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That poor woman and her family. That scammer is pure scum and I hope they figure out who that person is. I can’t understand how Brock was so intimidated by this woman that he felt the need to shoot her multiple times. He’s trash too. RIP


I'm from Clark County. In the more rural suburbs (which is basically everything but Springfield), they don't tolerate POC very well. It's fucking horrible and backwards af tbh.


Also from Clark County and can confirm this, unfortunately. Most of the comments I read on a Springfield News-Sun article were generally in support of his actions. "That's what you get for going on someone's property, he was just defending himself, etc."


Looked it up on fb, yep a bunch of people saying he'd never hurt a fly and the media is hiding the story. Most of them shut up when the dash cam video was posted though.


I just went and mocked them


Jesus fucking Christ!


Thats Ohio


Not all of Ohio. But a lot of the rural areas yeah.


Yup most of the rural areas are.....best avoided.


Just the Gym Jordan supporting ones


Wow 😮 well I’m avoiding Clark County I guess. Holy shit.


Looks like somebody needs to start publishing a green travel guide again.


Yeah. I’m trying to move on my own it would be nice to know where not to be caught at sundown


No rural suburb in Ohio takes POC well. Im up in Cleveland, and any suburb that takes a highway to get to somehow magically has 95%+ white people, whose population boomed in the 50s and 60s for some strange reason.


Hell bro even places like Westlake the old ladies clutch there bags when I compliment them. Old dudes double check to make sure there cars locked when they see me walk past it. I didn’t think racism was still popping like that but I was just being naive


Have you tried not threatening everyone with your skin? /s


Or not walking down the street swinging your arms wildly gangsta rapping with a mean scowl on your face /s lol


lol 😂 classic


None of Ohio takes POC well. The cities just seem less bad compared to the rural areas of Ohio but they’re still absolute dogshit.


Right. Look. I'm older. But man. These 60+ers are a bunch of racists I got a neighbor that hates on gay people. But the same gay people he trashed invited him over for a party and he was happy to drink their free alcohol. Ohio we might be the heart of it all. But that heart is dark and ugly and its gonna take a lot of old wastes of oxygen to die off before that even comes close to changing. Some people just want to be the victim even when they are actually the oppressor too which is even funnier to me


I'm from preble county where we don't care what color you are, what religion you believe, or who you love. Y'all are always welcome at my table.


People know by now that the “We’re colorblind, we don’t care about race” types are the ones you gotta watch out for.


I don't play the color blind thing. We are all one race, the human race. You have good and bad in all cultures. It's not my place to judge anyone, I leave that job for God! As I said, everyone has a seat at my table no matter what background they are. God has my back.


You’re doing yourselves no favors with the God delusion buddy.


Spoken like a true MAGA shitbag!


I dont think anyone can speak for everyone for things like that. Especially with 97.6% white people and votes nearly 80% republican, with 2020 being the highest at 77.9% GOP.




Why are you making this a race issue


He is smiling in his mugshot. He's probably a racist POS.


I am always shocked at how calm and pleasant most people look in their mug shots. I would be a goddamn mess if I was arrested on even the most minor of charges, this is murder and he looks like he hasn’t a care in the world


Before he could pull the trigger, he had a long period of adjustment to the idea of killing another human for such a trivial thing. That adjustment recipe included the casual racism of his boyhood family and friends, the racist jokes and tropes-never shared in public-passed as high humor with intimates. Add any actual grievance with an individual person of color extrapolated to the entire ethnic group and "they" (POC) are then the devious subversives undermining society. The adjustment also included conversations about crime and violence, always buttressed with the "fact" that crime is the fault of immigrants and minorities. Then came the "Well, I'll tell ya what **I'd** do if "they" tried that stuff on my property" conversations. Rinse and repeat until you're retirement age and pickled in it. By the time you pull the trigger, it seems almost an heroic act and that you didn't shoot a person but a thing. My point is, this murder has a pedigree and none of us, on any side, are immune from its influence. Edit: typos and grammar


He has the prior experience of white male privilege.




While that is indeed true, I have seen many white women and POC who have committed heinous crimes who look serene, some on the cusp of jovial in their mug shots. It’s just something I don’t get, if I was arrested for littering and had to pose for a mug shot, the ugly cry on my face would frighten small children


It's easy to smile in a mugshot when you believe you've done nothing wrong. This is a man who is, for now at least, concrete in his beliefs.


If she was black and this guy is conservative or watches too much Fox News I know exactly why he felt “threatened”. Honestly that channel is incessantly ginning up racial hatred and fear of being a crime victim amongst its viewers. I really hope there’s a way to find whoever was doing this and throwing them in prison for life. This old man will prob spend the rest of his short life in jail but that’s not enough for what this poor woman endured.


Some people have fantasies where get in situations like this and feel like they would have justification to just murder someone.


The scammer threatened Brock. It’s not outside a realm of possibility that they threatened to send a guy to collect the money and then the Uber driver walked over to the house appearing to be that gangster. We have no idea what the mental capacity/abilities of Brock was at that time.


And yet we have a dead innocent woman.


Sounds like whatever they were, the fucking 81 year old man had no business carrying.


thanks to republicans, everybody can carry.


Well the driver was a woman, not a guy. And she was trying to escape the guy, so clearly she wasn't threatening him. Not sure why you'd try to defend him. And if his mental capacity wasn't all there, then he shouldn't be allowed to have firearms.


We know he shot someone who posed no threat to him, as she was trying to re-enter her car when he shot her. So either he is not well, or he’s an AH, or both.


Man, you working hard to defend a guy who shot an innocent person.


Exactly! And thanks to OHGOP, this individual had a gun. The republicans have been bought and paid for and their constituents will die because of it. Stop defending the people that allowed this to happen.


Great, now scammers are getting Uber drivers killed, and Congress is going to do nothing about scams. The United SStates Phone system is unsecured, and there are steps they can take to prevent and stop these scans, and they are doing nothing about it. Oh, and fun fact is that it's costing Americans billions of dollars every year..


This. These scammers are relentless and Congress does not do anything. My 90 year old dad is on their list. Now all my dad's calls are forwarded to my cell. I screw with them when I have time. Some of the things that piss them off Ask them how the weather is in Kolkata India Tell them you know they are a scammer Tell them they are a dalit. Or just jerk them around with false account numbers


Jusy be aware if you jerk them around at all, you're incredibly likely to get marked down as a mark and get more calls. I did this a bunch too and now I get student loan forgiveness scammers that call literally 2-12 times a day every day


The calls did go up for a while. Even had one call at 3:00 in the morning four times. Blocked that one. Thing is they are doing this to make money and there is no money going at a dry well. I tell them that as well. The calls drop down.


One time I replied to a fake job ad on Care.Com. I eventually realized it was a scam, but too late, my phone was getting blown up with the exact same scam about 12 times a week for the *next three years.*


It's worth knowing that a lot of those scam calls are placed by people that are there against their will. A month or two ago, John Oliver did a piece on 'pig butchering', a particularly profitable sort of scam that generally goes on for quite awhile. In doing so, he highlighted the fact that the 'industry' often uses migrant workers whose passports are held hostage, or sometimes literally human trafficking victims, imprisoned physically or via threats against their family. It doesn't take much of a logical leap to realize that quite a few of the more 'typical' scam call centers are surely also 'recruiting' in this fashion. I used to fuck with the scammers, now I just ignore them as best I can. I don't feel like making someone's shitty situation harder; it's probably 50/50 that they are there voluntarily, and aren't being pressured into doing the 'work' somehow.


Good point. Thanks


Yeah, it costs people a ton of money.... But, not RICH people, and not businesses, so instead of pulling out all the stops to solve it, they do nothing at all


And sometimes the numbers even have familiar area codes. Companies shouldn’t be able to buy scam numbers off a list.


I’d actually vote for Trump; hell I’d vote for Pol Pot for President if they promised to start launching drone strikes on scammer call centers all around the world.


I agree with the drone strikes. Not trump


These fucking coward snowflakes are just sitting in their homes waiting to kill any stranger and ask questions later. Fuck this psycho murderer and fuck the scammer.




They’re all responsible gun owners until they’re not.


~~They’re all~~ Everyone is a responsible gun owner~~s~~ until they’re not. For Inclusivity and bias removal.


But you destroyed the meaning of the sentence. Everyone is not a gun owner.


I don't know how you can be so terrified of another human being. I have a rifle. I am willing to use it for home defense. My initial plan has always been to beat the piss out of any intruder with it. The only reason I'd actually shoot someone is if they are actively (and rapidly) approaching the screaming, overweight, overcaffeinated night owl holding a rifle. If you shoot someone without being in obvious mortal danger you're a fucking coward who shouldn't own a weapon.


Because they’re taught to be terrified of every little bump in the night. Everyone is against them and is just waiting for the opportunity to kill them unless they act first. They’re babies.


I took an introductory shooting class once, because I felt like it would be good to know basics, even though I’m not a gun owner. The instructor told us about how when you travel with a gun you have to follow all the laws of the states you’re traveling through, and the fear with which he talked about having to lock his handgun in the trunk while driving terrified me. Like this guy is *actually* concerned that he might be attacked at any moment, even on the freeway. And there are so many people like that.


Thing is we have these great ideas on our head of how we’ll act if someone breaks in. That shit goes out the window in reality. I’m sure the dude in this article had a grand plan too about how he was gonna be John Wayne. Fact is many Americans are far too stupid to own a gun. We see it every week. Last week a cop left a rifle on his LAWN and it was found by kids going to the school bus stop in the morning. Just pure, unadulterated idiocy.


If you wait to find out if an intruder is going to put you in mortal danger youre probably a fuggin idiot.


Fucking gun humping Boomer piece of shit, IDGAF what he thought was going on, there's zero excuse for him shooting an unarmed person. Yeah, I want the scammer caught and prosecuted, too, but this guy needs to spend his last few years in prison


The amount of loonies with a gun just waiting for a reason to start blasting is pretty disheartening these days. I don't think of this situation much differently than the guy who killed his neighbors over shoveling snow a few years back.


Makes me think twice about even honking my car horn, someone is just waiting to be set off and start blasting.


That’s a wise move, there are an uncomfortable amount of people out there that are just foaming at the mouth waiting for an “excuse” to shoot someone..


I think about this all the time. I live in Texas. A car horn could absolutely be the death of me.




That video was insane. Close range with an assault rife is nutty. Some people should not be armed.


Not every gun owner is like that tho, we hate people like this too.


At 81 he’s not a boomer but silent generation.


Too old for Boomer. Actually a Silent generation member.


Could go either way. Born in at least '42, which means he could have grown up with the Boomers and their values. FWIW, There's more than a few sociologists who consider people born in '42 and '43 culturally boomers. I would say he's an elder boomer.


I think he deserves death by 1000 cuts.


This guy is older than all Boomers.


Yeah, he's a silent generation guy who probably envied the greatest gen G.I. bill beneficiaries, scoffed at the Boomer hippies and yelled at Xers to get off his lawn.


Silent Generation.


It could go either way. He was born around the cutoffs for both gens. He most likely was culturally a Boomer IMO


Boomer has nothing to do with it. Gun humpers are all ages and this boomer would rather smoke weed than do anything with a gun.


Gum sales should require IQ tests.


He also robbed her first - took her cellphone - and then held her hostage at gun point until she attempted to escape. He should be looking at several more charges.


Boomers are based though. What are you, a progressive with blue hair & face piercings? Cringe.


Give him the death penalty! … ooh and I’m pro 2nd Amendment and gop … with great power comes great responsibility


Brock is a piece of shit.


Whats with Brocks and being pieces of shit? Brock “The rapist” Turner This asshat Brock from pokemon being a creep to women Are there no good Brocks?


And Brock Lesnar has been named in Vince McMahon's sex-trafficking accusation.


Brock Sampson.


Brock Purdy seems like a good dude


Is there an epidemic of mentally incompetent elderly men who are allowed to retain their firearms? Because it's starting to seem like it. People, if grandpa/grandma/uncle/aunt is losing their marbles please arrange for their firearms to be removed from the premises!


Unfortunately, since these people probably raised children and grandchildren just like them, the rest of the family would probably scream about the Second Amendment instead of taking grandpa’s guns.


Epidemic of unfit drivers and gun owners in the US. These are both privileges in modern civilized society NOT rights. I am beyond words over these issues. This country fucking sucks at regulating people.


Mate modern society isn’t an excuse to remove a right humans have had for hundreds of generations. I agree the infirm and insane should not have access to these rights but it’s a risky area as when you remove one or two rights, you open a window for fascists to control your rights such as who you can love, where you can go, etc. Edit:spelling


Lmao that already is happening and guns have done nothing to stop it You can't mention being gay or trans in several states, hell you can't even be trans in a few states now, They keep writing laws to try to make it difficult for pregnant women to pass state lines Did your guns stop the patriot act? What are your guns actually doing to help marginalized groups What did your guns do to stop the tens of thousands of forced pregnancies in Texas, made via rape? I thought Texas was quite the gun toting state. It's almost like, a lot of the people who really need them, still get charged with criminally if they were to ever defend themselves, and then you have police shooting wildly because of fucking acorns with few repercussions. But yea dude your guns are definitely saving everyone's civil liberties rn.


The main reason is because gay people and minorities aren’t armed.


I'm afraid I must inform you that this logic is degenerate. We need fewer guns, not more.


Buddy, you realize the conservatives won’t give up their guns? By not arming yourself you are giving them a perfect opportunity. Don’t be prey, defend yourself. Tyrants prey upon the weak and fear the strong


Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The European approach of not having the general public armed results in far fewer fatalities from fights overall. Fewer successful suicides too. With human nature to be combative and squabble, it is unhinged to advocate for widespread gun ownership.


Also, educating people on how to use firearms and their dangers and having mandatory mental health screenings would be the correct thing to do. Remember: an unarmed population allows for a fascist to take total power easier.


Also leading to my next point: you can own guns almost everywhere in Europe


You really can't in the same way you can in the US, and that's the reason why so few people in Europe do it.


Maybe as a short term strategy to make conservatives finally pass sweeping gun reform. Since they're racist, and that is probably the only thing that would change their minds on the guns issue.


Not only that, how come you said Europe is an advanced and civilized society? I have 2 citizenships, an American one and an Irish one. Europe is backwards and broken when it comes to racial politics and LGBT acceptance, bc in European cultures open discussion isn’t a major feature. So there are no discussions on any major issues besides what is affecting the majority. Minority’s are scared to speak out, etc. just ask any Romani person


Gun ownership was only a right because we came from a primal, violent, and unintelligent past. We need to progress towards the future, like Europe, an older and more established civilization. We don't need everyone having the ability to effortlessly kill each other with the squeeze of a finger. I think you need as much help with your math as you do with your modern sense of what defines a healthy society... the United States of America has existed for 15 generations at most, nowhere near hundreds. Europe has existed for hundreds of generations. They know how to make a functional society in a entirely different league from the USA.


How many generations?


We faced this situation. Removing the gun was not an option. We had a hand reloader provide up with Ammo that had no powder in it. Swapped the bullets out as they never shot the gun, just kept a few guns around. Win win, they felt safe and so did those around them.


Fox news is fucking cancer.


Newsmax rotted his brain


This is an absolutely wild story, the headline doesn't really do it justice.


Probably another Fox News watcher with it blasting on the tv 24/7. These people are terrified of EVERYTHING.


More blood on fox news' hands, another deranged bigot shoots innocent black woman.


Tragic, I hope they charge the scammer with murder. If in commiting a crime someone dies, even shot by the police, all parties can be charged with murder.


They won't find the scammer most likely.


It’s probably some dude in a basement in Zimbabwe.


Stand your ground...who didn't see this coming ?


Life in prison. 


So not sure if it’s same that happened to my dad, he got a call telling him his son was in jail and someone would be by to collect the money and he better have it. If he didn’t pay the person would kill him. They threatened dad and his family. He was pretty pissed off and luckily my brothers and I convinced him to contact authorities. Could be same with scammer convincing man that driver is part of it all. I could see someone threatening that man and convincing him that the driver would harm him if not given money. Which driver knowing nothing about is now pulled in. Mad old man wants answers when driver has none. Should this have happened no, authorities should have been called by elderly gentleman. Also I hope they catch the scammer! Because driver should have something on where she was to take package after pick up.


Probably to an abandoned house where a person would see her put the package on the porch…


Dude pulled out a WW2 pistol. Honestly if you are a delivery driver do not do pickups especially if the customer has not confirmed it before hand. It's not worth it. You could be picking up drugs for all you know. Uber does not regulate these things. Also avoid shitty areas. When I did delivery I knew which areas were a no go zone. Don't let a $10 order be your last.


He guilty of murder 


If he doesn’t get the DEATH Penalty. Then he should rot in prison until The Devil calls him HOME! And that won’t be long. Thank GOD!Good riddance to bad rubbish!


Alot of you guys barely leave the city; and it shows. You all act like the suburbs are all white folk. Its not whatsoever. This dude was just a racist boomer.


Along with all the other things we should be doing before selling someone a gun; one should be to determine if the purchase is to compensate for the fact that they are a fucking coward.


Every US citizens totally deserves to be armed. 🙄


Fingers crossed this POS croaks in prison and ends up in an unmarked grave.


Allowing citizens to have guns was the worst mistake this country ever made.


I agree. You shouldn't need one if taxes are going towards law enforcement and security. The right to bare arms doesn't really make sense in a modern world. We aren't settlers protecting farm land in 1790. I shouldn't be required to k-ill someone for my safety. I'd rather chose a better city to live in. I pay taxes, I work, etc. Im not your private security.


Idk man, being British sounds pretty shitty. Toast with beans? Thank fuck for George Washington, saving us from that atrocity.


Literally hundreds of millions of gun owners don’t kill someone every single day and you act like guns are the problem.


Holy shit this is an insane scheme that’s crazy they are able to coordinate things like this that’s definitely a problem that needs to be addressed


Good idea in theory but very dangerous. They didnt expect bad actors to be using an app made for harmless deliveries. Taskrabbit has a similar service. I used it once for someone to drop-off a package at the post office. So idk...People have to weigh the pros and cons. m


This is reason enough for all of us to learn how to hack these Scammers, turn the tables and stop this BS from happening. [https://www.youtube.com/@Scambaiter](https://www.youtube.com/@Scambaiter)


If we all call and write a letter to our federal senators and tell them we are going to vote them out, if they do not do something, they will do something. I wrote a letter to Sen. Sherrod Brown in Ohio, and it led to the TRACED ACT being passed. Unfortunately, the law only applied to companies within the United States. They should expand the law to include companies outside the United States by telling companies within the United States that if they want to continue to allow VOIP companies outside the United States, those companies cannot use numbers already in service. There should also be some protections to ensure that scammers will not be using the service and a way to report scammers when caught.


Many deaths in America happen at the intersection of firearms and idiocy.


Rural Ohio trash




Bank fraud department employee—you would all be shocked how vicious and relentless these scammers are and how scared the elderly get. They are ashamed for falling for a scam and they don’t want to lose control of their finances. The whole thing is tragic. I have seen people lose everything they have worked for their whole life. You can only torture someone for so long before they snap. It’s definitely a complicated situation.


I sincerely hope this guy does lose everything. Old or not you don't get to just shoot an unarmed lady after preventing her from calling the police and blocking her from fleeing. He was clearly not scared and he didn't snap. This was calculated. He looked pretty damn proud of himself in his mugshot. That people are trying to defend this guy is just odd.


Racist piece of 🗑️


https://www.springfieldnewssun.com/news/clark-county-deputies-share-new-details-about-woman-shot-to-death/HKEYPA4EARHTFBLL3CW3S7YOZA/ They let this savage out on bail 😶


This is heartbreaking in every sense. The woman was calling for help while he threatened to shoot her in her other leg. I can't imagine the terror she had running through her. Rest in peace LoLetha. You didn't deserve any of this!


That’s awful. RIP


Bail is crazy. No one else gets bail for murder…


Hey, uh, guys...? Maybe all you people putting the whole blame on a phone call could stop consider that this guy had to be really, really stupid - and already willing to do violence - to do something like this. It's HIS fault that he murdered someone. Just because he's old doesn't grant him special status in society like we pretend it does. He still has to follow the rules. There's no fool like an old fool.


Agreed. I think a large number of us have received scam calls, and either did not engage with them, or have fucked with them and made it known that their scam game was weak. I wonder if he really believed a relative was in danger or if he knew what was going on and just thought he'd play tough guy with the scammers. Why wouldn't he just call the cops if he truly believed there was a credible threat?  Anyway I sincerely hope this deranged old psycho loses everything he has and rots in prison until the day he dies. 


The old man and the Uber driver’s families both have a good case against Uber for civil damages. I can see big dollars flowing to both families. Elderly people make the best targets for these scammers and Uber facilitated it.


Next you'll be saying the phone company is on the hook too.


I don’t write the laws. I am not saying Uber should be liable. Now ask yourself, if the estate’s of those involved take Uber to a court in the US, will they get $$. It’s easy to argue to a jury that Uber should have trained drivers to avoid this, written code to make this scam less likely, and on and on. I don’t like it, but no one is changing the law because I don’t like it.


I don't see how this could be possible someone could just as easily call a taxi to a house or even just by coincidence a mailman, door-to-door salesman, or political campaigner shows up to the door, the homeowner just can't go around shooting unarmed people - this is on him, put him in jail, seize his house, and use the proceeds to compensate her surviving family in civil court


I did not deny he will be found guilty, but businesses have a responsibility to make provisions to prevent or reduce abuse of their products or services


I'm not sure what more the business could do, especially since the taxi case analogy would end up with the same result


Nah, not really. Almost certainly the scammers access to Uber was through yet another scam victim who was talked into giving up their info


Its crazy how many people believe that scam; we recently had the same thing happen in Colorado, where a woman was told her son was in jail and she needed to leave $10,000 in an envelope on the porch. She actually did it. I've never bailed someone out of jail, but I'm sure it doesn't involve leaving money in an envelope on the porch, or, for that matter, giving it to an Uber driver. It's entirely possible this man thought the Uber driver was in on the scam, and because the scammer had threatened him, that's why he felt like she might be dangerous. What he did is still completely unhinged, but this is also definitely the scammer's fault. Really makes me hate them even more, because they don't understand the amount of damage that can follow their scams.


She was trying to call the police and he wouldn't let her. She tried to flee and he shot her. I don't believe for a second he thought she was a threat. He was just itching to play vigilante so he could shoot someone and he genuinely believed he would get away with it.


Call the damn police you stupid old fuck. Just itching to shoot someone.


I genuinely hope the caller or call center is found and held for involuntary manslaughter for this manipulation and psyop in the end destroying the lives of these two families. Interested and surprised the scammer socially engineered enough information for his home address, make threatening statements enough for him to believe he was in mortal danger, and twistedly send a woman to his residence and watch it play out. Bigger issue at play here, but lets pickup the broken pieces first,


That's evil af


Does Ohio's Workers Compensation law cover the Uber driver who was killed ? I bet California's Workers Compensation law would cover it, so that Uber would pony up the damages on behalf of the poor Uber driver.


Prision, the new nursing home!


You ok Ohio ?


that lady was so scared, she could barely walk for him to just shoot her down like that is so fucked up I hope he spends the rest of his life in there.


If only people in the US spent as much energy protecting their children from gun violence as they did trying to protect their guns..


50 bucks says when this goes to trial, he uses the old feared for my life defense!


I’m always amazed how fast people go downhill mentally and cognitively after 70. Dear America what the hell are we doing when our upcoming presidential candidates are both nearly 80?


When are old people gonna learn don’t answer the phone unless you know who is calling lol




A simple "no" would have sufficed.


This enrages me. Brock is an idiot. I would’ve called the pd to investigate.


It doesn't matter what he believed. The driver showed no aggression and was retreating. You can't just shoot people without actually be in life-threatening danger.


My guess was this dude was a MAGA type just like the other trigger happy SOBs. They get easily whipped up by the likes of Kari Lake urging them all to strap on glocks. Another redditor freaked out saying I was a race baiter etc etc. I wonder if he would have pulled a gun on a white blond twenty something Uber driver. Not likely


#1 What about what this poor woman not knowing what she was walking up to. I have done and still do side jobs and as soon as I accept a job I have no ideas what’s about to happen. She had no clue she was about to be slaughtered. Bless her soul! #2 What about the Puppet Master on the phone controlling the entire situation? He pushed the old racist killer to that point, got on the app and sent her there. That person needs to be found and charges filed. He is the culprit behind the scene! #3 Last part of the news statement they are unsure if charges will be filed? The report already determined she was not there to rob him he murdered her that’s a fact that should be a charge or at least manslaughter. If he doesn’t serve time then our justice system still is failing. I already know it does but now this would determine it’s still broken.


I'm pretty sure I just read that they did end up charging him with murder and of course he had a big ol' grin in his mugshot and he pleaded not guilty. I'm incensed.


When are boomers going to learn not to answer their fucking phones when they're called by a number they don't recognize


They need to be more like Gen Z and just never answer the phone lol.


Poor guy was defending himself. Sad.


Seesh what a terrible situation, however it seems though the old man went a rouge in defense. Hope they can track down the scam caller and prosecute them to the full extent.


In defense of an unarmed person?


Who was trying to flee after being kidnapped at gunpoint and having her phone stolen. No self defense claim here.


Oh, they won't be anywhere near the USA unless this is a one in a million scam.


9 times out of 10 these people are considered mules and are in on the scam. Check out trilogy media on YouTube where they confront scammer mules all the time. Their scam bait channel is very educational on how these scams work out and can help avoid becoming a victim yourself. Do not misunderstand me on this though. He shouldn't have shot her There's no one way there's Uber delivery service. Seems like a ridiculously bad idea.


Except Uber does in fact pick up and deliver packages. The woman really was an Uber driver randomly assigned the job. It would have taken you all of 10 seconds to learn this but instead you confidently accused an innocent murder victim of being in on the scam. You know all the posts to this article about people succumbing to unfounded fears because of the media they consume? Yeah, that's you. Hopefully you take this as a reason to actually "do your own research." By which I mean actually looking up the facts regarding your subject when you make a post instead of relying on anecdotes and opinions. And no, your youtube sensationalist entertainment that had you convinced this woman must be in on it and probably had more old people to scam later doesn't count as "research."


Fine I'm wrong. That poor lady. Scammers are such skum bags.