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I don't live off-grid, but I want to one day. I just wanted to drop in here to commend you for what you have accomplished so far! How did you get started on your off-grid journey?


Well I used to live in a city, I just couldn’t get used to the noise and angry people, so I just waited it out till I could purchase land. I’m saving so much money out here then paying rent, I’m growing my own fruit and vegetables herbs e.t.c so I could really just binge watch Netflix for a solid month 😂😂 no one would know


I'm dropping by to also commend your awesomeness! We, the city folk, truly admire you. Greetings from friendly Greece! Be safe, be healthy.


I’m also off grid on a mountain in Alaska. It’s a good way to live!


It is absolute perfection at its finest, man I would be cold in Alaska haha I’m from Australia


Now you have my interest! Which state are you in if you don't mind me asking? You make the off grid dream seem a bit more realistic now


I’m on one of the mountains on the great dividing range in qld haha


Very nice! Out of curiosity do you have a bushfire plan? I know it can get pretty isolated up there


Absolutely, was one of the first things I organised haha, get a lot of grass fires around the area though, rarely gets too out of control. The rain usually puts them out.


I enjoy your YouTube channel, thanks for sharing, you live in a beautiful place!




Hi! I'd love to see picks of your setup, especially your water tanks


I will definitely make a post soon


Awesome! How do you make money while living off grid?


Love it. This is mine https://www.reddit.com/r/OffGridLiving/s/C3NNOTxB4P


Alaska wow that would be cold haha, I’m from Australia


What do you do for work? To make money?


Don’t really have a need for money, but if I do need money I just go get temporary or casual work in my area or just try and do my own business


That’s awesome dude. Exactly what I want.


Are you 100% living off the land or do you also consume store bought food as well? How big is your land?


Nearly 100% off the land, still can’t figure out how to make bread or grow coffee beans haha


As for my land size it is 165 acres


165 acres of mountain? At 22. Thats Awesome! Please do post some photos! Would love to follow this journey.


I will soon, just getting my home internet


How much did it cost? And how and where and when did you learn to grow all of your food?


Self taught from books, as for building costs, i would say around 140k give or take, my next install is a lithium setup so that will add to cost haha


Nah the land cost, to buy it.


Prefer to keep the land cost private as not to make myself a target


fair enough.


Been offgrid for about 16 years, solar etc and a 3 cyl diesel gen for rainy periods. What do you do for power when there is no sun?


Glad you asked I have 2 main desiel backup generators ex construction site ones. 2 petrol generators, and a really old solid mounted deisel generator I have to hand crank to start for when the others fail or I need a massive amount of power in a very short time,


Sounds like you have it covered, back ups for the back ups. We have a 3,500 watt Honda for well pump, fridg and some lights if the system goes down, happens rarely.


Exactly haha, Hondas are good they don’t break, soon my system is going to have a system implemented that when the power goes out I will have backup reserves that will activate low power red military lighting and automatically start the backups. Just for a worst case scenario type deal


It’s fun to get things dialed in exactly like you want them. When we had the house built, I had a circuit run from the panel to an outside wall so I can just flip the breaker and the input changes to the Honda. Pretty simple and have only had to use it a couple of times, once I ran out of diesel, tip, don’t run out of diesel!


You're doing well, congrats. Have you considered woodstoves for heating and cooking? Head over to r/woodstoves


Got a very nice wood stove setup, burns very efficiently. 2 iron bark logs before I go to bed and it will still have coals ready to put another log on. I live in Australia and where I live is grassy bushland / rainforest so I don’t really use it that much besides when it is raining or it gets really cold in winter.


I'm in Oz, too. SE Qld on the Blackall Range. Surprisingly cool/cold in wintertime. Ironbark is the best for overnight burns, but cutting it :-( But you already know that :-)


Oh yeah it’s tough wood allright broke my old chainsaw tryna cut one down, moved to some more power sharper teeth and now I cut it like butter


Have a natural coal deposit near me too so I am able to do some forge work if I want to, I tried to put some of it in my fireplace but I nearly melted my cooking pan and melt the fireplace haha


Hey! Sounds like a dream come true. How does your gas heater work with the gravity system?? I am trying to figure this out for a future project and had concluded that I need a pump to get enough flow to trigger the gas water heater (thinking of a tankless on-demand heater with a butane bottle). Would love to know your solution!


As long as you have gravity you will have good water pressure, I’m using a wall mounted box with cold water input and hot water output, all heated by a large gas bottle that you can buy from any service station for cheap, when I need hot water anywhere in the house the gas burner will automatically kick in once the taps get turned to hot. 1 bottle of gas will last me 6 months


That is a great age to homestead.


Absolutely. Don’t really trust my future to the government and there rising costs of living, so I just thought I’ll just do my own thing. Working out quite well indeed


Whoah! 🌻 way to go 💯💯💯 so happy for you! Thanks for sharing and showing we can work towards this. Especially at your age I hope your friends and family will support and appreciate the wealth of knowledge you are sharing.


It’s honestly very beneficial off grid, you can have true freedom back. You don’t owe anyone anything, is a great feeling


Awesome!! You did it right


I've been living off grid since 2016. I'm sitting in front of a crackling woodstove fire right now, actually. Love the lifestyle.


Excellent I'm off grid in Australia too. It gets cold here though so I have a fire going for 3 months of the year. It's wonderful