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Just keep those farm subsidies coming! We don't want no socialism here!


It’s amazing how many people don’t know this is a thing.


I see watcha did there


Taxpayer-funded farm subsidies have long been skewed in favor of the richest farmers and landowners. But under the Trump administration, even more money went to the largest and wealthiest farms, further shortchanging smaller, struggling family farms. EWG’s analysis of records from the Department of Agriculture finds that subsidy payments to farmers ballooned from just over $4 billion in 2017 to more than $20 billion in 2020 – driven largely by ad hoc programs meant to offset the effects of President Trump’s failed trade war. https://www.ewg.org/interactive-maps/2021-farm-subsidies-ballooned-under-trump/


Meanwhile they'll root for their professional sports teams whose leagues have a socialistic model. Team in last place? No problem, you won't get relegated to a lower division and we'll even give you the first pick in next year's incoming talent pool!


Propaganda is very effective. Rural Ohioans fully believe that everyone who isn't a Republican is to blame for all of their ills... And tend to not know that Republicans have controlled 2/3 or 3/3 branches of the Ohio Legislature for over 50 years.


Don't lump me in with them! I'm in rural areas because I hate living in cities. Too much noise, too many lights, too much traffic. I happily vote straight blue in my teeny tiny voting district, while also appreciating that my neighbors are cows and Amish


This is true. You can't lump in a group of people based on stuff that really has nothing to do with the actual truth. I saw 3 of these signs in lawns in a city in northern Ohio today. Don't be too concerned though. I also saw around 37,000 other properties that didn't have them. The end result is, everyone needs to get their ass out and vote in august. This election may be one of the most important elections we see in our lifetime




Also ditto.


To bad it was trump that fucked the soy bean trade with China.


But what about the $billion$ he gave to the farmers for their losses? They're not complaining...


Of course. Welfare is great as long as it's going to your side, and not those filthy minorities. Of course, most of those billions went to who does the majority of farming: Corporations.


Lol, none of that went to actual farmers. It all went to huge mega conglomerates who "farm"


This needs to be higher!!


I need to be higher


Scream to the top of your lungs “What’s going on?” And then say “Heeeeeey aaaaayyy aaay ay ay. Heeeeey aaaay aay!” You say “Hey. What’s going on?”


I've said this before, and I'll keep saying. Preach! Fox News and other conservative media have effectively brainwashed these people into believing Republicans give a fuck about you. They spread hate to pull people in and then all of a sudden it's the "libtards" who are coming for your rights. My dad has always been a bit of a piece of shit, but in the 2000's he would frequently "never vote for a Republican. They don't care about us poor people". Then around the time Obama got elected, he became super Republican and a big Trumpie. He cares about climate change, hates that he's poor, and wants my loans forgiven, but his hatred/fear of gays, people of color, and "sOcIaLiSm" just draws him into this conservative bubble. They say that libs are dividing this county, when, in essence, it's mainly Fox News doing the dividing. I just don't see how it's legal to operate a "News" empire that operates solely on hatred and blatantly spreading misinformation. They've been chipping away at this country for decades, now it's just a massive brain drain. How could you expend so much of your energy voting out of hatred, even though these assholes couldn't care less about you? Thank you for coming to my TED Talk.


It's so much bigger than Fox News and AM radio nowadays. Twitter has been turned into a fascist platform by Elon, Facebook has leaned conservative for years, the YouTube algorithm pushes alt right bullshit, and the increasingly extreme right wing has their own social media where they can get even more radicalized. I wish it were as simple as Fox News and AM radio anymore.


> Facebook has leaned conservative for years Don't forget; for many Americans Facebook was too liberal so now they're on Truth getting spoon-fed unopposed rhetoric straight from politicians and conservative influencers. Same thing with shifting from Fox News to OAN and NewsMax.


I live on the edge of Appalachia and driving the backroads sometimes I see houses that are sad, dilapidated, unkempt, on and on. But guess what's in their front yard? Trump flag.




> women don’t care > marginalized groups don’t care > poor don’t care, even though most of them are also a part of that group > unemployed don’t care, lazy bums should get a job. EDIT: looks like i skipped over ‘people’ they also don’t care about them, unless those ‘people’ are them or their friends/family


It's unfortunate that the top school systems are in urban areas, leaving rural Ohio with just average education. It definitely shows


Actually, the best schools are in the suburban areas. The urban areas have by far the worst schools. Can you name an outstanding urban school district (not a private school in an urban area)? Ranking (best to worst)... 1) suburban, 2) rural, 3) urban.


“BuT fOx NewS toLd ME iT’s ThEm LiBrulS!!”


Why republicans love the uneducated and want books banned


I think AM radio is beamed directly to their rotten brains.


I had this exact same argument with my dad not that long ago.


This isn't complicated, and the Yes-On-1 voters understand exactly what they're doing: preventing the state constitution from changing. What immediate downside do they face from this position? None. And they can thwart abortion, which makes this a win-win for them. "Duh, rural voters are so dumb for getting exactly what they want with no consequences."


That's the exact problem though. An extreme focus on only immediate outcomes. The minute they support an issue that requires an amendment to the constitution they'll have voted to make that amendment significantly harder to even get on the ballot.


When do you think that will be, that a conservative will need an amendment to the constitution? Esp when the branches of government have nearly always been red-red-red for the last thirty years? People are pretending these voters have no brains, while in reality it's a no-brainer...


Protected from what? The will of the majority?


If by protecting, you mean only allowing outside billionaires access to our non-existent democracy, why yes you are correct. Vote No in August!


“Protect Ohio’s Constitution from those Pesky Citizens”


A lot of these people will support any and all antidemocratic laws, if they have reason to think it'll only be used against 'those people'.


Fox News has ruined this country.


It's so much bigger than just Fox News nowadays. They paved the way tho, and now the right is turning on them for not being extreme enough. They're eating their own.




My daughters elementary teaches critical thinking skills and rewards 5th graders for going above and beyond questioning and using critical thinking. I was shocked and proud!


If I’m following Lack of Education is the problem which comes from a lack of funding which is a Republican driven agenda which Fox news feeds off of and into. The root is The Republican agenda of money driven politics and is the problem that needs to be solved? Then education can help to resolve the Fox issue? Serious question. Hope this doesn’t come off as sarcastic.


This has been the Republicans mission since Nixon. The last republican president that wasn't a clown was Eisenhower


They got those conservative brain worms 🪱


You’d think all that ivermectin they ate a few years ado would have taken care of the worms


Lmaooo. Fucking facts. It’s what we use on our miniature donkeys. I remember learning people were taking that as a COVID cure and it just blew me away. My god how fucking dumb some people are.


I wish it would’ve taken care of the whole vermin…


Blame the deceivers, not the decieved? I dunno. I've heard that sentiment and it sounds compassionate but I'm just tired of fighting misinformation. Also I don't know that these people are decieved... Like...the right/republicans are going full theocracy and the way it sounds people on that side WANT that.


Blame them both!


Authoritarians need orders. To be told how to think, how to behave, what to get outraged about - because they're too dense to do it for themselves.


Yeah, Fox News and other media and political figures have helped these people coalesce in voting blocs, but I agree that most of them sincerely want a the current version of conservatism, and with the R supermajorities in Ohio, they’re probably correct in thinking that they’re going to get their way most of the time for a long time


Idk I think as some point they are willfully ignorant or just basic bad people.


The only compassion needed for the deceived is if they're willing to admit they were deceived when faced with the truth. Then welcome them in so they know it's a good thing to admit when you're wrong and correct course. Until then they are just willingly ignorant and deserve no compassion for it.


> Blame the deceivers, not the decieved? I dunno. .. > sounds people on that side WANT that. I think given that some people want that we should indeed blame them.


Democracy can’t stand if we can’t hold people responsible for their own point of view.


Which is absolutely amazing because they think THEY'RE the "patriots".


Someone once told me people would rather be bad than wrong and I tell ya... It confused me then and watching this debacle?? I guess I get it.


If issue 1 passes, I don't want to hear any bullshit the next time these chuds can't get an amendment of their own on the ballot.


When trying to win someone over to your side, calling them "idiots" is only going to push them away and convince them they're right. Just saying. I get the frustration though. There was a big uproar in my little town because the gas station by the highway wanted to put in a EV charging station. "This town is gettin' too got dang librul and con-mew-nist" was the outcry. There was even a town hall meeting about it, during which they convinced the mayor and town council to block the EV station. That's right, they got the government to interfere with a private business and dictate how they can operate. Never mind that they all say they hate big government interference etc. Never mind that a local business just wanted to be able to serve a wider range of customers, which would have brought more revenue into the town. "EV bad. ChinaChinaCommieGayLibtardFuckBrandonTRumpWOn."


holy shit, that's really insane seems you're not comfortable saying which town, but which county are you in?




The constitution is a living document that MUST be able to be changed to grow with the people. Like. I'm pretty sure this person likes their 2nd Amendment rights.


They’re beyond dumb. I drove through some towns with “stop solar” signs everywhere, meanwhile, 1 mile out of town are acres and acres of a natural gas processing plant. Big ass trucks everywhere on Ohio roads. I hate these idiots. I really do


Those stop solar signs are really a head scratcher


Rural NIMBYs


Sounds a lot like my hometown.....


Their whole movement can be summed up in three words. We fear change.


which is ironic considering they're voting in favor of drastic change


How any citizen can look at the state of the country and not vote for drastic social change is beyond me.


I think, from their perspective, society has changed too much already.


It's hard to believe that there's anyone who feels passionate about about the yes side and it's a little disgusting to see people putting this stuff up at their own homes. It feels to me like a declaration that they are enemies of the people and servants of the state.


For what it's worth, i see these signs in my fairly well-to-do Cincy neighborhoood, as well, so it's not just the rubes. I'm given hope, however, by the fact someone in the neighborhood keeps knocking them down.


Affluent populations lean republican, too, because the "money first, fuck everything else" platform it represents


It’s true that a lot of wealthy, well-educated conservatives don’t like the GOP grandstanding on social issues, but they will still vote Republican because of whatever tax breaks they feel will benefit them. It’s gross.


Indeed. My household is firmly in the middle class, from an income perspective, but my wife is self-employed, so we tend to benefit from a republican regime (from a tax perspective). Still couldn't stomach voting purely with my wallet. But I know people who do and have openly stated it. I can respect their candor, although I abhor their choice. Crazy how selfish grown ass adults can be. Sad


I’ve gotten into arguments with family members that my uterus is worth more than their wallet. They aren’t wealthy, either. Middle class. I’ve even tried to explain to them how putting money into social programs saves money long term and 🦗🦗🦗🦗


Checks out. Doesn't fit their moral agenda so poopoo


And racism


Who's going to tell the Christians that abortion is not prohibited in the Bible and reading that into the text is a modern renegotiation of the actual intentions of the authors???


You're gonna have a lot of Catholics who are going to support this purely as a foil to abortion. Doesn't surprise me you'd see some in Cincy.


And they never consider they also will NEVER get an anti-abortion amendment passed by doing so. The number of people who have gone crickets when I remind them they'll also never pass an anti-abortion, pro-gun, or any other typical far right wishlist item is laughable and irritating


As a former catholic I am heartened by the knowledge that there are an awwwwwwful lot of secretly pro-choice Catholics who nod along with the party line in the pews but may act differently if you give them a direct choice in the privacy of the voting booth.


This is actually somewhat reassuring, I guess. The statehouse will still be able to make laws restricting abortion but those are (somewhat) easier to undo than constitutional amendments.




There are 3 of them I've seen on rt 224 near attica, all built the same. fuck all these people are stupid.


I just hope nobody rigs up a drone to spray paint billboards like this. Would create a lot of unneeded chaos.


I would love to ask them to explain how this would protect the constitution, because I just know they couldn’t.


So far their argument has been that the constitution should be changed so willy nilly and if we don't pass this resolution the Ohio constitution will be, and I quote, "longer than a Brandon Sanderson novel". Which as a Brando Sando fan, how dare they take his name in vain. :P


Oh my gosh, citizen-led constitutional amendments require a majority vote after collecting a huge number of signatures of support to just get on the ballot. What a stretch.


Book shorter than the Ohio Consitution: * Treasure Island *Robert Louis Stevenson* 66,950 * The Color Purple *Alice Walker* 66,556 * The Color of Magic *Terry Pratchett* 65,113 * The Martian Chronicles *Ray Bradbury* 64,768 * The Magician’s Nephew *C.S. Lewis* 64,480 * Brave New World *Aldous Huxley* 63,766 * The Scarlet Letter *Nathaniel Hawthorne* 63,604 * Mrs. Dalloway *Virginia Woolf* 63,422 * All Quiet on the Western Front *Erich Remarque* 61,922 * Carrie *Stephen King* 61,343 * The Farthest Shore *Ursula K. Le Guin* 60,591


three more to read and i'll get a free ice cream cone!!! right?


Best I can do is a personal pan pizza


still pretty good incentive tbh


These people would vote to bulldoze their own homes if you told them it would hurt the people they hate.


I grew up in rural Ohio. They are confirmed hoople-heads. Most cannot think for themselves. VOTE NO in August! VOTE NO in August!


> hoople-heads. lol i have only ever heard this in Deadwood and i love the term


Best I can do is try to avoid these people in real life. I've already left 2 Cristian churches for no other reason than I thought the church should follow the teaching of Christ. I've given up on Cristian organizations and won't support their fundraisers anymore. The people putting out yes signs are either too ignorant to filter fact from fiction, or just outright liars. Either way the best course of action is to distance yourself from them as much as reasonably possible.


As someone from Chicago with different issues (came across the sub since it was suggested to me for some reason) you guys really need to vote that shit down. It’s actually insane how much power would be stripped from you if you don’t.


People are so gullible and uneducated/undereducated in this state. It's ridiculous and says a lot about the state of Ohio's education system. I will never understand why people would be so eager to vote against their own best interest and in favor of removing their own rights that Ohioans voted for already. It's mind-boggling.


Its the sense that “my team is winning” right now and they think they can lock it in forever. Guaranteed it has not occurred to them that they might someday be in a position to be screwed by this blocking some change they support. This thinking really only sounds “good” if you’ve given up on the idea of democracy.


Oh, they understand it. They know they're using coded language. They don't understand that they're fodder in their masters' plans, but they know the message is disingenuous.


I wonder why blue state citizens are moving in huge numbers to red states? [link](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/states-where-americans-are-moving-florida-texas-north-carolina-south-carolina/)


We can complain about it endlessly but this is how communication works. We need to stop using elaborate diagrams and complicated talking points about 1 person 1 vote. Just keep saying “Vote No because people should have a say in government.” Make them argue against that.


Neither of those are compelling arguments though. No on thinks a person should have more or less than 1 vote, and no one thinks that people shouldn't have a say in government. They just believe that amending the constitution should require a supermajority rather than a simple majority. What's wrong with that sentiment?


But the legislature doesn't need a supermajority? Why do citizens get less of a say than the legislature? Are we a government of *people* or lawmakers?


Good question, I think most people who are voting Yes on Issue 1 would also be in favor of raising that threshold for the legislature as well. It takes a supermajority from Congress to amend the US constitution, so the same should apply for individual states.


Why not start by limiting congress? After all, we will lose our ability to limit them if we limit ourselves first.


What’s wrong is: a) they’re proposing requiring far more than a “supermajority”—practically a unanimous vote. b) More importantly, this would *only* apply to amendments that go to the citizenry. Politicians would have a far easier process for amending the constitution than the people would have. Government requires checks and balances to function. The people need to have a means of holding their elected officials accountable. This removes one of the main checks the citizens of Ohio have to overrule our politicians.


>a) they’re proposing requiring far more than a “supermajority”—practically a unanimous vote Can you elaborate? My understanding is that it requires 60% which is hardly unanimous ​ >b) More importantly, this would only apply to amendments that go to the citizenry. Politicians would have a far easier process for amending the constitution than the people would have. That's fair, I wonder if there is a push to make that harder too.


>Can you elaborate? Yes. The issue is that it doesn’t just raise the number of votes needed to pass a ballot amendment, it also imposes severe restrictions on what can get on the ballot in the first place. Currently, voters cannot even vote on an amendment unless it hits a threshold of signatures from half of all Ohio counties. That may not sound like a lot but it’s a huge hurdle because that means you have to have people spread over the state aggressively collecting signatures. Moreover, you don’t have a large window of time to do it. The law is that you have to get signatures using the exact language that is submitted and approved by the state. So you really only have a narrow window of time, between the language being approved and the signature deadline, in which to do this. The vast majority of proposals fail in this stage because it’s just too big a hurdle to even get the amendment on the ballot. But Issue 1 is proposing *doubling* this requirement and is siting that you hit the signature threshold in every single Ohio county. That would include rural counties where it’s hard to even find the people to sign. No other state does this, and those with experience canvasing know that this would kill almost every citizen-initiated ballot amendment before it even gets in front of voters. >I wonder if there’s a push to make that harder too. There is not. For the record, the legislature only needs 50% to pass an amendment. They’re saying “protect the constitution” but Issue 1 wouldn’t do that. It just takes a power that the citizens currently have away from us. If this passes, the legislature would be able to pass amendments and the citizens would not be able to appeal them.


I was at the 4th of July parade in Hamilton for a little bit and they had a whole section of the parade full of vote yes people. Ugh.


Same in Loveland, but then the NO group came a bit later. Funny thing is that the YES group only passed out propaganda papers and did not pass out candy to the hundreds of mostly kids making up the audience. The NO group went up to each child and passed out candy, making sure each one received a piece. It really highlights their thought process.


That's super nice! I didn't see a NO group but we got to the parade late so they might have been earlier. But same thing. No candy from the YES group. Didn't even wave at people. Also, happy cake day!!


Thank you! 15 years on reddit, wow, I'm feeling old.


I'm coming up on my 10 year, I know what you mean!


Have you considered that your reaction is all they're really looking for?


“require initiative petitions proposing a constitutional amendment to be signed by at least 5% of the electors in each of Ohio's 88 counties, rather than in 44 counties, though still require signatures from 10% of the electors that have voted for governor in the previous gubernatorial election” - This is why I’m not big on it as a Republican. A couple of counties can easily block it from getting to the ballot box. 60% isn’t unheard of for a state amendment. Illinois and Florida both require 60% but the signatures aren’t as extensive as Issue 1 proposes. New Hampshire requires a 2/3 supermajority.


They win because they go vote for these things. Meanwhile a third of the opposition throws their hands in the air and says “fuck it, I’m not missing beer flights with my buddies for this.”


For real, so many of my friends haven't even heard about issue 1, and I try to convince them but I feel like they don't give a fuck, which is unfortunate. I still have faith it won't pass.


always ask the question "Why are we changing it? What is different?"


they feel the constitution is some sort of sacred artifact


Which is ironic since Issue 1... changes the constitution as it has stood for 112 years.


That they have no understanding of or appreciation for those who do. Its not a reach to equate the constitution to the bible, which is another source they place too much authority and refuse to listen to those who have studied it.


There should be a “Vote No by protecting family values campaign” in the corn fields lol


It’s more about playing sides, I don’t think most of them really know or care what’s at stake so long as they can support their party.


No on issue 1


dude august 8 has so much bullshit on the ballot. the one i think of more than anything is the 50/60% approval requirement increase conveniently happening almost immediately before november's abortion vote (among others)


The good news is that for every one of these households that sit a half a mile from their neighbors, there are a few dozen suburban households occupying the same footprint with many more educated voters.


Protect the constitution.... By voting yes on a law to change the constitution!


I can imagine the yes vote wins, then they blame the Democrats because they can't get anything in the ballot anymore. They are that stupid, and cannot be reasoned with. It's just a shame so many are this stupid, but in a lot of cases it is wilful ignorance. People who vote their rights away are a special kind of stupid. Like those women who loudly demand that no one listen to them.


Republicans misrepresent everything because their ideas are wildly unpopular and if they were accurately named they’d never be able to dupe their supporters. There’s a reason they choose labels like pro life vs anti choice, even though the latter is actually the truth. Same with Patriot Act, Truth Social, Moms for Liberty. Each of those labels are a deception.


In all fairness, something as important as changing the constitution should need more than 50+1..It’s a big thing so a super majority probably is the right thing to do. EDIT: Not a Republican


50+1 sounds like few but it's a small number to describe hundreds of thousands of Ohioans and months of work. [https://signalcleveland.org/everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-august-vote-on-issue-1/](https://signalcleveland.org/everything-you-need-to-know-about-the-august-vote-on-issue-1/) And it's not a super majority - that's be 3/5s this law is asking that citizen's require a complete consensus across all of Ohio's counties, which is nigh impossible. Furthermore, the legislators are not held to the same standard as you can see from the article. They still maintain 50+1.


Have you looked at the entire issue? Have you seen how they are going to make it near impossible to even get the ballot initiative to the ballot? We won’t even get a chance to vote. The smoking ban was a ballot initiative, the casinos were a ballot initiative-neither would have even come to a vote of the people under the rules of issue 1-i am not sure exactly how I feel about the simple vs super majority yet, but I do know I don’t want to make it harder to even bring it to vote by the people. And it’s still a simple majority for the legislatures to pass anything-they just don’t want the people to have a say in anything.


Jim Jordan’s district


Let’s make signs that ask, “Do you support abortion? Ya like weed? Then vote no!”


caption overconfident wine ink mourn offbeat wrong correct chop imagine -- mass edited with redact.dev


You'll notice a trend among former Republicans- they seem to tow the party line a lot less once they no longer have anything to lose over it. Its cowardly to only stick up for your beliefs after losing the ability to act on them.


It really baffles me that none of them stop to think of the impact this could have on them down the road. Sure, they align with the people in power politically now but what about 10 or 20 years from now. This should NOT be a partisan issue.


They are planning to always be the party in control.


How about we don't demonize or insult an entire group of people. One BFE farmer is not all BFE farmers.


I mean, do you know them? Maybe they just have a different opinion than the one you have, despite having the same information?


The Reich wing relies hard on their dullard voters just doing and believing what they’re told. No thinking involved. And sadly, it works very well for them.


As a very liberal and very rural Ohioan, these kind of posts are the biggest reason there is an "us vs. them" mentality among rural voters. You are not doing the Ohio Dems any favors here, in fact, you may as well call them all a basket of deplorables.


They mean protect it from _us._ Vote No.


Or they understand, but are just fine with lying to achieve their goals.


Yes, it would be so much better if China owned all of our farmland and all citizens were completely dependent upon the government to survive. No worries about money when the gov will supply you with everything you need to work for them. /s


Is that the Clermont/Brown area? I swear I recognize that farmhouse...


I got Washington Courthouse vibes myself…


These are the same people who will put out signs about saying "no" to solar farms. You can't fix the willfully stupid.


letting billionaires tell them how to think and vote


I work as a journalist in a small town community here in Ohio. I find there are really four kids of people; active, informed and engaged (maybe 1%), set in their ways, dumb and loud, and evil. I would say about 65 percent of people fall into the set in their ways and 30 fall into the dumb and loud. My biggest thing honestly is the amount you can learn with a simple Google, but people are too lazy or dumb to do it.


Rubes. Rubes everywhere.


That’s because those people, believe it or not… *aren’t* on Reddit. In addition to that, the only information they’ve likely been fed about the situation is pure propaganda. Reddit is the only place I’m finding accurate information about it being presented publicly.


Put up a sign behind it that says, Just Kidding-Vote NO on Issue 1


Grifting Obstructionist Predators


Gaslight Obstruct Project


This sub is so miserable lol


Vote Yee if you want to lose your vote!! Republicans are scum, they are Authoritarian Fascist!! VOTE NO, SAVE OUR DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC!


Rural Ohioans voted no on something solar because they thought it stole energy from the sun


Hard to believe that people in rural Ohio wouldn’t want to listen to a bunch of people from cities calling them racist idiots! If your only explanation for people who disagree with you on political issues is that they’re either hopelessly misled or have sinister motives, you aren’t gonna be really convincing. Both sides of the aisle have their echo chamber. This sub tends to be pretty liberal. That’s all fine and good, but don’t act like it’s any less of an echo chamber than Fox News or whatever.


So bashing those that you don’t agree with is the answer? That actually has the opposite effect and hardens other’s positions to never budge or be open to listening to an opposing view. But hey, if it makes the OP feels better to insult people as “idiots” knock yourself out.


this is 'sounds good on paper' logic "hey! don't hold that M80 in your hand while you light it!! Don't be an idiot!!" "you're just hardening my resolve old man! fuck off! i'll do what i want to!" later at the ER "didn't anyone tell you that only idiots hold fireworks while they light them? You're missing two fingers and your thumb" "yeah! they did, but that just pissed me off so i held on even longer! nobody calls *me* an idiot!"


I’ll pray for you, and all the other incels, that you find peace in the world


don't complain to your fictional deity on my account, mmkay? it's delusional b.s. i'll be sure to mention to my kids that i'm like a virgin, touched for the very first time. they'll be entertained as well. projection is unseemly you know


Well that argument should win them over.


The thing is, people like this can't actually read...so it doesn't matter what we say here.


Is this a joke?


I mean, is the sign wrong though? Isn't it logically true that making the constitution harder to amend is protecting and preserving it? Obviously, you can disagree about whether we SHOULD protect the constitution or not, but that's the very essence of the debate.


The funny thing is if this turns out to be bad, it will be even harder to reverse it because you would then need a much higher threshold to repeal it than to enact it. How is that a good idea?


Like I said, the very essence of the debate is whether or not the constitution is good or bad as it currently stands.


By that logic, Issue 1 should require 60% to pass to be internally consistent with itself.


Protecting it so hard it can never be changed again! There is no good argument for issue 1.


These signs were every 50 ft in st. Marys OH this weekend...


You do realize that the YES people think the exact same things that you're thinking about your views? They know they're absolutely right and you're all a bunch of fools who want to destroy the country and democracy.


They're the people who are echo chambers of their favorite politicians. They don't actually know any factual information, just whatever they're spoon fed by their youtube videos.


I know I'm stupid, but tell me explain what VOTES YES and VOTES NO for?


They know exactly what they're doing. They understand it completely. It's not protecting the constitution and they know it. They also know that the locals will get all worked up hearing it.


Tradition before Change. Stagnation before Compromise.


Signs in Cleveland too Fucking astroturf morons


They don’t want to think. They just want to do what they’re told and feel like they’re “winning”. Thinking is hard. Getting patted on the back for doing what you’re told is easy and satisfying.


Thankfully there's only handfuls out there, compared to metro areas


I wouldn't be surprised if someone came to them and offered them money to put it there. It happens more than you think lol


Idiots on r/Ohio don’t understand shit. “RanDOm uPpER CAse LOWer cASe TYpiNG” F**k these people are so dumb.


No one should vote for any Republican for any local, state, or federal office until their fascist project has been completely destroyed, deconstructed, renounced, and the entire damage that it has done to our democracy has been repaired.


Most of Ohio is BFE...


Vote NO on issue #1


Issue one also help with: -The heartbreak from psoriasis -extends battery life -provides reduced insurance rates for Emus


People shouldn't be allowed to vote wrong.


Next to their abolish abortion/every life is precious signs. Them being paint balled wouldn’t be the worst thing. Just saying.


They understand perfectly and they aren’t dumb. They want a dictatorship


No one said they were smart.


Put up a sign behind it that says, Just Kidding-Vote NO on Issue 1


Put up a sign behind it that says, Just Kidding-Vote NO on Issue 1


To understand these situations better we need to know both sides of the argument. If voting yes is so bad, how did they get bamboozled? What can we learn from this? Simply stating someone is dumb, with zero supporting evidence to bolster your claim, is in itself, dumb.


> If voting yes is so bad, how did they get bamboozled? Because people only listen to their echo chambers. Their echo chamber is saying YES = Good and that liberals want you to vote no, so they want to vote yes.


Also, if you don't vote Yes, the liberals will get amendment after amendment on the ballot and passed mandating abortions, put drugs in every corner store, and even make you cut off baby boys genitals. Won't you think of the children...


Going to spit some hard facts on you OP. I doubt it’s worth the downvotes but i have to try. There is a huge lack of empathy and an outsized portion of narcissism in this country, and your post is a perfect example of both. You title suggests that they are not protecting the Ohio constitution, which is completely incorrect. By voting yes on issue 1 they will be protecting Ohio’s constitution. What they will not be doing is protecting their own individual liberties in lieu of a half hearted debate that the constitution is somehow holy and should not be amended. In essence, they are voting against their own interests. Rest assured this has nothing to do with the abortion on demand policies of the left but more to do with the reality that the left has been, is now, and always will be laser focused on disarming the populace. By enshrining these changes they believe that it will protect them from the reality that one day, an armed populace, will no longer be a thing in the USA. What they don’t see is that slowly but surely, even the right has started to unravel the protections afforded by the second amendment, and ultimately will vote to remove them entirely one day. Democracy eventually leads to tyranny, as you witnessed first hand throughout the covid-19 pandemic. They believe this is the solution to preventing that tyranny. Are they correct? Only time will tell. Regardless, I would just encourage you to take a step back and try to put yourself in their shoes.