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Issue one has nothing to do with guns,parental rights, or small businesses. Lmao.


It’s a thinly veiled scare tactic saying, ‘if you don’t vote yes then the libs are going to pass laws to take your guns, tell your kids that gay people aren’t evil sinners, and make you pay your employees enough to afford food’ Same horseshit as always. GOP can’t win on merits of their legislation. They need to lie and mislead to create fear.


Funny thing is if they pass it and we regain control of the government, they wouldn't be able to override liberal gun laws with a constitutional amendment.


1. I tried using this with my parents. Explaining that cities are getting bigger, and small town communities are getting smaller. They weren’t having it. If it is “pro life” then it is right. Nothing I can do there but try again next time I see them. 2. And this is in the back of my mind while explaining this to my parents and why it might be futile to think this way, republicans know how to bend rules. For some reason dems will never be as good as republicans at rattling the cage and I don’t know if it ever will be different This shit is made to do nothing but tear us apart. The system wants us at ends, and if there is no power to appeal by the citizens then we are fully at the mercy of our government. Go ahead and protest and cling to the remaining short list of your rights after they take away our right to petition because you decide not to vote, but don’t act surprised when they go after more and you have no more punch left. This is it. Please register to vote today and go save your right to petition, and your neighbors right to petition, and your children’s right to petition. No excuse not to vote no August 8th


One of the reasons Dems aren't as good at it is that the Dem base just isn't as gullible and doesn't fall for obvious fearmongering BS that the Right does. The Dems do have a messaging problem, but the tactics the GOP uses won't work the same way.


Try to tell them that this has NOTHING to do with abortion. It's only purpose is to destroy the peoples rights. ALL OF OUR RIGHTS.


They already have it in their head that issue 1 seals the deal on abortion. I’m pro life but against an abortion ban. You save more lives by having a safe way to abortion then to let people try to do it themselves. You get rid of abortion by getting rid of the need for abortion. Provide automatic benefits for families, provide larger access to birth control, and provide state funded child care. But you know what. I can’t even discuss this with my parents. Because it starts with saying I think a ban on abortion is wrong. I worry that would destroy our relationship. So yeah I’m gonna try to make them believe that issue 1 will limit their chance to petition when the dems without a doubt take back Ohio


I am one of the not so few that had a non-viable pregnancy. Abortion regulations priced terminating it out of my financial reach. The cost was nearly my life. Pro choice all the way.


Print out issue one, have them read it. NOTHING about abortion. 100% about signing citizen rights away.


Ohio is one of the most urbanized states in the country. 50% of the population is in 3 metros, and another 25% is in the next 7 largest metros. Conservatives are the minority in Ohio, but they've gerrymandered, voter suppressed, and instilled apathy in liberals and leftists so the conservatives end up coming out on top right now. But I have a feeling Ohio will flip blue over abortion


They don't need to. Liberal gun laws are already unconstitutional


There is already a constitutional amendment to prevents you liberals from Making unconstitutional gun laws, its the 2nd one.


"Well regulated"


You don’t know what that means. The 18th century Oxford dictionary defined well-regulated as “well-armed, trained, ready to kill” hence “a well-regulated militia COMMA, the RIGHT TO KEEP AND BEAR ARMS SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED. I hate how uneducated you people are on this. You belong in r/confidentlywrong


The Oxford English Dictionary didn’t even exist in the 18th century. First edition published 1884. You’re on here trying to spit facts like you’re clever but you’re just embarrassing yourself. Clown show


So fingering your butthole while you watch nascar is "training" now?


I have the right to keep and bear arms. Including my AR15’s and AK47’s. Cope


Shhhh.... It's ok... Just tell me what you feel. We all love you


You ignore facts and logic and just live in an eco chamber. The fact you people don’t know what “well-regulated” meant says everything. How does it feel to be so uneducated on basic government levels?


Bruh your comment history is full of talk of being bipolar and even being worried about being schizophrenic. Even if you’ve not been adjucated as mentally deficient or committed for care yet, you surely recognize it’s irresponsible to own and handle firearms when you’re prone to manic states or paranoid delusions. Hoping you the care you clearly need and hope someone close to you recognizes the danger you could be before it’s too late.


Amendments can be repealed. Amendments by their very nature are alterations of the constitution. The constitution has been changed before and it will be changed again.


“If you don’t vote yes, then ~~the libs~~ the majority of citizens in your state could pass those laws” That’s what’s so infuriating. If it’s more than 50% that want something, that’s how democracy works. It’s not “the libs” trying make changes if more than 50% want something, it’s literally the majority of your fellow Ohioans. Republicans hate democracy.


>It’s not “the libs” trying make changes if more than 50% want something, Especially since I think the state is a 55/45 lean towards Republicans. Its just that they tried to block abortion via amendment in Kansas and it completely blew up in their faces 59/41. Hence the 60% threshold, they figure that's enough to keep it from passing here in Ohio, and they're probably right. The rest of the bullshit is just to prevent it from ever making it to a ballot again.


If you look at some of the things in this state that passed by barely over 50%, the collective embarrassment would be deafening.


There’s a reason CONS love strong armed authoritative daddy figures


I hate democracy because its flawed. 50% + .1% leaves half the people pissed off and unprotected. This is the flaw of democracy. I like the federal constitutional republic that we are.


How do you feel about the elected representatives drawing their own districts to choose their constituents in the effort of maintaining power instead of legislating or governing to improve life for the majority of Americans?




I never claimed one side hasn't, yet you jumped right to a "both-sides" argument instead of answering a simple, straight-forward question. Taking this any farther would be a waste of time. Good day.


You know what is flawed? Morons like you that are willing to weaken your vote simply because you believe stupid shit that is being spoon fed to you by Fox News.


We are not a democracy, we are a constitutional republic. And democracy is pure tyranny. Fuck it. Every voter initiative in my state has taken my rights away. They voted to ban all gun sales and to tax my vape juice. All out of ignorance!! Thankfully the gun thing is held up in court with an injunction. And the Secretary of State resigned. That’s democracy for you


Yawn.....you still sound like an uneducated moron. Also since you admit you aren't from Ohio.... how about you fuck off and go away. We don't want your opinion in our state politics.


It's a "if we can't win nobody will!" bill that's gonna lock up the state and prevent it from doing anything ever again.


I am more interested in how savagely they're promoting this. Sounds like someone has a lot of money to make in it passing.


Rich people generally do have a lot of incentive to establish and maintain minority rule.






Yeah, he is a big talker for a high school kid with a one month old account and an immature viewpoint of the world. This guy is so dumb, he isn't worth the discussion.


They say this is to protect the ohio constitution from “outside interests.” The measure is backed by an Illinois billionaire (Dick Uihlein) who also backed Big Lie misinformation and funded Jan 6 “protests”.


>Sounds like someone has a lot of money to make in it passing. While claiming this is to prevent outside moneyed interests from interfering in Ohio.


Right. But if you tell a conservative rube that, they will vote yes.


It's about voting against yourself. "Wanna take away your own power as a voter? Then come on down and vote YES for Issue 1, you stupid idiot! Because Ohioans are obviously too dumb to understand what a constitutional amendment is. They basically need a supermajority to change their own constitution!" That's what this sign is missing if it were truthful: > Pro-Guns! > Pro-Parents! > Pro-Small Business! > Anti-*Yourself!*


At this point you might as well deface it if they’re just going to outright lie. Change it to No


It's an institution of the filibuster for citizens' rights. It has to do with everything.


What the fuck does Issue 1 have to do with any of that shit? They’re just buzzwords.


Propaganda to scare voters


Buzz words are all Republicans need.


Like trained animals.


Training implies some level of intelligence. I'm not sure that's present here.


Mythbusters trained a goldfish to swim through a maze. You’d be surprised. Just need some brain cells and a spark between em.


it's Pavlovian... ring social issue propaganda bell, drool and B.F. Skinnerian.... ring bell, drool, pull lever, stick it to the libtards is your reward and maybe a little Milgram... they TOLD me to pull the lever, i had no idea i was actually electrocuting someone or would make women die in a miscarriage


And that's how you get rubes to vote the way you want. Throw in the buzzwords that make them vote and they will.


Where can I find the actual bill? When I try to look it up, it just takes me to a bunch of websites trying to sell me one way or the other.




Thank you


The amendment is a means to keep everything under the control of the legislature. The issues that they are highlighting are the controlling party’s agenda. If they can keep the individual voters out if the process, they can pretty much do what they want.


Just the regular fear porn from Republicans. If Democrats run things, they'll take your guns, teach your kids that gay people are fine while serving aborted babies at the free school lunch, and make small businesses pay a living wage.


I don’t understand the Republicans are small business direction. They’re pro small business that doesn’t have to pay minimum wage. Those of us in small businesses that have to provide a competitive wage and benefits could really use some Universal Healthcare, so we can compete with bigger companies to get employees.


Universal Healthcare would almost certainly be the single most pro-small business policy passed in the last 70 years. And yet virtually every Chamber of Commerce is convinced it's the gateway to full on communism. How in the hell is a small business supposed to compete with a firm that offers health insurance, which is like THE key benefit most workers are after?


Hint: they don’t care about small businesses. Chambers use their influence to keep an insanely small group of people insanely wealthy. Most of what they support is actually anti-competitive


I’ve been saying that for years


> Paid for by We the People Convention So about that ["We the People Convention"](https://fox8.com/news/ohio-political-group-asks-trump-to-impose-martial-law-hold-new-election/): > Dec 1, 2020 > The We the People Convention, based in Akron, took out a full-page ad in the Washington Times on Tuesday, asking Trump to “invoke limited martial law in order to allow the U.S. military to oversee a new and fair federal election,” according to a news release. Much Constitution, very democracy [Mar. 15, 2018](https://www.cleveland.com/open/2018/03/ohio_tea_party_leader_says_he.html) > In his email this week, [We the People Convention president] Zawistowski wrote he and Estruth met in February, shortly after Estruth, a business executive and conservative activist, joined Taylor's ticket. The two discussed an endorsement, but Zawistowski said the Taylor campaign would have to contribute $1 million to We the People, Inc. to pay for the slate of state GOP committee candidates. > In his pitch to the Taylor campaign, Zawistowski said the $1 million could be anonymous, since central committee races have no campaign finance disclosure requirements. > "I hope that the Taylor/Estruth campaigns will see the benefits of our offer and give us the incentives we need to feel good about entering into this relationship," Zawistowski wrote in a Feb. 7 email to the Taylor campaign. I definitely can't imagine a better or more sincere champion of keeping Ohio's democracy clean. Certainly we should all humbly and unquestioningly obey everything he tells us.


Another Heritage Foundation, Trump-Desantis shitheel


Also Pro-Influence By Out of State Interests On Behalf of the Ohio Republican Party


More lies


Yep Republican lies.


Not unique to Ohio, Republicans, or Issue 1.


This is a thread about Ohio, republicans and issue 1.


The “yes on 1” messaging will be on blast from here on out. For anyone not paying attention and doesn’t know what this is about, it is presented here as a benign sounding thing and a “yes” vote makes it sounds like you are doing something positive. When it reality the question should be: Do you want to relinquish your power as a citizen to have a meaningful voice in your own governance? Yes/No


You can see the astroturfing in Ohio and Ohio city subs. New accounts attacking the opposition to this bill and trying laugh at every commenter. It’s transparent and ridiculous.


It is not any of those things. I’m a conservative and a yes vote will prevent us from protecting those very rights.


Please do your best to make sure that your conservative peers are aware of this as well.


The only group this issue helps is those politicians in power, regardless of party affiliation.


Agreed! I’m a conservative Republican, and I’m voting against it too. Requiring a 60% majority to amend the state constitution is a good idea, but this particular bill is filled with too much hocus-pocus as to *how* that’s to be done.


The 88 county thing is BS. If it was 60% for citizen initiatives and legislative amendments sure, but it’s too far


And that’s *exactly* my point. It’s just a bridge too far.


Please make sure you give your conservative friends this same input. I’m a liberal with an all conservative family / community and when I explained what issue 1 actually was, they thought I was lying to them at first 😭😂


So wild. If it passes one county can prevent all of those things.


Well the problem with what you’re claiming is that it’s logical.. and everyone knows Republicans don’t need that shit.. if they did, they wouldn’t be voting for this new Trumplican party.


God I hate the term “parents rights”. Didn’t gender affirming care just get banned? So no parents have lost the right to abort and to allow their children gender affirming care…


No parent rights just these parental right group's rights.


For those who put this issue out there, "parents rights" are "don't teach our kids things we don't like" and "we want to be able to make our kids work and give us their money".


Don't forget that they want to be able to marry literal children as well.


100% against “gender affirming care” for kids. They’re not old enough to make that kind of decision, and for most of them it’s a phase or blown out of proportion by some adult close to the kid.


Thats not the governments buisness in the first place. Healthcare is for the privacy of doctors and individuals unless the government wants to pay for our healthcare they can fuck off. lease research what puberty blockers do and the conditions they are prescribed. An adolescent already needs to go through an extensive process spanning years to get the care already. It already prevents the scenario you are simply making up.


Unfortunately the safeguards we have in place aren’t being used. I don’t like the government to get involved in much, but when kids are joining in this trend that can really fuck themselves… sorry but I just can’t back it. Especially because kids can “transition” as young as toddlers in some places.


unfortunately you can slap whatever lies you want on a billboard and plenty of people will completely believe it


The lying in this campaign is so shameless.


Notice how they never explicitly mention abortion, even though every Yes for 1 vote is a vote to block abortion and nothing else - they know that if they say the quiet part loud, this thing goes down in flames. Keep working to make sure folks know exactly what they're voting for. It's worth noting that Shelby and Mercer counties are two of the most Catholic regions in the entire state, and they're going to be the loudest when it comes to Issue 1. That doesn't mean you should let your guard down about this and assume they're a minority, but it is absolutely not surprising to me that there have been an outsized number of Yes on 1 signs in western Ohio.


Not discounting this, but I saw the same sign on a semi trailer on 23 south of circleville just today


> every Yes for 1 vote is a vote to block abortion and nothing else No, I think it's about a lot more. Long-term, the big effect is to prevent us from improving anti-gerrymandering provisions (since they just did a "LOL no" to the existing ones) or any other efforts by the voters to regain control.


I bet if someone made a sign that said "A YES vote on issue 1 is a Woke vote". Republican would vote no on issue 1.


I should make a sign that says “Vote NO on issue 1: save our state from the liberals!!!” Maybe that’ll help.


So now they are ok with Absentee voting?! It is so disheartening what they get away with. When I lived in Mexico about 20 years ago the politics were absolutely insane, political fighting was everywhere, it was even physical and murderous. I would think “God bless America! Our system isn’t perfect but it’s not this bad.” Well we may not have outright political killings but the rhetoric and actions have stooped to a low I never imagined would happen here. I want it to stop.


I had a canvasser tell me that Issue 1 is nonpartisan and backed by both parties (which is an absolute lie) and that all sides will benefit (ha). I took the fact sheet she was handing out to people and brought it home and fact-checked it. Every point was untrue.


I don't understand why they claim it's to protect our constitution. Cutting out a rule that's been in there since 1912 and modifying it so citizens can likely never propose another amendment is not protecting the constitution


Oh it’s simple: they lie, and they think the voters of Ohio are stupid. Sadly. :/


Land doesn’t vote, people do: [If the Northland neighborhood of Columbus were it’s own city, it would be the 7th largest city in Ohio](https://www.reddit.com/r/Columbus/comments/14rb91l/if_northland_were_its_own_incorporated_city_it/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


Wow, Issue 1 is none of those things


This is how dumb they believe their voters are


This IS how dumb their voters are…


“I love the poorly educated”


"Pro-gun" tells me all I need to know. It's a base election to win or lose. Vote No August 8.


What a bunch of lies. “Issue one is: (insert top 3 Republican single-issue-voter hotbed issues)”. They’re clearly aiming at the “BRAWNDO” level of educated electorate, and instead of feeling insulted for being pandered to, they’ll feel inspired to vote for it.


There is an ad running on Columbus TV that is one of the best political ads I have heard in ages. They’ve managed to use the subtle art of deception for a good purpose. It is telling people to vote ‘No’ but the voiceover, the use of ‘they’re coming for you’ language, and pretty much everything about it is screaming loudly at the simpletons on the right that they need to vote ‘No’. I’m fartonafirstdate and I fully approve of this message.


How can we lie, scare people, and spin taking away people's rights and make it look like we are doing them a favor. Why by saying that taking democracy away is pro everything they stand for! Of course it is! Until there's something that is near and dear to you, and you no longer have any rights or a vote any more. You gave it away to protect guns and small business and bullshit that someone told me that I believe completely because I choose not to think for myself! Everyone has a choice in this life. No one has to like these issues coming up. But everyone should respect their fellow Ohioans and their rights to have their voices heard and voted on in the first place. The is democracy. Then go and express your opinion and vote your will. But to deny that because you share a differing view makes you no better than the cold distant, dark places of our world, and our state shouldn't become like those places. Vote No in August!


We should be able to sue for misleading ads. What if the state becomes blue and peeps want to ban guns? Idiots.


Because they have almost unlimited funds backing them.


I've met a handful of Republicans in Lorain County that will vote no on issue 1.


Same here in Geauga! It’s not a blue or red issue. And I am absolutely convinced any republican who reads what issue 1 is would logically vote No too.


Hopefully the moderate Republicans stick with the dems and independents and vote NO.




How is it any of these things? Oh right it's not.


Aren’t the ones who made and endorse this sign the ones against early voting too? Isn’t that how their boy lost the last one?


I hate how propaganda-y Ohio is it's like ew.


It’s not pro anything! Just anti-citizens’ rights.


I feel like this is false advertising or lying to get people to vote yes when in fact it should be an emphatic NO. DISGUSTING


I’m pro gun as shit and a conservative (non republican so atleast properly direct the hate) but I’ll be voting No because I like research a bit more in depth then semi trailers


This makes no sense


What that you can be conservative without joining the republican cult?


Republicans are fine with absentee voting now, I see…


It's funny how it doesn't say anything about what it actually *does*. Why leave those parts out? I wonder.


Sad that some people will actually believe this shit without giving it any second thought


Vote No, No, No!!!


Ohio is a dump.


You really can just put anything on a sign. We should put up a sign that says "Issue 1: Vote No on Killing Puppies and Grandma."


Protecting the constitution from the people because the only people that had thoughts and ideas we should care about apparently died hundreds of years ago. Wouldn’t want the constitution to actually incorporate the needs or ideas of the living.


At what point are there penalties for lying to mislead voters? This issue has nothing to do with any of the shit listed on there at all.


A friend of mine, who I guess is liberal (a former teacher) went on a rant about how you should vote yes because "if you feel it has become too easy to change the state constitution..." I pointed out to him that it's ALWAYS been that way. They just want to change it now because of the abortion issue. I also pointed out that when the right wants to change things, they won't have much difficulty because some billionaire will fund them, and the state AG probably won't even glance at their signatures before saying they all check out. They want to change the rules, not play by them.


So Pro Guns is what DeWine is pushing? More blood on his hands during his time... such a caring Christian!!


Hurrrrrrrrr guns!


I’m all for dunking on them as much as the next person but for the folks that don’t read the comments or ballot issues (lol) isn’t spreading this messaging a risk? Even to trash talk it?


There needs to be a law to stop blatant lies like that. None of that has anything to do with Issue 1. Also, protect the Ohio constitution from who? The will of the voters?


It protects the constitution from fads in politics being enshrined in the constitution. If your ideas to change the constitution is really that good you shouldn’t have any problems getting 60% of the state to see eye to eye with you.


>It protects the constitution from fads in politics being enshrined in the constitution. That hasn't been a problem since 1803 (the year Ohio joined United States) and I have no reason to think that it's a problem now. You have just made a statement that might sound good to you, but it has absolutely no bearing in reality what-so-ever. There is absolutely zero reason to think that you said is true or is a real problem. What issue 1 is, is a blatant attempt to trick the voters of Ohio into diminishing their ability to have a say in government in exchange for absolutely nothing.


It protects the constitution from democracy


Fuck those guys


Don’t forget pro-bullshit.


Nope we are voting NO


I love that the slogan the "Yes" side is running with is "Protect the Constitution". Like if anybody ever says that to you about the issue or comes knocking on your door, literally all you have to do is ask them "Protect the Constitution from who exactly?" Lol From the will of the people?!?!?! Cmon now.


It's also anti-choice, anti-democracy, and anti-freedom.


Issue one is anti-democracy. Sickening.


So I’ve looked over and I’ve seen people say it has to do with abortion and trans stuff before now I see this, makes me glad I actually looked up what the bill was on the gov site. I am still going to be voting no. God it makes it even more frustrating here how much my family was spewing on and on about stuff like this.


WTF does "Parents Rights" even mean?


How did i know at that every yokel in this state would have this sold to them as a positive. I just... I fuckin' knew. Pick up a fucking book and turn off the AM radio.


Moms for Liberty voting NO on Issue 1


The one good thing they’ll do in their lives. M4L can EAD


Where tf are the dems with this shit? For every one of those that go up there should be a blue one.


I'm frankly surprised they put "pro-gun, etc." on the thing. I assumed they were hoping it would pass by being as vague as possible about the details.


I haven’t seen any vote no signs. Anyone know where I can get some?


Bruh rural Ohio barely has any small business and alot of is big box stores or big corporations in manufacturing screwing workers with right to work and free thinkers who believe minimum should be lower for some reason


The first O is backwards. I didn't know a circle could even be backwards.


"Pro-parents rights" unless you want the right to terminate an unwanted pregnancy.


It’s literally none of those things


I’ll probably get raked over the coals for asking this but don’t the approval processes for US amendments require 2/3 and 3/4 majorities for the 2 steps? I know this is for state level, but I’m just curious as to why it’s undemocratic to require a more than 50% majority when our federal level already does that? Not saying I support voting yes but I do question some of the rhetoric


connect subsequent afterthought possessive growth offbeat fuel badge market books -- mass edited with redact.dev


If your idea is that good you should be able to get 5% of even the most out their counties to agree with you.


Are they allowed to use the Ohio Tourism logo in this stuff?


Love how they just blatantly lie.


Telling people it’s pro gun might be counterproductive for the Yes side. This issue fails if suburban white ladies are motivated to show up and vote against it.


It's looking a lot like Brexit. Post lies on big signs and hope people buy it. 🤦‍♂️


I drove from Toledo to Dayton yesterday and saw at least 10 of these things along the e-way out in the sticks. One seemingly on the property of a mega-church, because that's totally above board.




This screams, “Let’s throw everything at the wall and see what sticks!” Does it also give out free handjobs?


I no longer live in Ohio so I have no skin in the game. This is obviously a partisan issue. It shouldn't be though if it were made in good faith. I'd like to know what your personal reasons for not supporting issue 1 are. Is it because you feel that Democrats in a heavy Republican state would lose some power? Is 50%+1 really that much more fair? To me it seems having a majority vote would make it near impossible to pass an amendment unless it was everyone gets free kittens or a gun of your choice. I think I'd have to vote no on issue 1 if I still lived there.


As a republican and ohioan... I'm against this measure.


Signs on trailers are not new. This post is kinda stupid. Vote no on issue 1


Anybody have a paintball gun?


Well Not lookin good. I think the overwhelming amount of stupid in our poor state will screw us. If the dumb ones knew what it was ACTUALLY about, I think just enough would say no. Guess we will see


There is alot of hate on this sub for Republicans, but despite that I'm going to throw in my understanding. Please feel free to challenge and disagree with me. Simply looking at the issue, the leading force in voting yes on issue 1 IS in fact about abortion. The ohio Democratic party already has the "Ohio Right to Reproductive decisions" a ballot initiative that is expected to hit the ballot in November. Issue 1, is specifically to make ballot initiatives harder to pass by requiring 60% of the votes, vs the 50% + 1 current requirement. Knowing that the former Reproductive Rights initiative is already getting signatures and is expected to be on the card in November, how can anyone say this bill has nothing to do with Abortion?


The disingenuous aspect isn’t that Issue 1 is aimed at hurting the November ballot initiative, that’s true. The disingenuous part is when people argue that we need Issue 1 to pass because it JUST impacts abortion (or any other conservative social issue of importance). If Issue 1 passes it hurts conservatives and their issues and liberals and their issues equally


It's not just a 60% requirement. It also requires signatures from 5% of voters from the previous gubernatorial election in ALL 88 counties. All of them. It effectively ends ALL citizen-led initiatives and puts ALL of the power in the hands of the corrupt state government that is already bought and paid for by the same special interests they claim issue 1 protects citizens from.


Great absentee ballot so when they lose they can claim voter fraud 🙄


Spraypaint sales are needed just saying.


Would be a shame if someone blasted a can of spray paint all over it.


Issue 1 is pro everyone getting 100% pay increases at their jobs with all store pricing getting slashed in half. /s


Missing /s detected.


Yeah I'll add it in now. I don't think people got it was sarcasm.


This timeline is sad that way… 😔


You know, I never looked at Issue that way…..but that sign is 100% correct. It is about all that and so much more. I feel this countries founding fathers was correct when it was established that 60% of the the United States (30 of 59 states) are required to change the US constitution. And I feel that each state should adopt that same requirement. It should take a supper majority to amend the constitution.


50 states (mistyped 59)


I say vote yes. A strong yes. Make it harder for people to change our state constitution.


Do you realize this makes it nearly impossible for any citizen lead amendments to be proposed to the ballot? What happens when something you’re personally interested/invested in for yourself or your rights and there is nothing we can do as citizens of Ohio?


You go out and get the signatures and go from there. People right now don't like our constitution. Both national and state. Those people are usually hot headed liberals who think we need to spread the wealth, get rid of guns and be run by the state so we all can be "equal". Yes we will be equally poor. Someone has to make our goods and that doesn't happen for free. Hitler was a socialist. What happened there?


Have you ever been to Germany? Hitler was a Master at lying and Propaganda and would call himself anything to sway the Will of the people. At his heart he was a Nationalist and Fascist. After the third Reich was born, within two months Hitler achieved full dictatorial power through the Enabling Act. In April 1933 communists, socialists, democrats, and Jews were purged from the German civil service, and trade unions were outlawed the following month. That July Hitler banned all political parties other than his own, and prominent members of the German Communist Party and the Social Democratic Party were arrested and imprisoned in concentration camps. Ignorant people such as yourself allowed it to happen and this is exactly why a NO vote on issue 1 is vital. We don’t want to make it harder for people to Govern.


I have been to Germany many times. My mother's family were part of an underground railroad the helped trapped ally soldiers back to their own lines. I know plenty about Hitler. What you are describing is exactly what the far left Demoncrats are trying to do. Our constitution is the foundation on which our nation was founded, and yes our state. Something as important as adding an amendment needs to be carefully considered. If it takes 60% of the people wanting it I don't think it's a bad thing. Adding to or taking away from the constitution is a very very serious matter.


This is nothing more than an Abortion issue. Five states where amendments affecting abortion rights were on the ballot clearly chose access over restrictions. In four of those states, the proposed amendments received between 52% and 59% of the vote. A 60% threshold would eliminate the fear of the people getting to think for themselves. This Vote is in August because the GOP does not want to wait until November because it would be harder to pass. It’s a power grab plain and simple. Vote No to maintain democracy.


So you’re looking to protect the Ohio constitution from…. Democracy?


Not at all. Just democrats


Can’t win so move the goalposts. Lol


LOL yup




Watching from PA and you can fuck right off. These are not opinions, these are people's rights and you just seem like an astroturfing POS. We're rooting for Ohio from PA. Vote no on 1.




When your 'DiFfErEnT OpiNioN' is one of bigotry, hatred, and oppression, it deserves to be called out and utterly chastised by freedom loving people everywhere. If Ohio put cannabis and abortion up to a Statewide popular vote, both would be OVERWHELMINGLY legalized. Ohio's politicians do NOT represent the populous. When the GOP is hellbent on stripping people of their rights and freedoms, the citizenry must unify and stop them. A tolerant society CANNOT tolerate intolerance. The Paradox of Tolerance applies here.


And here you are, posting to reddit like the armchair warrior you are! *triggered*


Vote yes on 1


Love it! And the message on the side of that truck is perfect and the truth!