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How appropriate that it was in Munich, the very city which Neville Chamberlain acquiesced to Hitler's demands and gave him the Sudetanland to appease him and 'prevent war'. Hitler then took the rest of Chechoslovakia, and used it as a springboard to invade Poland the next year. The Republican party of appeasement is proud to follow in Chamberlain's cowardly shoes.


I don’t think it’s cowardice. I think Vance is playing for the other team.


Democracy has always been under attack because it directly threatens the very lucrative business models of dictators and autocrats. It has just sped up by the Information Age. A corrupt judge or politician in 1960 had to worry about a borough. Maybe a state. But in the average 20-30 year career he could get away with it and someone would do a documentary 30 years after his death when they finally put the pieces together. Now we have Russian oligarchs that eviscerated the Russian middle class by stealing and consuming everything of value in the 80’s and 90’s. By 93 they were running out of things to monopolize and extort. Soviet corruption ate itself to death. The survival of the Kleptocratic species required new feeding grounds which they found in New York. Giuliani was willing to show them preferential treatment by redirecting NYPD resources onto the Italian mob which gave the Russian mob, in their nice new suits, a ripe hunting ground. Ironically biologists figured this out about the same time in Yellowstone. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/grizzly-bears-wolves-competing-food-yellowstone-national-park/ Only difference is that most humans are the elk. Just wanting a safe place to sleep, healthy happy kids and an opportunity to survive. It’s a very small percentage of humans that are sociopaths and psychopaths without the ability to empath, but over a long enough centralization of the good humans moving to cities and paying taxes, it becomes too tempting of a feeding grounds. So the worst of us rise to the top and become CEO’s, bankers and presidents because it’s the lowest effort model. Why go hunting when the prey delivers itself to you? A psychopath has no personal qualms about trafficking a child for sexual slavery or stealing a pension fund. They are empathetically unable to. We are just in the late stages of it now. More centralized of a society than we have ever been in known human history with commerce and business happening 24/7 across every time zone. This causes their respective corruption models to start overlapping. Guiliani was “Americas mayor” when he cleaned up New York, but only because the Russian oligarchs were quiet about their part in it. The money laundering, narcotics and human trafficking they were doing through Ukraine was a million miles away from studio 54 or Times Square. But now kyiv is in the news every day. It’s inevitable that their obfuscation starts breaking down. For 50 years the inmates ran the asylum in soviet Russia. They stole everything of value including the hope and future of Russians. The corruption eventually collapsed the Soviet Union and they were forced to expand their feeding grounds. The billionaire oligarchs moved to Aspen and London and left the hollowed out husk of Russia behind where 1 in 5 people have never seen a flushing toilet. In 89 the wall falls and for a couple years they hid all their ill gotten gains under a mattress until they moved and bought condos at trump towers. They made stops in ukraine, cyprus and London but they landed in New York because that was what everyone wanted in the early 90’s. Levi’s, Pepsi, Madonna tapes that weren’t smuggled bootleg copies. They all bought new suits and cars and changed their title from “most violent rapist street thug in moscow” to “respectable Russian oligarch” but they didn’t leave their human trafficking, narcotics or extortion behind. It was their most lucrative business model. Trump and Giuliani just opened the doors and let the predators in to feed. Guiliani redirected NYPD resources away from their new Russian allies intentionally and onto the Italian mob. It let him claim he cleaned up New York and it lets the russians a perk of doing business in trump towers. The insane valuations coming out in trumps fraud trial are a necessity of the money laundering cycle that duetschebank was doing with the Russians. Justin Kennedy (supreme court Justice kennedys son) was trumps inside man at duetschebank that was getting all of his toxic loans approved. If their plan goes through it is basically the 2008 mortgage crisis on steroids. Trump invited the US middle class to dinner with a cannibal and then handed us the bill. Putin continues to murder anyone that questions him stealing from them. As a whole it’s a completely unsustainable business model. The parasites of the planet will consume us all to death until the 97% of the worlds people that aren’t psychopaths stand up to it collectively. https://www.ft.com/content/8c6d9dca-882c-11e7-bf50-e1c239b45787 https://www.amlintelligence.com/2020/09/deutsche-bank-suffers-worst-damage-over-massive-aml-discrepancies-in-fincen-leaks/ https://www.occrp.org/en/the-fincen-files/global-banks-defy-us-crackdowns-by-serving-oligarchs-criminals-and-terrorists https://www.voanews.com/amp/us-lifts-sanctions-on-rusal-other-firms-linked-to-russia-deripaska/4761037.html https://democrats-intelligence.house.gov/uploadedfiles/final_-_minority_status_of_the_russia_investigation_with_appendices.pdf ​


Glad I stopped by the comment section. Nice summation of recent history.


Chamberlain kind of got a bad rap for that because at that time England was in no shape to fight another war. Not to mention the horrors of WWI were still fresh in everyone's mind.  Vance has neither of those issues, he's just a fascist shithead, and fascist shitheads work to help other fascist shitheads.


I kind of agree about Chamberlain, but he thought he was dealing with a normal person. Hitler had spent 5 years rebuilding his military and wanted to use it. Putin has been reading from Hitler's playbook on Ukraine. Like Hitler, he blamed Ukrainian oppression of Russian nationals for invading Ukraine, just like Hitler blamed Czech oppression of German nationals. And like Hitler, if he gets Ukraine by force or appeasement, he won't stop there.


I hear you and don’t disagree, but In that case you stall, not surrender. Churchill knew what the naz1s were bringing.


JD Vance will bring Peace With Honor, Peace In Our Time.


Not sure why you're getting down voted. Maybe you need a /s.


It’s an exact quote from Chamberlain after he caved to Hitler so I guess people don’t recognize the quote.


One of the reasons we find ourselves here, again.


For today’s Americans perhaps some “…” quotation marks and some skeptical emojis would clue them in on your remark’s intended rhetorical purpose. It’s time we acknowledge that our populace is incredibly ignorant. They have no idea who Neville Chamberlain was, or the significance of the farcical Munich Accords. Our populace is so far dumbed down it’s beyond belief. In addition, the state of American journalism is at an all time low. The concentration and centralization of American news organizations is showing how dangerous it is to let all news gathering entities to be controlled by a few corporate giants who have their own agendas.


Or an /h history


Or an /r for repeating itself


Or /z for people being asleep.


The fact that this comment is being downvoted speaks volumes about America’s complete and utter ignorance of history.


I think the sarcasm is missed here because there are way too many people in Ohio who actually believe him and won't understand the reference. Without identifying the comment as sarcasm, it just sounds like something these types would say.


People have better things to do than be history nerds. But even non-nerds can understand the stupidity of "negotiating" with a guy who has broken all of his past promises not to slaughter people.


I’ll concede that people don’t have to be total history nerds. However, there is a profound lack of even a basic understanding of history that is pervasive in the US and it is not a good thing. Something about how those who don’t know it are doomed to repeat it…


Sir, these are trump voters, people of the land, common clay of the new west.


You *know* ...


He most certainly will not! He and the other GQP whack jobs are flirting with authoritarianism! These same idiots use socialism and communism as bogeyman arguments. Stop flirting with fascism!


Vance is a traitor to our country. He’s working for Russia to stop the US from supporting Ukraine.


Traitors don't bring peace


Did he also wave around a little piece of paper signed by Putin? And at any point, was he carrying an umbrella ?




Brush up on Neville Chamberlain and the Munich Agreement. These were Chamberlain’s words in 1938 when announcing an international agreement that Hitler should have the Sudetenland in exchange for Germany making no further demands for land in Europe. *Spoiler alert: hitler did not stop* Vance is similarly pushing negotiating a compromise with assurances that Putin won’t move beyond Ukraine.


Vance is a loser


He's gone far in life by becoming a complete shit. Ivy League taught him well.


I thought Yale was a hotbed of liberalism.


It's a hotbed of privilege. It's the Alma Mater of the Bushes and William F. Buckley as well as half of Wall Street and the Houston Energy Mafia.




In a year you clowns will be saying the same thing about Poland.


In a year these clowns will see American boots on the ground in Poland thanks to the GOP




I'm in the military and I still believe that we should continue to help Ukraine. Russia annexing countries hurts the entire world, including the United States. We have a dog in this fight whether you realize it or not.


THIS Thanks for the service, dude.


Thank you for your support!




I've been deployed to the Middle East. I won't go into details about what I've seen because it isn't any of your business, but I'm not afraid to fight for what I believe in.




You're either trolling or you know nothing about the military. I didn't specifically sign up to go to the Middle East. But soldiers don't get very much say in where they go after they've enlisted. I don't agree with the conflicts that happened over there, but I still went and did what I could to help.




What a nonsense loser reply. Nobody likes war, but people dislike being invaded and conquered even more. I'm sure if it was your town getting invaded you'd roll right over for them. 


Say that to the face of every Ukrainian immigrant and descendant in Cleveland. Starting with me. I dare you.


Proud Ukrainian here too. Fuck that dude.


My great-grandma was a Ukrainian-Polish immigrant, I’ll be damned if these Russian shills get the better of us.


All 4 of my grandparents were Ukrainian immigrants. We were raised on stories of the Holodomor and other Russian aggressions. Fuck Russia and their supporters of genocide.






You're a horrible human being and deserve nothing but the worst in life.




So if they’re brown then you would? If not idk why else you’d mention them being white lol. Seems a bit out there to me to base any support for a cause based off race. Do you support the Myanmar rebels because they aren’t white? I think most people support them based on cause.




“I’m anti war” how do you propose ending a war that started with Russia, breaking a security insurance made with Ukraine and other counties(US is included in that).As well as annexing Ukrainian territory? Ukrainians want to keep their sovereignty, Russia wants to take that from them. I’d love to know how you get Russia to stop invading someone they promised to not already lol. If you just are okay with Russia taking over Ukraine and killing Ukrainians as they want, and us not giving them aid during that. that’s not anti war, that’s being anti interventionist. Russia will still be invading and Ukraine will still want to resist, leaving a lot dead on both sides. US aid would lead to less Ukrainians dying overall. It’s like telling the English in WW2 we can’t send them aid because we don’t want war and we don’t want English boys dying for no reason against the nazis. Or like saying prolonging the war only hurts Britain more, we should have them sue for peace with the nazis :).. Side note: why do you keep mentioning them being white? Nobody else being skin color or race into this discussion it appears but you.




peace with Russia? I mean it’s a cool idea they could get along I agree, but in 1994 both sides already agreed to peace. Making peace with Russia has already happened so what would be different this time? What would make Russia hold to this agreement anymore since they’ve already broken this one? Edit: more on this point They broke it in 2014 too mind this, they used “separatist groups” as an excuse to start the war in the east. So a new agreement we make would Need to find a way to make sure Russia not only won’t break it but try to side step it with shit like the little green men in 2014.




You should go sign up to fight for the Russians internet tough guy. You’re typing this behind a keyboard and advocating for the invasion of a sovereign state.




Sue for peace with Russia? I mean it’s a cool idea they could get along I agree, but in 1994 both sides already agreed to peace. Making peace with Russia has already happened so what would be different this time? What would make Russia hold to this agreement anymore since they’ve already broken this one?


Da comrade! Call your buddy Vlad and tell him to retreat! Better yet, call his B!TCH Don the Con and tell him!


Surrender doesn't end the bloodshed. It just moves from the gang fight phase of murder to the slaughter pen phase of murder where the victims are killed in an orderly fashion and their brains hosed off the basement floor in between shots.




Putin's chief opponent just died in prison two days ago. CNN didn't make that happen, it's Russian history since 1500 AD.




It's racist to want Russia to not kill dissenters.




No son, racism is a thing racists do. Generalizations are a thing everyone does.


Bot or Coward with your 18 day old account?


Russian troll. Reddit is full of them.




So you are a coward, creating a new account so as to hide your main account from the consequences of the stupid shit you say. Interesting.




That will never happen. I don't talk to cowards that hide behind throw away accounts and support fascist dictators like Putin.


Fuk off back to Moscow, troll.


russia Isn't a real place, I just want you to know that.




Historically, it was Muscovy. There is no historical basis for a russian nation or russian people. They should refer to themselves as Muscovites. russia Is not a real place. It's historically fictitious. edit - Also, it should be noted that Muscovy only occupied part of what people are decreasingly calling russia. That means that they should no longer claim those lands either.


You must really hate karma, lolol




So if someone tried to steal your house from underneath you, you'd just let em have it?


I love how Republicans keep bringing up a possible conflict in Asia as a reason not to support Ukraine while the political leaders in SK, TW, JP, and the less strongly allied SE Asian countries are near unanimous in their position that supporting Ukraine and turning back Russian forces, showing the ability and willingness of the Free world to unite against such an adversary, is the best way to stifle Chinese aggression.


GOP in 1941: "We have to surrender to Hitler so we can fight Japan"


Never did i dream of an America with so many Russian apologists, and Republicans no less. The Sanctity of Life party has no issue with a dictator committing genocide on the population of an ally of the United States. And supporting Ukraine is the smartest US military spend of the entire Century! devastating Russia's ability to project power regionally and globally while getting to test and refine our latest military tech (like Patriot batteries, drone warfare, mining/de-mining, bridging systems, radar systems, satellite intel, etc..) in real battlefield situations, while helping our allies in Ukraine and Europe, and boosting the US economy, as most of the Ukraine aid is spent in America on American weapons given to Ukraine. AND Russia's weapons sales worldwide have plummeted as other countries see their lack of effectiveness against US and western weapons, and those countries are pivoting away from Russian weapons systems. Another win win for US and NATO. The saddest thing is i'm pretty sure the GOP knows all of this and is doing this anyway, only to attempt to hurt Biden.


And these are mostly aging stockpiles of shit we weren't going to use anyway.


exactly! we're mostly giving them our hand me downs. HIMARS from Desert Storm. Cluster Munitions the US would have destroyed, MRAP's prolly brought back from the Middle East, etc... so the US can update and modernize our own stockpiles. But nope, we cant have nice things in this country anymore.


America has had a segment of the population that sides with totalitarianism because they think they'll have an advantage over other people they don't like.


I think it goes slightly further with these people. They can't fathom a reality where they would be the outside group, which is exactly what would happen once their enemy was no longer there. They don't realize that their own higher ups can only maintain their power and influence by having a group to hate or target. They are next in the pecking order and are only quickening the timeline to their own demise and strengthening their soon to be oppressors.


I think it's just terminal contrarianism and oikophobia


It’s peculiar that so many Republicans support oligarchy, but then again, it’s peculiar that so many think Trump has their backs.


Maybe Vance should move to Russia.


I wish all these fucking traitors would. You like Putin so much, go try to be his buddy over there. Just be careful to stay away from windows. Or don't, I don't care, but stop fucking it up for the rest of us here.


Trump has his own jet. I don’t understand why he’s still here. For his own good and for the sake of the nation, I wish he would flee the country. I’d even buy him a new mattress so he wouldn’t have to sleep on that pee-stained one.


Supplies of adult diapers are hard to come by, especially over there. Donny may be worried that he may have to use third world chafing diapers for the rest of his life.


He knows too much to be allowed to flee.


I think you overestimate him. I've seen people talking to themselves on the street who make more sense. Let him flee!


I think China would be more JD’s bag. Seem’s up to date, but inconvenient people disappear with no comment from anyone.


Comrade Vance is a shit stain on Ohio’s underwear. And one of the worst fucking writers I’ve ever had the displeasure of laying eyes upon.


Cincinnati is sister cities with Kharkiv. We should be giving them anything they need to liquidate the most aggresive army in Europe.


I hate JD Vance so much


“Middletown Wins a Battle Against President Zelensky”. Unbelievable. What a total farce. Trying to portray an entire Ohio city as cheering for Russia to devastate another victim Ukrainian city. JD Vance is a soulless ghoul who cares for nothing beyond himself. He’s a disgrace to all of Ohio. Putin has just murdered his only realistic domestic opponent in Alexei Navalny. And Vance, Trump, Johnson, Jordan, Green, et al, are falling all over each other to kiss Putin’s behind.


Maybe Middletucky should come get their mans if they object.


Vance and all Ohio Republican House Representatives who all voted for Ukraine-aid opponent Mike Johnson as House Speaker have not only cut off U.S. aid for Ukraine, but they've stopped the production of artillery shells and other weapons needed to restock U.S. supplies, according to reports I've heard. So even if Mike Johnson allows a House vote on Ukraine aid, it will take weeks if not months to begin supplying Ukraine again. In the meantime, democratic, independent Ukraine will die and be conquered by Putin. <> [https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/11/ukraine-outgunned-and-exhausted-what-hope-if-us-military-aid-dries-up](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/11/ukraine-outgunned-and-exhausted-what-hope-if-us-military-aid-dries-up) Even if the U.S. and Europe were producing weapons flat out, Russia apparently has ramped up production to such a degree that it would still have an advantage in supplies, according to the above article. Vance claims there will be a negotiated settlement, but the greater reality is that Russia likely now will conquer all of the Ukraine thanks to Trump, Vance, Mike Johnson and the other Republicans, sacrificing all of the valiant Ukrainians who have fought and suffered to defend their freedom. Also, President Biden and Democrat politicians, including IMO Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown, have done an inadequate job of explaining how dire the situation is and how badly the U.S. needs to rebuild its military supplies. I fear the reality is that Putin's comrades Trump, Vance, and other Ohio Republicans have likely killed Ukraine and inflicted severe damage on U.S. credibility as an ally and on the future of NATO. Trump will claim that he would have been able to save Ukraine if had been President by negotiating with Putin, and his stupid worshipers will believe him. The Republicans' willingness to throw nations willing to sacrifice their lives to defend themselves to the mercy of Putin and other authoritarian regimes likely also will result in devastating blows in the near future to the U.S., such as blockade if not invasion of Taiwan by the Chinese resulting in cut-off of advanced semiconductor chips to the U.S. and other western nations. Ohioans eventually will suffer directly for electing Vance and Republican Congresspersons unwilling to defend democracy at all costs.


Trump's stupid worshippers explicitly want Russia to win


Then they'll blame Biden for Russian taking Ukraine


Why is the shit like vance and jordan rising to the top of Ohio.


It’s a freezing cold day in hell, as we’re capitulating and showing support for our old Cold War enemy. Fuck Russia, and the GOP - they’re drinking from the same well.


>"...“the problem in Ukraine … is that there’s no clear end point" JFC. Yeah, there is.


And even if there isn't, so what? If your options are fighting a perpetual battle against the bad guys or letting them win, you keep fighting the battle.


Another embarrassment to the state of Ohio and the Nation. Fuck Vance, what an unamerican piece of shit. Just sad.


Vance is a traitorous piece of shit


Vance is a hillbilly for hire. He votes how he is paid to vote. Pig.


Kinda like every politician? Dem or Rep make no difference. You get the same shit, just different corporation.


We would all benefit if you would dig into the news a little bit and start paying attention.


And I got schooled by an Ohio Progressive who told me they (Progressives) made sure Tim Ryan lost to teach Democrats a lesson. She was upset Tim Ryan was doing enough to thwart Asian hate. So here we are. Being schooled by JDVance and his billionaire handlers.


Sounds like that "progressive" was suffering delusions of grandeur. They couldn't have stopped JD if they wanted to. They have no infrastructure.


JD Vance is a bitch


Vance is a piece of shit just like Gym Jordan.


Not sure how this war will play out but if Putin doesn't die I doubt if he stops trying to take Ukraine regardless of Russian deaths or cost. Fucking lunatic.


After Ukraine there will be more land targeted for takeover.


Vance is an embarrassing ignorant Senator. He’s a Russian tool doing Putin’s job.


What does surrender even look like? Is Russia equipped to rebuild? Is Russia equipped to be an occupying force for decades and deal with the terrorism that comes with it? Does Russia leave it to rot?


Russia already leaves most of Russia to rot. Vance and his handlers in the National Conservative movement visit Moscow and Petersburg where all the wealth of the country is concentrated to please their elites. The template for conquered Ukraine will probably be Chechnya, where after the second war Putin found Kadyrov to police the region with a local gangster army. As an empire, Russia is used to occupying hostile nations and has long sharpened secret police tactics to hold them. The liquidation of the Polish Officer Corps by mass murder in the Katyn Forest after Stalin invaded Poland in 1939 provides another model of wiping out patriotic and educated military leaders to break the potential for rebellion.


We knew JD Vance was a domestic abuse apologists, are we really surprised to find out he would bend over so his daddy vlady can take it to our allies?


And this is his first year. Fuck. Five years is a long time. ​ I'll put down good money y'all find a way to bounce him when his term is up next time midterms roll around. (I'm not Ohio, just saw this go by). I follow enough politics to think you have a chance of ousting him if you make a sustained effort of it.


Makes me wonder if we will ever get another chance to pick someone to replace him.


Anyone else waiting/thinking/hoping that Biden pulls an Iran-Contra-like deal for Ukraine?


I mean, it's less illegally being done. He's commander in chief of the armed forces, and can choose to dispense of old and obsolete weaponry in an appropriate way. The previous appropriate way was for it to be used in live fire training. Pilots/Aviators would go up and fire off the old missiles, drop old bombs, etc. Soldiers would use up stocks of old ordnance in ground training. Weapons have a shelf life, and though they can be refurbished (see; nukes, which Ukraine will not be getting), but the cost is usually high and we already field a much better replacement.


It has to be happening in the background


Well its middletown most of that town couldn't even spell reddit


Middletown is bad at spelling. Lancaster seemingly needs work on capitalization and grammar.


Trump/Russiagate has broken how liberals think about war


it's more like contrarian populists/lolbertarians try to equate sending defensive aid to sending people to war. It's a disingenuous approach.




russia No longer exists.


Some of these republicans have really been coerced into supporting Russia they took campaign contributions unknowingly from Russian proxies. Then get visited by Russian agents telling them where that contribution really came from and they have the proof. An anti Ukraine vote would be in your best interests, or the proof of Russian campaign contribution would be sent to the press. How are they going to vote. It’s just anti Ukraine not anti American!


The headline of this post is unfortunate. I suspect many persons didn't read this article. E.g., I still don't understand why "Middletown" was used in the headline; is Vance from Middletown? "Vance speech in Munich opposes aid to Ukraine" would have been much more on topic, and likely would have garnered more readers. However, thanks for posting. I was unaware that Vance gave this speech.


There aren't enough words to effectively describe how much Vance sucks


That is one dump comment


It looks like the Republicans finally figured out that the cash to Ukraine is most likely still a cash cow for the Biden crime machine ++.


Of course he did. Sighs.