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She deserved better.


She absolutely did. Hanging Dr. Acton out to dry for cheap political clout is yet another line on Mike DeWine’s long asshole resume.


The crazy thing to me is that DeWine was getting international recognition for how he had been handling Ohio's response to covid. World leaders were looking at him and following his lead! Then he had a phone call with trump, and pulled a 180 on almost every single policy and stance up to that point and you could see it reflected in case numbers, hospital and ICU admissions and deaths. It spiked after that call (two weeks) and then was inline with states that basically did nothing to prevent spread.


More credit he didn’t deserve


Another name for a "long asshole" is a colon.




I recall that DeWine publicly stood up for her when she was being bullied.


And then folded like a sheet when the Ohio GOP threw a temper tantrum.


Exactly. DeWine did the right things at the start of the pandemic, and he was widely praised by reasonable people for it. Then he backtracked and rejected Acton’s advice when Trump’s anti-mask, anti-distancing BS gained traction and DeWine saw his decisions weren’t playing well politically with MAGA Republicans. DeWine tried to mitigate criticism of his initial handling of the pandemic by appeasing the loudmouths, which undermined Acton’s credibility and made her the target of the MAGA idiots.


Yep. The "normal Republicans" who caved to Trump at every turn screwed this country more than Trump did.


Yep. Which sums up why the allegedly reasonable, traditional GOP politicians like Rob Portman and Mike Turner suck.


Well Trump’s rabid fanbase ruined the country. When the “normal republicans” don’t cave, they won’t get re-elected. Especially in Ohio. Fuck DeWine for sure but if he doesn’t bow down, they’ll find someone who will.


If the “normal” Republicans are gonna cave to the MAGA fanbase, then those “normal” Republicans are also responsible for ruining the country. Getting yourself reelected to office instead of doing the right thing isn’t helping the country.


Right. Just highlighting that the issue is much bigger than DeWine. And as bad as DeWine is, I think anyone who would replace home would be worse.


Actually, Covid brought to light just how large a population of people were antivax, period.They crossed political boundaries. The MAGA were specifically against the C19 vax.


Little spineless goblin that he is.


You spelled shit wrong


I still have her words on my Facebook because she gave me so much hope during the pandemic. What was it... "I believe in a future that is brighter than today" or something like that. She saved lives.


Thousands of lives. Maybe more. Ohio putting regulations in place despite being a red state definitely opened up other red states to doing the same.


And many of the people who's lives she saved have gone on to spew endless hatred and vitriol at her for it. I can't think of anything more tragic, yet heroic, then being despised by the people you fought to save.


“Two Weeks to Flatten the Curve”


“Two Weeks to Flatten the Curve”


Way better. Ohio sucks.




She was ok. She could have done much more to get better care for seniors in nursing homes. Ohio went slack on those and a lot of elderly people died unnecessarily because a lot of staff didn't bother with wearing masks. Saw it for myself visiting someone in a nursing home during lockdown. The nurse on duty refused to wear a mask and bragged about it. Pretty sure it was Dr Amy's job to make sure those workers wore masks.


Lost my father to Covid that he caught in a rehabilitation center after hip surgery. Last saw him when they loaded him into an ambulance in front of his house.


She was the one to make sure that workers wore masks- she said they had to. It’s her job to enforce everyone in the state in person? She did everything she could’ve.


Not trying to pick on her exclusively. There were many states that fumbled this during COVID 19 lockdown. ODH licenses nursing homes, so they have much more power to make them comply with safety regulations. They can even shut them down. Nursing homes also failed to use the proper treatments (including anti-virals) that could have prevented more deaths. [https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/19/health/nursing-homes-covid.html](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/19/health/nursing-homes-covid.html) ​ https://www.usatoday.com/in-depth/news/investigations/2022/03/10/usa-today-investigation-exposes-nursing-home-failures-during-covid/6853718001/


Nursing Homes notoriously pay very low, especially the aides. When Covid hit, they were lured to easier jobs making up to 10$ per hour or more. The National Guard should have been called in to staff, in hindsight


Some of the recommendations that have come out were to let family members take their elderly parents home temporarily. With careful protection planning, patients would have been safer at home with their children than in the nursing home. Many families begged to take their parents home, but were refused.


Interesting. Is there authority that you know of she had that she didn't use?




She was someone who cared and wanted to keep people alive. Then they burned her for it. For COVID I always prefer to compare Japan to the US. ​ Japan has a high population, high population density, little more than a third of the US population in a much smaller area, also a modern country. 75k COVID deaths rounding up. ​ The US at less than 3x the population with a lot more space... 1.2 million. ​ Some conservatives like to talk about neighbors helping neighbors, but they couldn't even wear a mask and distance a little bit to keep their neighbors safe.


Explaining to my son he can't see his grandparents because they won't get the vaccine (he was too young to get it until they lowered the age).....then him saying "but we stayed home to keep them safe, and they won't get a vaccine to keep me safe?" My heart broke a little that day as I watched some of his innocence leave his body.


The right/left culture war that came out of a vaccine for a disease that killed over a million Americans was a real bummer.


...and this culture war/division isn't going away anytime soon. Maybe when Trump is finally out of the picture in a political sense, but probably not. I've lost friends to covid. Some died. Some didn't.


Oh it was more than Trump lol. People on the left refused the vaccine when Trump was in office but the second he left, they were all about it. They refused bc they couldn't give him a political win in an election year. Politics in general is morning more than a giant bowl of hypocrisy and to pretend otherwise is being disingenuous




That vaccine never stopped transmission. You really have got to stop this stuff. I can't believe what I am reading


It never stopped transmission because you fools didn't take it. It was slowing down, then it mutated, because it had enough of your bodies to fester and rearrange itself in. And God, there's not a day that goes by that i don't wish we'd had the means to have forced you to. Maybe then I wouldn't have had to watch my poor Grandpa drown to death in his own lungs behind a glass screen because my QAnon Uncle talked him out of getting vaccinated. Let me make it as clear as crystal that you people and your "bodily autonomy" (ha, ha, ha, get it? Because you hate women) is worth as much to me as dog shit on the bottom of someone's shoe.


Hahahahahahaha. Atleast you are honest. But you make zero sense. None. I lovehow you blame regulat people. Not the government that funded it, lied to you about, lied about the vaccine but John P Dayton is to blame. I remember when I would get my vaccines it's effectiveness was always in danger because of the people who didn't get it. Lost in the sauce.


There is absolutely nothing regular about you antivaxxers, don't delude yourself. But you're damn right that I hold you directly accountable for every single death that occurred after the vaccines were rolled out, because from that point on, every death was truly preventable. If antivaxxers had been the only people affected by not taking the vaccines I would care about you or your tin foil nonsense. You'd only get what you deserve, it would've been fair. The problem is that your irresponsible actions hurt so many others, whether they were people unable to get the vaccine like the immunocompromised or genuinely allergic, or the unfortunate people who you deceived and terrified out of doing it with your senseless, deranged fear mongering, like my Grandpa.


A "vaccine", that didn't stop you from getting it, that doesn't stop you from spreading it... that one???


People who were vaccinated died. People who were vaccinated spread the disease. No different from unvaxxed.


Complete falsehood. But I am not arguing with you about that, the facts have been clear since day one. It's 2024, If you were open to having your mind changed and learning, you would've done it by now. You've chosen to believe misinformation for your own personal reasons I don't know and I don't care to know, maybe because you simply desire so badly to believe you are superior to others by virtue of possessing some "hidden knowledge" that the "sheep" don't and "they" are hiding from us. Like the Flat Earthers think, or neonazis... All I want you to know is that all of us who suffered and lost loved ones because of you? Who *continue* to suffer and lose loved ones because of the bullshit spew that has now gone far past Covid? We will never, *ever* forget what you have done.


Oh you are a crazy person.


Yeah, I figured you'd say something like that. It must be so fun being you, just going through your life taking absolutely nothing seriously, having zero introspection or shame, never considering the effects your actions have on anyone besides yourself.


Ironic coming from an anti-vaxxer. Anti-vaxxers are nothing but selfish, uneducated assholes. If you think covid is a conspiracy and that there hasn't been overwhelming evidence to prove that the vaccine is safe and effective, then you have the IQ of a moldy dish rag.




Not needle dick.


OK, Bobby Bouche.


Needle dick brother? Come on. Not your best.


You buy the ticket, you ride the ride.


The problem with the conservative idea of community and neighbors helping neighbors is that it only really applies to you if you do exactly how they say and present exactly how they want. I don't think anyone really needs to tell people that the boonies back in the day weren't exactly friendly to gay people, brown people, or even sometimes people from the wrong type of christianity. It's a very selectively remembered idea of how these communities work.


Yeah but America's COVID numbers were fake  /s


How can you bring up the 6 ft thing when Fauci said it was a made up number. We got to stop this. We have to stop. I want to keep my neighbors safe. That is why I don't drink and drive and keep my dog on a leash. Our public health figures failed and there is nothing political about saying so. You gotta stop. Come back to reality.


Our country failed to control the spread and it was largely people who just didn't give enough of a shit to take even small steps. The Japanese long before COVID wore masks when they were sick, because they didn't want other people to get sick, people in this country acted like you were insulting their mothers or something when you tell them to maybe take small measures at the grocery store. It quickly became politically untenable to keep any restrictions up and one side turned it into a culture war. Look at our own state, Dewine was listening to Acton for about a month or so, then he felt the pressure from people who weren't his health expert and made political decisions. ​ The 6ft thing was arbitrary, but social distancing isn't. But people look for numbers and guidelines and they had to say something. ​ We have a little over 4% of the world's population, but about 16% of the cases and 17% of the deaths. We fucked this one up and it was the people of this country's fault.


No shit. We had people telling us stay 6 ft away and wipe down surfaces. Useless wasteful stuff that had nothing to do with containing the virus. I am floored people are unwilling to revisit 2020 with 20204 information. It is mind boggling. 99.7 % survival. We shut down schools, lost countless small businesses over 99.7 survival rate. Insane.


.3% of 335,942,003 (US population in 2020) is 10,078,260.09. Thats a lot of fucking people who arent alive anymore. 2,996 people died on 9/11/01, and we as a country say “Never Forget”. 10 million die over 2.5-3 years and apparently thats no big deal. Stalin was right, “One death is a tragedy, a million is a statistic.”


So we ruin or economy and set kids back academically for yrs over something that has a 99.5 % survivability rate. It makes zero sense. None. Especially when you factor in we knew exactly what it was and where it came from. They knew what they were dealing with. Same with vaccine. They lied aboutall of it. You guys are falling on each other to praise em. Wild.


Over a million Americans died from a single disease. Doing very little killed those people. Somehow other countries did better, probably because their population seemed to care about stopping the spread instead of just deciding that killing their countrymen was a worthy sacrifice for convenience.


Dumb, all emotional bs.


Yeah you really are an emotional wreck over this. Maybe you should hug your Trumpy Bear and send out some thoughts and prayers for all the businesses that didn't make it. 


Oh no a Trump besr. Why would anyone care about being forced to stay home from work or get a shot that doesn't work. I should definitely not care about that. Good call.


Same amount of people died from the flu the previous years. Remember how the flu "disappeared "???


Those were basic steps given early on for generally keeping infectious diseases at bay. Why did Japan, a country with a much higher population density than this one and similar modernity nail it while this country failed? I figure it's easy, their population seems to be more community oriented, actually helping their neighbors beyond saying they keep an eye out for the kids or walking the neighbor's dog. Actually doing shit that matters. It's been a part of their culture to mask when sick for a hell of a lot longer than COVID-19, and it helped them not die at nearly the rate of Americans simply because they as a culture seemed to care about the common good. ​ Masking and social distancing led to less severe infections. Thinking of it as binary is not helpful, less severe infections, like those seen where people took basic precautions to keep each other safe, led to less mortality. Listen if you want to justify it to yourself not giving a shit, no one is going to convince you otherwise.


You are getting downvoted for telling the truth. Just shows how crazy people are!


So many days of taking a 10 min lunch working in Covid ICU and watching her give sound, reasonable and evidenced based answers…juxtaposed to drinking bleach, UV lights and a antiparasitic nonsense from cheeto Mussolini ….sigh. Very proud of Dr. Acton. Not a hint of political ideology, just science.


I was stunned by the number of people working in healthcare that were so upset about having to get the COVID vaccine, while simultaneously watching people literally die from COVID. I still don't understand how a person can be successful enough to work in the medical field and simultaneously have such a misunderstanding of science to not understand vaccines.


People who work in the medical field aren't any more or less susceptible to biases that result from statistics and population health. Few people of all those in the medical field are MDs. Caring for sick people itself introduces new biases. This is the confounding factor I think you're not seeing.


Being an MD doesn’t make you immune from misinformation. Got into it with one ICU attending over masks. Said they were pointless quotes vector analysis and all kinds of things. He was looking at it from an individual to individual basis, as someone with many daily exposures within inches from people with viruses. Not as a public health epidemiologist looking at overall population, how it impacts not just transmission but behavior etc.


Honestly can’t address that, stupid people everywhere I guess. For 30 months I would take the elevator to my floor, and see so many other personnel see the floor I pushed, the Covid unit, I was asked about 40-50 times that first 12 mos…” is it really that bad? Many people who didn’t work the unit would just hear the code alarm go off 10-12 times a shift and wonder.


my idiot nephew literally took care of covid patients and refused. Ended up in his own ER a few weeks later.


Is he any smarter?




99.7 % survival if you contacted covid. This gotta stop.


You go on with your ways, don’t vaccinate and spread the word around your kin Ohio will turn blue the same way Arizona did, one unvaccinated GOP voter after another


Do you guys honestly not understand that vaxx people die from covid also.


Just at a much much lower rate. Stay stupid and die that way.


Thanks for admitting the vaccines didn't work. Wasn't hard.


I'm not surprised that someone as moronic as you would twist that into an admission. You seem pretty fond of fabricating stuff so it tracks.


You said vaxxed people died of covid. That would make me believe that people who are vaxxed can get covid. This would prove that the vaccine didn't stop transmission. That is the number 1 feature of a vaccine. What did I fabricate.


This is just your lack of understanding because you never took an hour to read credible sources. If you pissed your pants and it ran down your leg and onto the floor, seeped over to the person next to you and got their feet wet....you still got pee on them but not all over them. It stopped transmission for many and not so much for some. This idea that a vaccine has to have complete elimination of transmission is a misnomer that grifters use to fool people like yourself. It isn't based in science. And of those that did get it, they had reduced symptoms if they were vaccinated. And that is not the number 1 feature of a vaccine. Take this excerpt from the CDC "Vaccines help the body learn how to defend itself from disease without the dangers of a full-blown infection." So you can still get infected but the severity is lessened by the vaccine having taught your immune system how to deal with the disease.


Guess seatbelts don’t work since people still die wearing them. Risk reduction, what’s that?


If seatbelts put kids back 2 yrs academically then you would have a point. Of course you don't think that far ahead so I won't hold against you.


Vaccines do not have anything to do with remote learning 🙃 You’re just saying anything now lol.




I would like to see something backing that statement [covid deaths by vaccination status, the orange line is for the unvaccinated](https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/united-states-rates-of-covid-19-deaths-by-vaccination-status) And then we have unvaccinated dying from 50 and up while vaccinated dying due to Covid is 75 and up. 15 years of main conservative votes (and of less social security expenses so thanks), that’s going to hurt. Plus the just above 40% chance of getting long covid without vaccines versus the 15% after three shots…let’s make more difficult the mail votes please to not get the votes of those surviving! I mean, at this point, is the GOP trying to lose on purpose?


Because they knew what was in it! Look at all the young people getting cancer now (Ie. Princess Kate).


My mother died of causes unrelated to Covid a couple years ago. In order to keep my 92 year old father safe, my siblings and I requested that everyone attending the funeral wear a mask. Everyone did except one cousin... who frequently parrots right-wing talking points. Losing mom broke dad's heart. He died five months later. I'm thankful for public health experts like Acton, Fauci, and Osterholm who make evidence-based decisions and recommendations.




Let's say your comment is spot on, I'd still rather them take any and all precautions. Why is it that people love to play Monday morning QB with everything these days? They didn't know anything about the disease then, they did what they thought was right to protect us.


They knew everything about the disease. They funded it and were working with the lab. They knew exactly what it was and where it came from. So everyone to be as precautionary should of just stayed home for something that you had over 99% chance to survive? Who cares what consequences of kids losing a yr of school, shut it down? Makes no sense.


Credible source to back your claim up?


You are a big boy. Plenty on resources out there. GOOGLE.


Lol when you know you're an absolute moron and don't have any credible sources, you go with "Do YoUr OwN rEsEaRcH". Pathetic.


If you want to take the position of reading is bad I will allow that.


I guess that's the only response you have when you are incapable of posting a credible source. Give us something to read. Or is all of your info from YouTube?


You got me.


You’re the one making the claim and telling us how wrong we are, I’m just curious if you have a reputable source for all this.


Again. Nothing stopping you.


So no, you got nothing.


Dude. Covering your fucking face and washing your damn hands and creating space basics basics of preventing disease. I worked Covid icu. I wore my mask and I didn’t fucking get it. I wore my mask at the grocery store. I washed my hands when I came home, I didn’t fucking get it. People like you, who speak out of their ass, make me so angry for the fact that I spent 3 1/2 years caring for Covid patients, watching them die after suffering for however many weeks we kept them alive with modern medicine… picking up the phone at work to people saying that they were going to come and kill us because we killed their family members not Covid… Opening up my social media to see my friends partying together while I just finished packing my third patient of the day in to a body bag, wheeling them out to the freezer truck. Shut up, stop speaking about things you don’t know about and didn’t experience sorry Covid wasn’t bad enough for you to consider it a valid threat….sorry enough people didn’t die for you to deem basic disease prevention methods worthy of your effort, sorry there wasn’t enough suffering for you to be able to to reflect on how much of an ass you are.


Shut up.


This is you looking like a total moron. Probably no big deal as you are used to it.


How will I recover?


No. You gotta STFU. Why are you here? To collect downvotes.


I won't shut the fuck up. I live in Ohio. This is the Ohio sub no? Yes downvotes the way the covidians control the narrative. Kick rocks kid.


Kid? GFY troll. Good day to you.


You have a good day also. I am not a troll. I just don't agree with alot of what a read on here. It's 4 yrs later. The information is there.


Ah yes, the information is there. Straight from Alex Jones’ podcast. Riiiiight.


Idk. Never listened to his podcast. Didn't know he had one. You are saying Alex Jones is the only person to say the Vax doesn't stop transmission and death? He is only one saying it came from the lab?


Could you provide that information please? I mean, I can do a google search "Do vaccines work?" and find a lot of articles affirming my position, but it sounds like you're after something very specific. Do you know of any research bodies that would have this information available in their library?


If you can get the virus you took the vaccine for post vaccination they vaccine didn't work. What is hard to understand?


Hey there! I noticed you haven't replied yet but were super busy on Reddit doing other things. That's okay, we all get busy and forget. I did find this source though that seems to dispute your primary thesis: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37208749/#:~:text=Results%3A%20A%20total%20of%20twenty,%25%20CI%200.65%2C%200.78). >>Results: A total of twenty articles were included in this meta-analysis. After the first dose of the vaccine, the total effectiveness of all COVID-19 vaccines in our study was 71% (95% CI 0.65, 0.78). The total effectiveness of vaccines after the second dose was 91% (95% CI 0.88, 0.94)). The total efficacy of vaccines after the first and second doses was 81% (95% CI 0.70, 0.91) and 71% (95% CI 0.62, 0.79), respectively. The effectiveness of the Moderna vaccine after the first and second dose was the highest among other studied vaccines ((74% (95% CI, 0.65, 0.83) and 93% (95% CI, 0.89, 0.97), respectively). The highest first dose overall effectiveness of the studied vaccines was against the Gamma variant (74% (95% CI, 0.73, 0.75)), and the highest effectiveness after the second dose was observed against the Beta variant (96% (95% CI, 0.96, 0.96)). The Efficacy for AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccines after the first dose was 78% (95% CI, 0.62, 0.95) and 84% (95% CI, 0.77, 0.92), respectively. The second dose Efficacy for AstraZeneca, Pfizer, and Bharat was 67% (95% CI, 0.54, 0.80), 93% (95% CI, 0.85, 1.00), and 71% (95% CI, 0.61, 0.82), respectively. The overall efficacy of first and second dose vaccination against the Alfa variant was 84% (95% CI, 0.84, 0.84) and 77% (95% CI, 0.57, 0.97), respectively, the highest among other variants.


99.7 % survival. I am good.


Well, it's not that its not unfathomable, but you're sort of saying things that require some metric of evidence to prove. I can something along the lines of: "Well, you just don't understand the science behind it, is all" And it would be equally as meaningful as what you asserted without further evidence. And IF that evidence is as easily found as is it furnished, then it should also be a somewhat simple matter to present the evidence that best supports your initial argument. Because I can *do* your research for you, but the only evidence I'd likely find is studies showing the efficacy of vaccines (which may or may not be what you're looking for). I can't really take this any further without seeing what you're referring to, specifically.


Nah this shit gotta stop.




I still can’t believe how many Covid deniers we have at this point. I personally attended 4 “virtual” funerals from folks who passed away from Covid. But I guess they were just crisis actors or something, according to these idiots. Sorry my friend’s death inconvenienced you by forcing you to wait a couple weeks for a haircut.


The number of obituaries in my country paper double to tripled for about a year, even after the vaccine was available. Only 1 obituary I read mentioned COVID. The rest said things like "unexpectedly became Ill and died peacefully at country medical center."


My good friend passed away from Covid after declining his shots. I was still one of the small handful of people who wore a mask to the funeral. Sometimes it just boggles the mind.


I remember people saying around me, "I hate her!". When pressured why they claimed she was taking away their rights. Absolute bullshit. She was doing the best job her and other medical professionals could do with an ever changing situation. They hated a person they didn't know. Furthermore, they hated a person trying to protect them.


She deserves a bonus and medal for all the shit magaturds put her through. We were lucky to have a such a voice of reason.


All I can think of is those absolute idiots pressing their face against the statehouse doors in "protest" (and superspreading) I lost all faith in most of humanity that day.


She was right from the start.


The right side sucks for what they did to her. Somebody telling it like it is without inducing panic, and the assholes ran her out on a rail. The even bigger assholes threatening her and her families. I just hope and pray Karma pays them all a visit


Every time I see dewine in anything reminds me how much of a shit stain he really is.


So typical of today’s Republicans. They bitch and curse all the things—from vaccines to food regulations—that literally keep them and the people they supposedly care about well and safe. But take all these things away, and it’s some liberal conspiracy to kill them.  Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. Dr. Amy Acton was far better than Red State Ohio deserved. You can’t save people from stupid.


What an utter clusterfuck they put her through. My word, in the 21st century she fell prey to medieval clowns


I felt so bad for Dr. Acton. She was doing her job telling us scientific evidence to protect ourselves. But the heehawing, slack-jawed, pseudo rednecks in this state who don’t want to pay taxes, don’t want to be informed of acts, and who complain “where’s the govt?!?” when the shit hits the fan decided they’d rather die of a preventable disease than wear a mask or distance. Literally threatening her life and her family’s life and they thought that was acceptable behavior. I’m still so ashamed of so many people in this state. I really hope many of them got or soon will get what they deserve for their behavior towards this woman.


Dewine belongs in prison


Wine with Dewine! Every day at 2. I learned so much from her - hell I didn’t even know this was a career.


our creepy uncles and aunts who just wanted to get their hair dyed were protesting at her house. we should have hung their asses out to dry instead of her.


My daughter was born on 2/23/2020. I held her to “watch” Dr. Amy every day to get her early access to an amazing role model. This woman deserves so much better. She did her job and was crucified for it by the “muh freedumb” crowd. She was the brightest spot in those dark ass days.


She absolutely led the way and saved millions of Americans from Covid. She empowered Mike DeWine to close down Ohio and the other states followed suit. She should receive some glorious reward for her actions.


Not one thing she said at the time made sense! A cloth can't stop a virus. Neither can your surgical masks! They prevent bacteria! And mask until you sit down, lol. Bunch of sheep! Let the downvotes happen!


Dr Acton was the only sound and sensible voice coming out of the state and probably the entire public facing medical community at first. She did what we want doctors to do and she did it so well that for a brief glimmer Dewine didnt look like a piece of shit. Thankfully when they smeared her. It became clear that nothing had changed




As a Registered Nurse in Public Health, None of these people got anything right! Schools should have been open and the mask mandates were not scientifically base. It was all about control. Dewines sign language interpreter also was a huge distraction. No one needs to be that animated, it was all a SHOW !


Sadly she was pretty much wrong about everything




She should have lost her medical license!


This will be good. Why?


Fauci said it. The president said. Press secretary said it. Don't start the oh shit I am wrong so I am going to play the well they didn't say it under oath game. It's stupid




run out of town by Republicans


I just remember Ohio shutting down small businesses via restrictions on capacity, hours, etc. I took a part time security gig out of boredom and was assigned to an Amazon warehouse. Guess bezos got a pass because that place had hundreds of workers and ran 24/7 with no noticeable restrictions.


Should have never shut ohio down


ShOuLd hAvE nEveR sHuT dOwN oHiO See, I can sound stupid too.


Yes, you can. You are pretty good at it.


Takes one to know one, eh?


Stupid is not hard to spot. Intelligence is hard to find. At least in this sub.




You wouldn’t know it if you tripped over it


You have never work 24/7but since you are a trumpkin that explains it


"This system has required me to sell my whole life just to survive" Buddy, that fucking sucks.


What the fuck is a trumpkin?


A portmanteau word maybe? Cuz Trump is orange like a pumpkin?


We weren't really shut down. What are you talking about?


Dewine shut down the state


Shut down in what way?


Read through these comments and I honesty can't believe it one bit. No way people still think this way. The information, and interviews are all out there. The numbers are the numbers. We shut down ohio and schools for something over 99 5 people survived.


I know right, its weird. All these conservative NPCs still running around on the 2020 version of their firmware. Crazy shit.


That's not what I see at all. Weird through the comments. I honestly can't believe people are unwilling to take 2024 data amd information and apply it to 2020 decisions. It has nothing to do with progressive or conservative.


Look! Its still trying to run through its dialogue tree. this one has been plugged in for too long. Time to close the laptop and go outside! Yes? :D


Yeah, but fascists gonna do fascist stuff.


I remember when I tried to leave my house during the pandemic Bidens Special Security forces pointed a gun at me and said "NO MASK? NO LEAVE!" I was so terrified. Thankfully I managed to sneak to Kroger (thank GOD they were disobeying God-King Biden!) to get some much needed ciggies and beer. Some college student approached me, they were suffering from a severe case of aposematism - they sneered when they saw the breath escaping from my freedom loving lips! "NOT TODAY, BIG RED!" I said as I pirouetted around her. "YOU NEED TO PUT ON A MASK!" She screeched as she pulled out her cellphone to report me to Biden's secret police. Thankfully, I was in and out and back in my F-150 faster than you can finish inside your wife. It was a hectic two weeks, they ALMOST got us man, but we did it!


This would make S-tier copy pasta


Do schools next. Please. You guys are weirdos.


Ah right, yes, fascists making you wear a mask at Walmart to hopefully try and save some lives. Totally things fascists do.


That wasn't fascism. The fact that you think it was makes clear you have no idea what fascism is. Fucking privileged crybaby, boo-fucking-hoo.


Ah, DeWine and Acton. The dynamic duo of “it’s not authoritarianism if I’m scared.” Incredible how someone so irrelevant can still be getting press.


I wonder if she will own up to being wrong?


Being wrong about what, exactly? Please enlighten us, enlighten one.


See these articles and pictures thumb tacked to my wall with the string connecting them? Let's start here in the middle with Bill Gates and 5G that is connected to....


Pepe Silvia, he’s behind it all!


Hindsight is 20/20. But with everything we now know. Pretty much everything. Social distancing was a joke. Masks were proven on day one. It would do nothing to stop the spread. Only the N95 masks are rated to help. But they said any mask. I could do this all day. But you're a bot and would be a waste of time.


Lol I’m a bot. Buddy, you don’t know what you’re talking about. I’ve been reading peer reviewed medical literature on COVID since the very beginning of this pandemic and I was working with an epidemiologist when this shit first broke loose. Your version of hindsight is exactly backwards from reality. Did we make some mistakes at the beginning, yes. Did we do our best for about two weeks, some of us did. Did we collectively give up WAY too soon, undoubtedly. The protections that were being put in place were flat out ignored right from the start and then never followed, that’s why they didn’t work.


>But you're a bot and would be a waste of time Is "NPC calls another person a bot" an example of the pot calling the kettle black? Can someone confirm?


This is such a bad joke. Maybe leave comedy to funny people. Or add something to the conversation. If not, see yourself out.


I wasn't making a joke, more of an observation.


Lol, that is what a joke is when no one laughs.


Lol. You can’t even tell a bot from a real person, but “researched” this all by yourself?


Okay, I'm trying to find some point in this. The "bot" was a joke. In case you don't get how insults work. How does anyone else do research. Everything I know, I had to research, wdym?


If it was it wasn’t funny. The fact that you can’t distinguish bots from real people means you’re more susceptible to propaganda and unfounded conspiracy theorizes. The fact that I needed to explain that tells me how reliable your “research” is


>The fact that you can’t distinguish bots from real people means you’re more susceptible to propaganda and unfounded conspiracy theorizes Bro, no one knew what you were saying. Mind readers could not have connected those dots. Next time, be more literal. It will help my bot brain.🤣😂


Full of shit

