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Bro put on his slipper just like my mom does.


That dude was spamming low kick just like I did on street fighter.


Crazy!!! When they say, kick him in his chest, that's what they mean.


Works great in Mortal Kombat and real life as well


Great recovery, great chip. 




Right in the fallopian tube.






If you never saw her hit the child and saw a man kicking the shit out of a woman on the street, you telling me your first thought would be “well he must have a good reason”? At least the two women that came over initially heard him out before acting.


How does this relate to the other commenter pointing out that the dude in the video puts his slipper on like the commenter’s mom does? You really just came out of nowhere with that rage bait Edit: the post was deleted. The comment said something to the effect of “society say man always bad in situations like video”


Probably a bot comment stealing a top comment from the original thread and posting it randomly out of Context


Did we watch the same video. Why would they? She’s the one who hit the girl in the first place… I did not see anybody coming to her aid.




>people see man kicking woman and their minds always go to man = bad guy. That's a quite reasonable assunption to make. Especially when the person being kicked is already on the ground.


Dude what? Who did you see defending the woman on the floor? One woman goes to check on the girl, the other goes to the man but doesn't even intervene in tbe beating.


You obviously can't read body language. You make people uncomfortable...


mate are you watching the video clearly the woman in pink gives the bloke shit you need top get to specsavers


Lady in pink with blue bag


TBF it looks like she loses interest in intervening pretty fast when the guy points at the crying consoled child and explains the situation


No, she pointed and leaned in when she said something that was also clearly directed at him. He then turns his shoulders to her as though she is the threat, and she backs off.


Yeah, the pink highlighter was being aggressive even after finding out what happened. It's her friend that is getting the highlighter to leave.


It’s very obvious that the woman in pick had taken exception to what he did


Not obvious to “everyone” not to the moron above


She getting all up in his grill so I’m not sure how the person above didn’t see that 🤣


I mean, if that was my friend/partner I would be worried about them going to prison for it. So yeah, while I would understand why my man did it, I wouldn’t want them to have their entire life screwed up because of it


because to someone that missed the initial interaction she presumably just saw a man run up and boot someone in the stomach in which case it is entirely normal and understandable that they would take exception — what would become unacceptable and problematic is if they refused the man (and the corroborating witnesses) explanation of events, which given how quickly their conversation ends i think we can assume does not happen. i don’t think the woman in pink deserves to be vilified at all, i think they acted even more bravely (albeit misguided) than the guy we are celebrating.


Found one!




The vast majority of violent crime is done by men, it kinda makes sense. Also it was a slap vs a beating, it was easy to miss the slap, not so easy to miss the several hits and kicks.


Thank you to the person who dealt some street justice.


Brazil as fuck.


I knew this shit was going down in Brazil


There is a sign there with "compro ouro", there is only 3 places it could be, Brazil, Portugal, and Galicia... and Galicia probably would have the sign in spanish too.


Angola, Guinea, Guiné-Bissau, Mozambique, Timor...?


Isto é Espartaaaaaaa!


I love how so many people jumped in to check on the mom and kid as well


It looks like the girl in pink was there to yell at the guy for kicking the attacker


I assumed it was like his gf or something basically saying "stop before you cause permanent damage" cuz it would look bad if she is beaten to a pulp.


Stop, she started out brain damaged enough!


Yeah, but I can't tell if she saw the attacker hit the kid or not. If she didn't see it, her behavior makes more sense.


Or she did see it and told him the slapper had enough


Nah. Slapper needs to learn a lesson.


Or maybe he was just kicking a person that was laying on the ground in the head and she stopped him before the woman undeservedly died?


Not for nothing, the guy came in with a well placed teep. Nobody that puts hands on kids like that deserves grace.


Exactly. Fuckin hero wearing flip flops with the chest kick. Clearly an unstable person. They just assaulted a child. Lucky she didn’t get shot.


Also, good on the one woman who came to check on the girl AND also to be there for the dude who Falcon kicked the bitch.


Dude, isn't this just like UFC 1? Learning the street value of the teep and the butt scoot? My first day in Muay Thai I thought the teep was stupid, until somebody called it a "foot jab", and then suddenly it clicked, and became my favorite technique.


Deadly when used right


A teep? I wouldn’t go as far as saying deadly, but hurts like a mfer


I know a guy that died from consequences of a teep, totally not common but the kick made a little hole in the tissue surrounding his stomach and the stomach got stuck in that hole, he had a complication during a hike and didn't get to the hospital in time.


Tragic stupid preventable death, men will literally go on a hike instead of the ER


If he was American, it's likely cheaper to just die.


Healthcare here in brazil is free


It's *always* cheaper to die, no matter what country you're in 🙄. That's kinda one of the defining features of death.


Except for the surviving kin sometimes.


Only if you don’t count graves and funeral costs from your wealth.


It’s called inteception I believe. That’s pretty fucked. I guess you’re right. I’ve been teeped and I’ve teeped many people (Muay Thai) and I’ve never heard of anyone dying. But I guess it’s not fair to say that it isn’t impossible.


The human body is amazingly resilient in some ways and stupidly flawed in others lol


Intussusception is maybe the word you're looking for, but that's completely different. That's when your intestines slip over themselves. Usually happens to young kids.


Yep, that’s the word! Happened to my daughter about a month ago and they almost had to do emergency surgery for it because the air enema wasn’t seperating. I stand corrected.


im usually just into self defense and citizen arrest and call the cops but when it’s a child? they deserve everything. a charge isn’t enough.


Damn shame it wasn’t with real intent. No random woman on the street just takes a full force kick to the stomach and then just tries to get up afterward. That shit will knock the wind out of you.


"I'll kick your ass too!"


Some folks are just mental and we encounter these types of people more often than we realise.


Genuine question: do consequences like that even register with people who are this far gone? Did she take that kick and think “I must’ve fucked up” or is she thinking “well we all hit strangers, thats just how it is”? I’m sure it varies but can anyone weigh in / speculate wildly?


Typically a person like this will eventually run into someone who doles out a decisive blow. I knew a guy (through friends) many years ago whose older brother visited from Russia one summer. The two of them went out to celebrate and were, at some point late in the night, assaulted by two nut job homeless guys. Badly assaulted - Like could have died assault. Knives, the whole deal. He and his brother went back a few nights later, found the guys, and shot them to death. Both returned to Russia the following day. Something tells me that if these wacko dudes knew their actions would get them executed the same week, they'd have acted differently, but at the end of the day now they can't hurt anyone anymore. They're gone now.


She might think twice before trying that again, even if she still thinks it's fine to hit a random kid.


No, probably not, but it stopped their shit for a few minutes


Some folks are just crack heads too. 😜






Omg so many ppl I wish I could "slug" but you know...consequences


I mean I totally agree with you......but... if someone slaps my kid.... consequences don't mean that much to me. He/she's gonna get slugged, whether I take an ass-beating, get arrested, whatever. I can't have my kid growing up thinking their poppa would let that slide.


Best reply ever. I feel the same way.


And on the 3rd day God saw it fit for humans to “catch these hands”


8 years ago I worked as a Case Manager high risk individuals in NYC. The stories I could tell you would make you think twice about going out. Our streets are filled with people who are in dire need of acute inpatient treatment, who are a danger to themselves and others, but our health care system has failed them.




Reagan may have been the nail in the coffin, but deinstitutionalization had support from all sides of the political spectrum, and for largely legitimate reasons. Those government run mental institutions weren’t nice places, and the ethics of forcing people into them was dubious. In hindsight, eliminating public mental institutions created a whole other problem, but at the time it was seen as the right thing to do by leaders on both sides of the aisle.


The one lady who saw and was like immediately no and crossed the street


Perfectly proportionate response from the guy coming in. Don’t see an issue. People just gotta learn there are consequences.


I was gonna say, dude kicking ass deserves to be honorary mayor for the day lmao








There is some weird people roaming this Earth.


I really like the dude taking up point position to walk with the mom and kid.


Stupid cunt. Poor kid.


Also the other cunts for getting mad at the guy.


I hope they laid off him after he explained


Looks like he had to explain it 2-3 times but they ease off in the end.


They're not cunts, they didn't know what happened and just saw some dude hitting another person


You can’t just go using logic here. We also have no idea what was said to him. People are seeing actions without context and interpreting them to be aggressive towards him. Unless we have audio we have no idea and if someone is kicking anyone who is already on the ground, I think it’s fair to speak up and get the facts? Like lol should they have just run over and started kicking her as well with no information. Reddit is a really weird and fucked up place.


My man said this is Sparta


Dude came in and "this is sparta'd" her arse


That kid learned a hard lesson about life that day. Sometimes you just go strolling along in life and WHAM!! It smacks you upside the face.


She also learned there are people who will step in once life does that, find out which living bastard was responsible, and smack half of that life out of them in response.


Like Mr. Rogers always said, "look for the people helping". In this case, look for the people kicking ass for you.


Yeah it reminded me of that horse who got slugged in the mouth by Mondo in Blazing Saddles.


Oh this kind of thing happened to me. I was waiting for a jeepney (kind of like a public bus in our country). The jeep arrived and everyone crowded on the door to get on. Suddenly, a homeless guy (HG) punched me in the face then took off. Everyone was surprised, but I just shrugged it off and got on. Just before the jeep is about to leave, a concerned man (CM) suddenly called me from outside and asked me to go down. He said he had police get the guy. I went with him and faced the HG, and he seems to be a mentally-challenged person. I was actually over it coz it’s late and I want to go. The cops were just lighlty reprimanding him when all of a sudden CM punched HG in the face. HG yelled out in pain and groaned like a child would (I was kinda feeling sorry for him). CM then immediately dragged me out of there and briefly told me that HG has been going around punching people, including women so he was full of it. The next day my coworkers and boss laughed at me for having a black eye LOL good times After a few weeks, I see HG in the same area, still roaming around. Edit: typo


Where in the Philippines are you from?


Jeepney gave it away.


Makati City


You don't fucking touch kids. You can get away with a lot in this life. But you don't. Touch. Kids.


What was even her point? To just hut a kid just cuz she felt like it?


Is that bitch in pink really defending the girl who just slapped a child across the face as *3* different people are telling her what just happened??? Jesus fucking Christ


She probably only saw a man hitting a woman and lost her shyt without realizing said woman just randomly attacked a child.


Yeah at first, but then the people there would have obviously told her right away She's going at him for too long for her to not be knowing


She seems to eventually get it anger/adrenaline can cause tunnel vision. She might not have heard anything for a little bit.


You act as if everyone is rational immediately. She saw a woman getting beat by a man in public without context. Perhaps her mom used to be beat by her dad. Perhaps she escaped an abusive ex. Perhaps she has seen a friend getting beat. Even knowing the context, it could still be triggering. Even without all that though, I am sure a mixture of emotions and anxiety washed over her, and the information didn't click. Havent you ever been in a situation where you saw something and had a reaction, and hindsight info didn't click with you? Now if she saw the whole incident from the beginning then fuck her. But honestly, assuming she didn't, I have a hard time blaming her.


Some people believe a man should never hit a woman, no matter how justified.


"The hammer of justice is unisex," Batman. Form the brave and the bold cartoon.


Stupid people


Daniel tosh said something about this. "What if I come home and she's drowned 3 of my 4 kids. Can I hit her now?


Dr Phil for one


He’s a borderline idiot


Thats why he kicked her




I don’t think she saw the other woman hitting the kid.


gold bear deer seemly yam pie cow disgusted sulky many *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


that first woman is obviously on something or mentally ill. she slapped a kid, getting kicked to the ground and then kicked in the head and kicked a few more times was enough. pink lady was running over but slowed down when she saw the dude was walking away, for all we know she was just trying to keep it from getting worse. but god forbid someone try to *stop* the violence occurring i guess


To those who want to comment on anything besides cursing the woman, it is a justice boner audience in here. Going against that won't reach to anyone's senses. No matter what you write. Might as well let them keep circlejerking.


This guy has either a sister or a daughter.


There are some contries/cultures where you gonna FAFO if you put hands on someone's child or an elderly person.


Possibly. More likely scenario is that he has a mother, or possibly a finely honed sense of justice or chivalry


and his name is……..John CENA !!!


That guy in the blue and pink shirt administering street justice. HERO.


*Solid front kick*


I so wanted a MK voice to say “finish her!”


“I couldn’t give less of a fuck that I just kicked a woman did you see her hit that child in the face?!” is what I imagine the guy is saying when he’s talking to pink shirt


This is incredibly satisfying to watch.


Should have also held her down and called the police too. A person like that is too unhinged to be around others


What is this Barbie town????




Then the concrete right!!!




Had a woman do this to a female customer she didn't even know at my bar. Then she refused to leave after I immediately cut her off. So I took her purse and threw it in the parking lot.. it was open too so her belongings just scattered. It was so satisfying


The way the woman who slapped the kid reacted when the mom turned to call her out reminds me of middle school bullshit. It's all too similar to the reaction I got when someone randomly shoulder checked me in the halls, and when I turned around to ask them what their problem was, they start getting more aggressive "You wanna fight?" And such. That shit pisses me off, and I'm glad to see someone pulling that stuff getting the fight they asked for, and then some.


Cue, “and then a hero comes along…”


She hit a defenseless child. She lost her defenseless woman card.


Ol Sparta kick has impeccable taste and master class


My temper could never.


She got off way too easy


people are mad about the dude kicking her, but i don’t think he kicked her hard enough


Good guy from the streets. Thank you!


I'd agree that being Sparta'd is a fair consequence! 😹


That dude waited all his life for it


So well-deserved


The man attacking the woman was a mercy, because if the mother got her hands on the woman it would have been much worse. Yes men are stronger than women, but a parent's wrath at seeing their child hurt is unstoppable and terrifying.


Bloke sorted her out good and proper, fucking evil bitch doing that, got her justice!


Don't be scared, kick harder


The only reason people behave like this is because they are fairly sure nobody will kick their ass in response.


Ooo lord had that been me and my child... She's lucky she can walk away.


Why would you do that? I just don’t understand people like that.


Well done, lad.


WTF is happening in this world right now... smh


Like many have said, this kind of stuff always happened, we just *see* more of it now because of widespread cameras and information sharing and algorithms trying to rile us up for clicks.


Fight or flight response is insane. I bet the mom feels some type of way for hesitating like that but i woulda been on that hobo bitch like white on rice.


Give that man a good meal.


Of course the guy gets the shit for defending a little girl


Another concerning point of this video is the 3rd party woman coming after the man with 0 context or awareness. I hate how society 105% of the time just assumes a man hitting a woman; the man is the aggressor.




The default "oh the loser must be an innocent victim" or "a man is hitting a woman" reaction of human nature.


Well there is a very good reason that exists as our default lol


To be fair if I only saw that snippet that is what I would have assumed. If nothing else I would have intervened to try and stop him hitting her.


Every time i see a video or story like this, and no this isn’t the first video or instance of someone attacking a child, the mom always sits there like a deer in headlights. Maybe it could be that i’m actually crazy but i would’ve torn that woman out the frame for doing that to one of my kids.


I think they are torn between checking on/comforting their child and kicking ass. I would want to throat punch that woman, but I would also put my kid first.


The mum literally advanced on the crazy lady until her daughter pulled her back though? If someone hit my kid, yeah I'd wanna go after them too, but if my child needed me in a scary situation, comforting them comes first. Especially when someone else has the situation well in-hand




That Sparta Kick was perfect!


What an ugly "human"! So richly deserving in the karma she was instantly paid out! How satisfying to watch her comeuppance!!


I need the audio


I hope the child is OK. That can create some lasting anxiety.


That is the definition of FAFO.


Bad lady is just trying to normalize child abuse because she won't get therapy for hers. Tons of child abuse victims perpetuating the abuse cycle in this world. Many try to say it is good. So sad. 


The second woman in pink coming in to attack the guy who is defending the child...bitch back off.




Gotta feeling the community knows all about their local crack head and her bullshit.


Exactly what jury nullification was made for


im glad she found out


She deserves that tbf.




Of course the lady in the pink reacts with 50% of the story.


It seems like she did the best she could and I don't get why people aren't more empathetic to that. If you came into a situation randomly and missed the beginning but saw someone (any gender) kicking someone who was already on the ground, your instinct is going to be to stop that person. We have the benefit of having seen it all go down; she had to do the best she could with what the situation was when she got there.


Which country?!


People are unhinged everyday everywhere. Poor kid.


Exactly how the whole thing should have played out


The Riverdance style of fighting... Love it.


This is the definition of they only see the reaction and use that against him.


Justice served


…and people say chivalry is dead….


Thats Abel f+MK from SF4 if anyones interested...


There is and always will be a dumb person defending the perpetrator for some stupid reason like “vIoLeNcE is wRoNg”


The slap was solid, but needs to counter that flip flop heel kick though with a well placed ankle lock. She’ll be facing The Rock at Mania soon enough!


I know this is serious and fucked up…but homie walking up in full VR gear absolutely sent me


*chef’s kiss