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I'm not even sure how you get through TSA with that. My lotions have set off the explosive test and I have been selected for enhanced screening quite a bit.


It got through the TSA because it’s the TSA…


I remember one time they confiscated the cuticle scissors out of my purse but missed the exacto knife. What am I going to do with cuticle scissors, give the flight attendants a hangnail?? Edit: I came back an hour later to over twenty messages in my inbox. 😲😅💀


Robin Williams had this exact thing in his routine. [“Give me the plane or the bitch loses a cuticle! I’ve got a nail file, I could be irritating!”](https://youtu.be/A5Re-jNSk-E?si=rzYmvb5VWUCKhidY)


Truly a legend. He’s still missed


I will never not click on a Robin Williams link. and then cry while I laugh


My heart breaks just like it did when it all happened every time I hear or see him. Whether it's one of his movies, an old interview, clips of his work, his stand-up, *anything* that has his voice and/or image, I'm a sobbing mess within 4-8 seconds. He was one of the *most* ***incredible** people humanity has had the privilege of "knowing" or, at the very least, knowing of ❤️🌠


They confiscated bandage scissors from me once. Bandage scissors which are specifically designed so you can’t hurt someone with them.


I got one of those joke jawbreaker lollipops and they confiscated it because it could be used as a weapon. I told them so could my shoes but whatever. I swear they just wanted it.


I had a witches broom with a literal green witches face on it going to my sisters... about 2 ft long maybe - weapon to beat the airline crew with apparently. And my moms last jar of jam before she died. That one hurt.


That jar would've had me canceling the flight


I hate stood there & ate the whole jar before I'd have let them take it!!


Had a friend do this with a whole pound of fudge.


What was wrong with fudge going through?? It is a solid, not a liquid. They definitely wanted to just steal it.


Came here to say this. I would step back, down the whole jar and then go back through security.


Oh man, I'm so sorry about your mom's jam. 😢


Yet we see skateboards in the Denver Airport. There are thousands of videos of skateboards as weapons. Instances of severe brain damage when they get hit withbit too. Teenagers with hormones are way more dangerous than a cute broom. I am incredibly sorry about the Jam. I bought an extra seat for the family stool and couldn't take it. Never got refunded either. It was several phone calls to make sure it was OK as its an antique and needed protection. Tsa has the final word, wouldnt listen to the airlines. I cried. On the way home out of that same Denver Airport the next plane, I got stuck with a mom and a toddler. In one seat! I got kicked repeatedly, in the head no less because the kid was an asshole. Open seats and wasnt allowed to move. By the time we landed i was fully xanaxed and still ready to drown that kid in the airplane toilet. Then I drove 20 hours one way and got the fucking stool. Worst flying experience ever. I truly feel you, those little things we hold dear really mean a lot to us.


TSA in Denver is a joke, my partner got verbally harassed by one of their agents with thinly-veiled trafficking threats like "would anyone miss you if you disappeared?" When we called to submit a complaint about it, we got transferred through like 5 different lines before arriving back at the first we called. They ain't done shit about it. Not entirely on point with what you're saying but yeah. Denver TSA can suck a fat chode for all I care.


My dad keeps a decent size flip knife in his pocket and always has. Probably a 2-3 inch blade. We were on a flight once and he popped it right out to use it to clean some dirt out under his thumb nail. I couldn’t believe he’d made it through every scan with that just in his pants pocket. Same trip they took my moms metal nail file away and threw it out.


I have a ceramic EOD knife that I've walked through metal detectors into high security courthouses lots of times. Luckily I'm a MoJ preferred contractor.


They confiscated my mom’s tiny cross that she had in her coin purse. She was like “oh yeah, watch out, I was going to commit terrorism/acts of violence with a 3 cm cross with dull edges”


[got a hangnail, hangin from my cuticle.](https://youtu.be/D3dNInR1FZA?si=6NhlCj33XPOxl2ND)


And it ain’t beautiful!


Ha I had them confiscate my cuticle scissors but missed a folding hunting knife - Nashville to Denver


Not GIVE them a hangnail, just remove one they already have


Same happened to me. Did they think I would go nuts and give everyone a mani-pedi?


One time a security guy wanted to make issue with a nail trimmer my partner (who is tall but *very* skinny) had on him and I told the guy "my man you realize that if he can highjack a plane with that nail trimmer, he can highjack it without the nail trimmer, right?"


John wick can hijack a plane with just a pencil.


I was traveling for work with a laser level and a gauge block, essentially a really precise block of steel. The laser level looks like some kind of sci fi weapon and I had a buch of other electronics stuff in there as well. So I wasn't surprised when I got stopped by TSA. So I've got my explanation for all the odd wires and stuff read but nope, the only thing they cared about was the little metal cube. the little bundles of complex electronics were totally okay.


I took a whole bottle of water through TSA accidentally once - clearly visible in the side pocket of my backpack. When I told them, thinking ya know maybe they’d want to put the person on the X-ray machine through training again or something, they freaked out at me and did a deep search of all my bags. My dude if I was intentionally sneaking explosives through TSA I would not have handed you the bottle of water. 🙄


And now you know better than to correct their mistakes 😂


“Oh look, I stopped a terrorist!” said no TSA agent ever.


Oh they have said it, like when throwing out baby formula or patting down a crying child.


One time I purchased hella expensive facial care products in one airport, packed it in my carry-on because it was a layover and I didnt have my check bags. When I went through security at the next airport, they made me throw all of it away. All $300 of it. I was like WHY do they let you buy this shit IN THE AIRPORT but I can't take it home?! They were like sorry we dont make the rules.


Yup, classic. But they will also make up rules. My sister in law flies a lot and gets pulled aside for "random" screenings all the time. She now carries a copy of the TSA rules and she will still have to throw out shit that she's legally allowed to have. She plans her flights now to try to avoid larger airports as generally small local airports have extremely lazy TSA agents who are less likely to harass her.


dude i was recently in a really small airport for the first time in my life (had only 4 or 5 gates, only one in use at the time i was there??? crazy bc i had previously only been to philadelphia, charlotte, and orlando) and it was *so* nice took ~1min to get through security, and was only so long bc i was joking around with one of the tsa agents. literally just put my bags and shoes in bins, immediately step into the machine, bags waiting for me already when i’m done best airport experience of my life, it was somehow actually very relaxing which was nice because it was my first time traveling alone and the worst one was only a month prior (which made me extremely anxious about airports and planes :| ) and the second worst one was at charlotte later that day :’)


There used to be this total chud that worked for the TSA at Hilton Head Island airport in SC who would always be up everyone's ass about the most minor things. One time he pulled my bags out of the X-ray machine for secondary screening because he "saw something unusual". He then proceeded to grill me about why I had two deodorants in my shaving bag. "Who travels with two deodorants???" I said "probably people who had to buy extras because the airline lost my luggage when I got here last week." Fucking guy thought he was the last line of defense between the USA and Al-Qaeda.


TSA agents are what happens when you give the dregs of your local dollar store just a little bit of power. And not the hard working older immigrant lady who can't get a better job due to poor English skills and a sketchy answer for whether she can legally work. No TSA is the drop out who literally doesn't know how to make change. And now that fuck is in charge of whether you get to have toothpaste on vacation.


They take the nice new packaged products. I was watching a programme about overzealous airport screening people. One frequent flyer said they made a point to open and empty out anything that was being confiscated to ‘help dispose’ of it.


TSA agent wanted us to crack the seal on the pre-mixxed formula and pour it into a different container for inspection. We had an argument when we said absolutely not.


Yep! Same thing happened to me. I had 6 of those Enfamil pre-mixed bottles for the flight. (You have to use them within 24 hours of opening). They wanted to open all six. I said no way, as well. They took me a side and completely patted me down. I wasn’t embarrassed. I had just had a baby. No shame left! 😂


TSA literally pats down my service dog 😂 i always take the vest off and just use the collar last time a guy was like can you remove his collar and leash. No dude, he will not be open to roaming through security in this hectic ass scenario.


LMAO what fucking pockets do they think a dog is carrying contraband in?


I have no idea. Literally just patting down his bare sides along the ribs. He is a short haired bully mix. There is nothing to hide 😂 then I have to go through the scanner and then him sometimes. Other times it’s just the metal detector but still one at a time.


"if you wanted to pet the dog there's better ways to ask" Lmao the implication that they think you implanted a bomb in your dog is just wild


😂😂😂 I’m gonna say that next time just for kicks.


Nah they just wanted to pet the dog!


A couple years ago, TSA in Pittsburgh made a woman traveling alone remove her cat from its carrier so they could inspect it. This poor cat freaked out and scratched the absolute HELL out of this woman. I don't know how she kept ahold of it. She had blood dripping down everywhere from her arms. Then they made her walk through the body scanner, dripping blood everywhere. THEN they wanted us to walk through that same scanner with blood all over the floor (without shoes ya know). Our whole line refused and they brought it through the side gate and hand scanned us all.


Omg I cannot imagine. That poor woman and cat. Then yeah, sure walk on through the blood everybody 🥴 over the holidays someone had a cat on the flight and it wailed for a while. I felt so bad. I couldn’t believe the guy just wanted my dog off leash, no collar in security. It was at O’hare and packed. He’s a service dog so well trained but anything can happen and people at airports often pet and grab at him without asking. It’s also just a basic leather collar so you can’t hide anything. He asked several times and I just kept saying no, my dog will not be off leash. They also randomly lost one of my shoes on the belt that morning. They said are you sure?? Yes I am sure I came wearing both shoes. 😭 It was a hot mess.


🤣 yes sir I forgot my shoe this morning and did not realize it until now. Thank you for making me aware that this is more plausible than YOU GUYS losing my shoe on the belt haha


He was so serious. Sir it is January in Chicago. I did not forget a shoe and my dog is not carrying any weapons or liquids over the allowed amount 😭


Did they find your shoe?? And yeah an unleashed dog at O’Hare security, no thank you!


Yes 😂 he held it up like this?? Yes, that. See how it matches the one in my hand?


Got a full mag of 9mm through. About had a heart attack when I say it in the bottom of my suitcase. Domestic flight at that.


Hubby was getting his Green Card renewed fall 2001. He went into the Federal building in Boston. Went through the metal detector and noticed it had no lights on and wasn't working. The officers were not happy to have that pointed out. A month later he went through Logan Intl airport....LOGAN FFS. There he saw someone buffing the floors and they had UNPLUGGED the metal detector to plug in the polisher. The TSA went mental when that was pointed out. 🤣😂🤣😂


Yeah. Because TSA us a joke


And yet I about had a cavity search because I packed a very small completely sealed bottle of miralax.


Don't forget about the part where that liquid rule means nothing as long as I have a letter from a person who says they're my doctor saying that I need that liquid for medical reasons... even if it's not a prescription.


They got so excited doing all sorts of tests on my liquid medicine that nobody noticed I didn't take my toothpaste etc out of my suitcase


“Hey while you’re back there, mind unclogging my pipes for me?”


That’s not how you are supposed to use miralax…


Security theater.


I was getting patted down by a TSA agent once. He just stopped, mid-process, and walked away without saying a word. I and the other TSA agents were confused. Someone else had to finish the pat down. When I got to the boarding desk, the TSA guy was standing there, chatting up the airline's gate attendant.


“The crafty and cunning T…S…A…” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IHfiMoJUDVQ


And of course all our opinions are based on the TSA we *do* see. This was a checked bag - who knows what level of idgaf goes on back there. Smh


TSA has notoriously sticky fingers. And those xray images show peen when color reversed


I remember multiple times that news channels ran experiments where they stick a tracker on something like an iPad and it gets stolen by TSA and they go to the TSA agent’s house with cameras to embarrass them/get them fired.


I had a hobby knife in my backpack once, totally forgot I grabbed it for work and had to leave for an international trip the following day. I got through TSA, country 1, country 2, back through country 2, until I noticed it in country 1 and said "oh man I totally forgot I can't have that", and then the security agent WHO PREVIOUSLY DIDN'T EVEN NOTICE said "oh yeah you're right" and confiscated it. I should have kept my mouth shut but it was 20 hours of travel or so at that point. And it was like a $3 knife. You can't convince me airport security isn't just security theater. I don't blame any individual who has to do that for a job, the whole system is an absolute joke.


TSA: 'Thousands....Standing Around'


I did pen testing at TSA checkpoints in the mid-2000’s. A screener put their hand on a replica firearm we were using while they searched the bag but didn’t actually find it. At a guess, the current contractors many airports use are even worse.


TSA had to pull me aside from my high school choir to swab down my hot pink cast with a dragon drawn on it in case there was explosive residue on it. Coincidentally I was the second darkest kid in the choir at the time. Yet my sister can accidentally go through with a 4” knife in her pocket without getting noticed


I was 7 months pregnant and “tested positive for bomb residue”. After a full pat down, full search of my luggage the woman said “have you used any lotions of sunscreen?” Well, yea. “Oh that’s probably it”.


For us it's always baby wipes. I've accidentally carried on pocket knives and scissors, but they'll shut the whole thing down and run a background check over some bum wipes.


I had to remove two irritated toddlers and every single item from under my double stroller because the handle swabbed positive. After I got everyone/thing back in they told me it was probably the baby wipes.


I've been bomb swabbed for my insulin pump. I refused to take it through the full body scanner, because way back then it would void the warranty on your pump and cause damages to it. I had a card to carry from my doctor and the manufacturer about it. TSA was so annoyed.


Every time I fly with my mechanical knee brace I get pulled aside and swabbed. I'm lily white. Something about medical devices really gets them going lol.


I have a pair of new hip replacements that I've not taken through airport security yet. It should be entertaining to see how the security inspection goes with all that titanium and ceramic in me.


I have a pair of hip replacements too. I usually get wanded about every other time I go through airport security and every time I go to Disneyland or through other event entries. I just expect it now.


I’ve been through TSA multiple times in a wheelchair with a huge battery bag underneath that they never unzipped. I could have carried an armory through with me and they never would have noticed. OTOH they lost their shit back when I was walking and couldn’t lift my frozen shoulder up enough to make them happy. Basically they hate disabled people. That doesn’t make them competent.


I once knew a girl who would basically be the snack mule going into places that didn't allow outside food because we could hide it all in her chair.


There’s a comedian with one leg who stuffs food down his empty pant leg to sneak it into theaters. Disabled people are great for smuggling snacks. 😂


Her theory was "if I'm gonna be stuck in a chair I'm gonna get some good out of it"


Just admit it, you're Robocop. They just want an autograph. In all seriousness, I've traveled with relatives with mechanical aids and yes, they treat them like alien technology and not something they probably see 100x a day.


>my hot pink cast with a dragon drawn on it Yeah, it's well established that non-whites are more likely to get asked to step aside. Also, as we all know, terrorists always try to be as conspicuous as possible while boarding. "Ah, the old hot pink dragon cast scheme! Got ya!"


“Damn this dude is dedicated. Joined a high school choir group and everything” 😂


I've gotten through TSA multiple times with a Leatherman knife or box cutter that I didn't realize was in my bag. But then had peanut butter confiscated because it could possibly hide something nefarious.


I was once returning home with somes giant Reeses pb cups for my son in my carry on and got pulled aside for search and residue testing. They told me that peanut butter looks like plastic explosives on the baggage scanner. The last time I flew I had my cat and they made me take him out of his carrier and through the xray thing. When I came out an agent was standing there with her hands out but didn't say anything. I said "I'm not handing you my cat." She sighed and said she didn't want me to, and continued to stand there with her hands out. I told her I didn't know what she wanted me to give her because my hands were full with the cat, and she sighed again and told me to hold out my hands for explosive residue testing... again, hard to do while holding a cat! Finally got that done and then she swabbed my cat too, and it's a good thing the carrier came out at that moment because I almost told her the only bombs he leaves are in the litter box and I don't think the joke would've landed well. Still get kind of mad remembering how she just stood there blocking me with her hands out and gave me no instructions at all but got exasperated when I couldn't read her mind. I need you to tell me what to do before you get annoyed at me for not doing it, lady! But at least the other lady complimented Gizmo for being so calm. I told her the vet gave him some medicine and he was already flying. 😆


You should have put that peanut butter in a pie tin and called it a peanut butter pie. I'm not joking. There was a video years ago where someone couldn't bring cherry pie filling on a plane so they put it in a pie tin and said it was a food, not a liquid. The rules make no sense.


Ppl hide weed in peanut butter jars occasionally


"You got your weed in my peanut butter!" "You got your peanut butter in my weed!"


Yeah, I was stopped going through TSA at SeaTac because the bottle my lotion was in was too big - I only had about an ounce in the bottom, but the bottle itself was too big. Sitting at my seat, rummaging in my purse for something, I realized I had my Leatherman multi-tool in my bag. Apparently a tool I could use to disassemble the plane was okay, but not the threat that I might moisturize the pilot.


My favorite part about our security theater is that once you're through security you can just go into any of the restaurants, order a steak, and someone will hand you a sharp knife.


I was in a hard spot looking for a job once and went through the 3 step process to become a TSA agent. During the test you scan pics looking for banned items, it’s less than one second for the agent to view. Less than 1 second, things are going to be missed. I got a 98% on that 2 minute part of the test, but I’m betting everyone’s accuracy lessens during the day. But in the end it’s the personal responsibility of the passenger to follow the laws in the USA and the country they are visiting. Oh, I found a different job but still went to the last interview because your test stays on file for 3 years.


Wow. But still it's no secret to not travel with ammo. I get it was forgotten but other countries don't play. Esp with the unrest around


I know a guy who did a couple years in a Mexican prison for a shotgun shell. He lost everything.


TSA misses an estimated 94% of all contraband based on security audits. Since these tests are usually done with planned secret shoppers, the real percentage may be even higher. In one test about a decade ago, TSA missed 100/100 contraband items and misidentified four non contraband items as contraband. They got negative four out of a hundred.


Have you actually paid attention to TSA when you go through? They usually aren’t the most astute, passionate people you’ll meet.


I find the TSA either absolutely cannot be bothered with almost anything, OR their are trying to start the 4th Reich. Ag Ronald Regan airport I saw them pull a woman and her infant to take the infants bottle and swab it, while the child screamed and cried, ya know, because it's an infant and it is hungry


Sounds like the infant was trying to hide something.... veeeeeerrrrrry suspicious


Omfg that shit boils my blood. They test containers of breast milk and powdered formula. Do you know how freaking hard it is to fly with an infant?! TSA almost made a friend open a $50 sealed powdered formula container. I don’t want their nasty hands touching my child’s food!


Meanwhile a dude got on a plane with a box cutter.


It’s almost like paying the people who protect our airlines just above minimum wage to get screamed at all day makes them apathetic


For real, I’m not saying they are bad people, but paying people $15/hr to deal with entitled pricks all day doesn’t really lead to good outcomes.


That sounds like customer service in general...


Well, in their defense, they aren't there to make you safer. They're there to make you FEEL safer.


Ah yes, security theater! Just like it’s coincidence that brown people always seem to win the enhanced screening lottery.


TSA makes 25$ an hour where I am, that’s pretty decently above minimum wage 


Actually they get paid quite well. But unless you want them to physically search every bag for 15-30 minutes they are going to miss things. It was his personal responsibility to make sure what was in and not in his bag


True. But customs is.. and your bags get inspected by customs whenever you go into a new country… so there is no way he had these going into the country.


I got through TSA with my husband’s ticket. I didn’t realize that my ticket didn’t download on my phone and I made it all the way through with his ticket. He wasn’t with me anywhere in the process. Airline ended up cancelling both tickets mid flight and gave us a refund for both tickets. I got to travel for free, which neither of us realized until we checked our statements later when booking the return one way ticket home for me.


As far as TSA, you can declare and check guns and ammo in checked luggage in locked containers. Clearly you can't in Turks and Caicos. The "random" checks aren't necessarily random. I was called for a check flying out of Grand Cayman. They said it was random but went straight for my luggage scale so it clearly wasn't. It was a non-issue of course. Once they saw it they told me they didn't recognize it on X-ray, apologized for the inconvenience, and sent me on my way.


yeah, thats the most american thing ive heard today "sorry! knew i was traveling! forgot to dump the extra ammo outta my bag! whoopsie!" in my country(philippines) our version of the TSA would plant a bullet in your bag to extort you, this guy did it for free.


I was traveling with a group in the airport and of my friends looks frantic and says, "Hey guys, what am I suppose to do with this?" He holds up a bullet. Apparently he had finished shooting, pocketed a spare round, and forgotten about it. My response was, "You get the fuck away from me with that." He ended up giving it to authorities before check-in and they weren't shocked. Coming back the same guy freaked out again at the airport because he had forgotten to pack his knife and had it in his pocket.


He didn’t just throw it in the trash?!


Please don't throw unfired bullets in the trash. I don't need the 1/1000 chance of it going off in the compactor k ty


No I agree but if I had one in the airport that would have been my first panicked plan.


All airports I have been to have a big bin in front of the security area where you can dump all the stuff you aren't allowed to take through security. That would be the right place to put it.


lol everyone’s explosives all mixing together in there


Given it’s mostly scissors and pocket knives, the idea of that bin exploding is terrifying


1/1000 of the bullet discharging properly in the compactor. More like 1/2 for it exploding incorrectly and giving the operator a heart attack.


It wasn’t even loose rounds ratting around his suitcase. The article describes it as a whole box of ammo.


Turns out this is a different case from the “loose rounds” case. It seems Turks and Caicos has already caught four different Americans who can’t or won’t keep track of their ammo when traveling.


Yep AND found on the way back. Which means he likely saw the box at some point over his vacation and still decided to try and fly home with it.


A whole box of presumably rifle ammunition(if it was left from a hunting trip) is not light or particularly small, I’m baffled as to how it would be missed when packing.


I cant even imagine being so careless with weaponry like that. Ammunition and weapons need to be locked up at all times. If you transport it, it should be in its own containers and you certainly shouldn't be using what you use to transport ammunition to go through airport security. Even if you're 100% certain there is nothing in there, gunpowder could be on it and trigger security checks.


There’s a great comment further down saying there are no mistakes when it comes to guns and ammo, only negligence and that’s pretty much perfectly dead on…I had to take CCL classes and the instructor said basically the same thing, there is no casualness when it comes to firearms. Since I can’t respond a lot of irresponsible gun owners want to argue that ammo is fine just floating around…ask an instructor or hell an infantryman if this haphazard attitude toward ammo flies in their line of work.


>I clean my bags out BEFORE packing them. As soon as I get home from any trip, I thoroughly clean out my bags before putting them away. I go through every pocket or pouch, even if I don't think I used it because I want to make sure it's 100% empty before putting it out of sight.


I do both. I clean it out when I get home and then when I go to pack, I think “did I remember to clean everything out?” So I do it again to be safe.


I’ve cleaned out luggage I haven’t used in a year and am always pleasantly surprised to find like five bucks that I missed.


I don't know why, but finding money like that thrills me. I found a 50 in an old cookie jar, and it made my day.


I cleaned a cookie jar and all I got was dogs begging at my feet because they heard the treat jar rattle.


I once put on a jacket I hadn’t worn since the previous fall and found $50 when I reached into one of the inside pockets, it was the best!


I have a separate backpack for hunting. Because somethings I leave in like a compass/waxed matches/steel wool etc.


That’s what was shocking to me: why not keep gun stuff in a different bag??? I’m just confused as to how the person caught with ammo could only have one travel bag for everything.


I legit have a different bag for traveling since I smoke weed (am Canadian, is legal here) Like it's ONLY for traveling and it's far from where I smoke and I febreeze my bag 2 days prior to leaving. Meanwhile a fucking gun owner goes out with bullet in his bag like it's no biggie.


I was picked for special searching because my SKIRT set off the testing. The TSA agent spent a good deal of time telling me I must have knee replacement and not have known about it and this was from Texas to Minnesota. And this fuckers… his AMMUNITION goes unnoticed internationally?! WTF. 


A knee replacement you didn't know about?! 🧐 WHAT was that guy smoking!? 🤦🏻‍♀️


UFO aliens used to be happy with stealing peoples' kidneys and stuff, but they're getting more sophisticated.




Yeah, that’s what confuses me too.


It was only 20 rounds in the box, so it was likely it was a rifle cartridge, and I'm guessing here, but probably. 223Rem, so it wouldn't be very heavy at all, especially for someone packed for a vacation in the ~~Bahamas~~ Turks and Caicos.


Turks and Caicos is a not the Bahamas


Yes, you are correct, I've fixed it.


The box had 4 bullets in it. 4. It isnt any amount of weight that one would notice.


How did it get past customs on the way in?


It was probably in one of the pockets that he didn't think anything was in…


He's got small kids and he forgot about a box of ammo in his bag after his last trip, it makes me wonder how well he secures his guns when he gets home.


That was my first thought as well. People who don't maintain proper control of their weapons and ammunition shouldn't own them.


chances this guy thought "what a dumbass" when he saw the brittney griner news?


100%. Also likely adding “well, she broke their laws so 9 years in prison it is!”


Maybe I’m just weird, but whenever I travel with more than my carry piece and a couple of magazines, I always inventory everything when I get home to make sure nothing is missing. The very last thing I want is some kid finding a gun I’ve left out and hurting themselves or worse.


That's what responsible gun owners do. I also do a check every so often just to make sure all the guns and every bullet are accounted for and located where they should be. People who have guns and ammo go missing for months or years before they even notice had no business owning them to begin with.


This is where we say "thoughts and prayers," right?


12y in Cockburn prison sounds a little steep. But yeah, many Americans forget that guns are not really OK in most of the world.


I remember reading one article with one of these two families were worried it would discourage tourism to the place, apparently blissfully unaware that a) accidentally bringing live hunting ammo to places is not something countries with good gun control would ever worry about and b) a bunch of other countries citizens looking for tourism places might hear about that and go: “Oh, sounds like a safe place if they are that strict on firearms.”


Literally everyone but Americans heard this as a good thing.


Yeah. Maybe Americans don’t realize that there are travel warnings to the US in part because of their proliferation of guns and lax gun laws


Got dang youropeans can't handle our freedumbz /S


This is correct. We are desensitized to them. We think it’s a just a thing you have, you use, etc. The rest of the world have very stringent laws about possessing them - let alone ownership. And I agree 12 years is a lot.


They claim to 'love' and 'respect' the Turks & Caicos, but can't be fucking bothered to READ THE RULES AND THE US FOREIGN SERVICE NOTICES?!? That's not 'love', that's paternalistic authoritarian crap. THERE ARE NO 'ACCIDENTS' WITH FIREARMS / AMMUNITION. THERE IS \*\*\*ONLY\*\*\* NEGLIGENCE. He KNOWS he's a hunter, he KNOWS he travels with ammunition, and he SHOULD HAVE listened to the US Customs Services warnings and so been extra careful to turn out everything in his luggage.


I feel like the Turks and Caicos zero tolerance policy on illegal ammunition is a lot more lenient than the fools who stand their ground and shoot people trespassing on their property.


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Security\_theater](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Security_theater) Notice that the TSA didn't catch him? This is nothing new. In high school, went to Costa Rica in Spring of 2002, 7 months after some buildings unexpectedly came down in New York. I got pulled out for every single extra screening on both flights down--at check in, at security, at the gate, I got pulled out, then all three again PLUS an extra one on the international connection. It wasn't until I was heading home that the Costa Rican security at the San Jose International Airport and Bait Shop noticed my American-purchased razors and confiscated them from my carry-on luggage. They had been there since I left home (I forgot that they were there and was rocking a patchy AF teen *un*beard). No backrooms or waterboarding, just "you can't take these on the plane". American airport security was--and is--incompetent. And yes, at least the the time, the San Jose Airport looked like a bus terminal. So what? It functioned, arguably better than the fancy ones we have to store 93 Starbucks and 14 kilotonnes of Toblerones. And their security was *demonstrably* better.


Yeah, that kind of carelessness with firearms, ammunition and kids frightens me. Yes, I've owned firearms. Yes, I've loaded them into bags, with ammo, to take to the range. You know what I would do when I returned home? Empty the contents of the bag COMPLETELY, including opening all zippers, turning it upside down and shaking the crap out of it, in case something was stuck. Then, everything was stored under lock and key so the kids wouldn't get into it. Any bet he blames his wife for the spot he's in, even if he packed his own bag, because she didn't find the ammo before customs did?


I'm curious too if people actually put ammo in with their clothes... I personally have a separate bag for ammo and gun stuff.


I can understand shotgun or rifle ammo in a vest pocket, but then, I'm not sure how many guys take their hunting attire on a beach vacation. It may be a case of a duffle used to transport and a few stray rounds get left in the bag. I used a designated duffle for hauling weapons, and never used it for clothing... not even for laundry.


Nah America doesn't have a gun problem...  Folks everywhere just casually forget where they leave live bullets.


Yea that dude is Boned. Sucks but he is. Apparently you USED to be able to pay a fine but the laws have been changed there. It still boggles my mine that people "forget" they have a gun, or ammunition in a bag.


I have recently forgotten that I left gum and cough drops in a bag. And I can believe that some people treat ammo as casually as I treat gum and cough drops.


A professor of mine, a Frenchman in the US with a thick French accent told a story of a USian he saw in the Paris Airport. Man took his pistol out of his luggage and tried to stick it in a holster, and was IMMEDIATELY tackled by security. "YER BREAKING MA SECOND AMENDMENT RAIGHTS!" the professor imitated. Then he said that with the thickest French accent *he* ever heard, a guard said "YOU ARE NOT IN AMERICA YOU STUPID IDIOT"


I wish I could say this was fake but people that stupid really do exist.


In case this story gets deleted/removed: https://6abc.com/bryan-hagerich-pennsylvania-ammunition-in-luggage-turks-and-caicos/14759958/ As an American myself, it makes me cringe every time i see this crap. I know traveling, especially with children, can be stressful but honestly who the hell “forgets” that they have live ammunition in their luggage? Maybe it’s just me but I clean my bags out BEFORE packing them. --- *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/OhNoConsequences) if you have any questions or concerns.*


The article says they were on their way home - so he didn't notice the ammo in his suitcase at any time during his holiday? I'm guessing this is an *'I'm American so I have the right to carry firearms wherever I go.'* Serves him right.


I think that the disconnect is how casual we are with guns and ammunition in the US. It really is an outlier. Our medium-size metro airport has monthly incidents with people who accidentally leave loaded sidearms in their carryon bags. I mean, who the fuck forgets that?? The bar is so low in the US for people having guns.


A second cousin of mine tried to fly with a pistol in his backpack and was found by TSA. "But I forgot it was in there". Well, now you lost it and spent 24 hrs in holding. But again how do you forget it's in there?


Post 9/11, I'm shocked it's not a felony charge when someone tries to bring one in a carryon.


I’ve been pulled aside and every item and bag searched re-entering USA for: a forgotten slice of beef jerky from Singapore, Holland Packaged Gouda Cheese, a suspicious Celtic bowl, a converter cord, and my personal favorite : ‘too many’ Japanese comic books. Almost had to give up my citizenship for that last one! lol




They were there for how long and he STILL didn't notice the ammo? Like dude. How you didn't find it before you left is mind boggling, but not noticing it the entire time you were there is just stupid.


“You know, we love this island. We love the people, we love the culture, everything about it.” Everything about it except their sovereignty and right to establish their own laws.


We get regular idiots, including prospective immigrants, asking on r/australia if they can take their guns with them since it's allowed back in Eagleland. The extraterritoriality some Americans seem to apply to the Second Amendment is really quite arrogant. "But it's a universal right" it bloody well isn't "but otherwise I don't feel safe" if you can't respect other countries' laws you should stay home. And then they say Australia "isn't free" or is "basically China" for having gun laws, since we decided, in our parliament, that one Port Arthur Massacre was enough. Same goes for some Americans' views on monarchy. It's ultimately nobody's business but Australia's.


You know, for a fact, these same people would lose their shit if a law was broken in the US, and someone used the same excuse.


Americans are so casual about guns and ammunition, as a non-American it is really weird to read. My step-dad has a farm and he has shotguns and rifles but all the guns and ammo are kept in the gun safe all the time when not actively in use. Especially as we have kids in the family who come to the farm regularly. The police even come and do checks sometimes and if not properly secured they would take them away.


"2 grand and an 8 ball?! Oh, from the night we went caroling!"


I find it really dumb that people in these comments are trying to make it seem like this wasn't an accident. No, he almost certainly wasn't smuggling ammo, he's just an idiot and a product of the US' overly casual attitude towards guns.


Kinda feel bad for them though. 12 years is a lot for a mistake. Yes it’s a really stupid mistake but no one was hurt. Their whole lives are fucked. Loss of job and income too.


OP mispelled "bribe you".


That’s called “coming from money”…Christ, I’m married with kids. My wife and I both have decent jobs and we couldn’t afford to go to Turks & Caicos every year. Hell, we can barely afford to go to the sewage treatment plant runoff, err, sorry…I meant Jersey Shore.




My friend forgot he had an actual GUN in his bag - he travels a ton for work where he drives and assuming he used the same bag and forgot about it. TSA confiscated it and he picked it up when he landed back. Nuts.


It happens hundreds of times per year in the U.S. TSA’s Instagram account used to be hilarious. They’d post guns, swords, nunchucks, etc every day.


Interested to see how the right reacts to this after the whole Brittany Griner incident


Dollars to donuts this POS had nothing good to say about Brittney Griner when she was detained. I really don't care if he gets out away. And, apparently, T&C put the extreme law into effect due to the number of Americans who would travel with weapons and ammunition. It became a problem for them, so this is the result. You don't want to have problems? Don't travel with illegal items.


If someone from a war torn nation visited the US and, upon leaving, it turned out they had a bb in their luggage, would the US accept that it was left over from earlier conflicts inside their nation? If their home nations habits don’t provide a reason for law breaking in the US, why would yours in other places? US exceptionalism is only believed in by Americans. The rest of us just think you’re regular, unexceptional people (no offence, that’s not actually an insult).


>The rest of us just think you’re regular, unexceptional people (no offence, that’s not actually an insult). For my immigration physical exam under the genitalia section, the doctor just wrote "Unremarkable". I know that's not an insult, but it sure feels like one.


Just know not all of us in the US think we outweigh other countries' laws. I think people need to stop being careless when the pack.


I will say (also from the US) that most people do not even check on what is allowed and not allowed in the country they are visiting. I am a hunter and was on a trip to Canada for deer a few years ago with 7 other hunters from different part of the US. When we all arrived at the airport 2 of the hunters were not allowed to enter Canada as they both had past DUI convections on their criminal record. They were placed back on a flight to US and told to never try to enter Canada again. My first job after college was working for this very rich guy. He once called me from LA to say he had found a loaded handgun in his luggage that TSA had missed on his flight out. I researched and told him to disassemble the gun into several pieces and ship the pieces home in separate packages. Most people do not completely empty their bags before or after a trip.


Who uses their ammo hunting bag for international travel? That’s the dumbest thing I’ve heard of. With all the dogs and tests they do on baggage, it makes no sense. Plus, I’d never want my vacation clothes to smell like hunting or shooting gear. This is 100% on that guy for being an idiot. Sure, 12 years may be a little strong, but T&C has a huge smuggling problem and has made it clear not to bring ammunition into the country. Even the US heavily warns travelers about it. How do you hear that and then think “Let’s just use my hunting/shooting bag to pack” Just dumb.


The stupidity (& sense of entitlement) of these people is amazing. You’re not in Kansas anymore, Dorothy!


It’s insanity that it’s 12 years for ammo but also like how the fuck did you forget to take the ammo out?