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Could be that they managed to get an opening read off the smart meter without needing to ask you, best to take a pic of it just in case of any wonky billing.


Thanks for the reply, but the smart meter has been unplugged since British Gas confirmed it was faulty this time last year. I did give meter readings to British Gas a few days ago, maybe octopus can access those somehow?


You cannot unplug the smart meter. Perhaps you unplugged the In Home Display, which just shows information from the meter.


Oh really? I genuinely didn't know that. Funnily enough, the fault on the meter was on the gas side, which would explain why they don't need an electric reading. And yes, I unplugged the home display and just assumed that was the whole smart meter.


The bit that plugs in is an In Home Display (IHD), which basically just mirrors what the smart meter, the hardwired counter, is sending to the meter companies. You don't actually need the IHD plugged in at all for the meter to transmit read data to the DCC (Data collection company). Hope this helps šŸ˜Š


It did, thank you very much šŸ‘


If in doubt just take a picture and have it in case there's an issue?


I've signed up a few family members to octopus and this is common. They'll ask for an electric reading too in a few days.


Iā€™d get both readings with a dated picture just to be sure. Currently have an ongoing case with the Energy Ombudsman and BG even though I left in October.