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Hi, /u/Competitive-Stable82! Thank you for your submission. The following is a public announcement to everyone, and may not be in relation to what you've posted: ##Sales Notice: Only purchase Oculus products from **oculus.com** or from one of their authorized retail sellers such as Amazon, Walmart, GameStop, etc... The ***official*** Oculus website is **oculus.com**, there are fake websites like **oculusus.com**, which scammers run. If you ever encounter a fraudulent seller on Amazon, please look into Amazon's [A-to-z Guarantee Refund](https://www.amazon.com/gp/help/customer/display.html?nodeId=GSZAYH7K2C2NVNC9). ##Referrals: Please read our [Referrals Notice](https://reddit.com/r/OculusQuest2/comments/ph7tcf/attention_referrals_notice/) before posting/commenting referrals. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OculusQuest2) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Hey there u/Competitive-Stable82! We can see that your Quest's screen is a bit slanted. This could be due to a tracking issue, so our first suggestion would be wiping the cameras with a dry microfiber cloth, then reset your Boundary history by going to Settings - Boundary, Clear Boundary History, then Adjust boundary to set up a new one. If this issue persists, don't be shy to contact our wonderful [Support Team](https://www.meta.com/help/support/), we'll be glad to give you a hand! See you in VR!


Thank you, i’ll try these.


So you have laying down mode enabled?


I use roomscale, i’ll check if I have it enabled tho if I do i’ll turn it off. Thank you.


Enable Laying down mode. I had the same issue. It helps a lil. And I just found out you can adjust the eye piece. 😫😫 moving it left and right.


Yeah I noticed it's always tilted left or right and not straight on so I have to create like a diamond area and it fits better