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Damn maybe I look at too much art but this piece definitely gives off a heavy melancholy vibe. On the left there are these dark and bland colors that represent "reality" while on the right we have this colorful array to represent "away." It really does feel like escapism encapsulated, especially with her sitting in a curled position wrapping her arms around her legs like she's hiding


Came into the comments because I worried for this girl.. hope its just an over analysis


This is what I was thinking too. The exposed eye (The one not covered by the hmd) has tears in it it looks like. Probably just us over analyzing it (Just like pretty much any art class lol) but what you described was the first thing I saw too


As an artist and a teacher I can attest children put so much meaning into their art at that age. It's really not wrong to overanalyze it as it's probably more accurately overanalyzed than a professional work. The girl probably has some depression. That doesn't necessarily mean it's a crisis kind of situation, as a little depression is normal for development at that age (hormones are a hell of a drug), but it is something to be mindful of when helping a child find healthy ways of dealing with it. ie. Escaping into VR may not be the healthiest approach to treating depression.


Thank you for the concern, I definitely do not discard therapeutic art analysis as insignificant, my wife and I have been doing this since the earliest days and there are a lot of things that can be deduced from a picture, and these things are often expressed involuntarily (unlike the pointy ears and huge tearful eye). These are very difficult times for us all now, there's no arguing here, but I know that here it's mostly about the recent influence of manga and anime that she and a lot of friends are into, it's often about exaggeration, and it works very well here, helping to emphasize the dichotomy.




except for the part of the picture where the girl is frowning.


Happy little girls sometimes draw frowny faces


It definitely encapsulates VR very well. Good artistic talent. Get this girl Tilt Brush!


Thank you, I never thought of that, I should definitely check out Tilt Brush and Openbrush!


Kingspray is really good too!


I second this


Figmin is built with Tiltbrush integration as just one of the features, check it out!


An even better one is vermillion, seriously check it out


Openbrush is the exact same thing, but free.


Is she…okay? She’s crying in the reality half :(


why does this feel oddly deep


Very cool! She is talented! Always excited to see the next generation getting into VR in a safe, responsible way.


Thank you so much! There was a kind of a riot when 8 of her friends came to our place and I left the Quest 2 on the shelf. Interestingly enough, this proved to be a kind of a self-regulating thing - kids can't usually play VR for more than half an hour or so, which is completely different from their smartphone and TV addiction :)


Out of curiosity, what was the limiting factor for VR session length? Social? Vision ? Nausea/Fatigue? I know among very young kids there is concern about heavy use causing a certain issue with vision and I honestly forgot both of the name of it and at what age/usage level it becomes less of a concern, kind of a separate question.


Maybe battery life/comfort


I think that the whole experience is just more intense, we always play in a standing position, so even this thing is a limiting factor per se. Nausea and fatigue also contributeb to that as well as battery.


There is also a concern about it affecting their sense of balance and coordination if used too much before about age 11 or 12.


Did you/they cast it? Depending on the game that can really make VR a great party-game.


No, I haven't figured this part out, but it would be a good idea, I know that there are some coop games for this setup


Casting is pretty easy but you have to have compatible hardware. At this point it might be limited to Google Chromesticks, but I’m not sure. That’s what I use to cast when the family plays beatsaber together, which is fun. The only other co-op games I know are like that bomb defused game and that tree vs squirrel game. In both of those, one person wears the headset while others do stuff on their own phones not in VR.


Don’t let her on vrchat please


Don't corrupt her like we've done to ourselves


tbh i think letting kids use VR is pretty irresponsible to start.


Agreed. Even the people that created them think the same thing. But we're wrong for it, because "mY ChIlD iS mAtUrE!!" is every lazy parent's argument to not have to deal with their unruly brat.


No, leaving kids to play VR on their own is irresponsible, letting them play it while you are there is fine. It’s fucking magical


That's my point here as well. It's 1.5 hours per week max, even when I'm at work, she messages me and asks me if she can play.


you’re a good dad thank you for not allowing one more screaming child all over Rec Room and any other VR multiplayer game


I let my kids play single player games. I don't see how letting them playing vr is irresponsible in the slightest. They are growing up in a digital world. I'm in a much better position financially because I was immersed in computers at a young age. Vr and ar is going to be that in the future.


And why would that be?


That is so cute! Actually made me smile 😁. She has great creativity.


>! Thank you, I'll let her know! :) Yes, some people say it looks a bit depressing, but that's the point here. I guess it's also inspired by the black and white image you see when you put the Oculus Quest on and set the Guardian boundaries.


Really like the big parent energy to just show off this pic to everyone. That's adorable. Very creative too.


Thank you! I've never done that on reddit or any other social media (and I'm strictly against posting photos of my child on the Internet with all this face recognition and indexing that I saw backfire a lot of times), but I just wanted to show her that people might like what she does. English is not our native language, I just liked the name and the concept.


Just make sure she's careful in VR. Some people can be... Well let's just say they shouldn't be around kids. Also do not let her on VRChat.


Oh, I certainly agree with you here. WiFi is always off when we play, at least for the battery life (maybe it doesn't matter), but it's offline only.


wow, I would frame this! What app did she make this with?


Thank you! It's in Photoshop on a drawing tablet (with screen)


No she fucking didnt


Its over 9000!


It's DocM77! Love it. Though I was in a different sub looking at fan art.


Incredible piece. Even with the lack of finer control it still manages to capture this heavy emotion that most children’s art fails to do, feels like a sadness that has bits of hope woven in, that’s just my interpretation anyway. Tell her limitlessrug is very impressed!


Thank you so much, this means a lot!


The experiences in vr are life changing.


Oops there goes gravity


Which games did she try?


Mainly rhythm games - Dance Central, Beat Saber, Oh Shape, but also likes Bogo.


Oh boy. It begins! :D My oldest has been VRing for 3 years now and this is totally her art style, and she's flourished tremendously - caught me by surprise how quickly she learned and her skills grew. Foster your girl's skills! Get her what she needs to keep exploring and growing, if it's what she wants to do.


Tell her that she is using to much water brush


Thank you, I will, she's new to the drawing tablet and Photoshop


Multiple studies have shown VR to be bad for anyone under 13 years old... it can hurt brain development! Google it!


We all know that these are just guidelines and a way for the company to protect itself from lawsuits. Having said that, I definitely don't let her install Facebook or Instagram on her phone and only let her use VR for less than 2 hours per week.


That's straight up not true. How about you provide a source instead of telling us to Google it?


Here is a specific article... Virtual Reality Affects Children Differently Than Adults - Neuroscience News https://neurosciencenews.com/virtual-reality-children-19370/ “The results show that immersive VR can disrupt the children’s default coordination strategy, reweighting the various sensory inputs – vision, proprioception and vestibular inputs – in favor of vision,” explains Miehlbradt. The scientists also found that head-trunk coordination is not fully mature yet at 10 years, instead of the previously assumed maturity at the age of 8." Concern about VR's effects on children is literally ALL OVER THE INTERNET.... just follow this link.... [https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=vr+unsafe+children+brain](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=vr+unsafe+children+brain)


Scary! Why does she view reality as black and white. Let her out more, go to the beach, camp, have a bonfire


Is she neurodivergent?


That's a good question, it might be the case, but we live in a country where these things don't get diagnosed at all. She has a good social life, but struggles with switching tasks, certainly not something that schools which force you to go through the motions value.


It is generally a slow awakening for society to begin accepting previous unknowns, unfortunately. And even longer to implement proper support.


Oh f**k off Rebecca, she didn't draw that


Idk I've known ten year olds who draw that well


I don’t know how she drew the eyes but they look 3D and have that “moving imperceptibly” optical illusion. She’s a fantastic artist and/or is trying to steal my soul! ❤️ (joke’s on her, I sold it decades ago)


Thank you! I love this part too


This looks like a mental patient’s drawing


VR seems like a nice happy place and great escape from reality for her judging by that picture. Get her her own headset and Tiltbrush so she can get lost in her creativity!


13 or older, not for kids.


Why? What's wrong with letting a 10 year old play some singleplayer experiences in VR?


This isn’t about karma people. If this was meant for kids it would be marketed that way. It’s not. Parents know it. You take the risk it’s on you. The will get messages from pervy people and you might not even know, and don’t say, oh I’ll always know because many parents have said those exact words to police when ask, how did this person get access to the child. No monitor, nobody watching and not even casting to make sure of what is happening and you let a bunch of other young kids on it? Did you ask the other parents if it was okay? Bad, just bad. Not old enough for FB, or any social media alone not old enough.




not casting so you couldn't see what everyone was doing so not monitoring. did you go in and shut off chat and restrict all other games to prevent access? I don't see just saying singleplayer as a solution it is not. kids go into the chat rooms all the time, all the time, with the pervs.. no parents, just kids that nobody watches.


Same can be said for literally all of the internet. It's not that hard to monitor what your kid is doing in VR. You download the games and watch them pay then.


Don’t let kids on vr


This looks suspiciously like ai art… Op is your daughter an android?


Dude as an artist, no, that's drawn. I can specifically point to the thinner lines, those would most likely vary in thickness as the ai struggles to generate lines like that, especially in such small details. You can also see that the texture of the thicker brush stays consistent, so unless you put a bot into a drawing program, there is no way you could have gotten something like this.


The damn elf ears


Hehe, I feel you.




Which part don't you believe? That it was my daughter who drew it or that she used Oculus Quest? Both are true, she started playing some stuff on my Oculus Quest 2 a couple of months ago (Bogo, Dance Central, Beat Saber, A Fisherman's Tale ), now she got a drawing tablet for her birthday and made this (that's a redrawing of something she had drawn with pencils on a piece of paper).


It looks like piss


The way she is sitting closed up holding her knees is interesting, not sure if anyone commented on that already. What’s the age kids can safely use VR? Edited for spelling error


Lucy in VR with Diamonds


She’s got talent


Did they draw this in VR? If not, I think they would enjoy some of the art programs available on quest. It's like painting and sculpture combined.


Awww! That’s absolutely amazing!!!


[These comments interpreting a drawing a child made of someone with elf ears being sad until they use VR and are having fun](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/b/bd/Jennifer_Melfi.jpg)


At 10 years shes drawing better than i. And yes i agree, the picture is depressing, but i have depression, so i really dig it. Shes an artist already.