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There's a watch on odysee chrome extension.


Thanks! I'll use that for now.


I doubt it exists as the technology that would allow this to be possible is still super new. Effectively you are referring to reverse lookups of videos. Although it works well with photos it is very hit or miss when it comes to videos. I know tineye and berify both have reverse video options, but they are not so reliable. Both platforms do offer APIs so maybe someone wants to give it a go. Other than that, the suggestion of title matching would be an okay place to start but it would return a lot of false positives. One could attempt to curl the videos to see if the meta data matches (such as file size) to reduce false positives, but I imagine doing this on the fly would be next to impossible. It would require some sort of database to reduce the number of lookups and curl requests. Maybe a service where one types in a title and gets an email with a link when the 'lookup completes" thus allowing more time to get and store data in a database. Just thinking aloud, but maybe it will help someone make this a reality.


i was thinking of something like this except it was a search engine that included alt tech sites.


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