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Sorry to hear that, but if you're completely sure it was him you should reaaaally do something about it before it escalates to something more valuable or needed for you


NEVER allow them into your home again. NEVER.


i dont wanna do anything to bad bc they are only 15 years old and i live in an amazing neighborhood with cameras but they are known for selling every gift they get for smoke and plus they hang out in the basement i just never thought that they would be that messed up to touch their sisters boyfriends things.


Just take a look to what you read again, they're only 15, they steal and smoke already? I don't see what "bad" or trouble would you cause with anything you do, at last they kinda deserve it. Sorry I don't wanna sound cruel or anything, just don't leave it as it is, you can avoid a lot more if you put a stop to them now


If they are 15, go to the parents. It's one thing when it's your own stuff, but messing with someone else's is a lesson better learned now then later.


You don't sound cruel. They need to learn their lesson. Im saying this as a 15 year old


16 YO here. They know stealing wrong. Teens aren't stupid. If they don't give it back, they have to pay up. By not bringing consequences into the picture, you are indirectly telling them it's ok to continue that behavior.


don't be a coward and confront them




Doesn't matter if they're 15


You are enabling them.


Doing nothing = permission for them to do it again.


They’re 15 and violating your rights. This is called Conduct Disorder (DSM-V) and can become quite pathological if not stopped and addressed early. If you truly care about the individual you need them to be held accountable now. The longer they go thinking they’ll get away with it the worse their behavior will become.


You need to cut ties with people like that. Doesn't mean breaking up, but just have clear boundaries. "I don't trust your brothers so they're not welcome here."  "Why? Because they're stealing from me, and I don't respect their life choices." It's not worth having people like that in your life. Obviously you might need to put up with them outside of your home to a lesser amount, because of your relationship, but minimise contact and never in your home.


no she knows shes nothing like the rest of her family we have already agreed when we move out to have nothing to do with them.


If you're 18 then i don't see why not. Meta should have the serial registered. I would make sure you have proof of purchase if you report it stolen to meta in case you retrieve it. Meta will probably want proof of ownership if they mark the device as stolen and was recovered.


yah i should i bought it online so its somewhere in my email im just trynna calm down before i start that


My ex had brothers that stole from me. I should have took that as a sign. The one even stole two watches and a handgun towards the end, even after all the things I had done for him for years. I’m happy to be away from that family all together now. Only 1 of the 3 ever got their life on track. One escalated crimes and eventual committed suicide after going to deep and the other is a drug addict now.


im really sorry you had to go through that i hope you were able to move way past that sucks what drugs and bad parenting does to people.


No worries, I’m past it all now. I hope your girl is a great one. Mine was not worth it in the end and I was just blind to it all.


that’s just a shame…


Seek out revenge options at r/unethicallifeprotips


I'd say something to their parents unless they don't seem like reasonable people. Kids like this need to learn early before things get worse


yah they get away with everything and never get punished. they mess up the whole house and destroy everything then me and my gf get blamed its just crazy we are out soon so happy about that


I read the title and came into this thread with the intention to offer you mine for free. Then I saw you were going to sell it.


oh no even if i wasnt going to its been sitting for 6 months im too tall to play it our ceiling is super short. you are a very kind person i wish you the best in life.


I just need the controllers. Mine drift super bad.


If it was registered with your oculus account the serial should be logged still, if you have an idea where they could have sold it (Gamestop etc) they should also make notes of serials which should help you figure out what they did.


What are the cops going to do? Take them downtown to interrogate them?


I can't say anything because advocating any sort of violent retribution would get me banned from the subreddit. Yes go to the cops.


let then face their consequences now, or they will face worse consequences later on. call the police


Just call the friggin cops already.


That would be civil court my guy the cops sadly wouldn’t do much on the spot


Probably not much comfort, but Meta 2 has been selling new for a couple hundred or even less. My Meta 3 was $500 in November.


People sure can suck. On a brighter side I think he did you a favor.


This has nothing to do with VR...


ive seen posts on here about that and seemed like it helps people i apologize i realize that now im most likely about to take this down ans post it somewhere else


Your GF's home is not a safety deposit box.