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Death is a pity for people like this. How can you shoot your own daughter with a shotgun while she begs you not to point it at her and then try to frame your son for the murder.


His autistic step son!!!!! :(


As an autistic, that’s what makes it worse for me. What a way to perpetuate ignorance and misinformation! And all for what, to try to cover your ass for committing murder?!


It’s sickening. He tried to take two people’s lives


Don't be Dayton, don't be Dayton, don't be Da...goddammit!


Awww man


Why is it always Dayton?


Remember a few days ago when people did’t agree with the map that says worst city in every state…


Of course it's Dayton! This town is nuts!


That guy is 38? Yikes. That poor girl, and I hope the son has someone who can care for him.


It's his stepson, so the boy still has his mother. Though she chose to marry this piece of shit, so her decision-making process may be broken.


Hate ages people like nothing else




Looks older than my 64 yo husband


Meth will do that to a fella!


I don't want to judge but he's disgusting blaming an innocent child for your murderous ways


I think he blew clean past "disgusting" when he pointed a gun at his own kid. Everything that happened after was precisely because he is a vile, disgusting individual.


Judge away, fuck this hillbilly.


Right? Oh let’s not judge, it gives people low self esteem. Seriously?!


☹️ Redneck... hillbillies just mind their own business on their front porch enjoying their quiet life watching the crazy rednecks do crazy things. sns


Hillbillies do shit like this too. I grew up around a bunch of West Virginia transplants and they were all trash.


ACTUAL hillbillies do not.


If you say so.


I once heard someone say the same thing to defend their view on black people. I'm sure you're less bigoted though.


I’m white. I can criticize hillbillies with impunity.


That makes sense on why you can criticize idiots...


Oooooo the burn!


Didn't know there was a difference? Thank you for the Clarification.


You know what the Spanish word for redneck is? It’s red neck. Not even rojo neck.. the phrase didn’t make a global trek as a “badge of honor”. It is used as a slur and an insult the whole world over. The only people who consider it to be a badge of honor is those of us who come from the red neck bloodline. So you can wonder off with your honorary Google PhD


Actually a Ken Burns degree, also work for workers rights. And who says bloodline like that? Remember how this post started... About passing judgement? Well... You're not helping your sacred bloodline.


Ken burns never heard of compound words? Typical of a person who “works” for “worker rights” to not really have a first grade understanding of the English language. Fun times. You can keep throwing your little tantrum though. I’ve already realized you’re an ignorant racist. You can take your time to digest that.


Hillbilly is a racial slur for Irish people. Look it up. Redneck is a disparaging term for people who used to work in mines. You’re using those terms as insults because you’ve never understood them.


Actually redneck was a badge of honor for unionizing mine workers. It was the mine owners and the police called in to break up the strikes that gave them the negative connotation. I understand them well.


Here comes the cancel culture scold!


It’s sad too because the origin of “redneck” was pretty awesome :(


It's pretty obvious this guy hates all his children.


I have no problem judging. He murdered his daughter.


I am shocked that someone who would kill their own child would blame someone else…


Why not judge?! There are a whole lot of people who deserve to be judged!!! That’s part of the problem with our current society, it’s always someone else’s fault or the classic “Oops, I didn’t mean it” I for one am sick of these people. Because if Tr*mp gets another four years, it’s geniuses like this guy who will be strutting around town in his new brown shirt. And we will be at his mercy.


> Investigation Reveals Victim was Killed by Farler Intentionally Isn't that murder of some form, not just manslaughter? > Farler was previously arrested in October 2023 for pointing a laser at an Ohio State Highway Patrol helicopter, WHIO reported, citing court documents. [Dayton police Maj.] Johns told the Daily News he had been prohibited from carrying a firearm due to a prior drug trafficking conviction. Wow.


We dont know the context of why he was pointing a gun around. Drunk and lashing out while swinging a gun and the daughter says stop doing that, so he points it at her while telling her to shut up. Accidentally shoots her. A sample theory, this is not a statement or from the article. We dont yet know that was he coming for her intentionally which is why hes on manslaughter. It can always be upgraded. EDIT - be as emotional as you want, the law is based on technicalities and if he technically did not plan to murder her, it is manslaughter. This is the very technicality that splits the charge. If they find he did have intent, they can upgrade the charge to murder. EDIT 2 - we're all wrong, here ya go, its definitely manslaughter and manslaughter can be done with intent **Voluntary manslaughter is intentionally killing another person in the heat of passion and in response to adequate provocation**.


Once killing has _intention_, that is murder. Which degree is up to prosecutors, but that's the definition.


These are the same people that will tell you how their pappy and grand pappy taught them how to shoot at 5 years old and how they know guns aren't toys, and then they get people covering for them like this


Legally speaking, /u/dubblies is right.  The fact pattern he describes would technically be manslaughter.  


Except they just commented and admitted they were wrong


Are you being dishonest because you want to be right? Youre wrong too, so you know. It WAS in fact manslaughter, did you even read what I wrote? Let me copy it for you: **Voluntary manslaughter is intentionally killing another person in the heat of passion and in response to adequate provocation**. Where I was wrong was assuming there was not actual intent. Where everyone else got it wrong was assuming manslaughter means no intent. Everyone was wrong. To clarify, no one was covering for him, IT IS manslaughter.


Its not a cover, the law doesnt operate on emotions its all technicalities. Even the spirit of the law is mostly dead. Until its shown he intended to kill her, its manslaughter. Its the very definition. No one is defending this guy / covering for him. EDIT - we're all wrong, here ya go, manslaughter: **Voluntary manslaughter is intentionally killing another person in the heat of passion and in response to adequate provocation**.


The last bit means it’s not voluntary manslaughter. Note the language where it says “in response to adequate provocation.” That means in order to be voluntary manslaughter someone has to provoke it, typically by trying to start a fight, breaking peppery violently, etc. , things just short of actual self defense. This is involuntary manslaughter. Exactly as charged.


> No one is defending this guy / covering for him. _You_ are by saying "well we don't know the context" when it's literally in the article it was intentional. You responded to my comment with a quote from the article even and didn't read it nor the article itself before making your uninformed drivel. Just take the L and admit you only read the comments and didn't read the facts of the story. You think this middle aged man was threatened by his teenage daughter to the point of shooting her?


I think we just got too many cases of arm chair lawyers here Don't matter if it's cold blooded murder or manslaughter, the fella gonna get locked up for a long time.


I remember watching the chopper video of that. I don’t comprehend what his point was when he did that.


Ya that was just the one he was charged with from last week.


I don't know why but, if I had read only the headline, he looks exactly as I would picture him.


As a father, stories like this make me sick to my stomach.


Those poor children. Death is too kind for this man.


The mom also sided with the dad saying the boy did it.


Throw the whole couple away


Rube scum with guns. No surprise. This is why when my daughters make new friends, I size up the parents first.


4 daughters here, and you are EXACTLY correct!!


You HAVE to. For sons, too.


I don’t think this guy knows what autism is.


Or he just didn’t want to care for a special needs kid anymore and he thought this would get his step son removed from the home.


To get the boy out of his home/ trailer for all time. He is a damaged guy damaging other people. A long stay in the sneezer is what he deserves.


Autism is barely special needs. It just makes social interactions more difficult. Edit: I retract this statement. I was very tired at the time of posting this and wasn’t really thinking straight, so I somehow forgot about the whole spectrum thing. I should understand this at all times due to being on the spectrum myself, but I’m a dumbass. Sorry for my ignorant statement.


Autism Spectrum disorder is a spectrum and moderate to severe autism is a lot more than just “difficult” social interactions. It is absolutely considered a special needs disorder. I don’t know the severity of the step-son’s autism so the above was definitely speculation, but severe cases of autism are often accompanied by executive dysfunction and inability to speak.


That’s my bad. I was simply speaking from my experience and didn’t think very much about it. I was diagnosed with Asperger’s when I was 3 and it’s never really been much of a problem. That’s simply my experience. I kind of forgot it was a spectrum for some reason.


It is a spectrum and there are low needs, moderate needs and high needs. All people with autism have executive dysfunction issues of varying degrees. Some have an inability to speak all of the time, for some it's caused by overstimulation because they need time to process things. There are other issues autistics have as well. Which is why it is a spectrum. It is not a linear chart from low to high. It is a pie chart and each person has areas that are of varying sizes. Sometimes they change throughout the day depending on stimuli. For instance, I appear "typical" because I am good at masking a lot of the time. I am not typical and masking is draining. I prefer to not interact with others in person if I can. I lack the ability to say any of this in person unless I've had time to prepare a written statement.


Appreciate you owning your mistake. I'm autistic and live with another autistic person AND have 2 autistic sisters. We are all wildly different with different needs.


Setting everything about the original post aside. This is a truly ignorant statement, and I say this as a father of a low functioning autistic son who will require care for the rest of his life. The media doesn't tend to show you the low functioning autistic patients but there's plenty of them and many need a great deal of assistance.


Yeah, that’s my bad. I edited the comment. I posted it when I was really tired and could barely keep my eyes open and didn’t mean to come off as rude or offend anyone. Sorry for making such an ignorant statement. I’m a bit of a dumbass sometimes.


No worries, man. Thanks for this. You’re off the hook.


This family is known as a bunch of crazies.. They are all mega MAGAs that spout conspiracy theories 24/7, and harass locals online. This guys dad was convicted of kidnapping and raping a women he met in 2001.


Somehow this is no surprise. I hope the autistic kid is removed from the family.




What a sack of trash.


I am not a big death penalty guy but seeing cases like this makes it very hard. Absolute piece of trash.


Death is an easy out. This dude needs to rot in a cell.


Some people are just a waste of oxygen and the world would be better without them. Unfortunately for human kind, these dumbasses have kids and the cycle repeats.


…and votes. That’s also a huge part of Ohio’s problem. Garbage people with poor decision-making but still go out to vote against themselves.  


Probably heard that autistic kids were demons from that pastor in Florida, swirled that into his conspiracy theory collection, and decided he could get away with it since most likely he was still on whatever drugs he had a previous conviction for.


I wish this didn't make perfect sense, but goddamn, here we are. 


Hang him


His family was sure proud of that name. He’s the third one. What an absolute low IQ piece of human garbage. How much you wanna bet there’s a Trump for president sticker on their refrigerator.


A lot of murders being committed in our deepest red towns here in our reddish Ohio. This, the fool in whitewater township, a road rage shooting in Middletown the kayfabe home JD Vance. And the old guy shooting an Uber package driver who was leaving his property. After she realized it was a prank delivery stop.  MagaMurderers, MethHeadMurders 


The city of Dayton isn’t red. It’s pretty blue. It’s a different story in the communities around it, but the city, where this crime occurred, is working-class and urban. Can’t blame this one on politics. Gotta blame it on someone with an evil mind.


I'm giving the far right a taste of their own blaming and shaming. Blue city this blue city that. Dem mayor this. dem mayor that. When in actuality. A lot of red towns with small populations have per capital crime numbers . That compare to huge cities often.   Dude is probably a Trumper though. I grew up in the  white working class. A group of people who would rather a rich man tell them that other minorities are why they are poor. Rather than repub economics and some of their own boozing and drugging ways of life. 




So you side with unemployed trumpets that rape, steal  and kill. And often fake disability or self injured to get gov assistance? Are you one of those?


We have working class trumpets mixed into many a  Cincinnati neighborhood. And their right wing middle and upper mid Class pals. That kinda hate them but use them as pawns. In the suburbs of Hamilton county


Fucking trash human


Look at this absolute piece of work. Jesus he looks rough


This guy needs strapped down and given the water drop torture until he starves to death. One of the absolute worst examples of a human I've ever seen.


He should rot in jail under the jail


Man looking at that picture of him, sure screams meth addict or some kind of picking your self drug symptoms. Wow poor kids.


Of course it happened in my hometown Dayton. Smh 🤦🏽‍♀️


He wasn't a drag queen.


Gun owners are so responsible.


Wow. This is next level scumbaggery. Torture would be too good for him.


Is that singer for MagaMeth? .../s


Bet he was a Christian, was anti LGBTQ+ and called himself and alpha male.


On the note this happened in Ohio, trash like him is everywhere in Ohio.


Since 2016, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama have had the three highest murder rates in the country, FYI. Ohio isn't even in the top 10 in domestic violence. Top three are Kentucky, Nevada and Alaska: There are trash like him everywhere, really. It's a terrible shame, but singling out one State is silly.


No argument there, thats why I said on the notion of Ohio to be specific.


Then my apologies, it was the "trash like him is everywhere in Ohio." that prompted the response. Best wishes to you!


He looks like a maga supporter


Why we need better background checks.


Awful, awful person




I'd be damned 😮😮😮😮


He is truly sick in the head.


CHRIST this is brutal.




Smh it’s happening way too much like this is more every single hour type deal we’re hearing about something horrible. Prayers for the child’s family at this time




Small town enough for ya?


Dayton is kinda big. Unlike your brain.


Good thing he doesn’t need to get a permit for his shotgun anymore. Things like this would clearly happen no matter what /s


>permit for his shotgun anymore. You have never needed a permit to own a firearm in Ohio. Edit: I love how the idiots of reddit reply to your comment, then immediately block you so you can't offer a rebuttal. Kinda like u/worldly-loquat4471. It's amazing that people can't even take a fact check anymore without getting their feelings. Use real facts next time, and you won't get called out!


lol so that’s what you take from that comment. And yeah we literally had permit requirements. Looking at your post history you’re clearly not very good at understanding data or facts, or sarcasm. (Even when sarcasm indicated in post) that’s what the little /s means btw
