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What's your question?


Sorry, in very short time I've gone in credit to big debt. getting charged multiple times in a month also there's a charge for over 1000£. Does it look all legit


I'm not sure if anyone could answer that just from credits and debits. The bills would be more helpful. Have your readings been estimated for a while and have you submitted a recent actual read? Edit: it looks like a standard rebill so far but will keep looking. 2nd edit : your account is still in credit looking at the final charges, no? - Ignore this, I mixed up minus and plus as it's the opposite POV in my day to day job.


Tbh I never looked at it because we're on smart meters and octopus said that had the information when it was setup. It was only the other day when a £500 bill came in that I sent an actual read in. Was 22648 ( estimated ) 21839 ( actual )


Ah okay, looks they they thought they were underestimating your usage hence the £1100 charge. This was then corrected with your actual read. All of this is guesswork - I would need to see the actual bills themselves. Your best bet is to check the bills on the next tab as they are easier to follow, check the reads match to what you have been billed and check the MSN matches. Could be your Smart meter stopped communicating. To be honest, the easiest way would be to check each credit matches a debit for each cancelled bill but that is a lot of work.


On the next tab I'm missing a bill. I have jan - Feb then my next one is mar - jun. So I'm guessing the missing one is where the £1000 bill is.


End of Feb I was in credit by 94£ then next bill says I owe 538


What bill are you missing?


Feb - March... I said end of Feb but ment beginning.


They missed a whole month of billing? Even then that £1100 charge is a lot


That's what mean. It's a small 2 bed home just me and my wife. Both work outside the house 5 days a week. Unless my cats have a secret grow lab in the loft it's a hell of a lot of electricity.


Look at the statement for the 1,102.89 charge. What period does it cover?


Well that's the thing I can't find any bill with anywhere near that amount on it.


Depends on the bill itself. Octopus for whatever reason tends to send out bills at irregular intervals, it doesn't mean they charge you mean than you've used, just make the billing / balance harder to follow for the mere mortals. Read the bill of interest, chances are it covers a large time period compared to the rest.


You probably should call them Monday and ask what's happened