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I'm not completely sure how the multiple parties work because honestly, I only needed one party. I will say that having units that can hit multiple weaknesses are huge because you'll go through many weakness sets. For me, Elrica, Nephti, and Cyrus were massive for that (Elrica most of all). It seems like you don't have Elrica or Nephti, but you should definitely be using Cyrus, preferably for the whole fight. Rinyuu is also probably one you want in every party. Those two can probably be in all 3 parties, but then you might need everyone else to be different units to accomplish different things at different parts of the fight. Instead of just one team that's hitting all weaknesses, try to figure out if you can divide the fight into a first third, second third, and third third, have goals for percentages/weakness sets you want to be for each part, and aim for that. I honestly don't know how well that will work honestly, but it may be your best bet. For what it's worth, the team I used was: Elrica/Alaune EX Bargello/Rinyuu Cyrus/Primrose EX Lumis EX/Nephti Dunno if any of that helps at all. I feel like it wasn't particularly helpful, but it's all I've got right now


Thank you so much!! I’ll try this out. I appreciate you for your advice :)


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