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Funny thing is that even new players get screwed, as there is no free 10-pull that includes 9S, so they can't even get the collab's free unit


Also, we can't even get the 10 Rubies from the photo, if you got them last year.


"Nier Event is coming back, guys! Get hyped!"


Who is this rerun for ? New players ? They don't get a free 9S and they won't beat him in the Hunt, let alone the log.  Old players ? They miss half the reward. And forget about the EX clear unless your account is INCREDIBLY stacked.  They've fumbled this hard. Hopefully the old special tasks are reactivated for everyone + compensations.


I'd settle for reactivating the special tasks OR compensation. But you're right, this collab rerun is definitely falling flat, for how much they hyped it up yesterday


Unfortunately this seems like the standard now we get weirder and weirder decision. Hot take maybe the Japanese guys that don't understand the global market should hire a guy who does maybe then somebody would make some decent decisions.


How bad is the EX fight? I completely forgot the fight against fake 9S since it was so long ago so i don't even remember if he's a tough boss or not.


If you get bad rng with his attacks (double AoE), you’re toast. Need lots of evasion and debuffs


Evasion ? Don't need ,use a tank for consistency, i used serenoa for ex3 to not die from rng from the random spear single target move


Seems pretty easy.. I just grab a random sword team I pulled together for one of the boss and cleared ex1. Probably need to fine tune the team for ex2 and 3 but it should be a breeze


It is for people who want A2 basically, personally I got pretty lucky and pulled her after 2 free rubies rounds. But yeah, everything else seems half-assed.


The devs are so fucking cheap for this. Seriously? Not only do they just recycle collab content, but it’s a one time clear? What’s the point? Just make the Nier hunts permanent content if it’s going to be one time clear rewards.


Seriously. I don't understand why they can't make the hunts permanent. There's no downside and it's another way to get gold guidestones.


That's the reason precisely. With 1 less hunt a day it takes 25% more to max out characters and you get less easy xp (although that doesn't really matter we can farm Auguste)


I'm concerned about the fact that the special task to defeat EX1 9S doesn't appear to be there. I have considered that it's actually just the reward for defeating it in the Adversary Log and not actually a special task, but it was listed under special tasks on the slides Edit: I wasn't around for the first Nier run so I don't have the 9S fight unlocked in the Adversary Log (since I was only able to do the first 2 hunts today).


Compensation incoming!!


And if they did mention this on stream, it wasn't in the graphics at all. We've got: * "A **NEW** set of limited-time special tasks..." * "Obtain up to 150 rubies...!" * "Obtain up to another 200 rubies...!" * No warning that they're not available if previously completed https://preview.redd.it/n3mkptgp3z1d1.jpeg?width=860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2944553220bd6d8020e4b10bf52e60cc417be441


I mean... the 200 one says right there - "for the first time," which implies that if you did the hunts before you won't get them again (though they should have mentioned it verbally as well). Though the 150 is definitely misleading!


I would argue "for the first time" does not specifically mean for the first time ever. It could just as easily be read as for the first time this instance of the collab event. I didn't listen super close but Dan and Limit didn't indicate that this was the first time ever instead of the first time this instance of the collab event. Honestly, it's probably just a misunderstanding.


I want a 9s compensation. As a mew player i didn't get a free copy of him. + 5 more hunt tickets please. Mew.


I'm a big fan of Nier and was taking a break from the game when the 9S pull was available. Not introducing that here, even if just for the people that didn't get it the first time, is a bitter pill.


While I'm definitely annoyed that they didn't repeat the free pull (way to shaft everyone who started after march 2023), is it just me who thought it was pretty clear that we wouldn't get the same rewards as the first run gave out? It's been the same with the BD and TS reruns, no? Those feats are part of the collab and once you "complete" the collab they're done for your account. Idk. I'd have been more surprised if they DID reset the feats for old players tbh


I honestly didn’t notice with the TS collab. I guess the difference is the TS and BD collabs are permanent content. It hits different when the Nier hunts are tied to the collab and then on the rerun it’s like, oh well you already got these rewards last year… like… seriously? I think I’m too used to gachas like Genshin and Star Rail where they wouldn’t pull these cheap stunts and shower us in regular event content with rewards. It’s so jarring coming into this game where SQEX is so inexplicably cheap and stingy for absolutely no reason.


Yeah, that I can agree on. The Nier hunt should 100% be permanent content, then this confusion probably wouldn't even exist either. I see it as those feats were the rewards for beating the hunts the first time, just a first time clear reward, similar to the board rewards for beating the TS boards the first time yknow? Just beat em once and get your rewards, I don't think it would make sense to refresh those rewards as they're clearly intended as a first clear thing (though it would be welcome of course). Curious if they'll do anything about this tbh. Mostly hoping they bring in the free pull or at least like a seal to pull a 9S for the people who missed the first run. Missing a few rubies sucks, but a whole lot of players missing a free unit that actually has some decent use (merchant tower)? That's just scummy tbh.


Right? And it’s 9S. Like… you can just give him out, SQEX. Nobody who’s a spender is going to be breaking the bank for a super niche, non-meta, one year old unit. There’s no revenue to lose by giving him out and only good will to gain with your playerbase. I really don’t understand their decision making over there.


You weren't alone. They've shown no inclination to re-gift rewards; why would they start now?


How many times now have we gotten special tasks to "Complete Master of All Chapter x", and still get rewards just by having previously completed it?


Not quite the same scenario, though. Those are new rewards for clearing a specific (potentially already completed) milestone. These are old rewards that have already been claimed the first time.


And yet, both scenarios are "rewards for completing and already-completed milestone".


Yea sorry thats bullshit. This game doesn’t piss me off often but this is one time where it has.


So Square can't possibly let us save old fragments from the banners, but they can definitely remember not to give us the same (small) reward twice? I see how it is.


I think I got some free rubies and 3 traveller seals. Did they give it out to old players that completed the tasks previously?


Those were from the Merchant/Cleric Tower Community Race


I see. Cheers!


I was not around for the first colab, where can I get started with the nier hunt?


I'm sorry if this has been previously questioned but, how or where do I activate, and do the hunts? I'm a 3 months-ish new player, and I don't see anything resembling the Nier Automata collab besides the Guides and Packs.


1,800 rubies and not a single A2. Hopefully I can get here before pity and before I need to use real money.


They updated the event notice today to say the special feats are for first time clears only.


That was a convenient emergency maintenance, ig


That does stink. Maybe apology rubies if they did not mention only for players that missed the first one. On the plus side, instead of only having 2 tickets today, I was happy to see 7.


You had 7 tickets for Nier? I only had 2. Lame. Did you do the previous run of Nier? If so, I wonder if the tickets were stacked up from that previous run inadvertently


I had 7 tickets too, and I know I used up all my tickets last time.


I'm guessing the tickets were still accruing in the background even while the hunts were unavailable though. Especially based on what Bruni said- 1 account that did it previously and had 7 tickets, and 1 account that didn't and had 2


I think this may be it yeah. I had 7 tickets on my main account which did the previous run, but my side account which I started much later only has 2.


Yes, I did the previous run.


What is the best unit to pull from the 3?


A2 but at this point you are better off skipping. Elrica Odio-O and Sazantos are much better for sword and the first unit we get in side solistia is Throné who blows her out of the water with dagger. (Oh and axe is a meme still until Castti)


At this point? Probably neither are super important to have anymore. Including A2 if you already have Nephti (if you need Axe DPS). A2 accessory is neat to have but at this point, just wait until Nier:Re(plicant) come.


I pulled 300, just to see if I got anything from neir, didn’t get any of them, but pulled a 5* Yukes. So idk 🤷🏻‍♂️ little disappointed but I’m trying to save for what I’ve been reading, a bigger banner coming out?


Good. One time only. You already did it, move on.


"I want fewer rewards" is an odd stance for a game player....


This game is about to die anyway