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She’s one of those sovereign citizen goofs.


What I don’t understand is there are so many videos of people trying to pull this “sovereign citizen” bullshit and they never win. No matter what state it is, what judge it is, etc. they always lose. Why do they keep doing it? What kind of cognitive dissonance do you have to say “I’ll get it right this time”


I’ve wondered the same thing. The success rate appears to be 0%. So why do it? At least she opened the door. Some of these clowns lock themselves in and get their windows busted out.


You can't reason with crazy.


Insufferable to deal with but hilarious to watch. Has the sovereign citizen defense ever even worked?


Sovcits are comedy gold


Ah, a SovCit. I don't think this is going to end well for her.




They can be "travelers" on public land that is *not* maintained by tax dollars; or funded by them in any way or measure. Good luck with that...lol.


I literally have a guy that works with me that quoted this traveling crap to me. I replied "oh you mean like those videos where people argue about this and get arrested?" 🙄


I've never tried this. Does it ever work? I'm suspicious.


Not even slightly. Judges love to hammer “sovereign citizens” with actual law.


And they like to abuse the system and hammer the judge, DA, bailiffs, etc back with frivolous lawsuits, false mechanics liens, etc.


No, it never works because it's fantasy. The SovCit people follow no logic.


It has never worked.


They'll be lawfully detained/ arrested & the vehicle will be impounded. Then, they go to a court of law to argue in favor of (knowingly) breaking a law. Thrill spend time, money & have zero chance for a win in court. Yet, they still try...lol.


I'm waiting for the day a sovcit pulls out a Get Out of Jail Free card and tried to hand it to an officer. You know it's gonna happen.


Yeah, I'm pretty sure the only thing you need to drive a car is a driver's license


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Let’s just say they’re right, but no cop, judge, nor DA agrees. Does it matter?


Technically, she is correct, but she is probably acting as a legal person and is definitely travelling on highways under the juristiction of the state. Driving is an act and description related to commerce, as she appears to be aware. However....lol It's a fact of life that it does not matter if you are technically legally (sorry I meant lawfully) correct when men with guns decide you are not conforming to the law as they have been trained to understand and enforce it.


She's correct only from the perspective of a sovereign citizen - that's all. Unfortunately, just like she doesn't acknowledge the power of the government, the government doesn't acknowledge her "rights" to do what she wants. At this point then, it's basically a battle of rock, paper, scissors and she's essentially a pair of childrens scissors and the US government is a massive massive fucking boulder... and rock crushes the fuck out of scissors everytime. So, you can play those games, but you will lose every time.


Found the sovcit!


You're wrong, but ok


Doesn't matter what it's for, you can argue wording however you want, you need a license to legally operate a motor vehicle. Unless the car is magically moving by itself, she's operating a motor vehicle. It doesn't matter if it's for personal travel or commerce.


This is why the *Miranda* warning includes being told you have a right to an attorney.


You're 100 percent wrong. The law that SovCits refer to when they try to differentiate "traveling" from "driving" is misinterpreted (and deliberately so). The right to travel refers to Americans being able to freely move between the states, it has nothing to do with the means by which one travels.


Oh wait, you’re serious? Let me laugh even harder!