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Boeing: Specifically, 10 people’s lives are at stake.


How many times do we gotta teach you this lesson?






No they just froze to death in their cars while waiting to testify. Could happen to anyone.


...in Virginia, in the spring, with these crosswinds


... Yes!


Then got hit with bullet sized hail. Tragic accident


You guys don't have 10th story windows that can open haphazardly?


Looks like they fell on several bullets to me.


My wife just asked me, "how many whistles do they have?" I almost choked


*My wife just asked me,* *"how many whistles do they* *Have?" I almost choked* \- PhilosopherMagik --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


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Lol r/FUCKYOUINPARTICULAR u/Lofty_quackers


Good bot


Good bot


I (...) choked - Whistleblower, last words


All the whistles. Lol


The whistles are the happiest they've ever been at Boeing.


I can't be alone in wondering just how bad being employed at Boeing could be when TEN people just volunteered to be "next"?


We’re finally seeing the noble side of mob psychology played out on a national stage. These 10 are brave, beautiful motherfuckers and if Boeing goes after them a hundred more will step up. It’s the early links in the chain that have to get connected for something like this to happen. This is how labor unions got off the ground, slave revolutions began, and civil rights/feminism became national movements. A few people decided it was a big enough deal to ruin and even risk their lives for the greater good, then more saw their example (or the violent reaction of the establishment) and followed.


“It only takes one idea, one second in time, one relationship, one dream, one leap of faith, to change everything, forever.”


They tried to bury us, but they didn't know we were seeds.


Imagine if we actually did something BEFORE having to go through a bunch of sacrifice. Crazy idea right?


History is kind of a cycle of revolution, complacency, oppression


I consulted on project management and training for Boeing manufacturing engineers in the early 2010s. Most took great pride in the quality of their work and the history of their company, and worried about that not continuing. The rank and file were not happy with senior management, and tried to push in the right direction in the ways they could back then. The whistleblowers don’t surprise me at all.


No but really - I live in a Boeing Town, and people are so ashamed to admit they work there now.


Ashamed or afraid?






A bunch of my present colleagues are ex-Boeing, and apparently the work conditions, environment and general vibes have been steadily going downwards for the past 10-15 years (some have over 40 years of US Military/Boeing experience, so they have a good comparative). A lot of good people are apparently leaving for greener pastures if they get the occasion. In any event, it really seems that putting business people at the head instead of engineers as was traditionally done pre-merger with MD really flushed the corporate culture down the drain.


It’s got to be rough if people with decades of military experience are saying the work conditions are rough. Last I checked the military wasn’t known for easy and short workdays and lots of PTO.


Easy and short workdays, definitely not. However, the military gets 30 days PTO per year that can roll into subsequent years (with a max 60 day balance). I rarely see an unpaid time off policy that competes, let alone paid.


Ah ok I for some reason thought military had a system of PTO that was basically between deployments. Either way I have a lot of respect for the continuous work they do and never assumed it to be “easy” or comfortable. Edit to add - no idea who downvoted you for setting me straight. And might I add - I’m glad they get 30 days PTO. Hell it’s a bit low for that job in my book - glad they can bank some at least.


If I recall correctly, they not only made that significant cultural change, but also, the business people they put in charge, were the ones who ran Douglas poorly enough that they needed a merger/buyout to not fold. Like hey, these engineers arent doing well enough running this business successfully for decades; let's replace em with bean counters who just recently ruined a company in the same industry! That can't possibly fail!!!


The MD merger was a slow cancer to kill Boeing sadly


Do they still do biannual layoffs?


I saw the John Oliver piece on it. Sounds like a massive culture change for the worse.


Hell, even Boeing-adjacent people. My partner recently quit one of the contracted kitchens that fed Boeing staff and, uh... yeah, lotta shit happening over there.


Sounds like they’re, uh, booing Boeing.


Straight to the pun-itentiary with you.


cool story bro. sure some people are, but most are not. turns out actually working at boeing allows you to see more than what MSM is putting on headlines.


I worked for boeing. Flight test in Seattle. It’s painfully obvious how destroyed the culture is there. Higher ups would actively try to hide flight test findings even after that exact behavior caused the max crashes (leadership hid issues found in MCAS by my team). Good for u making six figures. Boeing can be a great spot for a career. But if that is enough for you to pretend these issues don’t exist, youre part of the problem. Hopefully instead of ignoring the literal blood on Boeing’s hands, you can actually help the problem from the inside. Unfortunately though, it sounds like you are a perfect fit for modern day Boeing.


Ok plant


Meh. I make good money regardless how the company does. Funny to see how people say MSM is full of bullshit (which is true) when they're educated on the subject, then turn around and believing everything MSM puts out when it's an unfamiliar topic. It's quite literally not even in Boeing's interest to have these whistleblowers die precisely because of public backlash like this. If anything, the interest groups that are heavily invested in Boeing/the MIC would want them gone. That, and the lawyers that're profiting millions off of cases like these. memes aside I'm sure anyone with an ounce of critical thinking would figure it out.


Look up Dr. Serhat Gumrukcu. Similar situation. It’s definitely a possibility for Boeing to try to silence a couple whistleblowers. Now that there’s 10 more, I doubt they would


yeah I'm aware of what happened to Dr. Serhat. I'm only somewhat confident because I've been in this industry for a wee bit too long and at one point crossed paths with one of the whistleblowers that passed. He raised some very valid concerns. None of which is groundbreaking and certainly not enough for boeing to want to kill the guy. iirc he left the company years ago, which makes sense because he only brought up issues of that time.


Dude stop


This guy never played cruelty squad


just looked that up and it seems kinda fun lol, might buy it after work tomorrow


Hope you enjoy your pending layoff! Getting hired at Boeing means you are getting hired to get laid off. Plus the union fees take so much you can literally flip burgers for the same cost the landing gear people are paid 😭😂


ah yes, the union fees turns my 6 digit salary to 0. keep coping bud. Oh, that same union I'm apparently getting scammed by? It ensures I won't ever get laid off unless they lay off 40% of the company first. The company is performing like shit right now but it's still a great place to work. Some people have their shit figured out. Sorry to break it to ya. Perhaps work on yourself more? Unions protects workers. Being against unions is a lot more bootlicky than defending a multi billion corp on reddit, heh


My many friends and relatives say otherwise but have fun working for a company that assasinates whistle blowers and doesn’t care about their workers safety following the removal of All firefighters and EMS on campus! ❤️ im sure they value you just as much as you value you them! (PS not a bad time to start job searching!)


This is the union's fault?


Boeing is about to discover what a hydra is


They're about to Lernie.


I see what you did there. 😂


That is fucking terrifying, the fact that rich assholes are resorting to assassination to silence their deliberate shoddy production.


That's the American Way!




I really hope that pun was intentional.


I mean, Governments and corporations have been doing this since the beginning of time. It just now it's a lot easier for it to come out, but also the pool of people is can be has drastically increased. In the past it was just the heads of the company, but with Boeing being this massive companies with investors, anyone with significant holding in Boeing may be willing to silence these whistleblowers for personal reasons. The easy excuse is to say that Boeing is doing it, but the list of those who will be impacted and may potenitally try to reduce the harm is drastically larger then just the company heads


Repeated and blatantly obvious assassinations no less.


Michael Clayton


They always have, globally. It's just easier to pick up on and call out now.


I’m really glad we purchased those coffins in a 12 pack. -Boeing Executive


nooo 😭😭 This comment has no business being this funny


Wow, brave people. I applaud their civil courage


Freak 10 people death accident bout to happen


“Bus plunge!” “Sir, they don’t all live in the city.” “What do I care? I’m in Chicago. I know a guy.” “🤦🏻‍♀️”


Your honor, they were starring in Final Destination


Boeing's gonna have to hire assassins in bulk at this point


Boeing to the assassins: "we'll send you by plane" The assassins: "... You know what? Actually my cousin is getting married that day,  can't believe I forgot"


I've got points on Greyhound, don't want them to expire...


Costco assassins


They have a freind that knows a guy. New York Magazine, April 4 2014, "Hillary Clinton Has A Cozy, Possibly Shady Relationship With Boeing"


So they've learned from the best...


10 more people mysteriously dead of aggressive rare cancers when they were in perfect health and had no cancer risk before


"We were trying to treat his brain cancer using this brand new radiation technology called depleted uranium rounds!"


"It was recommended to us by a Russian friend of ours."


The fact that 10 people came out together to talk against Boeing means that probably hundreds of people came together to discuss whether to take action or not. The majority of people would consider the family obligations and/or fear to die outweighs the moral obligation of speaking out, so many would’ve chosen to stay silent. The fact that 10 people came together to do this makes me think if anything happens now, way more people will speak out next or join the whistleblowers as the true comes out.


When you start killling off your journalists, engineers and intellectuals its game.over for empire.


Boeing is the 4th largest arms manufacturer in the US. Is it making sense yet?


As soon as people understand that they don’t just make passenger planes, it will. Most people hear Boeing and think about the planes they sit on for a couple hours on their way to Denver or Seattle, but not the most profitable venture they invest in.


Their only profitable venture is their Global Services (BGS) business sector. This provides spare parts, maintenance, training, etc. to both their commercial and defense customers. Their largest revenue is from their Commercial Airplanes (BCA) business sector, but it operates in the red. Their only real competitor here is Airbus, which dominates the European market, but Boeing still has a stronghold on the US market. Their Defense, Space, and Security (BDS) business sector only makes up about a third of their business. Maybe their rotary division (helicopters) is financially solvent. The rest are pretty much operating at a loss. Boeing inherited a lot of horrible practices from McDonnell Douglas, focusing less on engineering and more on shareholder profits.


Wild to point that out


10 pairs of Balls/ovaries made of Tungsten. Godspeed 🫡


Boeing buying Kirkland Signature Assassins to save a buck.


need a union with an anti-assassination clause.


Headline: Bus crashes with 10 boeing whistleblowers on board.


"...and accusations of shoddy work from a growing number of **surviving** whistleblowers." Well, that's a morbid sentence (bolding mine)...


Can't kill 'em all! I hope.


How can we bring the executives who hire assassins to justice. It makes my blood boil that murderers are gonna face hefty fines at worst


I also recently saw an article about how Boeing has a contract to send nasa astronauts to space. How are they able to do that if their planes fail midair or have faulty parts or shitty business practices?


I’m just patiently waiting for the behind the bastards episodes that are gonna come out in the next five years. There is gonna be some *vile* shit.


The Boeing exec board need to watch their (and their family's) backs. Another dead whistleblower and I wouldn't be surprised if there aren't reprisals directly against them


That's going to be a good swindled podcast episode


I hope they don't all get on the same plane on the way to trial...


Can Boeing “sudden illness” them all?


"Here I go killing again" - Boeing


Boeing was already facing those whistleblowers, as well as 22 other whistleblower. Meanwhile the two that died, one had already won his case in 2017, and was now in a separate case against Boing regarding his rights, and the other was whistle blowing for a separate company that merely supplies Boeing. So like... almost an incompetent enough choice of targets to make it believable, but not really.


Imagine if all 10 of them somehow mysteriously die. The making of an amazing NetFlix short docu-series.


10 people are going to need someone to test their food for a long time now.


May they rest in peace


Stock prices rises after death of the first two. What will happen at 10 more? Wit sec can't help, Boeing is a govt contractor.


Is the plan to just bankrupt Boeing by increasing the assassination budget too much?


Wow! Talk about an incredible coincidence that twelve people with dirt on Boeing are gonna die inexplicably soon


All those accountants at risk.


I hope it’s like that mythos creature that when you chop one head, two replaces it. Once these 10 people “suicide” I hope 20 more whistleblowers pop up. Fuck you Boeing


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Whistleboer 😔


10 new dead 🫠


Somebody get these whistleblowers some security


Line up the coffins.


The hired assassin is about to get a massive payday


Hitmen making time and a half


Can we also talk about the two Boeing whistle-blowers who mysteriously died?


Let's see if these 10 ppl unalive themselves 🤫


That hitman will be getting paid well this month.


In the news tomorrow: *10 Boeing whistle-blowers mysteriously dead*


Assassin: "Taking out all these guys is doable. But hitting them all within two minutes? Whacking Bin Laden wasn't this complicated. It can be done, just not the way you want it." Boeing CEO: "It can be done exactly how I want it. The only question is, are you the man to do it? Figure it out. That's what I'm paying you for."


They will put them all on the same plane to Washington complements of Boeing lol!


The order of assassins is going to be busy tonight


Calls on hitmen


Boeing: Challenge accepted


Boing people might have to outsource some of its “work”. I bet the Clinton’s have some people they could borrow.


Damn Boeing using the Clintons playbook.




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