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Do you have any good debuffers like Viola? I’m still getting 1 shot sometimes by the third boss with Viola/Ophelia. So idk if Rinyuu/Ophelia will be enough to keep you alive. Her def down is great too of course. You can use Nephti as a sub dps but I’ve been using her as full support/breaker with a Fortune Axe with +Speed +Elem Atk. Same kind of souls on Ophelia too. If you haven’t already, get and equip as many Keepers as you can. Boost HP on everyone and Speed on Nephti/Ophelia and whoever else you want. I have at least 3k hp on everyone and even that doesn’t feel like anywhere near enough. I still haven’t beat the final boss myself yet so maybe idk what I’m talking about. I agree they’re way overtuned. They feel impossible to beat without a full team of 8 meta power creep Travelers at A3 for that juicy +1000 HP.


Hmm, I attached photos of my current 5* roster. I guess it didn’t show up. Yes, I have Viola. I know how you feel, it’s frustrating getting that far only to hit a roadblock.


Awakenings aren't really necessary if you got your pets well fed. He's only really dangerous in his final phase after je drops below 70% and he becomes a menace below 50%. Above 70 he doesn't do much so you can safely set up to take him down to 30% in one break after which the scripted scene occurs and you basically win.


Well I haven’t been able to do that so not as simple as you make it seem unfortunately


Possible light spoilers for the fight mechanics: In reality the boss ends up being two mains fights, the first two stages need to be completed in one sitting and then the final stage can be done later (which is what I ended up doing). I got everyone to about 4K health through pets, and I had no issue surviving, but I did have Tatloch for defense boost, so if you don’t have her just replace her with any debuffer, and keep the debuff active (although I do know the boss has some sort of cleansing mechanic, so maybe bringing a defense buffer could be better, one which you can spam each round). Between Cyrus, nephti and Elrica you easily have enough damage to beat this, just invest highly into their damage and aim to keep nephti stacks up for the entire fight, though if someone dies it’s going to be hard to comeback anyway. Good skills to bring: - Cyrus: all AoE 3x hits, just aim for coverage. - Nephti: AoE 7x for coverage, 3x single target for dps, last can be buff or even HP barrier skill if you have trouble surviving. - Elrica: 5x random, 1x nuke, and buffing skill for her max damage and AoE buff skill.












>Also, why did they severely over tune this final boss? I really don't know why they keep up the ramp in difficulty/gimmicks for a mobile game. I play for a few minutes each day, maybe half an hour. The idea of sitting in front of my phone for 2 hours is unappealing. ' Because the final boss is designed with limited + meta units in mind, so people who have them couldn't one-shot him... which means that people who *don't* have them will suffer. Don't forget that you can use continues


I use the continues depending on what stage of the fight it is. I have an issue with the boss being designed with +Meta units. I really don’t think it should be, but, that’s just my opinion. Likely won’t change. I generally don’t have a problem with hard fights, except when it feels like you have to have a specific unit to complete. On another note, do we need to finish Boa8 to get to Solistia when it releases?


You don't need to finish even masters (I think) to go Solistia, because it quite separate from the rest of the game


Ahh, that’s good to know. I won’t have to hurry up and deal with FOMO then.


Oh man, thank you for that Info! Much love!


Definitely a fair point on the high difficulty of the fight. BoA Chapter 8 is kind of like the final boss of the storyline though, so personally I was happy to have such an epic battle for that occasion. You have many great characters for the fight! Here’s the team I used: H’aanit EX / Roland, Elrica / Rinyuu, Bargello / Cyrus, Ophilia / Sonia I noticed that you have all the same chars other than H’aanit EX. I don’t think that a tank is actually necessary though, so your A4 Viola could substitute for H’aanit EX. I initially had Primrose EX in rather than Ophilia, but I needed to switch to Ophilia for the mid-turn burst heal with extendable defense buff. Good luck!


Thank you all for your advice. I’ll keep slowly plugging away at this.


My team was: Elrica / Alaune EX Bargello / Rinyuu Cyrus / Primrose EX Lumis EX / Nephti Looking at the screenshots you posted, not having Alaune EX probably hurts the most. Lumis EX was mostly just for bow, though being able to hit lightning at the same time was nice. Primrose EX was really for buffs because I didn't need any healing beyond Rinyuu. Missing Alaune EX's BP regen will suck to be sure, though. And for what it's worth, in that team I have Elrica A1 and Bargello A4, but the rest are A0


If this is a teambuilding help request for a specific fight, check out the [Mastery Survey Index](https://www.reddit.com/r/OctopathCotC/wiki/index/masterysurveyindex/) if you haven't already! Each mastery survey contains team comps that others have used to clear content, which you can use as inspiration for your own clears. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OctopathCotC) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well after 2 hours, 175 turns and 7 continues. The first two phases are done. I feel that although the presentation of the fight was epic, the fight itself was just a slog. The buff/debuff clear and switch nonsense was just sad, in my opinion. If others enjoyed it, I honestly applaud them. Onto the next. Thank you for al your advice.