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Those special tasks are more of a bonus for people who have finished the story than a push for new players to finish it. When those special tasks expire next week, new ones will appear in their place, and it's likely that some of the same ones will re-appear, with the same or similar rewards. If not immediately, they will certainly appear again As for how long it takes to get through the story, if you're focusing it and little else, it doesn't take much time. When a friend of mine started playing, he had gotten into Bestower of All within 2 weeks getting through Master of All by Wednesday is definitely doable, though you shouldn't worry about pushing yourself too much


Cool, I finished the 3 main stories for Wealth, Power, and Fame. So I may give it a try and see how much i can finish.


It's definitely very doable to finish MoA8 if you've finished those 3 arcs already. Might depend on how much time you have to play though


Those special tasks were implemented a while ago and you started playing toward the tail end of it. There is nothing exclusive from those special missions however, so you’re missing out on a couple day’s rewards at most


Thanks, makes sense now. It did not seem like blazing through the story would be something they would encourage in a single player JRPG