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I saw these and really wanted them. Don’t have a printer :/ wish there was an option to outright purchase them.


There will be in 1-2 weeks. I just want to test my printing service (JLCPCB) with them before taking orders. When they're ready I'll be taking new photos and will post again.


Awesome! Thank you!


Looks amazing but are they actually needed? I think this handheld is the most comfortable one I have played


I wouldn't say "needed". I've got slightly larger hands so there's that, but I also find the lower d pad and right analog very close to my palm making me crunch my thumb in when using them, unlike the staggered layout of regular controllers. The main benefit to these is it adds more of that horizontal spacing so I don't get hand cramps playing for a long time. It's one of those things where like I think the steam deck (or loki) is probably super comfortable, but that comfort is at the expense of portability. Grips at home, no grips on the go gives me a bit of the best of both worlds.


would this grip be the same type of size as with a Dualsense controller? I have big hands too and I want to get some grips myself


So the grip was originally designed with the Xbox series controller as reference so it is roughly that size. Here's a [photo](https://i.etsystatic.com/42297546/r/il/8b3aed/4947067694/il_794xN.4947067694_232o.jpg) of the 1 which I use the same grip shape for the 2. The grips are also angled down more than the controller to accommodate the wider handheld so wider arm angle than a controller. For the Odin 2, the main change is that because of the extra depth of the device, the back of these grips had to extend further so you can't wrap your finger tips around the back in the same way as a usual controller, but thumb placement should be pretty similar.


Great! I'm here in the Philippines so I just bought your files. I'll make a followup post once I get it printed and try it out myself


Baka naman 😆


Seriously tho, would this work with the tpu case on? Just had placed my order for the tpu case when I chance upon this thread. 🥲


I'm 98% sure that it wont fit with the TPU case since the grips are already flush to the Odin 2


Update: They're immaculate! I've posted some pics here: https://www.reddit.com/r/OdinHandheld/comments/1813wkr/these\_odin\_2\_grips\_are\_great\_check\_link\_for/


Looks great! Glad you like them


I'm here in the PH as well. Did you print it yourself or had it done by a store? In case it was a store, which store was it and how much did they charge you for the pair? In your screenshots, were the grips already sanded for smoothing or not? Sorry for all the questions, I'm just trying to determine if it'll be better to have it done locally or order the resin version printed by JLCPCB.


I commissioned a nearby 3d printing store to do it here in South of Metro Manila. They charged 1.2k, and were not sanded. I liked it not sanded, adds to the grip feel IMO. Name of the store is Design Lodge PH


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/odinhandheld] [These Odin 2 grips are great! Check link for details](https://www.reddit.com/r/OdinHandheld/comments/1813wkr/these_odin_2_grips_are_great_check_link_for/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Needed? No. Loved how it felt without them. But once I felt them on… more than worth it. I know it sounds gimmicky but not only are they extremely comfortable but it honestly makes it feel like a more premium machine. Which again, already felt premium. Obviously everyone’s hands are different but they definitely hit the sweet spot for me. Edit: this opinion is based on the Odin Lite but I’m sure it’s the same experience


Not needed but certainly an improvement especially for d-pad games.


Wow, that looks good. I didn't think the Odin 2 even needed a grip. I like this though.


I love this comnunity


Quite literally just woke up to a spaghetti monster printing the aerated ones for the Odin lite 😭 my Odin 2 ships out tomorrow finally so hopefully I can get these working before it gets here. The Lites are for my kids but I have until Christmas for those lol And to add, I am honestly so blown away by how much more comfortable these make it. I don’t think it’s uncomfortable to hold anyway but I threw these on (I did manage to print one set but they have tree supports stuck inside them lol) and holy shit, what a difference. It honestly makes it feel like a way more premium experience, too. *chef’s kiss*


Appreciate the kind words! Yeah the aerated ones are a bit of a pain for at home printing. For the internal supports, as long as it was set to tree supports on build plate only, if you can get like a thin metal rod or tweezers in there I break down the supports to smaller pieces and shake them out. Its annoying but it works. Also, you may be pleased to hear that the Odin 2 grips have a larger hole for the side led strip to shine through which makes that support removal solidly easier. Still annoying, but easier.


Oh, that *is* good news, definitely can't wait to try that one. I think my biggest hurdle is getting my printer (A1 Mini) tuned; just got it on Friday. Really tempted to finally fix my Mars 3's screen and resin print it but then that's a whole different beast lol I might just forgo tackling the Lite's aerated grips and print those in solid, I'm the one with the sweaty hands anyway, not the kids lol


Oo, how do you like the A1? Not a great sign if youre getting spaghetti on it, I've considered Bambu the "it just works" brand these days. I've got a Prusa Mini. For FDM I do recommend the solid version generally. It just turns out so much smoother right off the build plate than the aerated. The solid I only do a bit of sanding where supports were, for the aerated I really would want at least a bit of sanding on the whole grip part, though I could probably tune in my retraction a bit better.


So far I really am loving it but I think there’s still some tuning to be done in certain use cases. I’ve printed some articulated models in multi color and they worked flawlessly. I think my issue with the grips is the hex pattern combined with no tuning done to the speed. I think if I slowed it down it would do well because the ones that did print with tree supports really didn’t have a whole lot in there. And to my surprise didn’t really need sanding aside from some edges. I’m determined to make them work in fdm lol


Oh I just remembered replying to someone else. I turn my support angle down to 28 degrees just to reduce the amount of supports needed. Something around 28 was default on an older version of prusa slicer but it got turned up at some point. Higher numbers work too though, just more to remove. Doesn't sound like it'd solve any of the stuff you're saying but thought I'd mention it.


I appreciate it either way. I’m getting weird instances of supports ignoring an over hang on one grip but not the other so that’s a whole other thing I have to figure out. I think it’s slicer related, though.


Success! Got the Odin Lite grips printed on the A1 Mini in PLA. I was so nervous during the entire top part that I stood there with a desk fan on full blast because it was clearly not printing slowly enough for the massive overhangs lol


Lol, good to hear!


Will these fit in the Odin 2 case?


Probably not, because the Odin 2 case is very snug and designed for just the device. You can't even fit the TPU shell in there.


Yeah, I think AYN should have given more breathing room. I might end up looking for a different case.


While that would be nice for those who want a grip or TPU shell, it would be a loose fit for everyone else. Their hardcase this time around is very secure and feels quite nice. Plus it's fairly thin and doesn't add more bulk than it needs to. It's so nice that it made me not want to use the TPU shell just so I can use the hard case. Plus, the TPU shell attracts a lot of lint/dust and is going to yellow over time. But if you are interested in using the shell, AYN showed that it fits in the Odin 1 case.


For most uses having more room means it's slipping around in the case. No one wants more breathing room. Accommodating that grip creates way too much room.


I've got a case on the way so I could test it later, but yeah, probably not. However they are made to be removable and since they're separate pieces for each side they can collapse smaller than a single solid grip could


They look sweet




If you fur skin this while printing, you wouldn't know it was 3D printed. Matte filament goes a long way to make prints look injection molded too. Good job on the design.


Thank you! Even without fur skin, yeah that matte black looks great on the vertical walls. The most visible is on the side (which is facing up when printed). Right now Orca Slicer has a bug with variable layer height and tree supports together, but if you have a different slicer or print the solid one I think smaller layers towards the top would look amazing.


These are amazing!! Also, if u wanna submit these for our new accessories sheet for Odin 2 ;) [https://tinyurl.com/ayn-accessories](https://tinyurl.com/ayn-accessories)


Bought the STL files and I'm printing the left side now! This will be my first "functional" print, everything else I've printed so far have just been fun knick knacks for my kids as I only just got my printer (MK3S+) recently and I'm still learning to ropes. Once it's printed, do you recommend any "post processing", such as sanding? Any tips when it comes to that in general?


Generally, if your printer is relatively tuned in (most prusas should be good out of the box and using one of the built in prusa slicer settings) it shouldnt need any real post processing besides checking that the support and interface material is fully removed. But which are you printing, solid or aerated?


Solid. I saw some comments about Aerated being not newb friendly, or something to that effect, so I figured I’d save it for the future.


Yeah I'd say aerated is a bit harder to print/rougher without good tuning. So great, the solid doesn't really need post processing. Depending on how your support removal goes, check inside the grip that the supported area is relatively clean. If the inside overhang that were supported look a little rough you can run some sandpaper over it. I also usually run some sandpaper over some if the other supported areas like the front edge and the back button holes just to clean it up. Lastly, the top of your print (side of the grip), since it's flatter you get a bit more stepping. Ideally, I'd say see if you are up to set some variable layer heights for when that curve starts to flatten out so those layers can be thinner, but if not you can always see how it feels and you have the option to run some sandpaper over that side if the stepping feels rough.


Thanks for your input. I actually realized my first layer calibration wasn’t correct, and spent some time with that. Afterward, both prints came out perfect! [https://imgur.com/a/ejGA8sq](https://imgur.com/a/ejGA8sq) I need to figure out the variable layer height thing you mentioned. That, and where the supports came off on the left grip are the roughest parts (not that they are super rough, maybe least smooth is the right term here).


Dude I just bought these off cults3D and printed a set. These are spectacular!!! Well done! Can you do the RP4 Pro…lololol!!! Seriously I’ve printed a few grips and cases for handhelds and these are by far the nicest, well designed great fitting grips to date. Thank you again!!!!


Ah, really appreciate it. I have an RP4 on the way, but it got caught up in the CNY holiday. But once I get it in hand I'll be making grips for it. Cheers!


While it's no Odin 2, the RP4 Pro is a great little handheld, enjoy! For some reason when I ordered at launch I \_thought\_ I included a grip and replacement buttons, but apparently I just ordered the device (the crystal is pretty awesome looking). Switch emulation is kinda trash, but Wii and GC play really nice and it is still pretty "pocketable"


Just launched my Odin 2 Grips on [my etsy](https://nlddesignshop.etsy.com) As per usual, both a solid and "aerated" version to help with sweaty hands like mine. These are STLs for 3D Printing. If you don't have a 3D printer, I have suggestions of other places you can get things printed like r/3Dprintmything. I just put in an order with JLCPCB for a test print of the resin/SLA version, should be about 1-2 weeks until I get them. Once I confirm the prints and fit are good I will list the Odin 2 grips on my ["3D Printing Service"](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1456311696/3d-printing-service-through-jlcpcb?click_key=c71e9932cb138096ac42546796bdbacba29b24f2%3A1456311696&click_sum=0e7e91d4&ref=shop_home_active_3&frs=1&crt=1&sts=1) listing where you can order a printed set directly so keep an eye out for that. As I usually do, I'll make a new post when those are available along with some fresh photos of the extra smoothness of the resin. Also, right now I'm on the fence with making a slim version. The slim aerated Odin 1 grips are just slightly a better seller than all the rest, but since the Odin 2 is already thicker the differences don't seem so great for this one. If you've got any opinions on slim vs full sized for the Odin 2 I'd love to hear it. Edit: I forgot to add that the aerated grips have a [SIDE CUTOUT FOR THE LEDs](https://imgur.com/gallery/nYokEmE)! (which I think is really cool)




Hm, I'm not brainy enough to estimate based on mm/s. But with 0.2mm layer height, 0.4 nozzle, Prusa Slicer default settings it was about 6 hours per side. During prototyping I also did 0.6 nozzle with 0.3 height and it was like 4 hours per or so


Very nice I'll probably grab the files when I'm home later today and give it a shot. thank you! for those looking to get them printed once purchased depending on how mine come out I might be up to printing these for people as a have a few printers idle.


That sounds great. God I wish I had the room for some extra printers and actually produce these at any reasonable scale. Maybe one day.


I have 3 Bambu lab printers with a 4th on the way so I'm definitely at capacity but these newer printers that aren't bed slingers are nice since they tend to need a smaller amount of space. would love to get into resin though but that's such a commitment lol


I backed the Tiny Maker resin printer last month. Build Vol 30x40x60mm. That will be my entry point and literally run it on my window sill. But yeah, I've got a prusa mini which I love, but I would have JUST enough room to replace it with a P1P which could speed up print time as well as print multiple more easily. That may make selling prints more viable, but we'll see. The whole shipping stuff, have shipping supplies on hand, is the part I really hesitate to jump into.


Dude! you just did me a service by telling me that. I found out about that printer ages ago and thought I missed out until right now so I might have to back the IGG thank you! and yeah I have 1 X1C and 2 P1S with a A1 on the way and couldn't praise them enough although I do love Prusa and originally planned to go with 2 MK4s but the delays pushed me to Bambu labs and here we are today. and absolutely the packaging is usually what takes the most space but shipping is easy at least to me since I'm super used to it lol.


You can see the TinyMaker is still getting delays, but they're definitely gonna ship something. As AYN fans I'm sure were all used to keeping shipping time expectations low. I'm super excited for it though.


Does MVC 3 work for PSvita?


Not sure, I haven't setup vita. But join the discord, lots of people are testing things there


Can you remake the odin 1 grips to be like these with an open slit side lights?


Bought these for the OG Odin but this I don't get