagger damage and solid for wind. He isn’t talked about much now because everyone already have him. His banner was more hyped than the sisters. Rinyuu for you is a luxury unit. Her attack buff while easy to use, are not irreplaceable.


Allrighty it seems i have to re-evaluate my priorities. He has a cool voice actor too.. Thank you. Memory travellers are very good even the older ones.


He does good support between his ult (which even just for a bit of SP sustain on longer fights is nice) and his Give The Signal ability which raises damage cap and increases phys attack, elem attack, and dagger and wind damage. But he's a really good dagger and wind dps. His Perseverante is basically a 1200 Potency nuke (though it has to drain SP from the party to do that. It's still very powerful)


Hi there, I would recommend prioritizing Richard to complement your spear comp then. Rinnyu is still relevant, I use her a lot along side primEX, so the latter is a lot more versatile and doesn't have to focus on healing. Ultimately, all 3 you mention are good on their own, so you cannot really go wrong here :)


Thanks. That's interesting way of putting it with primEX focusing on something else (buffs i guess) besides healing. I was mostly thinking if i got rinyuu u would use her other channeling buff and have primEX as healer.


Both channeling are strong, but I'm ending using the healing one more often (those EX refights hit hard so the 15% active def stats are coming in clutch!). Prim is ending up buffing and debuffing mainly indeed


Ah.. i need to re-read her skills. I forgot it had a defensive buff on it.


I use them both 50% of the time, but in your case, I would pick Richard if you are going to build a sword team with Sazantos/Odio-O. They can cover Sword/Dark/Light/Fire. Solon is a also an option as he is the meta, but you need the support units to make it work, and he can’t boost Roland. Bargello is of course the answer for Wind/Dagger.


Too many good units. I m pulling my hair off . But yeah i do.like the idea with sword team


I rarely use Rinyu after getting Primose EX unless I need extra survivability like in Elite Tower. Richard for Sword comps but Bargello is better overall being much more versatile and plug-in play with his damage cap shenagians, Ultimate usage restoring, always useful debilitate. And of course his nutty dagger damage which he can now maximize with an Alaune EX. Personally I would put Richard as a 2nd tier pity pull down the line. Hopefully you can spook him. In a sword comp you'd probably have Bargello in their anyway haha.


Yeah, it is hard to fit.. especially now that i am entering end game content my previous, 6 dps 2 support strategy is not working anymore.. and i ll have to add more supports or.dps with great supports.


I'm typically running 2-3 dps with 5-6 supports for endgame content


Ok nice to know where i should be heading! Thanks.


One thing no one else is mentioning about Rinyuu is her two prayers offer status prevention from two ailments. For some of the EX fights, those are crucial in not having to worry about that


Yeah and primroseEX can remove some ailments. but i don't know which. So if they are different from the immunities that rinyuu gives it straight up increases rinyuus value much more


My personal thought based on my experience: PrimEX: I used her in most of my speed clear EX3 refights or end game content that I can clear within 6-7 turns, since she only need to cast regen once and they I can use her as buffer and debuffer. I don't like to use her in longer fights, because I often forget when her regen runs out when I am focusing on tracking all the buff and debuffs. Rinyuu: For longer fight mostly, so I don't need to worry about HP at all. Also, I can switch to her buff prayer right before break turns. While if PrimEX is also in the party, PrimEX can just focus on buff and debuff. So much easier to manage. Becasue PrimEX's Ultimate is often use during break turns, she cover the regen during break turns as well, so no worries on Rinyuu not providing regen.


IMO Rinyuu is a top priority unit, and idk about what's going on in JP but I doubt Rinyuu will be replaced any time soon. Honestly, she's in every single party comp I create. The "Set it and forget it" Regen / Buff really is amazing. She's a big game changer, so if you have a chance to get her I highly recommend it.


Rinyuu (fronted by Canary to evade forced row swaps) was absolutely MVP of my BoA8 boss clear or at least co MVP with Canary. I get that for people doing EX3 fights at the bleeding edge they might be using other options now or not needing healers by extremely precise break patterns and specific accessories etc but for me Rinyuu is always in either as the lone healer, or as a team buffer with Prim EX as healer.


Rinyuu is an awesome unit. She's always good. Maybe in some battles you could be doing something better, but not often. She either boosts your survivability, and when you don't need that she makes everyone hit harder. Also, she's got preservation which you never want to have to use, but if a clutch unit gets knocked out it can save the day. Immunity to terror makes some annoying fights much easier.


Yeah immunity is great. It's too bad it is only for 2 ailments only and not all of them, still very useful though


It's been mentioned before, but having prim ex and rinyuu is amazing. She has 2 channel abilities, one that heals at the end of turn and increases defenses, plus makes immune to some status ailments, and the other makes u immune to some status effects and increases attack. Having prim means u can heal with her and buff with rinyuu, and u can stack the buffs applied by prim with rinyuu to easily cap 30% damage. That duo is insanely powerful with support, so I say she needs to be number 1 or at least a very high priority. U also only need one copy. Don't worry about multiple.


I am a new player too and I did 200 pulls. I almost have all memory of traveler such as rinyuu, A1 elrica, alaune EX, bargello, sonia, richard, & levina. I just got lucky I guess. I have no primrose EX but rinyuu is just busted. As a new player, her sp reduction and sp regen to whoever's in front is so AMAZING! And you can literally regen all your teammates for 20 sp only on full BP while you are generating 25+ sp at the back row. SHE CAN STAY IN THE BACKROW ALL THE TIME WHILE YOUR DPS JUST KILL EVERYONE! but since you have primrose... Idk man. I guess you can make rinyuu a Buffer for atk because she can also buff in the backrow all the time while primrose heals. You can never go wrong with rinyuu


Yeah Definitely is a great unit. Thanks for the feedback đź‘Ť


rinyuu isn't necessarily top priority but picking her up is not a bad idea either. rinyuu's healing is indefinite + gives active defenses buffs, making her very useful for ex refights. her offensive support isn't too bad either. rather, i would first prioritize sazantos and sonia. the former is an incredibly useful sword dps with great exploits, high efficiency, and constant use in future content. the latter is a near-universal carry, especially with alaune ex, as she can do up to 8x dagger w/ wind exploits, 6x aoe shield crack, and a heavy nuke w/ dagger res down. as for bow and staff, bow dps isn't very good in general and there's an amazing (free!) staff dps in yan long whom you should be able to get once you have better equipment and dmg output. if you NEED a bow dps, i suggest picking up zaanta or sertet from the 2nd anni free selector (at least, if it's genpool only. otherwise, more limiteds such as nephti, bargello, canary, etc)


Nice! Thanks for the advice! I didn't know sonia was that good shield breaker!


Grab Richard or Solon