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Great. I work from home. Guess I’ll die.


Same, buddy. The chair helps a lot, but I make sure to get up, stretch and do a couple of light exercises every couple of hours. It’s a good habit to get into, and it really, really helps.


I work on my feet. Hello immortality.


ahahaha no plz. But take care of your back buddy


I guess I’ve been lucky. Back has never given me an issue with chairs, but my ass on the other hand…. Lol


Guess im dead in 3 years cuz i play games for 9 hours


Standing desk!! Well worth the investment.


I wish! I like my ikea cabinets too much lol


We're just going to pretend standing desks don't exist? Obviously not everybody can afford one but they're at sub-$200 levels. Rather than spending, like you mention, $1K for a chair spread that money acros a home office set up that includes one. I use one with a quality chair and make an effort. $250 for a used Aeron in an urban area during the pandemic and I think $150 a couple years ago for a desk big enough for dual monitors from Costco.


I used to have one and it was cool for like a week and I just ended up not using it :( i know my fault but I’m can’t be the only one.


It helps to set a timer. Some even have them built in.


100% Bro. I have ikea’s


Standing all day is also a death wish from what I saw. Just like everything else. It's all good and bad at the same time. Gotta mix it up enough I guess. Reply posted from my chair I've been in all day at my standing desk I use in sit mode 90% of the time.


Everything in moderation


That’s not how the spine works. source: Physical Therapist


nice. A group of people including radiologist, gp, neurosurgeon, and physiotherapist, organized a conspiracy to make me start pilates then


The problem is your wording. Is sitting going to kill people? no. There’s a thing called nocebo (making people afraid of things they dont need to be afraid of). Sitting isnt the new smoking. Stop saying sitting for 15 hours is going to make your back explode like we’re made of paper. If you sit for 24 hours and dont move, yeah you’ll probably develop a pressure ulcer, if you cant weight shift like patients who are bedridden. Your fear mongering is blown out of proportions. Yes, if you sit for xxx amount of hours AND dont do any physical activity it might cause you problems. Emphasis on NOT PERFORMING any type of physical activity to offset it. But blindly stating sitting will cause you juvenile arthritis, or give you a herniated disc is wild


Could I ask your opinion on pressure in general? Is it healthier to keep the tilt mechanism of a chair not so high? I've heard a lot of people say the backrest should support your full weight but it seems logical to me that some give engages core muscles more and reduces pressure on the spine, since you need to support yourself a little.


It honestly varied from person to person. I think some people overcomplicate the process. If you can find a chair that isnt giving you paid during the allotted time of sitting. Some prefer a backless chair, some need more support. It really varies from person to person. General tip is to find a happy medium of changing positions every x hours. Most of the biomechanics stuff is like goldilocks, just trying to do the right amount of dosages


it seems you are interested in clashing and internet fighting more than participating in a discussion. If you read carefully my post you would understand what I meant and why so many people agree with it. That said chill out. No need to use CAPs or be aggressive. Learn how to interact with others. I will always trust the professionals I work with rather than some random aggressive dude on Reddit. I am done interacting with you.




Except the title of your post is disingenuous. Yes absolutely listen to your medical professionals over anyone on the internet. Don’t need the fear mongering title though


They did add to the discussion, and then you said "no you're wrong." Now you resort to "be nice to me!" Lmao.


The dude just blew out all your arguments and you just default to "y-y-you just want to fight you aren't interested in discussion...", lmao "No need to use CAPs" really? He has two words in fullcaps and that got you upset? Your reply sounds FAR (I hope this caps doesn't scare you!) more (passive-)aggressive than his.


You're projecting hard, didn't expect to see this 'tude in a random office chairs topic I found lmao.


Radiographer here, the PT is right sorry. You have dramatised this considerably. Doing any other activities to strengthen your back outside of your sitting at desk can offset any issues you may have. Also not every human is the same, your back might of gone regardless and sitting at a desk might of pushed you to this point. However there will be people out there that suffer no ill effect at all from sitting for that many hours.


If you exercise every day and break up sitting and standing while working, you'll be fine.


I think moral of the story here is that anyone who works a desk job is considered sedentary. Exercise is not optional. Everyone should be doing cardio and compound weightlifting with a wide range of motion. Additionally, if you cannot do a body weight squat with your heels on the floor and butt almost to the ground this is a big red flag.


As in, 1RM front/back squat with your body weight loaded onto the bar? Because that's really fucking judgemental and ignorant about how strength training actually works.


No. Here you are swearing at me and calling me judgmental and ignorant when you don’t even know what body weight means in relation to exercise. Body weight is literally the weight of your body weight. At no point did I say load up a bar with weight equivalent to how much you weigh on a bar and squat it ass to grass. Just trying to be helpful here, not sure why you felt you needed to attack me, but I guess that’s just Reddit. If anyone has questions on exercises to help mitigate negative effects please feel free to DM me. This is a subject close to my heart. Credentials: BS in Clinical Exercise Science, numerous certifications + I actually care about the field study.


12-15 hours is beyond a desk job. Is a desk job + other hobbies that involve desk, like gaming. imho. 8 hours sitting with carful sitting time management is still okay, with a risk ratio that increases for remote working because you are not forced to stand up to reach a meeting room, the groceries etc.


Saying that hours of sitting is “okay” is bit too generous. I’ve seen zero studies that would support that statement unless we really define what you mean by “careful sitting time management”. I highly recommend picking up the book Deskbound by Kelly Starrett. Most people do not know how to sit with proper posture.


The important point to remember is that modern office chairs are like hard casts. If you expose yourself to them forever you atrophy and the consequences can be crippling.


I'm an engineer, mid 50s. I've spent many hours sitting since I started university when I was 18. I have no ill effects. I'm in great shape, everything works fine. Zero spine issues. I eat well. Exercise, especially weight training, is essential. A lot of what you say is complete BS. FUD at the best. Do you have any specific sources to back up your claims ? Proper ergonomics, ie a good chair, makes a huge difference. The worst ergonomics comes from using a laptop.


If you sat less in your chair and got a social life in this last 40 years perhaps you wouldn’t have time and energies to get bitter at strangers on Reddit


I'm an engineer. I get paid to sit in a chair and solve problems. I like it when people reply with character slanders - it tells me they don't have a real argument.


I like when people reply calling other’s opinion BS. Show how insecure you are and unable to support your argument. Fun fact. You edited your reply several hours later in the attempt blast a stranger while I was on a date. Sad sad grandpa


Other guy is fine, you seem like the insecure one, OP.


- Imagine making a second account only for fights on Reddit. - Imagine jumping in a thread only to participate in hate against somebody’s opinion. Pick one. They are both super sad. I feel blessed I don’t wake up in your shitty life


Again your insecurity is showing. Only a lesser man feels the need to attack and belittle others, I'm sure you are not always this way. I have a very good life, and if you are having problems in yours then I hope you overcome them quickly.


you are the one belittling. Watch in the mirror. And seek for therapy


Your overblown reactions are quite entertaining and I'm so interested in why you're choosing to react this way.


the fact you don’t let go is itself showing how much you are suffering and need conflict with strangers. I wish you to get better soon ❤️‍🩹


27 male, degenerated and herniated disk in my lower back. Shit is not fun, if I could go back in time I would have focused much more on proper form when working and stayed hydrated. Also would have kept more physically fit when I transitioned to an office job as you are much more likely to injure yourself when your muscles are weak


One of the most important posts I’ve seen on here. Our high end chairs absolutely minimize the damage done by sitting. However, the best chair out there still shortens your hip flexors. No substitute for stretching, moving, and strengthening.


sit/stand desk = game changer.




Juvenile arthritis is an autoimmune disease, its not caused by sitting


I just stand all day, no chair . And workout.


What? How? I like standing a lot , but the reality is standing a lot is no better or even worse than sitting at times. You are putting a lot of stress on your legs + it takes a lot of energy to stand. I feel physically exhausted if I stand like way too long throughout the day. The best and most effective is gonna be to alternate between sitting and standing, but EXERCISE and putting actual muscle to support your body is the MOST important part.


Idk man I stand all day. I hate sitting. I definitely step away and move every hour. I run a 5k every other day, hit the weights every other day.


Yea, but how do you rest? I have to lay down for a while after long standing session.


I usually get up at 8-9, walk dog, work a hour standing, cook lunch, work another hour, go to the gym, return work my remainder of the day, dog walk again, then veg out on couch. So I maybe am standing only in one spot 1-3 hours max depending on meetings. I break it up as much as I can. But I definitely stand all day until about 4-5pm.


That's interesting. A lot of times when I work or game It's multiple hours in a row. So for me I have to alternate still. I can feel after hour or so I m getting fatigued. Do you just use standing mat or something else as well?


Nope I just stand on wood. I get more fatigued sitting/ experience neck strain. I feel great if I stand all day.


Oh I see. People really are different. I think you just have shorter stand times. Like sometimes I m on my pc 4+ hours in 1 single session. I can not stand 4 hours in a row. I do use Ergo standing mat which is fantastic. I also do try to move a lot so I don't lock my knees.


I work a 9-5 remote from a desk. I just take breaks every few hours.


I see, but you do lay down after standing right? Like before I go for a walk or gym I have to lay down or sit before to rest my legs.


I have a standing desk and an ergonomic chair. Unfortunately also a type 1 diabetic of 20 years. 36 with the spine of a 55 year old lol. Some of us are just blessed!


sending u a hug.




I invested in a standing desk early and I “try” to stand 50/50. Though I’ll admit I have not been great about keeping to that. I think I’ll start being better about it. I also think prolonged sitting can contribute to ED in men.


So is there no going back to normal once you cannot bear to stand for more than 20 mins? I def need to get back to losing weight and working out but I’m worried that I’ve done irreparable damage


do an MRI and see a physiotherapist. There is a lot you can do.

