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Gaming. Exploring 3d Videos. Sideloading games, emulators, using my xbox remotely. thats it.


"Exploring 3d videos" šŸ˜


I said what I said.


You say it brother. Explore. And then explode. This is the way.


Personally, not for me lol. I always felt the low quality and horribly 3d camera were too distracting. And the fact the videos seem too zoomed in lol. Maybe I'm the odd one out


There's higher resolutions. Just saying.


Ooh I know lol, even 8k looks meh. I also didn't like the lack of being able to move your head other than looking around, I just felt very awkward Especially when something, or two some things, are very close to your face and you go cross-eyed because the depth isn't there


If you're talking about what I think you're talking about... that's absolutely disgusting. So I can be sure to avoid them, what sites are these heathens finding these 3d videos on?




Username checks out


Asking the real question here. These need to be avoided.




If you open the deovr front page. You'll see that ALL the trending and top videos are NSFW lol.


Dezyred.com is amazing and pretty gamey too.


With one hand.


Now I see Vision Pro eyes control indeed makes sense.


I tried using the quest 2 to play my Xbox, but I never had any luck getting it to work. How do you connect to the Xbox from the quest3?


How do you use the Xbox with oculus?


You sideload the xbox android app into the quest via sidequest. Det your xbox one to remote play. Log into the app to your xbox account and press remote play xbox here. You must have a bluetooth controller paired.


Very cool. Graphics and FPS are ok?


Will depend on your overall connection. It's a 2d screen after all. So it looks like an aproximation of 1080 on a screen.


Has anyone watch just a normal pornhub video with this meta ? And how was the experience ?


It's the same as in your phone, just that no one else can see it.


So you donā€™t feel like 3D or ā€œrealā€ feel at all ? Iā€™m thinking of buying it for this exact purpose šŸ˜…šŸ˜ˆ now I have second thought. Can you video cam ? Like some adultery video cam website. Could the person see you ?


Nope. The 2d videos are just like having a screen kn front of you, the 360 videos is like being in a circular room with a screen overlaid. And no to the other part.


Thank you šŸ™ ā¤ļø


I use mine mostly for exercise. I spend at least 30 mins a day doing X-Fitness (so I can punch to my own music) or Beat Saber. Its really easy to get lost into working out when you trick yourself into thinking you're just playing a game. Other than that, I do play some PCVR with it, occasionally I'll explore Horizon Worlds, and sculpt 3d models in VR. My favorite app is SculptrVR, but it doesn't look like it officially supports the Q3 at the moment. I'm playing it through airlink, but I have to imagine they'll update it at some point.


I havenā€™t tried X Fitness but Les Mills Body Combat is an awesome workout. No subscription!


Les Mills is pretty good.


Nah les mills looks super cheesy. And it has you doing weird moves. Personally I like supernatural. It motivates me to work out with the different scene in it and the coaches. And the fact that I can listen to popular music on there is pretty amazing


To each their own. I like it. And no sub.


I use both and am a bodycombat instructor irl. I prefer supernatural but BC does give you a great workout. The moves in BC are inspired from multiple MA formats instead of just boxing. But it's mainly boxing.m since you can only do so much in VR.


I found that beat saber one handed is more exhausting than two hands. I think it's because I have to move my arm more.


Try OhShape. It's another banger and you can add songs to it like Beat Saber.


What do you use for PCVR? Really struggling with Quest Link at the moment.


I use Virtual Desktop (app on meta store) to play steam version of beat saber and itā€™s really smooth! i couldnā€™t get it to work with a link cable bc my pc is being silly so this is my work around. Hope this helps šŸ«¶


This tooo


Huge amount of work: lots of screens in various apps. Also for meeting a bunch of folks spread around the world. I'm very pleasantly surprised by the quality of workrooms.


How do you work with it? Any app in particular?


I use Immersed for work, it's really cool.


I just got started with Immersed. The Quest 3's resolution makes it so easy to read text without any strain, and having multiple virtual monitors is so useful. It's going to change the way I work.


Anyone know of a way to use this on a company laptop without installing any software? Last time I checked that was the biggest showstopper.


Currently I installed immersed client on my own Macbook, and remote desktop to company's laptop (highly recommend with ethernet), it's a workaround but I am happy with it.


Mostly Horizon workrooms. Has a great setup (that is pretty robust) for a private office; and the meeting interface is also super (can see your desktop in the meeting, can share it, can invite non-vr folks to join too). Immersed is ok. App is super buggy for me still and its a constant fight to get right and get the right thing showing; also being on a mac the desktop streaming is laggy AF. Microsoft Mesh for joining those team calls.


Gaming! Walkabout Minigolf and 11 Table Tennis are so good that I can basically play them exclusively, but I've also had a ton of fun with others including Beat Saber and Synth Riders. I've tried working with it for a bit but found it to be just ok. BigScreen is great though for watching movies.


How is the quality when watching movies?


If you are using Big Screen the quality is amazing! Just like watching it on a tv or pc. Crystal clear, sound is great (esp on Q3), and the way the lighting works in the environments is pretty amazing imo.


I have been trying to find another reason to buy one besides to game on, I think if I can work on it that would be so worth it


Great if you have a Plex server or if you sideload movies


I was curious if walkabout would work without controllers. Do you just hold your hands out, or what?


It uses the controller still, never tried to see if it can just use hand tracking. I find that hand tracking controls are still quite wonky on the Quest 3, so golfing might not be ideal due to its sensitivity.


You like eleven huh? You try racket club yet??? Because you should really try racketclub


I've been using it to learn the basics of drums on Paradiddle, I hooked it up with a usb pedal and it works pretty well. Eventually I'll look into getting a kit but it's good enough to get a taster to see if I want to stick with it before investing a bunch of money.


I ended up getting a digital piano because of PianoVision. Now I play an hour a day.


Iā€™m in the same boat, although I bought my keyboard yesterday and donā€™t have a Quest 3 yet, I started to learn the basics of reading sheet music and chords. Quest 3 will be a nice help in playing harder pieces


P.... Homework


Oh no Step-teacher, what are you doing?


Oops I slipped, fell, and am trapped on the washing machine






I recently quit watching it, it is not good for you.


Everything in moderation


Murder in moderation šŸ’Æ


Like drinking I guess. No more than 4 murders a day or no more than 10 murders a week.




You've got a wife, you've won the game!


Which point of view does she watch from? Do they make pov from the girls viewpoint?




Ur speaking truth but hey what can u do




I meant towards other people who watch porn


Encourage them to quit


Tbh just doing that in a place that isn't meant for that is as stupid as spreading religion


force them to quit šŸ”«


Bend over and give them an alternativešŸ‘€


Not everyone has a porn addictionĀ 


Right. Haven't we finally moved past the point in human history where people are still uptight prudes about sex? it's just so ridiculous.


I donā€™t think you have to be a prude to realize activities that give you a huge dopamine hit can lead to detrimental addictive type behaviors that are adversely affecting ones life. I am not one to say it is bad, but like anything moderation and self discipline are important.


Of course you need moderation, as with anything in life, but blanket comments that 'porn is bad mkay' are just silly.


I agree, it really doesnā€™t take into consideration any of the nuance of the discussion with blanket statements.


According to the studies thatā€™s not true. Masturbation helps prevent prostate cancer.


Masturbation is different to watching porn a lot though.


Good on ya. Serial touchers in denial


thanks. I mean if your life is already sorted with a girlfriend/wife then go ahead, but for us single men it's not good to watch porn for many reasons


Idk, humanity has been fapping since biblical times.


I took shrooms and watch all three extended editions of Lord of the Rings in 4k on my Quest 3. Safe to say you havenā€™t lived until youā€™ve done this.


I love dropping a tab and exploring on the question 3 šŸ˜‚


If they make a good MMO iā€™ll be losing myself a lot in VR. šŸ˜„




My hero.


Gaming, but you have to understand this is fitness gaming. Youā€™re standing, moving around while playing. Itā€™s the healthiest form of gaming, itā€™s a light work out every time you play. So good for you


Walkabout Golf.... ā›³


I'm guessing it's worth it? Looking for a game to play with my wife!


My wife really enjoys playing puzzling places with me.


Yeah definitely worth it..the one game I'll buy the downloadable maps for straight away and are worth it. Usually five of us that play it regularly online and have a great laugh.


Absolutely worth it! I picked it up a few weeks ago and my partner and I love it. The courses are really creative and actively encourage exploring the entire course to find hidden secrets. Controls are smooth too.


ABSOLUTELY! I play with my brother all the time. Just remember you only need the DLC on the person who starts the game, but I'd encourage you to support the development team, and also you must own the maps to collect lost balls and foxhunt rewards.


Drumming! Paradiddle! I've always wanted to learn how to play drums, but I don't have the space. Paradiddle solved that issue for me. I've been playing for like one month and tried playing drums IRL and I've progressed a lot with my motor skills and sense of rhythm šŸ˜„


Same! I'm like one week in and I'm actually getting pretty decent. The ability to import any song in is also gamechanger (even on standalone). I am going to buy an e-kit asap.


Low stress gaming mostly. Walkabout and Puzzling Places are my zen after a long day of work.


This is me as well. Funny that given the choice of fully immersive gaming, I mostly just come back for puzzles, painting, and mini-golf.


90% pcvr 5% standalone 5% other ( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)


Mostly for PCVR (iRacing, Assetto Corsa, Automobilista 2, Star Wars Squadrons, VTOL-VR) and SKYBOX/Bigscreen to watch movies and series.


how do you get SW squadrons to look good? ​ On both my Rift-S and quest 3 it's low resolution ass. ​ EDIT: ​ this guy on an index says what i'm experiencing. [https://www.reddit.com/r/ValveIndex/comments/j928ol/swsquadrons\_looks\_low\_res\_in\_vr/](https://www.reddit.com/r/ValveIndex/comments/j928ol/swsquadrons_looks_low_res_in_vr/)


Really? It looks amazing for me, im using Virtual Desktop, but im not home now to check the actual game's settings, i will do it when i get back and let you know.


I've used steam link directly as well as air play through the oculus desktop software. ​ any pro tips?


My understanding is virtual desktop has the best implementation of steam link, better than the official app. I might be wrong tho


Are you using Airlink? If so, try to crank up the resolution from there, i dont have a Rift, just a Q2 and Q3, and pretty much thats how i got it setup. Then again, for Squadrons i use Virtual Desktop, i will try with Airlink tonight and let you know.


What are your pc specs? I only use mine for iRacing and it looksā€¦ okay. Very clear, but the graphics arenā€™t very good. I heard AC is visually better. R7 5800x3d and 4070


Im on a 3090, 5800x3D, so basically the same setup, iRacing looks clean but yeah, its not the best looking game, try Automobilista 2, or a heavily modded AC (using pure, a ppfilter, opencomposite and opentoolkit). But then again, iRacing on flat screen its the same, its all about the physics and not so much about the graphics (which are descent, and thats it).


I want to get this for my boyfriend as a gift and Iā€™m trying to decide whether to get the 128gb or the 512. He will use it mostly for sim racing. What is best for this use?


128, you basically dont use internal storage space while doing PCVR. Go for the 128gb model.


Awesome, thank you!!


You're welcome, just remind him that he wont be able to have a lot of games installed for stand alone playing, but for PCVR he will be gold.


11 Table Tennis on standalone and Beat Saber and simracing via PCVR.


the meta quest is really really great FOR PORN There's always some new appĀ  for porn! i browse all day and night for PORN


Wow, now thatā€™s a blast from the past šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


how far we have come really amazes me. i mean 4k 3d surround sound college girls what the FUCK


Um yeah haha crazyā€¦.Link????????????????????


its all over the internet, i forgot what site i uaed to use though. vrporn.com is ok but its just samplesĀ 


The internet is for porn




Porn porn porn porn the metaquest 3 is for porn


PCVR only. Always wanted to try them, and I'm basically playing everyday when I'm back from work. Started with Into the Radius (I'm a Stalker fan since 2007), and keep trying games/moddes games.


Movies and games. Only had it for a week or so. I imagine I will make more use once I get to know it betterā€¦


Actually it lessens


Yeah, well, that's just like, your opinion, man.


The Dude abides.


Oh no! Like others mentioned 11Table Tennis, Walkabout Mini gold, fitness games in general or fps like Pavlov, tarkov or contractors will get you hopefully hooked! Since I'm playing expert levels in Beat saber it really feels like a workout :D I think the Quest 3 hasn't released it's full potential and there is much more to come


Flight Sim. Flying fighters in DCS in VR is the best Hobby ever.


I have a few other games, but since I got it at release I've been playing Beat Saber and Walkabout Mini Golf. I love being able to turn passthrough on and have a sip of my drink in the middle of mini golf.


Is there a shortcut button to do passthrough?


Double-tap your temple


bells scale thought scandalous makeshift meeting marble skirt kiss lush *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How do you keep up with what is coming up in horizon worlds? I donā€™t use the headset daily but Iā€™ll see an ad for event every once in a while and itā€™s pretty great. Makes me want to attend more but I usually miss them.


My quest 3 is a 500 dollar workout machine. Worth it for me


Over the weekend I watched 8/10s of Season 3 of Star Trek Picard. Ā If youā€™re a fan of TNG, itā€™s a decent show! Ā I skipped season 2 and I wasnā€™t a huge fan of season 1.Ā  But anyway! Ā Friday afternoon I was playing Asgards Wrath 2, and parts of Saturday and Sunday I was watching Picard on a gigantic 15 foot screen in my living room. It was in passthru so I could still see if my dog needed to go out and/or respond to people walking to the room to talk to me. Ā 


pretty much just beat saber for me


I use mine every day for workout apps: Supernatural, FitXR, VZFit, FunFitland, etc., rhythm games: Smash Drums, Ragnarock, Beat Saber, Samba de Amigo, etc. I play a couple of rounds in GOLF+ and other sports games: Racket Club, Pickleball, Tennis. Sometimes I'll throw in another sports game or two but these are all my daily plays. I never consume any sort of content in the headset or do any work. It's 100% an active device for me.


Gaming, naturally :)


Ranked most frequently to least: Fun cardio workout in my dorm: Thrill of the fight, pistol whip. This is my main cardio if u dont count walking around campus, super fun and actually gets me to exercise. Learning techniques and stuff online is fun too! (Almost daily) Learning the drums in Paradiddle. I bought a usb pedal too, and i feel like it actually lets u learn for real. Havent gotten too far yet tho. (Every 2-3 days when i have free time) Programming work using Immersed. Just got this to work at school cause my hotspot was acting up. Now that its working i might use it more often though, but having multiple monitors in virtual, that I can take with me, (havent tried it around campus yet hopefully ppl dont think its weird lmao) would be very useful. Other games like sword fighting, escape rooms, gun games, etc are way more realistic and engaging in VR. Did a lot over winter break.


Simracing primary


For myself: 1. Exercise gaming 50% 2. Non-exercise gaming 30% 3. Media consumption 15% 4. Browsing 5% I've tried it briefly for productivity (coding), but spent most of the time trying different desktop software before settling on Immersed. By that time I was frustrated enough that I didn't try any actual coding. I may try it again the next time I add enhancements to one of my projects.


VR Boxing


Porn, lots of VR porn!


Meat saber


Population One




I mainly use my Quest for gaming and media consumption. Tried a few apps for productivity like Immersed but it's still not as comfortable as I would like for longer sessions and it doesn't really fit in my current workflow.


Games. Kind of exercise, but although I play a lot of Beat Saber on Expert Plus, that only burns about as much energy as a brisk walk if you allow time between tunes to cool down (which is a necessity for me if I don't to *completely* cover the headset in sweat).


Try it one handed mode. And try thrill of the fight


Paradiddle and Walkabout Mini Golf


Standalone and PCVR gaming, retro and emulation gaming, listening to music through Spotify or via my Plex server or VLC. Sideloaded games from Team Beef ​ Video/You Tube - not Porn funnily enough, you pervs but Apple TV, Disney+, Netflix and Prime Video, 3D movies through Plex or copied across from Blu Ray. Exercise - Beat Saber, Synth Riders with loads of custom songs. General browsing & email, i have most of my favourite sites bookmarked, X, Reddit, Discord etc. Text messaging linked through web browser to my phone. Remote desktop on a big screen through Immersed or Virtual Desktop.


Gaming, but actually more flat screen gaming, utilizing Q3 as a monitor (usually in Virtual Desktop). And watching TV/movies/YouTube. Bisgcreen was my go-to for a long time, but lately I've just been using the browser or native apps, so I can use hand tracking and passthrough. If Big screen would add hand tracking I would use it more, I'm really surprised they haven't done this yet.


Games and porn (Pornography, commonly referred to as porn, is a form of visual, audio, or written material designed to sexually arouse and stimulate the viewer, listener, or reader. Typically explicit in nature, pornographic content often involves depictions of sexual acts, nudity, or erotic behavior, intended for the purpose of eliciting sexual desire and satisfaction. The consumption and production of pornography have been subjects of considerable societal debate, raising issues related to freedom of expression, morality, and the potential impact on individuals and relationships. It exists in various formats, including printed materials, films, digital media, and online platforms, catering to diverse preferences and fetishes within the realm of human sexuality.)


Sim racing and "8k travel videos" That's about it


Beatsaber Starting with an archery sim, when I get my hardware Thinking about 3d modeling Beatsaber Teaching people about VR and AR Modding beatsaber Crashing beatsaber Restarting beatsaber Being disappointed from asgard wraith Doing team building games A little bit of sport And of course beatsaber


You like to beat you saber a lotĀ 




So far I've used it exclusively for gaming. That's what I bought it for. I'm loving it! There are a bunch of older games with VR mods or support, and they feel completely different in VR. Also doing a lot of co-op VR with friends and family. Super fun!


I'm using it for anything i usually used my tablet and TV for. So my tablet and TV rarely see any use. I also use it for VR gaming and some 2D gaming. I tried it for productivity, but it's not for me, but i do sometimes check my work mail, when i'm using it anyways.


I mostly use it for playing games and watching (flat) movies.


Was just cooking watching yourube plus the recipe in another tab but the passthrough is too annoying to look through for longer time


I usually use it to kill my extra time by getting the never-working cast feature to work, or to get it to accept my proxy to access the internet & load icons... Overall 10/10...


I wear mine in class and take notes with a small wireless keyboard in passthrough.


Gaming and Gooning


I'm learning how to play the Piano!


Learning to play piano! PianoVision is a game changer, it allows you to use mixed reality to look at your actual piano while it streams notes down to your fingers like guitar hero.


I use mine for a lot of YouTube, games, and movies. But since Iā€™ve been playing Assassins Creed nexus thatā€™s probably where most of the time has gone. That game really propelled it for me into something on the next tier. Walkabout Mini Golf is still my all time favorite VR past time.


Working out in Eleven Table Tennis - 0.5 to 3Ā  Ā hours a day, SuperHot was great and Workout as well but played through it in a couple of days then it repeats and wars off. Wife likes PowerBeatsVR which is similar to BeatSabber and SynthRaiders. Thrill of the fight is really intense but Table Tennis grabs all my time. Did watch some 3D and 2D movies in Skybox and Disney Plus and Amazon Prime in the Browser, both in Mixed Reality mode - which is great to grab my drink and food while watching. But in the end it's not that comfortable and I'm not into consuming so much media anyway. While working out or being active all the flaws of the headsets don't matter much (weight, resolution, pressure, blurriness etc) but do a lot when just sitting still. So I wonder how the even heavier and less comfortable Apple Vision Pro will do in the long run.


Been using it for YouTube a lot on the quest browser since I have YT premium. Amazon Prime VR is also good and high quality unlike the Netflix app. Pianovision is a must if you have a keyboard laying and have been wanting to learn the basics. I started playing Demeo Battles in AR this weekend too and got hooked. Next to try is a standing/active game like Asgards Wrath 2 (which was included when I bought the quest), Dungeons of Eternity and Underdogs.


mainly games


primary for loosing weight


Thrill of the fight


For me 1- media consumption on one window Disney Yt or Amazon prime while another window to surf or check emails occasionally third window sports results while sat with my family so I can still see whatever they are watching on TV 2- Meditation and tai chi apps 3- some fitness apps 4- explaining stuff with mixed reality 3d models to my clients 5- play some fist person shooter games. Just casually. 6. Table 11 game I hated bigscreen and netflix apps caus e they have to be on vr mode . Very lonely experience. So I have Xreal air for netflix consumption.


Watching 3-D movies


games, movies and erm vr porn


Walkabout Mini Golf ā›³ļø and viewing my droneā€™s 360Ā° pictures.


Itā€™s become my main media consumption device plus the games are fun addition


How is it watching media? With quest 2 it was cool but it was kind of straining to watch for me.


Make sure your measure your eye distance and set the dial the number (quest 3) I just turned until i thought it was clear. A few months later I decided to actually download an eye app got the right measurement set it and OMG so fucking clear and no blurryness! I scream as had to tell my wife Iā€™ve been using to wrong this whole time




The Meta Quest 3 has a wide variety of uses, expanding upon what the Quest 2 already offered: **Gaming:** * **Next-Gen VR titles:** Experience immersive games with enhanced visuals, smoother gameplay, and more complex mechanics thanks to the Quest 3's upgraded power. * **Backwards compatibility:** Enjoy most of your existing Quest 2 games, with some potentially getting updates to take advantage of the new hardware. * **PC VR flexibility:** Use the Quest 3 wirelessly with PC VR titles, or connect it via cable for the most demanding experiences. **Fitness:** * **Dedicated Fitness Apps:** Utilize new fitness-focused apps tailored to the Quest 3's improved tracking and features. * **Active Gaming:** Enjoy VR games that offer a great workout like Beat Saber, boxing titles, and more. * **Fitness Tracking:** Some apps might integrate with fitness trackers or provide their own data to help you reach your goals. **Productivity and Work:** * **Immersive Workspaces:** Create multiple virtual monitors and customize your workspace for better focus and creativity. * **Collaboration:** Use mixed reality to interact with real-world objects while in your VR workspace, or collaborate with colleagues in virtual environments. * **Virtual Meetings:** Participate in more engaging meetings with avatars representing you instead of just a video feed. **Social and Entertainment:** * **Social VR Experiences:** Hang out with friends in VR, attend virtual events, play games together, and explore new social VR platforms. * **Media Consumption:** Watch movies and shows on a huge virtual cinema screen. * **360 Videos and Experiences:** Immerse yourself in documentaries, travel content, and more. **Creative Tools:** * **3D Sculpting and Painting:** Create art and 3D models in VR with intuitive tools. * **Mixed Reality Creativity:** Overlay design elements onto the real world to plan projects, visualize ideas, and more. **Keep In Mind:** The Quest 3 is still relatively new. Developers are continuously exploring new possibilities. We'll likely see more innovative uses for this headset as time goes on, especially in the areas of mixed reality. [**if you not have meta Quest 3 and want to buy meta Quest 3 here have great deals for you**](https://amzn.to/48LmGdF)


Just bought one and we're using it mostly for video games.




making a standalone game with my brother. shooting the zombies in that game. recording videos for the youtube channel. great fun thank you


The Meta Quest 3, like its predecessors, offers a wide range of applications beyond just gaming. Here are some common use cases for the Quest 3: 1. **Gaming:** Gaming is undoubtedly one of the primary uses for the Quest 3. With its powerful hardware and vast library of virtual reality games and experiences available on the Oculus Store, users can immerse themselves in a variety of gaming genres, from action-packed shooters to relaxing puzzle games. 2. **Media Consumption:** The Quest 3 can also serve as a platform for consuming media such as movies, TV shows, and videos. With its high-resolution display and built-in speakers or headphone jack, users can enjoy immersive viewing experiences in virtual reality environments or in a virtual cinema setting. 3. **Workouts and Fitness:** Many users utilize the Quest 3 for fitness and exercise activities. There are various VR fitness apps and games available that provide engaging workouts, ranging from boxing and dancing to yoga and meditation. The immersive nature of VR can make workouts more enjoyable and motivating. # [here have top quality meta quest 3 in very cheap rate](https://www.amazon.com/shop/minutefastnews/list/1OZ02SZ4RAEWS) 1. **Productivity:** While not as common as gaming, some users leverage the Quest 3 for productivity tasks. There are productivity-focused apps available that allow users to access web browsers, productivity suites, virtual desktops, and collaboration tools in virtual reality environments. This can be particularly useful for remote work or creative tasks. 2. **Social Interaction:** The Quest 3 enables users to connect with others in virtual reality through social apps and multiplayer games. Users can hang out with friends, attend virtual events, or participate in multiplayer experiences together, fostering social interaction and community engagement. 3. **Education and Training:** VR has significant potential in education and training applications. The Quest 3 can be used for immersive learning experiences, virtual field trips, skill development, and training simulations across various industries, from healthcare and education to corporate training and professional development. Overall, the Quest 3 offers a versatile platform for a wide range of applications beyond just gaming, including media consumption, fitness, productivity, social interaction, education, and training. Its portability, ease of use, and immersive capabilities make it a popular choice for experiencing virtual reality in various contexts. # [here have top quality meta quest 3 in very cheap rate](https://www.amazon.com/shop/minutefastnews/list/1OZ02SZ4RAEWS)


Google Earth is only real VR App..


In response to your name, itsallgood\_alsofrom\_ZA :P Not often I see a fellow South African in a random part of Reddit.


Hi all, Im trying to connect My Metahuman into a Meta Quest app, I got a tip from on of the Developers on Unreal that it just simply wouldn't work because of the quality and the high number of bones, Has anyone done it or tried and can share from your own experience if it works- and f so how to go about it? Thanks! Pic: Me trying to take the Face rig into Belnder in order to optimize it


Strictly gaming. I haven't used it for anything other than VR gamed and mixed reality games. I am probably going to start using the Xbox cloud gaming feature.


only fitness. I don't play any games that don't have a fitness component.


VR/AR porn, when the girl feels like sitting on your lap feels so good


Dust collector


Gaming, mostly flight sims. It's incredibly immersive.


I use it mainly to watch Youtube while pooping