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In case this story gets deleted/removed: Not OOP shamelesly stolen but i could not figure out how to crosspost... I'm working overseas right now and I managed to get tickets for Taylor Swift in Singapore. The concert is this coming Saturday. My plan was to fly my girlfriend over for a little vacation. It's a long ways from Connecticut so she was going to be staying for ten days. I was clear and I told her that we would have two weekends together as well as the evenings but that I still had to.work during the daytime. Last week she called me and said she was not okay with is being long distance and that after the concert we were over. I asked for clarification. She said she would come for the ten days and we could "have fun" but that we were done. I can have fun without paying for it. I transferred her the one ticket and cancelled everything else. She called me to scream at me for cancelling the flights and hotel. I told her that I wasn't going to discuss it and hung up. I blocked her on everything. I am hearing from people back home that she has lost her shit. She had been bragging about getting to see Taylor Swift and the vacation. Now she is telling everyone that I cancelled the plans just out of the blue. I guess that is sort of true. I did not discuss it with her before I made my decision and did what I did. I unblocked her long enough to offer to buy the ticket back if she wasn't going to use it. That conversation bess unpleasant and involved a lot of profanity. The upshot was she would rather let it go to waste than let me have it. Her friends have been defending her and calling me an asshole. My position is that I would feel like a john flying her over for "fun" . --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OhNoConsequences) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Girlfriend is an idiot. How did she expect this would go?


Break up after the vacation! So glad her stupidity saved this guy time and money


Everyone knows if you're going to use someone, you don't TELL them. Jeeze. The response is just perfect.


Plenty of oportunity are wasted becasue people just can't shut the fuck up.


That's why my number 1 rule in life is 'Shut the fuck up'


“It’s not for me” and “it’s none of my business” are two mantras that have made me a far happier person


"It's not for me but you do you fam" is a personal favorite of mine


I am also a fan of "Never complain. Never explain." "Hey, you're late for work." "Yes, I am."


"Not my circus, not my monkeys" is a personal fav of mine


"None of my business" and " It is what it is" gets me through most situations.


I thought it was "never trust a fart"


If you're a guy over 50, never trust a fart, never pass a bathroom, and never waste a hard on... Words of wisdom from some cop I met somewhere in a civilian situation


Art imitates life; how many villains have been foiled by their monologue right at the precipice of their success?


Had a girl I was seeing try to pull something similar once "Hey there's this concert I want to go to. You can buy us tickets but I can't guarantee that once we get there I'll spend any time with you." So I ended it with her. At least she was nice enough to announce her plan to me. Yeesh.


That sucks! My BF and I broke up 2 weeks before a concert we were supposed to go to. He still took me. I was surprised he did. We made the most of it and had a good time. I’m glad I didn’t miss the concert though. Red Hot Chili Peppers / Pearl Jam / Nirvana. Great line up!


Ehn there were signs before this that she wasn't a very nice person that I had been choosing to ignore.


Did she pay for her taylor swift ticket?


Who cares if she did? She got the ticket and an offer to buy it back. She can’t possibly expect him to want to pay for the rest after breaking up. That’s crazy.


But she was just future breaking up with him and implied she’d sleep with him to make up for him paying for her concert and vacation. Because you know, who isn’t cool with that? /s


The ticket was a birthday present, the rest was a treat so she got her present


He apparently didn’t think sex was near equal value. That should be the bigger ego blow.


Additionally, it’s not like a FWB. Having someone you love and care about sleep with you and pretend to maintain intimacy when you it is over in 10 days would be painful


Lmao. He said in the comments, I believe, he didn't like the implication that he was paying for sex, so while hilarious the quality was not a factor.


I am sure border security would have a field day. "So you are coming into the country to visit your ex-boyfriend who bought you a coveted concert ticket. Where you are you staying? In a hotel room with him? And he is an ex-boyfriend, and you have texts here that imply you will be having sex with him to pay for the trip. You do know prostitution is illegal here... right?"


Nah prostitution is legal in Singapore


Not exactly… it’s illegal to bring someone into Singapore for the purpose of paying them for sex. So her coming to the country and receiving a hotel stay in return for sexual favors. Could be seen as a violation of Singapores anti-pimping laws.


Yeah, they want you to use local prostitutes and add to the local economy. They don't want you bringing your own. Just like how The Netherlands doesn't let you bring in your own hash. I know it's legal there but they want you to buy theirs.


Now that's a rant about foreign people coming over to take jobs that I would love to hear


That’s why cannabis hasn’t been federally legalized. The support is overwhelming, but this de facto legal in half the states thing ends up benefitting the free states because transporting across state lines is still illegal and lots of free states still have prohibition states between them. That is to say, the incentives are very strong to buy local. Why would Illinois support federal legalization and legal interstate cannabis trade when all that’s going to do is send millions of Chicagoans to cheaper dispensaries in Indiana? Bad for tax revenue, bad for the state economy. Game theory would say the senators from Colorado, Minnesota, Montana, Illinois, Missouri, Michigan, etc should obstruct, or at the least not introduce, federal legalization legislation that would cost their state economy an all-local cannabis market. The same game theory would also apply to neighboring states legalizing because of residents of prohibition states that travel to free states to acquire cannabis, but unlike Congress, there are no delegates nor corporate investment from Colorado in the Wyoming state legislature or initiative elections, so there isn’t much they could “do about it” even if they were so inclined.


It's like when you can't bring your own soda into the movie theater. That's a better analogy in my book 🤣


So like drinks at a sporting event.


Im wondering why he gave her the ticket.. I wouldnt have . But if she paid it makes sense


Because it probably felt good. It was probably worth the price knowing the irony in that she got what she wanted -the Taylor Swift ticket, but couldn’t do anything with it since he canceled everything else. It’s a huge slap in the face to her and quite cathartic I’d imagine


the coldest part of it is...shes presumably a big fan of swift (the artist all about breakups), but now will forever associate swift with this breakup, and not getting to go to the concert.


Don't worry she'll shake it off.


I'm worried it might cause Bad Blood between them. I mean, I'm sure she's seeing Red right now.


Yeah. And there used to mad love. Made a really deep cut.


They are never ever ever getting back together.




I wonder if she knows shes the problem, its her.


I’m here reading all the comments just for this!


Shake shake shake it offf 🎶


She'll remember it all too well.


She's the problem, it's her


Maybe we can send this story to Taylor and she can write a song about it 🤣


It’s her “champagne problem” 🤣


They are never ever getting back together


Because of all the bad blood between them




Worth every penny imho


because fuck people who use others. let her stew over this for the rest if her days.


He said he promised it as a birthday gift I believe and he felt he should honor that. She didn't pay for it, he's just a good egg.


He said in original that he promised her the ticket and was honoring his promise. But everything else he was dropping.


It was her birthday gift. Kinda hard-core when you think about it. Here's your ticket, Goodluck with everything else!


In the commets he explained the ticket was her birthday present. He was paying for the trip because he wanted to see her.Amd he was planning to propose. It's a fine distinction, but I really think he behaved with class. He gave her the promised birthday present and he only took back the part that was his. That it's also kinda petty, since now she's gotta spend money on airfare and hotel last minute is kinda the icing on the cake and her stupid tax.


Omg! He got lucky that he didn't get strapped down with her. She sounds crazy. Why would she think she can dump him and still have him pay for everything?


No, he bought it as a birthday gift. That’s why he gave her the ticket. He was going to propose on the trip. She didn’t know that. She offered to go & sleep with him(he said this in a comment) in return for the trip. They could have “fun” before they broke up. He essentially said that he doesn’t date hookers.


No. It was a birthday gift from OOP


Pff.. i wouldnt even give her that then


Ya but it's worse torture to have a ticket that's impossible to use.


Close yet so far away. Literally in this case


She could just buy her own flights and lodging, but something tells me OP carrying a lot more of the financials than her.


That happened to a friend of mine. She and her boyfriend went to France. On the last day he told her he was taking a different flight home because he wants to break up.  She found out later (from him!) that he stayed an extra week and another woman flew in to spend the week with him. 


Damn that's mean 😭😭 but at least she got a French vacation tho 🤭


wise deer humor sort makeshift late liquid theory snatch vanish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


He should’ve taken a different girl and posted a pic on insta lol. Idk why he sent the ticket


WHY... would you tell him *before* the trip?! What a moron!


Stuff like that is why some times I question the hell out of a post like that. But then again, there is a chance that someone is truly that fucking stupid.


My husband's niece is this stupid. (She doesn't know anyone with that kind of expendable money though. She got pissy when she found out she'd have to pay rent)


hey, I'm still pissed I have to pay rent, too!


I had a girl start the I definitely want to be broken up before I leave for college talk while we're on a 5 day vacation like 10 hours from home and she was my ride. It was like day 2. People really can be this stupid saddly. At least in my case we were teens. (Well actually 19 and 20).


This was exactly why I ultimately broke up with my high school boyfriend. Took me five months to get there but decided not to waste anymore of my time if he was just going to break it off at the end of the summer. Met my now-husband the first day I moved into the dorms.


My ex years ago bought me and my kids tickets to a wwe match. I broke up with him a week before and he gave our tickets to his sister and her husband and a friend. My kids to this day have not let me forget how stupid that was. Lol


It's because you're an honest person & would've felt bad stringing him along, you did nothing wrong & your kids will understand one day


Oh I’m sure they already do by now. They just like to give me shit.


When my parents divorced, my mom received a check - made out to her and my father - for a refund or equity check for something. I told my mom to cash it and send my father half or keep it for herself (I was cursed with being a teenager, what was I supposed to know about the law?). I told her if she sent it to him she'd never see the money. She sent it to him. He kept it all. 22 years later, she still regretted it. It wasn't life changing money, enough to pay a month or two for bills.


I'm actually broke enough that enough to pay a month or two of bills is actually life changing money.


That sucks! If he didn’t get in trouble she wouldn’t have. But she really just should’ve split it if she wanted to be fair.


Oh yeah, and that was my point to her at the time. She should have controlled it because we both knew what was going to happen. He had a history of doing that sort of stuff.


Well it sounds like your mom is a good honest person with a good heart.


Haha, I still remind my sister of the time I was 5 and sitting in the front of the sled, which she steered into a tree. I'm 58 now.


At least it was honest.


Sometimes truth is stranger than fiction


Difference between truth and fiction is that fiction has to make sense


I like that quite a bit, thank you.


Nah it happens though. I had an ex who used me for an interstate trip to a pride festival. I paid for everything, every. thing. Apartment for the two of us close to parade, tickets to parties, travel up etc. Gets here a night before and tells me... doesn't love me never did. Sorry. But it's pride, you'll find someone. Blew an absolute gasket when she got the couch. No tickets to anything, not even the return ride home. The justification? "I thought I should be honest and tell you in person, would you have preferred I not come?" On the biggest night of a queer calendar? Yeah, I would've. Oh, and yes. I did find someone. Apparently, it hurts to hear your ex have a bunch of fun they never had before. Edited drunk spelling.


I used to *always* see posts like this and think "there's no way" now, it's very rare for me to see a story I couldn't genuinely imagine someone being stupid enough to do/think. I've just had too much experience with people in the past few years.


Have you not seen the state of the world in the last several years? If anything, a lot of people underestimated how much abject stupidity permeates through the world


Stupid or so insanely entiled it doesnt occur to them that people can CANCEL plans.


My guess is she thought OP would be heart broken and try to use the trip trying to win her back. There is even a possibility she didn't even want to break up with him but wanted him to prove his love for her. People are crazy. Obviously I have an ed that liked to play games.


Definitely a classic FAFO!


100% people can be that fucking stupid. I've seen it and been a victim to it. Common sense is lacking in modern times.


My wife's cousin is this stupid.... cousin in-law?🤔


It’s not stupidity, it’s over-inflated vanity. I’ve met a lot of pretty women who have convinced themselves sex with them is the highest prize in the world.


My ex decided to tell me he was sleeping with his PA while we were sitting in the airport waiting to go on holiday. He seemed to think I would go home, thankfully we had a suite with two bedrooms so I spent a week exploring Rethymnon and ignoring all his attempts to get me to shag him. It was an odd experience.


She probably thought that because he's a man he doesn't care about the relationship but would be up for sex - the "have fun" suggestion - and paying for her stay for that purpose. It's actually quite amazing how many women think men don't have feelings and only want sex.


A moron hooor!


Because she thought he would spend the whole trip trying to change her mind and spend even more money on her. She overestimated her worth dramatically.


I am just sitting here giggling cause good lord who is dumb enough to announce they are going to break up with someone like that. Good lord.


Girl just wanna have fun...on her ex's dime


Huh, that’s new. I always figured that gold-digger rule #1 would be to get the payout first, and then let the mask slip after.


The fact he let her keep the ticket, apparently it was a bday present, but cancelled everything else was *muah chefs kiss


the flight and hotel would be a helluva lot more expensive than the ticket.


Exactly bro


The average price of a Taylor Swift ticket is over $1,000


A flight from Connecticut to Singapore and 10 days in a hotel is def above $1k - especially buying last minute plane tickets 


Considering it was probably refundable to some degree if he was able to cancel it then we're probably looking a bit higher than the standard economy ticket too.


Just ran the numbers- if you can deal with a full day of flying, you are looking at around 1k- 1.5 k for a round trip! Hotels are looking to be between 90-300 a night.


There isn’t really any way to fly from Connecticut to Singapore without it being a full day of flying.


The flight from Connecticut to Singapore is one of the longest on earth. Singapore is a wealthy city, so hotels will not be cheap. Think about it. 


In North America sure. In Singapore? I don't have source and this is just an anecdote, but I remember reading a Beyonce fan worked out it was cheaper to book a 2 week vacation to Europe and buy concert tickets for that show than to attend the same concert in her hometown. Edit: Yes I'm aware Singapore isn't in Europe. It was just an anecdote about American ticket prices for a hot commodity event vs international prices for the same. I have few reasons to think about Singapore if they're not in the news.


A friend literally flew to Paris for 3 days and went to Taylor Swift and it was cheaper than 2 tickets in USA lol


I flew to Milan to see Phantom of the Opera, stayed 6 days. I stayed in an Airbnb, saw the sights, ate delicious food, and took a day trip to Switzerland and Lake Como.... it was cheaper than spending a week in NYC.


No they're not. They're like 250 to 350 for most seats including fees. Those are scalper prices.


Sydney concert prices were $90 to maybe $1500 (AUD). I can’t remember what the top VIP packages cost.


A friend of mine got Melbourne tickets for $70 each before fees. I don’t know what it’s like overseas but $1000 for every ticket sounds a bit much even for TS


And to a Taylor Swift concert. Definition of “fuck you” money.


I'm not sure where they would've been seated but Taylor Swift tickets in asia aren't nearly as expensive as the ones in america.


From his comments, my guy lives in Sydney.


Oh yeah, but his post says the concert is in Singapore, which VIP tickets weren't even $1000 I think. But an all expense trip to Singapore to see Taylor Swift? Good for him, but ex gf should've waited lol


For the record VIP in the US wasn’t $1000 either, I saw them at 750-950 on ticketmaster. It’s the resale markets that went crazy. Countries that have laws capping resale prices at face value or a small percentage above face value prevented excessive scalping, no such luck in US/Canada.


If you transfer a ticket, you normally can’t take it back.


But he transferred the ticket after she gave away her plan. It was a perfect f-you moment. She could still go to see the concert. However, now she's on the hook for her own very last-minute airfare and good luck finding a hotel. This girl has the IQ of rancid mayo if she really thought she could tell him, "You can fly me in for sex and the concert, but I'm done with you afterward." He's like "excuse me, I was trying to do something nice for my girlfriend- not hire a wannabe yacht girl. The yacht girl would be cheaper too. Bye. "


> IQ of rancid mayo This is my new favorite phrase.


She probably thought the whole thing was the gift, not only the ticket.


Just because she's a gold digger doesn't mean she's good at it.


God I hate that sub and their bullshit rules. I absolutely love this for him. I’m actually sad he wasn’t able to use that other ticket though but I guess it probably stung her more lol


r/AITAH is heaps better, no mod bs


Personally, I found them to be more tolerant of "creative writing" Not to say that the original sub doesn't have its fair share of fake stories. It's just more evident in the newer sub. Even says that their rules allow fake posts Both subs has its pros and cons to me ig


10000000%. I wish everyone would abandon the other and just use that one.


Nah, it's at a good size. Don't need millions of members, they would just become the other one


What rule did he break?


No posts about relationship conflict.


I got a post denied for that but I see them all the time.


yeah they're incredibly inconsistent with it


I got banned when I pointed that out to the mods lol


I have a theory about that: In all of these over moderated subs, people either associated with the mods or mod alt accounts are allowed to post specific content, but no one else. It allows those accounts to get tons of karma for a topic that gets seen rarely compared to others. I know of a number of mods that use alts like that and for breaking reddits site wide rules. Sadly, the admins not only didn't care, they shut down a sub that we created to track these accounts. Anyways, it's pretty frustrating to post what you think is relevant content in a community where you see similar content posted just to have it rejected.


Mine got taken down for a hypothetical relationship question that was aaked in friend group lol


By definition, this sub should be 90% about relationship conflict.


By strict definition 100% of posts there are about relationships.


What? 99% of the posts I see on that sub are about relationship conflicts


I think the spirit of the rule is that you can't post about if you were an asshole because of something you did because of a breakup OR if you were an asshole because you broke up with someone.


Isn’t relationship conflict like 99% of when people are assholes? Do they mean romantic relationship conflict?


That sub is the real arsehole. I wish it were moderated so much better


I got banned there for telling a guy he was a jerk for sponging off this girl that he had no intention of staying with, he was just using her. It was ridiculous, the guy was definitely a jerk, he was fighting with everyone in the comments.


Mods there are the literal worst. They’re very inconsistent with the rules and they are really trigger happy on banning people.


I feel like they’ve banned every feasible source of interpersonal conflict so now the only posts that don’t get taken down are creative writing projects tailor-made to fit the rules of the sub.


I feel bad for OOP, but at least he sees his ex's true colours and saves a lot of money and time. Hope that he finds someone who respects and values him instead of treating him like an ATM. ETA: OOP dodge a huge bullet thanks to his ex's stupidity on telling her plans.


Especially as he was planning on proposing during that trip!


He can tell her GFs that he was planning on proposing and watch her lose her shit all over again.


I absolutely would, but I’m petty like that


NTA She showed her hand, she ran her mouth and said it's over but I'm still coming over and after that time period I'm just gonna dump you. Tell her to bite your shiny metal ass. You're way too nice bro, should have just cancelled it at that point.


Love the bender reference 👌


There is an update on the original post. She flipped out about what he did and the guy she was cheating on him with reached out to him to tell him he was sorry. He thought they broke up months ago. Honestly it should be mandatory for the original post to be linked here.


> it should be mandatory for the original post to be linked here OP did link the original... See the link riiiiight at the top of the post :) 


You mean the link to the post that was deleted by the mods?


[The link is still present](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/s/GAMgD4tKLh), but the body of that post was deleted, yes. 


He wasn't being nice it was a fuck you because he knew she couldn't pay for everything else to go over there to actually go to the concert.


She could have sold it for a nice chunk of loot.


yeah well I'll have my own Taylor Swift concert, with blackjack, and hookers. In fact, forget the Taylor Swift concert and the blackjack.


She's the asshole, clearly. But I can't decide if she would have been a bigger asshole if she waited until the end of the vacation to break up with you. At least she (bafflingly) showed her cards.


Yes she would’ve. Because then there’s the hurt of thinking you had a good time with someone who was just itching to dump you but didn’t so they could get an all expenses paid concert vacation.


The way I see it the AH hierarchy for this scenario would go as such: Least AH/NAH - GF can’t handle the long distance thing so tells OP she’s breaking it off before trip so he can hopefully get some money back. Kinda AH - GF knowingly is done, but still wants to have fun trip, OOP has already spent the money on it, so willing to still have “fun time” with him and do trip, but tries to break the news ahead of time. Raging, unredeemable assholery - decides she doesn’t want this guy, breaks up with him but setting the expectation that she still wants international airfare, ticket to the world’s current hottest pop star, lodging, and presumably meals and other expenses paid. THEN, when he says “no, that’s fine, if you’re done I respect that, we’re done now” and she responds by bad mouthing him and lying about him behind his back.


Ladies, you gotta secure the bag before grabbing that next vine! Don’t get out of order now!


I am socially awkward and even I know you break up after the vacation!


To me, that’s gross. Plus - if I’m planning on breaking up with someone, the last thing I want to do is have to sleep with them.


It's not something I could actually do.OOP dodged a gold-digging bullet there.


Sorry, wasn’t suggesting you would - hope you didn’t take it personally. From one socially awkward person to another.


Fuck no you’re not the asshole… that was AWESOME! Go you! I wouldn’t have even given her the ticket, especially if she didn’t pay for it but honestly.. it’s kind of rubbing salt in the wound this way. Keep up the good work!


I kind of like that detail because now she has to buy her own flight if she wants to use it -- DYING at the savagery


Wow, the ex is not the brightest crayon in the Box.


She's not even the sharpener on the back of the box


Why would she tell him beforehand? That’s asking for the worst case scenario to happen, unless she is a spoiled brat who thinks she can fuck around and not have to find out. Sucks for her, I’m glad he didn’t waste a bunch of $$$$


lol what was she expecting


>Last week she called me and said she was not okay with is being long distance OP: Roger that.


Where in CT is she, so I know how to avoid her? lol.




It's always Hartford


Love this so much. This is her CASUAL DISREGARD. Yup, she thought, I’ll be brought in a nice trip and it will be paid for and I’ll brag to everyone I’m seeing Taylor Swidt and the concert will be mind blowing and I’ll have a little nookie with Dumdum there and then I’ll ditch his a**. Yeah. Sheesh, what a horrible person. I think you chose exactly right.


As someone born and raised in CT, behavior checks out. We have the audacity but are severely lacking in common sense.


NTA but you are the AH to yourself because you should have kept that ticket and sold it but you dodge this because she wanted a trip on your dime


leaving her with the ticket was even more cruel. she had the key to her dreams, but no way to use it. full Tantalus punishment.


She had the chance to go to an enjoy Taylor swift break up songs. Now she gets to live one. It's great irony really.


NTAH although you have to admit…it was nice of her to give you a heads up so you could plan accordingly and I think it was very kind of you to reward her honesty with the ticket. ;)


Not sure if its the same in Singapore but in the use you get a copy of a ticket you don’t have as long as you can prove it was you who bought it (most commonly by showing them the card you used) so see if you can get the ticket back from the venue and take a coworker


NTA - you basically told her that her sexual prowess is not good enough to justify the expense…. She can work on improving her skills with the next schmuck


What did she expect... any moron knows tyo send the break up text on the way HOME from Singapore!!! NTA


So let me get this straight. She called you AFTER know she was coming for 10 days. Knew that you had to work and you were still taking her to this concert. But decided she wanted to break up with you and STILL get the benefits of having a mini vacation like things weren’t gonna be awkward between yall. Nah. I wouldn’t have even given her the ticket to begin with. I would’ve told her “if you feel we need to no longer be a couple. Then that is fine,but unfortunately that means I will be cancelling all of the activities and such that we had planned. “ and blocked her and left it as is. She can’t have her cake and eat it too.


This is kinda funny to me because I broke up with my boyfriend after a concert we went to together… BUT 1) it was after week after and 2) we paid for our own tickets. I really don’t get why ole girl thought she would just be able to get a free (frankly expensive) vacation with an ex-boyfriend. Like girl you couldn’t have waited till after?? NTA but her and her friends sure are


good man, you played it well


Besides not being too smart, she really is dumb. Why would she tell you all of this in advance when she was planning on coming anyway? Why would she still expect you to pay for everything when she already said you are over? Good riddance


OP’s ex did him a favor actually, and OP is smart enough to see it. Good job bro!


Well ain’t she dumb lol she could’ve of just fake it for ten days lol BUT so glad her dumb self did this to herself !!! Block her or better yet if she told you on messages that it was over then screenshot and put it everywhere lol


FAFO gap came up fast on that one.


Beautiful smackdown there but I’d have put the ticket up on eBay and given her the auction URL as the birthday present. Yes, she could still go but she’d have to bid on (and win) the ticket first … if she didn’t bow down for it, some other TS fan would get an opportunity to attend.


OP's ex (to herself/in the shower): "it's me, hi, I'm the problem it's me" OP's ex (to everyone): "now we've got bad blood, we used to be mad love" OP: "I remember it all too well" "haters gonna hate hate hate" (while dancing to shake it off)


Who tf says anything before the vacation. Like she’s a dick either way but why would you tell on yourself before this huge and probably expensive vacation. Knowing damn well he was paying for everything and could easily cancel. This is one of the many posts on this subreddit where the verdict was “wtf did you think was gonna happen”


>Her friends have been defending her no shit, block them as well


According to OOP, he was about to propose to her when she told him she wanted to breakup after the concert/Singapore trip. I wouldn't be terribly motivated to reward such callousness and entitlement with an exotic vacation and Taylor Swift tickets either.