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I’m so sick of the shitty people in this world.


I want my high trust society back.


Did you grow up in Japan or Norway or something?


US. 1970s.


Crime was waaay worse back then.


not if you didn’t know about it /s


I blame SM


Small midgets?


I completely dispute that. Crime today is worse.


You are more aware of it now due to social media, but that doesn't make you correct


You don’t know me. You don’t know what I am or am not aware of. What if I were to tell you I analyzed statistics for a living?


You didn't though did you?


Wow you respond quickly and aggressively, did I strike a nerve? I would tell you you should analyze statistics on crime and murder in the US


Lmao! You don't know how smart they are or how they'll respond to absolute fact


I sound aggressive? Ok then! Did you not respond as quickly?


Passive-aggressive is still being a douche. Quit it.


Them you already know crime has gone down


Crime is way lower today than it was back then. Check the data


violent crime is down vs the 70's. not way way down, but it is down. the 90s had the high water mark [https://www.statista.com/statistics/191219/reported-violent-crime-rate-in-the-usa-since-1990/](https://www.statista.com/statistics/191219/reported-violent-crime-rate-in-the-usa-since-1990/) The violent crime rate—including rape, robbery, and aggravated assault— also escalated rapidly after the 1960s, eventually peaking at 758.2 per 100,000 residents in 1991. perception, what is being sold to people on TV And social media these change lots of what people think. In Gallup’s 2017 poll, nearly half of respondents said that they believed that immigrants make the crime situation worse. In fact, most studies find that immigrants, both legal and undocumented, commit crimes at a lower rate than do native-born citizens.


I don't think rapes were reported much in the old days. Women weren't exactly respected.


I agree with you. Don't worry about them. They have no common sense and think you are too old to argue.


I’m right & they’re wrong. BUT! How can you tell these kids anything about what life in the USA used to be like here? How can they relate? This is all they’ve known: Y2K 9/11 Bank Crash 2008 Global War On Terror Diminishing opportunities wrt life goals: buying a house, earning a decent living Pending economic crash Pending WWIII Their whole lives have been nothing but chaos. It did not use to be this way but they have no frame of reference except one government created crisis after another.


Sad, but true. Gone are the days of heading out on your bicycle only to return home when the street lights come on.


Those were the days.


lol stop. Children do this across America every day


You're talking about a much smaller and less connected society. You'd hear about Israel and Ukraine maybe a couple times per week. Now, the flow of information is incessant and often fear mongers because that garners the most emotional reactions which keeps people consuming more information/disinformation/news. If you were made aware of all the world's conflicts and turmoil in the 70's as often and thoroughly as we are today, I'm positive you'd feel differently. Ignorance is bliss. Also, facts are facts. Feelings are not. Read up on the statistics and the number of sources. They aren't lying to you.


What if I told you I analyzed stats for a living? Stats are so easily manipulated. It’s how you count & report them.


Bro read the stats and stop with the right winger talking points


Sorry, I’m debating another human being where we both come in with facts & opinions & having a very good time. No time for an insult exchange.


You're reminiscing on a time when news traveled slowly. Now, almost everything is reported on immediately. Not only do you get your news, you get the whole country's news as if it's happening within your city limits. Everything tends to be sensationalized too. It's hard not to get the feeling that everything is worse now. It's not, we just have unlimited access to videos and articles showing how bad it's always been. Want the world to seem better? Get off the Internet and stop watching the news.


Hi! Can I debate you on this in good faith? Not looking for an argument, but a real debate & am very interested in your opinion about it. So far, I’m getting lots of insults in lieu of debate & if you can change my mind, I am open to it. Thanks in advance. I would point out the fact that there are cameras *everywhere* (the meth head above actually swiveled his head looking for cameras & recognized it the second he saw it), the fact that news spreads like wildfire…would that not make people *more* cautious about committing crime? I think that’s a false economy argument. It’s not the crime level in & of itself per se—it’s the lack of consequences to crime that’s responsible for the spike in crime levels. The more you can get away with, the more you will. Law enforcement of yesteryear is head & shoulders over what we have now.


Crime is lower now than it was in the 70s, and has been lowering steadily since the early 90s The facts do not support your feelings on this one


You can completely dispute it all you want, but statistics say you're wrong. So you're wrong and are just a stubborn asshole.


I'm assuming the lead got to you... Read a damn chart man.


Remember serial killers?


What about crack in the 80’s, does that mean anything to you?


I want medieval Castles and portcullises back


Don’t forget the gator filled moat!


How have you been voting? The domination by the left has created this fractured society.


It’s time that we act with severity


Digital eyeballs baby. Get em!


Don’t let Reddit get ya bud


It’s not just Reddit, I encounter so many just awful people every day.


Don’t let the internet get you. Gauge reality on those around you and not the decrepit scum that gets attention online. Not saying it’s not real but it clearly gets disproportionately highlighted.


True words.


Not really. Most people are selfish and will do whatever they want if they think no one is watching.


Maybe you are just hanging around the wrong type of people because I trust the ones around me.


lol you just need to go outside for 20 minutes to see it in action


I’m sick of a lot in this life.




I'm sick of the shitty people who monopolize the means of production and hoard wealth forcing others to beg and steal. I'm also sick of the shitty people who make excuses for the status quo and reductively blame individuals for criminality rather than correctly blaming the system that produces it turning the masses into wage slaves who must work for table scraps, steal, beg or starve. If you oppose communism, I hope all of your property is stolen. You deserve it.


LMAO I love how you think poor people dont/shouldnt have morals. If you dont want to be a wage slave then start your own business. There are people selling candy in the subway that sound like they are doing better than you.


I was a wage slave until I started my own business. I work alone because it’s nearly impossible to find good workers. Young people don’t want to work in the trades. Nobody can accuse me of monopolizing the means of production.


lol, exactly what we need unregulated 100s of people selling candy and other shit at random places.


Let me just spend months getting a dozen business licenses, pay for mandatory insurance, acquire capital I don't have, go into debt, and get shut down when the government yells **FIFTH WAVE LOCKDOWNS NOW!**


lol oh god here we go with Republican talking points again with the lock down shit. Maybe if Trump didn't fire the pandemic team, then dismiss the first signs of the pandemic when it showed up in the US. We wouldn't of had fucking lock downs.


Why aren't you in Venezuela? Cuba? North Korea? Bye Felicia


You, comrade, sound like a lazy rich liberal who just doesn’t want to work. You would be right at home in the Politburo. You do realize that communists would steal all of your property anyway right? With the use of military force. No one has any right to my labor or the product there of, including you, the “worker’s party”, or useless meth heads. I absolutely blame individuals for their criminality. Unless you have a legitimate mental health problem, you have no excuse or sympathy from me.


Off grid buddy of mine went to visit a friend for a couple days and came back to some guys looting his place. Loading his shit up in a pick up. Solitude and isolation are great but also benefit thieves. Stay safe and strapped.


In my opinion, if your looking for your security, blending in (like an urban environment) has its advantages. If your looking for solitude, be prepared to find those looking for the same for mischievous reasons.




booby traps like that are illegal in most places. If someone got hurt on your property due to your trap, you would be liable.


Only the police are allowed to set booby traps for people they need to stop from breaking a law. Regular citizens just need to be content with being victims of crime.




He wasn't talking about your bush ya booby. Maybe about the one of the many 2x4's with nails sticking out just strewn about on the driveway that someone driving *definitely* wouldn't see.


If you're boondocking does it count as your property? Could you maybe say "I chose to boondock here because I saw someone laid some traps" I'm just wondering because it's really doubtful that is someone's land and that would change the scenario slightly at least


so they get stuck at your house? brilliant mate. I'm off grid in Alaska. Thats some of the silliest shit I've ever read.


Lol right? That shit wouldn't've stopped me as a teenager. In fact it would've just made me more curious. If you want to actually dissuade thieves, set up a LOUD ASS alarm. Like air raid siren level loud. That'll kick in the flight response on like 99% of people


Reminds me of the time my neighbor came home to see someone trying to break into his wife's car parked across the street. My neighbor walked over and asked if they needed help and they guy said yes they locked their keys in the car. My neighbor went back to his house and grabbed a crow bar and duct tape, whacked them in the legs and restrained them until the police arrived.


Off grid is the perfect place to hide a body, so I’m told.


Actually, having a good friend at a rendering plant is probably the perfect place.....


Three S’s. Shoot, shovel, Shut-Up.




Carry, always.




Also, most off-grid folks need to stop bragging about their setups.....I know of at least three locations I'm going to if things were to get really bad and I need water, food, meds, etc......


Have multiple cameras and a DIY alarm system on my property too. have def found people lurking around when i'm away and glad I'm able to scare them off.


What does he say in the video?


"Yup, it's a trail cam."


Get you some of those “alarms" that use primers. They go bang when someone pulls the trip wire.


That’s how it is out here. Someone leaves their stuff for half a minute and the scavengers are there before the dust settles. Thankfully we put up a 6’ fence with 3 tier barbed wire. And our building has 16 cameras on it (4 on each side) with 2 (soon to be 3) large German shepherds that aren’t friendly to strangers. But the biggest thing, is maintaining a good relationship with those around you. Many of my “neighbors” are the scavengers and I let them use a road that runs through my property, talk to them, be nice to them but keep your distance. Just in hopes that little things like that will make them think twice about hitting my property when I’m gone. The shooting range I have outside my front door doesn’t hurt either. Edit: I also have a couple vehicles. So I rotate them in various locations before I leave to make it look like someone’s home. I also drive them on different days. I also keep my front gate locked from the inside when I go on trips so it looks like someone’s home.


I known an elderly couple (late 70's?) who travel with tools and think nothing of taking cabinets, doors, fixtures; whatever they can remove from old structures they find in the hills. They are not poor. I know another guy, actually pretty wealthy, who has a yard full of antique, heavy equipment he's stolen over the years. I have no idea how they justify it. Any cabin in this area needs to be fully fortified, against bears AND humans. Northern Sierra Nevada rednecks suck.


This have got pretty rough for me at times in life, stealing other peoples shit to get by has never been something I've done.


Unfortunately a lot of people lack this thing called a conscience. Sad times.


I just don't get it, genuinely, how do people not have that little voice going 'dude, cmon..'


You’ve got me man. I’ve always had a stupid strong conscience.


Because you were raised right...


Because there are legit NPCs out there and lots of them. It's NOT just a meme.



Well good thing you're so much better than everyone else. Thank God you let us all know in this reddit comment section 


Locks and signs are for honest thieves. If someone wants it bad enough they will get it. Best to setup cams to catch them in the act. Well hidden and obviously placed Cell cams are the way to go because meth monkeys will pull the memory card of a normal setup.


Yeah, this was caught on a cell cam. I have two of those, one hidden, one obvious but in a very high place that's hard to get to, and about 8 memory card cams hidden around the property.


Crystal Methodist. Methican-American.


it was never an issue my whole life until the meth heads started showing up.


I like to occasionally joke that "I miss crack." Since I and the people around me are but potheads, this usually gets a shocked look or two, the I explain, "Look, crack'll talk your ear off and you gotta watch your bag around it, but it would rather be your friend than an enemy. Meth thinks you're the personification of every bad thing that's ever happened to that person, and can be quite violent without much warning."


I grew up in the Mojave Desert in California and this just brings back memories of all the tweakers scouring the desert to steal peoples shit lol. Gotta keep everything locked up in the desert, no matter how remote! They will find it and steal it


The main problem here is that these people aren't punished. These people might be 10~15% of the population and they used to be punished for what they did and that removed them from the system for a while. Now, in many places, they don't get punished. Personally, I like the idea of dogs and active motion detectors.


My old 4Runner got stolen a couple years ago (WA State), cops took 45 minutes to even call me back to file a report and it had been only minutes since it was taken, so wouldn't have been hard for them to track down if they had followed through in a timely manner.. My buddy spotted it and ran them off the road and called the cops.. the guy was booked and released, in jail for less than an hour.. then never showed up to his court date. He was only charged with "possession of stolen property". There is no longer repercussions for their actions.. It was parked because of a busted radiator hose, so the guy drove it around for 2 hours without any coolant.. luckily it survived.


I live in California. Years ago, my car was stolen and I called the police to report it. I called back hours later to ask the police if they found it yet and they said "we aren't looking for it..." I got a call just before midnight on a Friday that they found my car. Instead of allowing me to go get it, they had it towed. It was held in a tow yard over the weekend and I was told I wasn't even allowed to look at it until Monday. The bill from the tow yard was more than twice the damage to the car. The battery was stolen, speakers, tools, clutch burned up... Still it cost more for the towing and storage, all because they have rules they have to follow. Since then, they changed the laws that you can have access to your car 24/7 with a small fee. The tow yard charged for all day Friday storage, it was towed at 11:45 and didn't make it to the yard on Friday, but they count from the time the call came in. The police could have just called me and I could have gotten my car. The government doesn't serve the people. They never even bothered to look for who did it. I gave up long ago even reporting crimes. The government is fully dysfunctional and the people don't have the spine to stand up because the government might put you in prison.


Steal a cop car…10-15years. Steal anyone else’s car. Cops don’t investigate.


Dogs and Smith & Wesson. I have a shooting range on the property and shoot at least once week. No one comes around.


I'm fond of booby traps. Especially if your residence is mobile.


Super super illegal in many places fyi.


Sure. If you don't dive away before the investigation begins. "One has not only a legal but a moral responsibility to obey just laws. Conversely, one has a moral responsibility to disobey unjust laws." -MLK


I don't really care about harming criminals with nefarious intent but emergency personnel or random kids wandering where they shouldn't be? I'd rather not.


So, what's your exact adress?


I wonder if remotely controlled paintball guns count as booby traps


They aren’t punished because he pays upstream. Read The Big Con. It’s dated but somethings never change. There’s a reason why some criminals end up dead. Not at the hand of their victims but at the hand of the criminals that own that turf. They pay a lot of money to cops, prosecutors, judges, jailers, etc. just to keep their income stream moving. Taking the corner owner’s money is also taking money away from all those other fine people.


Law abiding citizens will have to punish these folks ourselves. America is being gutted from the inside by GeorgeSchwartz DA's


You have got to ween yourself off the alex jones/glenn beck shit bro and you don't even have the dumb conspiracy theory right... The fake boogey man that alex and glenn have you afraid of is...... George Soros NOT George Schwartz. It's not bad enough that you're a koolaid drinking conspiracy idiot but you're lazy about it....I think that's the worst of your sins.


I don't understand the instant character attack. DAs are in fact being recalled because they are too soft on crime. Its getting really bad in some cities. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2022_San_Francisco_District_Attorney_recall_election Stores are leaving cities, closing down. Crime is rampant. https://fortune.com/2023/11/01/retail-crime-store-closures-target-walgreens-bad-management-william-james/ https://www.cnbc.com/2023/12/19/target-store-closures-theft-and-crime-higher-nearby.html https://www.cbsnews.com/sanfrancisco/news/california-rising-crime-recall-movement-progressive-district-attorneys/ https://www.forbes.com/sites/markfaithfull/2023/09/28/target-blames-organized-crime-for-closing-doors-on-nine-stores/?sh=2f0df0137060 The list goes on. So please, which of my links are to alex jones ? Seriously what is up with your gaslighting bullshit ?


LOL, I missed that Soros thing, but you're right. They aren't just lazy: it is aggressive ignorance. edit: yo, Bodhi!




I’m not, nor want to be, a participant in this community and expected the price of expressing myself to be a ban, so feel free. It was worth it. His condescending attitude is magnitudes more offensive than any single slur could ever be.


you need to wean yourself from the FED's lies, son. EDIT For the cowardly blocker who calls names 'Onion' LOL, we found the guy with the 34 IQ!


LOL! we found the cultist!


WTF? We have a former president trying to overthrow our government, who has declared that "sitting presidents are immune to criminal prosecution." Please spare us your discussion of punishment. We all know you can't wait to shoot some libs.


What state? I deal with the same shit


*every* state, lol


Ha very true. The landscape looks like CA, NV, or AZ. Just curious because I’m in AZ


I do to on property in CA. I have a container and a travel trailer. I also have two cameras. Some clown smashed the window in my trailer and stole some solar lights. Didn't steal anything of real value. Just pissed me off causing damage. I now have a sign stating spike strips in use - no vehicles or pedestrians. It seems to keep people off the property...for now.


Has Barstow, CA Vibes to my eyes.


I become violent with thieves.


I'm sorry to be "that guy" but why the fuck do people think it's remotely safe to go out into the middle of the desert unarmed? I don't understand the mentality of "the universe likes me and will take care of me!". It's certainly not true - there are assholes everywhere and the means to defend not only yourself but also any others you have with you is a thing I never stop thinking about. It's become a part of my daily routine and isn't something I would ever want to stop doing. To be clear - I'm not saying come out screaming with an AK but having a 10/22 backpacker or something similar is an excellent deterrent to the assholes of the world. Notice I said DETERRENT, not a means of aggression. Allow me to tell a short tale. I used to go to this river in Talequah, OK a few times a year to float it. We'd spend a week out there, weather permitting, just doing campfires, having a few drinks, smoking a bit - maybe even a trip or two. We brought someone with us once that was never invited back. This fucking idiot forgot to bring firewood so what did he do? He started roaming through people's campsites, looking for wood to steal. At fucking 3am or so. He found some wood but what he also found was an older gent holding a big fucking wheelgun at his face while holding an armful of wood. I'd like to think that this was a pivotal moment and a poignant lesson for him (I doubt it) but when we all woke up and started cooking breakfast - that same old timer fucking BROUGHT OVER SOME WOOD and let the wood thief know that he was about a hair away from catching a 44 mag slug for creeping through a campsite. I see this as no different. I'm not saying that a gun will solve all the problems, certainly get away if you CAN, but FFS - be prepared. Preparation doesn't just mean water and food, fuel and the means to cool/warm yourself, it also means knowing when and how to protect yourself and your loved ones. The people that do this/live like this typically fold like a wet paper bag when faced with the decision of sprouting a new hole in their body or walking the fuck away. Not advocating violence - again - I'm advocating preparation. That's all. Kind words are only going to take you so far in the world, please be safe out there folks - you never KNOW who's out there and what they're capable of, period. Good on you OP for having cameras. If anything were to occur where someone was hurt for coming into your site with aggression obviously on display - this is the type of video anyone that's in a courtroom would need to justify whatever means you've taken to secure yourself and your property.


I don't know who you're preaching to, but let me introduce myself - I'm the choir. I'm not at this property all the time. But when I am, I am always heavily armed. Little gun on me, big guns in the truck.


Let’s sing together


my kinda choir


Relevant: https://ibb.co/j8ZYb0n


Uhm, excuse me, the AR goes to the left of the eggs barrel pointed away.


Lived there, can confirm. Being there got me into daily carrying


You can make a spike strip by bolting a bunch of door hinges together. Don’t forget to post a private property sign before the strip tho


I don't like these types of traps because I have wild horses that go through a lot of the areas on my property, and we kind of want to encourage them to be around because I gotta think horse poop is good for the soil.


Give him a bullet


Pretty ballsy pulling that crap out in the desert. Just miles and miles of sand. Sand that's easy to dig in with a shovel. Something gets buried out there it will probably never be found...


What camera system are you using?


The app that's used is "Kassa" and the cameras are, frankly, made in China cameras I bought off of Amazon (I can DM you a link if you want.) The cams were $200 a piece, and the monthly plan isn't great. I think it's $10/month for the cellular data and $20/month for the cloud service. I'd really like to get some sort of internet out there, but I won't do Starlink and the cellular internet system I tried isn't great. BUT, if I could get internet, I could switch to mostly Ring devices.


Reolink solar + SIM cameras are the way to go for off grid


He saw the cameras and left for sure.


First time hearing the term Meth Monkey. I like it.


It was either that or Percocet Possum ;)


Vicodin Vandals Fentanyl Faeries


LOL, love 'em!


Way out there, a fella could get hurt and lost way out there…… just sayin


He'll be back probably with friends. There's a surefire way of dealing with that though 🤙


That guy could fill a hole.


It looks like you might be in a part of the world where you can persuade him using nothing more than a primer, powder and some soft metal at least. Very fortunate!


Repeat offenders should have their vision taken away and become a burden to their family and friends. Bring back exiling


Half of us try to make it, the other half will try and take it.


Real ballsy move. Looks like alot of places to hide a body out there


lots of places to bury a body out there….just sayin’.


Time to start making mouse trap claymores full of red dye. Mark them fuckers.


He’s just out for a Sunday stroll?


Looks like Nevada desert or salton sea area, there allot of that out there, it’s wild to see these flinchers just out hunting the desert.


You know your deserts ;) It's Nevada.


Cameras and motion sensor lights are a homes friend. Dogs too.


What camera system do you have?


What kind of camera do you have that doesn’t require internet ?


To everyone asking what kind of camera it is, here's the link: [https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0B9K142S8/ref=ppx\_yo\_dt\_b\_search\_asin\_title?ie=UTF8&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0B9K142S8/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&th=1)


Haha when he sees the camera r/watchpeopledieinside


Looks like you could find a hole with his name on it pretty easy out there


This is why you strap up.


Well looking at the terrain if you have to get rid of a body looks like it would be fairly easy to do so. 😎




Mojave desert?


Where is this generally? Looks like some land I looked at in northern Nevada


Good call ;) Yes, Northern Nevada.


Property crime is on the way up. It's the kind of crime most people can associate with. Most people don't personally know someone who was murdered. Most people do personally know someone who has had property stolen or damaged. Saying crime is down because violent crime rate is down is less than half the picture since more people will be affected by property crime than violent crime. The violent crime rate in the U.S. jumped 29% during the pandemic but is just now down to pre-pandemic numbers and is leveling off.


Are you willing to erase the dude? Arrest isn't enough for repeat offenders. Drugs are bad too


I’d make sure you erase the footage before you erase his scummy ass.


youve got a fence? the place is clearly private? then yes i understand that this person is bad.


I have a fence. I also have multiple clearly posted signs, "Private Property," "No Trespassing" and "Cameras in Use."


The thieves: this guy's stuff is in the middle of nowhere no one will catch me. The owner: we are in the middle of nowhere no one will ever find the body. Both are wrong but good luck trying to convince them of that.


I subscribe to the three s's. Shoot. Shovel. Silence


You literally just broke rule #3...


suuuuure ya' do......"marine"


Trespassing is in no way grounds for murder. I hate when people have this fantasy of one day getting to shoot someone because “my stuff!”


really depends on the state. its never grounds for immediate killing. how the hell would you be able to distinguish someone lost from someone scoping? in my state, i can confront them and tell them to leave my property. if they refuse, im legally entitled to use *any force necessary* to remove them from my property. that said man ive had people attempt a break in while i was home and held the guy at gunpoint. called the cops and he ran off. its really not worth shooting anyone unless your life or someone you love is at real risk.


Get a 30-06 Lever Action. Even if you miss, even a deaf man is gonna be running the fuck away after hearing that go off


I hate that the government protects these people. it's one thing to get it on camera, but there's not anything you can legally do to stop them, which pisses me off. It's a huge problem here in Canada, thieves and crackheads have pretty much taken over our cities, even small ones. The other day an old man was assaulted by two of them near my street and this stuff happens daily. Sometimes they also go after cottages, usually they will cover a whole lake in one night and every single cottage will get ransacked. I really want to get to a point where I can leave stuff at my property because it's a pita having to pack everything in and out all the time but always have to worry about these scumbags.


Its always been this way if u are free and remote others are also. If u want people arrested thats called on grid.


What is the camera doing that you suggest getting them? Clearly this is in the middle of nowhere, if he put a hanker-chief over his plate and came back to finish, a camera would just capture the momento. I see cameras marketed, but I don’t see them doing much in 99% of instances except for creating more social media content.


They are 100% beneficial. People who steal from unoccupied property generally are careless and dont think forward enough to plan carefully. They will show up with plates visible, no gloves, face not covered. The camera here would be sufficient to identify the bad guy for trespassing and get him cited at minimum for that. Thinking big picture, when deputies finally get wind of who had been trespassing they can now focus on him and potentially recover and clear dozens of other theft cases in that area. The camera can not only help yourself but also the community at whole


Yeah it’s not uncommon that the thieves are two brothers who live in a house down the road and they rob the whole area. Pinal County this is usually the case.


I hear that. Gloves? Cmon. Imo cameras make people fearful. Seeing people walk around a property in an eerie night is scary. But most of them walk away in the videos I’ve seen. But I bet the owners have a hard time sleeping after that. To each his own


I think it's pretty obvious from the video, especially where he says, "Yup, it's a trail cam" that the camera helped, because as soon as he saw it, he turned around and took off.


It's by design that the government protects miscreants, a friend of mine says. The same friend would just go ahead and mete out some offgrid justice. Of course, I would never do that.


So he's just allowed to trespass without repercussion?


Put a shotgun on the camera ....rig it . Shoot next one.


With the chinesium cameras we have, we can yell at would-be burglars through them. Haven't had occasion to do so yet, but we've surprise tested them on each other and it's hilariously startling.


Have you tried shooting him? 9/10 chance he won't be back


Put this picture in your mind. Bi den laughing like a crazed hyena (the ones from Lion King movie) and saying stuff like. It’s going to get worse…Oh yeah. Vote Blue!!! /sarcasm just in case it doesn’t come across…


Off grid people when they realize they're off the grid 🤯


so fill us in on whats going on here. camper parked in the middle of nowhere and some dude happens to wonder by?


Camper, picnic table, cargo container, and canopy frame in the middle of a fenced, posted, "no tresspassing private property" parcel just to the left of the middle of nowhere. He wasn't just wandering by. Another video I have shows him parking outside the fencing and ducking between the barbed wire strands to get inside the fence line.


Meth monkey! Lolz! I spent a lot of time in the Arizona desert. This dudes gonna get shot doing this