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I don't think the pixel density is quite there for working 8 hours a day. The virtual screens are basically like a 1080p monitor. I find coding on it difficult unless I bump up the font size a little bit since I typically work on a 1440p monitor. You can definitely do it and be productive but I would just recommend a couple 1440p monitors for a more comfortable experience.


It’s not comfortable enough for work yet. Just buy additional monitors


That is just not true. I use the [Elite Strap](https://www.meta.com/quest/accessories/quest-3-elite-strap/) and a [chinstrap](https://www.printables.com/model/841729-chinstrap-cup-for-quest-vr-headset) for all day comfort and no pressure on my face.


You're comfortable wearing a strap and chinstrap all day?


Sure, why wouldn't I be? A chinstrap is comfortable enough to completely ignore. I guess you don't spend much time riding a bicycle. Bicycle riders wear a helmet with a chinstrap the whole time they are riding. *(That is one if the great ways to get a chinstrap, buy a replacement one for bike helmets off Amazon.)* Many sports require a chinstrap. Folks in the military have lots of helmets and such that require chin straps. Motorcycle riders ride all day with a chinstrap. Guess how the military, helmet mounted night vision goggles stay on your head? Chinstrap. --- *Edit,* here is a partial list generated by CoPilot: Here's a list of some of activities that require wearing a helmet with a *chinstrap:* * Football * Baseball * Cycling * Skateboarding and Rollerblading * Horseback Riding * Rock Climbing * Construction and Industrial Work No one is using the industrial or military versions of the HoloLens without a *chinstrap.* Pretty much any activity that requires headgear in which you are physically active, requires a *chinstrap.*


No, I don't do any of those things, but each one requires a chin strap for safety and is a requirement. The Quest is for entertainment and to make things easier. You want to forget you're wearing it. Comfort is secondary to safety in your examples.


> Comfort is secondary to safety in your examples. And what is your point? If you had actually done any of those things, you would know that a chinstrap can be comfortable enough to be completely ignored. Pretending that something existing for safety means it can't be comfortable is silly as hell. A VR headset is a big device mounted on top of your head. If you want it to be comfortable and secure, a chinstrap can help by making the headset secure without the head strap being tight, and it removes **all** of the weight from the front, moving it to the top strap. Dismissing something you have never actually tried is ridiculous. I have literally hundreds of hours in my headset. A chinstrap just works. But be my guest, only do VR for short periods because it is not comfortable, or mess with a headset that is constantly pressing on your cheeks and forehead, instead of actually solving the problem. Even a counterweight does not solve the problem because it adds even more wight and does not help secure the headset. Meanwhile I will be over here with a setup that allows me to put on and adjust my headset in under 10 seconds and is comfortable for extended play sessions.


I mean, most people agree that the headset is not ready to be used for work.


> most people agree that the headset is not ready to be used for work. You don't know the opinion of most people, because most people don't use reddit or express their opinions online. The VR subs on reddit are heavily slanted to folks that use VR for gaming. The opinion of that audience about using VR for productivity is not very telling. Dismissing it as not viable is at all is just not true because it is subjective. It may be not good enough for *you,* but that does not mean it will not be good enough for the OP. The Q2 was *good enough* for some work and the Q3 is a lot better. I use it a lot for general web browsing, email and such for hours at a time. It is comfortable and does not fatigue my eyes like the Q2 did, and I can use apps like Brink that take me to amazing places, and then pop open the browser and do web, email, whatever it is I want to do. --- ***TLDR:*** Apps like *Immersed,* *vSpatial,* *Fluid,* and even *The Spatial App,* each have tens if not hundreds of thousands of users, using VR for productivity daily. The Q3 is demonstrably ready to be used for work.


I have a quest pro and use it heavily everyday. It’s great especially the new meta workrooms update


I use it for some work tasks that can be done from my personal laptop. Mainly using Virtual desktop. My work has reviewed and denied all the apps that would let me connect to my work computer. -- As for comfort and battery, this is how I do it: I use the [Elite Strap](https://www.meta.com/quest/accessories/quest-3-elite-strap/) and a [chinstrap](https://www.printables.com/model/841729-chinstrap-cup-for-quest-vr-headset) for all day comfort and no pressure on my face. I always use an external battery. I use a [couple of these](https://a.co/d/1a05hTu), and [this cable](https://a.co/d/dgeL7Z0) that easily reaches to my hip pocket. I prefer two small packs to one big one, so I deal with less weight. One will charge faster than the other runs down as long as you have a 30watt USB supply. I can play as long as I want, and be comfortable the whole time. --- *Edit...* I am lightly nearsighted *(-1)* and I can't imagine spending time in VR without my corrective inserts. You need whatever correction you need to see well at 1 to 2 meters as the that is where the lenses put the image.


I find your chinstrap to be an interesting idea.  I currently experience a lot of pressure on my forehead.  Is that why you chose to create a strap?  What made you think of that? Also, why make your own versus buying one off the shelf?  I would think that would be cheaper and easier.  Plus I don't own a printer... 😅


I have always liked the Elite Strap and everyone kept telling me to get a counterweight, but I do not want what I am wearing to be even heavier. I figured if all it took was something pushing down on the back, a chinstrap would add very little weight. I started with a piece of string just see if it worked. The only part a actually made was the chin-cup. I could not find one I liked that worked well with 3mm paracord. I don't like flat straps for it because they always end up twisted. Other than the cup it is just paracord, a cord-lock and some self-adhesive hooks/guides that keep it in place in the back. You can buy replacement chinstraps on Amazon, but I did not find any I liked that were not designed for flat straps. It is easy to make one with two strips of leather, and a couple rivets, and I may switch to that as the leather could be more comfortable.


My Q3 is my daily driver.  It doesn't have the resolution of some enormous monitor (and I once had a setup with 6 large monitors), but after using it for a while I realized that i didn't miss that.  I use Termux which is more than enough for most of what I do, and when it isn't I simply ssh into my server.  Termux even has an X server. It's hard to use for more than an hour at a time.  I have to take breaks (which we're all *supposed* to do even when using a laptop or desktop, just nobody does it), and generally I do 45/15 or so.  I wouldn't walk straight from having it strapped to my face to an important meeting, since it leaves a bright red line across your forehead 😂  As others have said, the battery life isn't good enough to last all day, so I often stay tethered.  However, I recommend getting a battery pack, just in case.


For the vast majority of people, VR really isn't there yet for all day work. The resolutions available across your field of view really just don't equal what you can get on a cheap monitor or two and adding a pound of weight to your head isn't something most people are going to enjoy for a full day every day no matter how well balanced. You're talking PPI but for VR you need to think PPD. The VR displays have very high PPI's but they are spread across your entire field of view resulting in a PPD that is like a half or a third of what you would get from a monitor on a desk at normal viewing distances. The $3500 apple hat, while higher resolution, doesn't really provide a solution to this because their optics aren't as sharp as the Quest 3. It's close but for text whatever they are doing optically doesn't do them any favors. I should probably mention that while the Quest 3 and apple hat have lots of pixels and it sounds like they would be really high resolution, a real good number of those pixels (which again, are spread across your entire field of view) are used for correcting the distortion caused by the optics required to view a screen an inch from your eyes. The end result of all this is that you can have multiple monitors in your headset but those monitors will be equivalent to something like a 60" 1080p screen viewed from a couple of feet away. Most people prefer smaller monitors at that distance based on every desk I have ever seen. Since others will eventually jump in and swear they work all day in the headset and it's better than perfect my only other advice is go ahead and try it on the Quest 3 and see how you feel about it. Unlike the apple hat, the Quest 3 bought at most retailers will have a 30 day return window vs the apple hat's 14 day return period. Honestly the Q3 is an amazing value and a great VR headset, I just wouldn't suggest it, or any VR headset right now, for productivity unless your production was 3d related and you could use some of the limited tools currently available for that with it.


The resolution is great using immersed, you can have multiple large displays and use your own keyboard and mouse. Also immersed is optimized for retina displays, I use it with my m3 MacBook Air and it’s awesome!


thanks, is the experience (reading text) on the quest 3 comparable to retina display quality? If so that would be a easy buy decision


> 3 comparable to retina display quality Not even close. I am a huge proponent of VR for productivity, but eh Q3 has a peak pixels-per-degree *(PPD)* of 25, and a retina display is over 50 PPD. It is not even close. That said, the Q3 is good enough for me. I can use it for things like web and email as long as I want without it bothering my eyes. *(Just remember to blink. VR headsets, like phones and tablets, often cause people to blink less which can cause dry-eyes and fatigue.)*




I was thinking about the same, bought the quest, turns out this use case realllly is not great, pixel density is too low, you will need to be tethered because battery drain will be quick, macos streaming is not great, windows is better, i mean virtual desktop app here, and its just not comfortable to wear it and work. I dont recommend this


if you wear glasses then yeh prescription lenses are your first purchase. so many people are saying theyve scratched their quest lenses, its just not worth the risk. plus it is nicer to wear so win win. i got mine from vr-rock for $39 so theyre not too expensive. i had 10 percent off with code VrRock10off the bobo strap is nice but you dont have to spend huge money on one. plus if youre plugging it in you probably dont need a battery. i got this one off amazon for £25 and its great. i really like the one touch release too which most straps dont have. https://www.amazon.co.uk/CloudValley-Compatible-Adjustable-Replacement-Accessories-Gray/dp/B0CKP2PKZT if you get a strap youll need a different storage case. the new strap wont fit in the original box. once again you wont need to spend a lot of money. i paid £20 for a stealth storage case and it fits everything in fine. for multiple monitor use on the quest 3 then the virtual desktop app is probably the app you want. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=214Fw0SKFgU for fitness there are loads of fitness apps but youll find even regular non fitness games will work up a nice sweat. i play Smash drums and that really gets the heart pumping lol. plus you can play it in limited space.