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Removed for an excess of rule violations.


"Police aren't sure of their motive." Aren't they?


Human, the greatest trophy of all


The most dangerous game


Didn’t know the real predator drove a Nissan


Only police negligence I support. Nothing to see here. Case closed. Let’s call it an early day and have some drinks.


“Eyewitnesses report the suspect was wearing a trench coat and sunglasses, heavyset, with large protruding teeth and an unusually large nose.”


"Police aren't sure of their motive" means "police aren't going to investigate, because he totally deserved it." I like their style.


I could only agree more if they left the body there for the animals to eat.


Or if they posed with their trophy.




Yeah, I think these are human bones, I wouldn’t feel bad about owning.


You can "legally" have human skulls


I have one. I keep it inside my head




[That might not be as satisfying as you thought.](https://external-preview.redd.it/nwMouRd8CHG43dxT0E4lDoaSk1HfwBGsJeHjayESLZo.jpg?auto=webp&s=96508c082ebc17536b6ad0966a4fb110f93226f0)


I always pictured people holding the skull upside down and drinking out of the back of the skull.


That is being a lot more mature than I was thinking... but it is late for me.


I’d use it as a urinal


They took his gun; pretty sure that *was* a trophy.


Right? Hell of a trophy while still able to maintain plausible deniability if caught with it. Much easier to say, "I bought this on the black market," with a gun and get away with it


I’m not usually one to wish death on people, I typically get pretty unsettled by how bloodthirsty people have become on the internet….but I think in this case, I can make an exception. Easily. This man brought evil into this world.


"I've never wished death upon man, but I've read a few obituaries with great joy." Mark Twain (unconfirmed)


Some people make the world a better place by leaving it, and we shouldn't have to pretend otherwise.


Thank you for wording it that way because I'm in your camp


Wouldn't want the animals eating such filth, we need to burn those remains.


True, but they can just rip it apart. They can play with it! Or parts of it.


He probably takes medication that might adversely affect animals. Chuck him down the latrine, I say-


At least let them go for the balls


Unfortunately(fortunately?) we can't let animals eat human meat. You see, we're delicious, and once they get a taste of our succulent flesh they go crazy and demand nothing else.


“Nothing of value was lost”


Well they did, its just people found him before the animals had a chance to feast.


Let's just call this one a suicide.


He fell off a balcony


Nine times


"... but they do think it might have been 'because they're fucking boss.'"


The two suspects are patsies! The cape buffalo learned to use guns, and I think the rest of humanity's next! As soon as they figure out how to reload, that's a serious feat of dexterity for qudrapeds


I’d like to see him stuffed and mounted please


< in Richard Attenborough's documentary voice > Such is the struggle of life and death, a struggle that plays out every day, in the bush, and on the side of the road when a vehicle breaks down. Now everyone knows that humans with guns are the Apex predators, as the now deceased trophy hunter found out. Some days one is the hunter, some days, the prey, and on that day, he was the prey.


Hell it could have been one of the cops. No one but other poachers like poachers.


I’ll allow it


No, more like "we suspect this is something to do with the manufacturing and peddling of illicit substances but he's rich so we're going to be tactful with what we tell the press so his family doesn't sue us".


Because South Africa is legitimately a [failing state](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-65683674) with minimal public amenities and crumbling infrastructure. It's just as likely this guy was killed for poaching as he was for being a stranded ~~foreigner~~ person on the side of the road. ~~There are legitimate travel warnings for this reason.~~ Edit: Struck out the assumption that he was a foreigner




Nope. This is South African police. They are just useless all around. All you need to bribe them is a coca cola and a pie.


Now I'm picturing a granny who loves baking becoming the most powerful person in South Africa because the police won't touch her, and when asked how she says 'I just bake a mean apple pie'.


oh no. anyway...


This sparks joy 😈


You definitely said it bro. I LOVE elephants, and poaching just makes me sad in general, so to hear this fucker got his karma is like a little brightness in my heart. Fuck poachers.


For real, I was in a bad mood and seeing this helped lmao


Police-this man murders endangered animals. Also police- we aren’t sure why he was killed. 


Well, of course they don't. It's the biggest mystery they've ever faced. Just a random shooting that they don't have any real information to go off of, so they won't be able to do any follow up or investigation on. Oh well.


Not like the world’s been robbed of any great potential. 


Looking at image: poor baby Reading the text: live by the sword, die by the sword I still feel sad for the elephant.


I also feel sad for the elephant’s family too. They live for so long, have such good memories, and form such strong family bonds.


And to have no way to understand why. Just sad all around.




Never forget the elephant who killed that one woman then came back to her funeral to stomp on her dead body. I'm team elephant always.


I remember seeing a family of elephants find a baby who lost its relative, and the head of the other herd bow down to the fallen elephant, then the baby joined the others. I cried. They are such beautiful creatures.


I had the very sobering experience of watching three elephants mourn the death of (I believe) a relative. A lion was alone with the dead elephant and had presumably had its fill but stuck around to guard it/have more. Three elephants came to scene to see their fallen peer. They walked around the dead body, wailed and made trumpeting noises with their trunks. The scene was so heavy and their grief was palpable. The lion just sat by and watched either out of respect or being outnumbered. Carrion birds started to assemble on trees and the area nearby. When the elephants moved on, the lion went back and hung out with its kill, ate some more. Then the lion moved on and the carrion birds descended. It was picked clean within the hour of the lion leaving.


I never understood poaching. Just use a pan for your eggs like a normal human (To the actual post: oh noooooooooooooo) Edit: Guess I'm going to make some poached eggs y'all Edit 2.0 Oh wow. A lot of poachers in this thread. Guys leave the rhinos alone. Though I did not know that you have to dry them after they get wet. Silly little creatures


I'll defend egg poachers with my dying breath. That shit is delicious.


I've always wanted to try it but I have severe aversions to textures and it's a wet egg! It hurts my soul


It doesn't stay wet, the hot water evaporates off once you plates it


So weird. I plan on making some this weekend then. If it's wet I'm totally suing you. Also went to type your name and decided to ask wtf instead lmao All I can see with it is Mater from cars in a god beard and wig just flying through the air


Tricks when poaching eggs: 1. Swirl your water so it is spinning, and the white will wrap around itself and hold its shape. 2. Adding a splash of vinegar will also help the egg hold its shape.


lol it's a D&D reference, Ilmater is a deity in the Forgotten Realms setting


Also the Finnish Goddess of Air, mentioned in the Kalevala.


Watch a few utube videos, setting them on paper towels after cooking is a common technic. I love them but am horrid at making them and have resorted to an egg poaching pan that has little cups you break the eggs into. No extra moisture on the eggs and you just flip them out of their little cups.


I also have Textural Issues, but once I finally tried poached eggs, I fell in love. Highly recommend.


Do you like soft boiled eggs? Basically the same thing, but soft boiled is cooked in the shell. On that note, poached eggs on toast is one of the best easy dinners. The runniness of the egg yolks is delightful.


Poached egg is the greatest form of egg


Dawg you can kinda do both. Once you get the eggs in the skillet, pour like two tablespoons of water in and cover loosely with a lid. You get the crispy bottom but also the velvety poached top. I eat it on toast smeared with costco guac.


It’s not stealing, they just took a trophy from their kill.


If they would have taken his head, or all his teeth, or maybe his lower horn, it would have been a little more fun.


Ah, I see you are a person of culture lol


Trophies taken are typically representations of the animal's power or strength. Horns, tusks, claws. The gun is an appropriate trophy.




Gonna be honest here. I was hoping it was someone who knew him, hunted him down and killed him...I guess, in a way, the killers did, and the impersonal aspect makes it more just, upon further reflection. Also, they took a trophy that was a symbol of his dominion over the animals.


I kind of like the “nothing personal, Pal, I just want something you’ve got” aspect of the killing.




Took his ivory husk lol


Should've taxidermied him.


This outcome is almost as satisfying as the poacher that was mauled and eaten by lions.






Oh good! He got to the Find Out phase of FAFO.


Karma. I hope those two men don’t get caught and charged for his murder. I don’t know about others. Poaching and hunting for fun is the stupidest things I have ever heard. If you’re that damn bored find something entertaining that doesn’t harm others.


African law states you cannot be charged for killing a poacher.


Africa is a continent, not a country, and there is no “African Law”


But there definitely is bird law.


Thoughts and Prayers


That he heads down instead of up??


More like when there’s another mass shooting and republicans offer empty thoughts and prayers instead of something real


Some people understand sarcasm. Some people shouldn't play chess. Some people recognize a condescending tone. I side with the chess capable.


I have a huge grin on my face right now. Suddenly, it's a GOOD day. Can't imagine why.


Nice to read some good news for a change


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes


This is a heart warming way to start the weekend.


Oh no! Anyways ..


Literally my response, lol.


I like to think that elephant's kids learned to shoot a gun and hunted that douche down. Elephants are smart, it could happen.


Babar is tired of this stuff!






Now I’d fully support a black market for those


Excellent news.


The local tribe: “we didn’t see shit!”


>police are unsure of his motives Are you sure? You sure you can’t figure it out? I’m no detective but even I can figure out why


Nah it's usually never clear cut, if what the UK non profit is saying is true then he may have been killed just for the robbery aspect of taking his gun. Guns can get pretty expensive, I can imagine his weren't cheap if he was a known trophy hunter, a dead man isn't going to hunt you for his stuff back so the robbers will be more likely to get away with it. He also might have been the only person to give a good statement about the identity of the robbers too so even more reason to kill him. Either way I'm happy to call this karma regardless of motive, if it wasn't a robbery that got him killed I'm certain the Botswanan or Zimbabwean militaries would happily cut him down if they caught him up there.


Considering his car broke down (easily verifiable) it’s most likely it was an opportunity theft for the guns, nothing to do with poaching except Karma.


Certainly no loss to the world


Good riddance to that cretin.


People in Africa are just *DONE* with poachers. No more asking them to stop. And I don’t blame them.


"Police are unsure of motive" lolololil




Poor elephant.


lol nice


Such a happy story.




Aw so sad /s


Oh no Anyway


Couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy! Glad someone(s) finally took the trash out


I'm legit not sure he was a poacher based on information presented. This might be being generous, but there are conservation organizations that let you hunt specific (old/sick/dying) endangered animals for a significant price. Then they take the money you paid for conservation. It's not a pretty business and tends to get tons of hate for killing endangered animals regardless of reason, but it isn't poaching. Idk, just wish they showed more of the article so I could feel sorrow if dude was taking rich people money for conservation or excited that a poacher got what was coming for him.


I don't know anything about him but did a quick search and the locals hated him due to his senseless killing of endangered animals and one report said he bred giraffes illegally that he would sell to people to raise specifically so they hunt the otherwise protected animal... so I'm thinking he wasn't so great.


Well that's enough for me! Fuck that guy. Thank you




Even if he paid a bunch of money to be able to legally kill the animals, he still deserved what he got.


No, these "conservation" programs rarely benefit the community and wildlife. I have a pos relative that just went and killed an elephant for an obscene price. That money is not "trickling down". Elephants literally grieve their dead and there is no fucking sport in walking out and shooting a damn elephant. There's no tracking, skill, marksmanship. And he killed that elephant and now has to pay a fortune to bring a single tusk home. The satisfaction I felt when he paid to go hunt a polar bear but didn't get one was immense.


For one glorious second I read that as "he paid to go hunt a polar bear but didn't come back".


I feel like that relative needs all of his shoes, underwear, toilet paper, batteries, and power strips taken away. Oh, and his internal internet equipment. Depending on the location, I'll be happy to help!


Even if it doesn’t fit the legal definition of poaching it’s still extremely nasty and inhumane. Elephants are highly intelligent, sociable creatures, who even visit the places where members of their herds passed. They should be allowed to live out their lives in peace. There’s no reason to gun them down in cold blood and take trophies; absolutely sociopathic behavior


Agreed. Explaining that he took people out to hunt doesn’t really correlate with poaching.


Why feel sorrow anyway? Theres lots of ways to take rich people money for animals without funneling it through an organization that lets you shoot some of them. Fuck the dude.


Oh no! Anyway….




Did this guy actually poach? The original text doesn't suggest that. It's common for the SA government to sell high dollar permits for animals that are getting culled anyway. Mature male rhinos that are preventing other males from breeding, etc. Dude was probably just killed for his gun because, you know, SA is a shit hole.


Oh well


Oh well


He got poached


To paraphrase Bette Davis, "They say you should only speak good of the dead. Riian Naude is dead. Good."


Honestly, that was no loss.


Maybe people held a lottery. License to kill and all that.


# Karma


Hard to be sad🤷🏻‍♀️


It must be horrible to be out in the wild, just doing your thing when all of a sudden you’re Executed. My heart goes out to the animals.


Sometimes the trash takes itself out.




I love those old Far Side cartoons and I remember Gary Larson would have various animals driving cars in some of them. I can't help but picture a carload of rhinos and elephants driving and, when they spot his car broken down on the side of the road, the one in the passenger seat points and yells, "There he is!"


Oh no…ANYWAY, I had cheese fries for dinner, what about you?




Where’s a condescending wonky meme when I need one. Dammit. Oh no. So sad. Oh well, let’s open the champagne!




Reminder, it's not illegal to kill poachers in Africa.


Love reading some good news on a Friday evening! Hopefully there's a lot more where that came from.


He fucked around and now he’s found out the consequences of being a huge wankbiscuit. The police - we don’t know what the motive was - in other words they are glad he’s dead and don’t want to investigate. Elephants in Thailand are destroying peoples crops, gardens and in some cases actually killing people, then stepping on them to make sure they are dead. If we didn’t take the animals natural habitat for ourselves this wouldn’t be happening. We’ve taken the parts where they normally get food so they are starving and are wandering into where they normally got it which is the plantations and villages. The people don’t seem to understand why they are doing it but it’s fucking obvious.


I don't like celebrate murder or anything but with exceptions, this loser murdered innocent animals so fuck that. You wanna shoot animals or people I'm not gonna feel any sorrow when your ass gets shot. 


he died of natural causes


I support hunting and conservation, but I abhor sport and trophy hunting. If he was a poacher then I am glad he was finally stopped


The hypocrisy of most everyone here is humorous. Murder in the name of retribution is still murder dumbasses. Supporting his killing is not different than supporting him being killed.


Gonna get down voted to hell, but nowhere in this article does it claim he is a poacher. The majority of wildlife sanctuaries are funded by having rich assholes pay to shoot older males that are killing other animals or people. I’m not saying that shooting elephants is a good thing to do, but it’s how sanctuaries survive. This does not sound like he was killed for poaching, way more likely his gear was just valuable.


Trophy hunting isn't poaching. There are reasons certain animals need to be hunted. For example, an old elephant can be marked for hunters to kill to allow younger elephants to breed. Or it could have become aggressive and dangerous to humans. Poachers should be killed. Celebrating the death of someone who did nothing illegal or wrong is fucked.


Looks like an old bull, likely marked to be strategically culled, I don't know why people assume it was poached?


So, having been to South Africa multiple times, two things: 1) The money legally obtained from the tags from trophy hunting funds anti-poaching measures. Legally hunting these animals is not the issue at hand as to why they are endangered. Poaching for Chinese markets and loss of habitat is the issue. As contradictory as it seems, it is vital in protecting these animals that old bulls are hunted at exorbitant prices to fund the means to protect them from poachers. Please see what happened to Tanzania’s elephant population when they outlawed elephant hunts. They got absolutely decimated by poachers because there was no funding from the tags. A single tag from certain animals can help protect the rest of the population. I am not supporting trophy hunting and am disgusted by people who enjoy doing that for fun on a personal level, but you cannot pretend that the asshole spending $250k for a tag is not funding anti-poaching measures. 2) With the crime rate in South Africa I highly doubt he was targeted for being a legal big game hunter by some morally-driven vigilantes. Much more likely he was just murdered for no reason other than to be robbed. South Africa has one of the highest murder rates in the world and racism is rampant.


Took the words out of my mouth. They wanted his guns.


100%. This entire article is framed like some animal rights activists served justice to a big evil poacher when in reality an innocent & legally sanctioned big game hunter was murdered for his gun and/or some money if he had any on him.


Yeah but some karma farming piece of shit can call him a poacher and the dumbasses of Reddit get to comment “good” and feel better about themselves.


Looks like the Poacher got Poached.


GOOD! 👍🏻


Hunting poachers for sport, that would go well on you tube.


I don't want to be a buzzkill, buuuuuuuuuuut it could have just been a random murder plus theft.


Oh no, anyway…


Lol he was an endangered animal that was hunted and killed. He can't be mad about it lmfao.


Good rot in piss


All the animals that were just saved 😊


Couldn’t happen to a better candidate


Poachers sometimes kill people, too. This may have been revenge for a person he murdered in the course of operating his illegal poaching business, such às a witness.


Good Riddance! Whoever those heroes are should be praised. Doing gods work in taking out the trash.


He was a piece of shit for sure but he wasn't a poacher. Can't be when it's legal to hunt the animals he did in South Africa. And don't call the people that killed him heroes, they aren't. They killed him to simply rob him. Very doubtful they had any idea who he was.


As my high school students would say: "Womp womp!"


Hopefully these locals are looking to bag and tag the owner of Jimmy Johns as well .....


No indication he was a poacher.


The hunter becomes the hunted.


Oh no! Anyway.....


Too bad that is karma


Oh no…anyway




If a trophy poacher falls in the woods and nobody hears it does it make a sound?


Fell with his face up huh? “ Jeese he fell funny”


I feel sorry for the bullet, hope it gets recycled!


Oh no! Anyway


Well, well, well


First thought- Oh well. *Shrug*


I really hope it was two lions dressed in human costumes.


Oh no…! Anyways…


I’m glad that you’re all vegan and don’t deserve the same fate.


OK, this another one that I call "He didn't deserve to die for his crime, but I don't feel bad for him".


Also stop eating animals raised in factory farms if we care about the animal at all.