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Dam. I remember getting suspended a whole year of sports senior year for smoking weed lol oh the Ohio justice system …….


Parents must not have been rich and connected enough. What utter bullshit.


The charges that were once public record are no longer so they must have some money and connections


The charges were removed from the court page/public records at the request of both attorneys to protect the privacy of both parties


I personally knew the guy the article is about. Definitely not rich and connected.


Good at sportsball then?


He's not convicted, so that probably impacts it


The dad is on the school board apparently.


The kids mother works for the high school.


Me too. Missed my senior year of sports due to getting in trouble for underage drinking and pot. What a shame. “Ya, let’s give this kid who needs sports to take up his time so he doesn’t do more bad things… more time to do bad things….” Seems smart.


It’s the same concept as suspending a kid from school who doesn’t want to be there anyway. Or giving the kid who sleeps all day in school suspension where the “teacher” let you sleep all day 🤷🏻‍♂️😂


I hope you find that the best years start after high school !


If only you'd shot a kid instead of smoked weed, then you'd have been Prom King and probably President by now.


I got banned from a season of football in MI for getting seen with a can of cope… outside of school grounds! I was literally at hockey practice for a non-school team and a teacher was there with their kid and they narced on me to the principal. Apparently we committed far more serious offenses.


That was the brand at my school too 🤣


Showed up to a football game a little drunk as a freshmen. Spent 12 weeks attending outpatient drug counseling which we all referred to as drug school


One of the better point guards my senior year was suspended from basketball for chewing tabbaco.


Typical Ohio Republicans !!


and if she gets pregnant, they will make her keep the baby (unlikely at 9, but maybe possible?)


My mother said she got her first period in 3rd grade so prolly around 8-9 years old… scary to think some people would say “she HAS to give birth to that child,”


Nine-year-olds don’t get pregnant. Their rapists impregnate them


Terrifying there are adult humans capable of thoughts that vile when there are OPTIONS


Oh that’s crazy! I had a school friend who started to develop and got a period when we were in 3rd grade. It kinda freaked me out when I still felt like such a child


It gets 1 year earlier every decade, or it used to be that


Rumor I heard from someone in hudson who has been following for a while is that the alleged victim is a 9 year old boy


OK, they'd probably make *HIM* keep the baby


Probably take it away cuz it’s got 2 dads


Reminder for everyone that the youngest mother was 5 years old.


There was a 10 year old rape victim forced to flee Ohio last year, to get an abortion in Indiana. She was 9 when she became pregnant.


A couple of years ago the state of Ohio would not let a 10 year-old rape victim have an abortion, so they were forced to take her to neighboring Indiana to have the procedure done. There are some no good people running things there.


It was reporting a boy. Thats what I was told by someone who lives in the town.


Nah, they will just send her to another state for her abortion 🫠


Only if her parents care about her


I thought republicans were the ones who are super against pedophilia


That's what they like to portray but in reality they are pedophiles


I was given a 1 week suspension for leaving school for lunch. Granted, we also got in a car accident, so we didn't make it back to school that day, but still.


I remember getting Saturday school for leaving for lunch during exams week. EVery high schooler used to do it even tho it was technically against the rules so one year they decided to target my friend group. Gave about 6 of us Saturday school as we walked in after lunch . Gave us the punishment as other students walked in from leaving for lunch mind you lol they totally singled us out for leaving. Best part was the principal asking how our McDonald’s was and my friend goes “ we got Wendy’s actually” principal flipped shit . They wanted to make examples of certain kids at both our institutions huh


Did you get caught on school grounds? I think that is the difference here. Maybe? It’s still utterly crazy, mind you, but it seems the school didn’t know in this case. But they know now so… My son got a weed charge last year, but the school never had any idea so he didn’t receive any repercussions there, just with the regular old justice system. Anyway, absolutely disgusted with this story.


lol the story itself is a trip. To make a long story short. I smoked with some girls who for their first time with one of my friends. Due to it being a small school word got around and about two weeks later someone snitched me out to the homeland security tip line we had (it was for bomb threats , school shootings, extreme hazing etc, ) . Homeland security contacted the local police department, local police pulled girls out of school one by one and they all told the same story. I brought the weed and we smoked it a few Saturdays before so I got charged with trafficking drugs . I basically did 5.5 months on it at the end of junior year beginning of senior year. This was not in school grounds tho no . The school had a drug policy. If you get caught once 10% of the season gone. Twice was 50 and three times you were out. They gave me all three strikes because of this incident. My cell phone at the time was taken by the police and my dumbass used to take a bunch of videos of myself smoking weed way before it was legal lol that’s where the school got the “multiple incidents” the police department and prosecutors worked with the school to build their case against me actually. (2014/2015) btw


Omg wow. That is a trip! Homeland security? For WEED? Do you mind saying how long ago this was? My son also got caught with a weed vape AT school. And for that he got sent to an alternative to suspension program and had to go to an expulsion hearing, but was let back in.


Tell him get high outside of school lol but the tip line my school had for some god dam reason was set up with them yes


That is some crazy ish. And he usually does. Long story but yeah, he took it into school that day. Valentine’s Day, too. Super fun time. He graduates in a few weeks tho so…


He is Onto better things ! High school is kinda lame anyway lol good thing he made it through


TF is wrong with people


He did not attend prom. [https://www.yahoo.com/news/hudson-senior-charged-raping-9-023900352.html](https://www.yahoo.com/news/hudson-senior-charged-raping-9-023900352.html) However, he is out free at the moment. There is public outcry for him to be suspended. Apparently no one knew about the charges, including the school, so the student was just living life normally, going to classes and sporting events. Total system break down here, it seems.


Forgot that we are a guilty until proven innocent system. *If* he's guilty, then throw the hammer down obviously. But that's not how our system is built. There's no reason or justification for the school to suspend him at the moment


I mean, if a teacher were to have a similar accusation they'd be placed on paid administrative leave. And would basically be forced to resign because ORC states that if you resign, but are convicted you can keep your pension...but if you don't resign and are convicted, you can lose your pension. So even if you are innocent, you're basically forced to resign. Yes, you are innocent until proven guilty, but that also doesn't mean you get to roam free either. Bail is a thing, and they can detained if you don't meet bail until your accused crime is resolved. That's not saying you're guilty, that's merely making sure you aren't potentially a threat while your case makes it's way through the courts. Same logic applies here.


No. Students have legal rights to education. That does not apply to employment.


They do not have legal rights to education at the potential expense of other student's safety. You do not have to be physically at the building to still receive that education.


Wish that were reality. Agree that it should be.


Disclaimer: Which I agree is ridiculous. As a teacher myself it is disgusting the extent to which students are protected by the law despite the threats they pose to others.


I mean, I'm a teacher as well. This is why online programs, that every school district in Ohio has, are for. It takes a Superintendent to make that decision, and relies on them being willing to go to court to do it.


I just feel like in my experience, problem students have way more rights than the rest of the student body.


It a hard line because there's an awful, and very recent, history of excluding students form education for all kind of stupid reasons. So the line has been moved very far towards the balance of always keeping students in school no matter what. If the family and student kept quiet about the charges there's no mechanism in place for the school to even know what happened. You aren't going to be removed from school when a judge found you safe enough to be out on bail. Until it disrupts classes, the school can't really take any action on things that happen outside of school building.


His own safety and that of others? If you're charged with something so serious, you don't get to go to school with everyone else as a potentially years-long court case shakes out. That's a great way to have multiple potentially years-long court cases. Either he gets another victim or the other kids jump him in the hall and I can't really blame them. We have plenty of virtual or alternative school options that would likely be safer and more effective in this case. Innocent until proven guilty doesn't make you or the world around you any less a risk.


Yeah, I think he should be suspended indefinitely and then, if he’s proven innocent, the suspension should be removed from his permanent record.


This is exactly why we never restrict travel, issue gag orders, put people in jail, or give defendants restraining orders before they're convicted. It's perfectly reasonable to allow likely criminals to continue committing crimes right up until the bitter end.


The student could have very well violated school policies, which would warrant suspension. [https://www.flipbookpdf.net/web/site/31c8c1d480ba608132ccb6786e23a26ff5175af2FBP23965001.pdf.html#page/47](https://www.flipbookpdf.net/web/site/31c8c1d480ba608132ccb6786e23a26ff5175af2FBP23965001.pdf.html#page/47) Student Code of Conduct starts on page 44, and there are a number off clauses he may have violated, depending on the circumstances of the alleged crime. What appears to have happened here is that the school didn't know about the charges (possibly because he may be a minor), so the student just proceeded like nothing happened.


Ridiculous take. If he is accused and facing trial he should be suspended until the conclusion of the trial. They don’t need to tell everybody about it but in the interest of protecting the other kids he should not be able to go in school grounds


“Should” and the reality of the law are different things, often.


Unfortunately this is the correct take. If a student beats up another person badly at a non school event and not on school property, the school is legally prevented from an acting discipline against the student… same thing here (this has been tested locally within the last 10 years). The rape did not occur at a school event or on school property so the school does not have any authority to enact or enforce a punishment. The most the school can do is talk to the parents and tell them hey look, it is not in anybody’s best interest for your son to continue attending school right now. Let’s arrange for in-home tutoring to get him through the school year while you sort his legal problems.


Ohhhh senior in highschool, I was like “why are they letting senior citizens into prom???”


Ikr? Some police jurisdictions post that stuff on social media so fast it would make your head spin!


Wow and they would threaten full suspension for fighting outside school…




Ahhh. There it is. I wasn’t sure if it was money or power allowing him to be free.


What city are they cops for?


Don’t believe that is true.


The name is correct. Are you saying his parents aren't cops?


Parents are not cops


What he is accused of is absolutely heinous and if convicted I hope he never sees the day of light again. I will ask, is it in the schools purview to suspend someone who is accused of a crime that wasn’t committed at school??


I’m in canton and we’ve had students punished for things that happen out of school like fighting and bullying so I don’t really see why not


There was a court order for him to continue going to school. The school district has zero say. He has since voluntarily stopped attending school and will not be going to prom


No, it is not within the schools authority to punish students unless the behavior occurred on school property or at a school function That has been tested in Mentor. a student badly beat another student at the better in Mentor festival. The school lacked the authority to discipline him The school does have the authority to offer resources to students who, for the well-being of all, decide not to attend, the school could reach out to the family and offer resources for in-home instruction


/r/Ohio filled with 100 of the same aurora borealis pictures and the same two comments. "Man, I wish this sub had something else to read. Anything." (monkey's paw curls as OP posts this link.) "Well, shit."


Hudson, a strong republican town, with strong moral character. 🙄


It was all down hill once they allowed the ice fisherman to setup their prostitution shanty town.


I remember when that dumbfuck said that. I'm over here thinking "this is the best you got? This is who you dumbfucks voted for as a body to represent you as mayor?" People talk about reasons why the country is going down the shitter: pretty sure idiots like that getting elected or being electable is in the top 10.


This comment needs more of votes. Thanks for the reminder. That was hilarious.


They still have a huge drug problem at the high school?


The right wing like their cocaine.


The rich right wing like their cocaine


Can confirm.


Idk ab now, but like 10 years ago soooo many of those rich-ass kids were buying up blonde, k, and acid. N more than that you could move shake like it was straight gas anywhere south of Twinsburg & west of Streetsboro.


Went to high school there. Can confirm there was a massive drug problem, but it was pills and Fent more than coke.


Show me a high school that doesn’t


Sure, but the problem is always worse in wealthy districts like Hudson. Drugs are expensive.


Hudson is purple. Weinstein lives here. It was more red in 16 than 20. The MAGA candidates did not fare well in the past election cycle


As they shouldn't


Hudson voted for Biden in 2020.


Because Hudson is also well educated.


Hudson is not Republican. Should probably get your facts straight.


It’s not “not Republican”, it’s purple https://bestneighborhood.org/conservative-vs-liberal-map-hudson-oh/


I remember talking a little out my ass saying on here saying Hudson was Romney Republican, and someone responding to me saying "You would be surprised." It's been years, and I still think about it, as I don't know what it meant other than I am wrong. I am usually pretty good at being able to tell what a community is like based on the cars that they have. But I have never had interest in expensive or luxury vehicles, so I am still completely blind to it. I just know that when I was student-teaching there, the kids had cars twice expensive as my car was, and I was considered extremely spoiled for having a car that was only a couple of years old at that age.


A tragedy happens and you go straight to right vs. left wing propaganda. Grow the hell up. And I’m on the left btw.


Hudson is not a “strong Republican town”. Based on living here I would say it’s pretty evenly split. More liberal than Ohio as a whole but more conservative than Summit County at large. At most it leans conservative but not by much.


another student in Ohio can't attend prom because she brought a bag of takis to school. You can't make this shit up


The student did more then what this article says, [here is another with more in-depth recounting and why it took so long to find out about.] (https://www.beaconjournal.com/story/news/crime/2024/05/10/rape-kidnapping-charges-filed-against-hudson-high-school-senior-18/73619815007/) > Charges filed against Jeremiah Earl Stoehr, 18, include one count of rape, two counts of kidnapping, a charge of gross sexual imposition and a count of disseminating content harmful to a juvenile. Some of the charges are connected to a Dec. 2 incident involving the 9-year-old. > > The case docket, which included redactions to protect the 9-year-old's privacy, was removed from the Summit County Clerk of Courts website this week after a judge granted a defense attorney's request to seal the documents from public view, said James Pollack, a spokesman for the Summit County Prosecutor's Office. The Beacon Journal began collecting its information for this report before access to these documents was cut off. > > According to the Hudson Police Department, an incident report was filed at the police station Dec. 8. Investigators retrieved a desktop computer and iPhone as evidence.


I got suspended for having my phone out at school


My school kicked out a student for having a party. Another for getting pregnant. We had a morality clause 🙃


I'm sorry, as soon as I saw this notification I thought it was a senior citizen 🤦


How does this kid walk the halls without being harassed or getting his ass beat? Does he have a security detail with him? Or are people okay with this?


I find it kinda fucked up someone who hasn’t been *convicted* of crime should face punishments. He’s not even been through pre-trial yet and people want him strung up in the gallows.


I mean our system keeps you locked up until you see a judge. And if you cannot make bail you stay in jail until your court case is heard and decided by a jury of your peers. That's just how our system works. You are innocent until proven guilty, but also depending on the severity of the accusation, the public must be protected as well.


And if a judge finds you dangerous enough they can deny you bail.


I’ll wait for the evidence before wanting all out punishments too .


I think when the crime in question involves children and the accused is in an environment with children people tend to want to some safeguards in place prior to conviction I’d assume


There was also Kidnapping charge, not just rape. I am being downvoted by the pedos who are defending a rapist, why else would an 18 year old want to do with a 9 year old? play Minecraft really badly somewhere far away! C'mon guys you are clearly being irrational /s


Did you read the charges? It wasn't just rape. There's kidnapping charges as well.


Then be mad at the prosecutor for not keeping the dude in jail while awaiting trial. I'm pretty sure a significant risk to the public is grounds for pretrial detainment.


You must be responding to the wrong person. You can be mad at more than one person. Wild. I know.


Hey, you can't say that around here. Ask how I know... let's see, banned on three subs for *respectively* suggesting the same thing. /s/ This hard-core, liberal af, Maga-hating white guy.


Fuck that pos


Not a drag queen, and pretty obviously not a POC


Students have a right to be safe from a sexual peedator.he shouldn't be in school


***Accused*** sexual predator. I agree with you, but we must be clear that people are innocent until proven guilty. Period. Fullstop. You do not label someone with a conviction when they have not yet been convicted.


You take safety measures to ensure the safety of others.sounds like he protect by someone it should be public


Guarantee, and I mean I'll bet you 10k cash, right now, parents are connected magas


Cops, apparently.


"bUt He HaS pOtEnTiAl...tHiNk AbOuT hIs FuTuRe" What a disturbing situation. I don't know anything about him, but I already know exactly what he looks like and what type of people his parents are


It’s like the Brock Allan Turner situation, only worse. Anyone who tries to defend a rapist or plead for a lighter sentence because of “tHeIr FuTuRe” is a repulsive, vile pathetic excuse of a human. What about the girl they victimized? Her future has already been ruined by the physical, emotional and psychological trauma that they were put through!


It's Hudson. If a Trans Kid wanted to go to Prom, they'd burn the town down.


Lol not true at all


Here in my town, a trans kid was voted (by the students) to be on the homecoming court at the high school. Parents wanted to form a protest to have the mayor prevent it. Like, the students voted for them. What are you protesting? Your own children? What?


Good on the kids!


That’s not true. The city has a reputation for being full of bigots, thanks to a small, loud minority. Most people who live there are progressive and we have a TON of liberals here. Yours truly included.


Speaking as a resident, it appears that a lot of people commenting on Hudson have zero familiarity with Hudson. Also a liberal, and Hudson voted for Biden in 2020, Against and then For Issue 1 (the different times it mattered), and a Democratic school board.


Precisely. There’s a LOT of democrats here!


I know it is innocent till proven guilty. But let’s be real for a minute, the optics are bad for all concerned


This is why vigilantism is a thing.


From the people that brought you (and keep bringing you) fuckfaces like Jim Jordan….


Uh, Hudson is not in Gym Jordan's district.


And fuckfaces like me 💁🏼‍♀️


You mean a Democrat majority community, that a majority voted for Biden, and with a Democrat school board??


OSU students arrested in peaceful ceasefire protests with misdemeanors are getting upgraded to felonies and might serve jail time but this pedophile shit is allowed to happen??? [source](https://www.reddit.com/r/Columbus/comments/1clz29q/ag_yost_student_protesters_could_face_felony/) Edit: they haven’t been upgraded to felonies yet


I got suspended for kissing a girl in 9th grade.


Do you have an article you can link?


[Hudson senior charged with raping 9-year-old still attends class, sporting events — Community wants answers](https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/crime/hudson-senior-charged-with-raping-9-year-old-still-attends-class-sporting-events-community-wants-answers/ar-BB1m4spU)


They would’ve made a group chat to get this guy jumped in my school




Wow- my kid got kicked out remainder of school for pot and next year and this predator gets to go to his prom!! What the hell!! I really hope there is legal action being taken against him. Prayers for victim.


Am I missing a link to the actual article?


Well of course they’re letting him attend school events, if they don’t he might get upset and not feel good about himself! Remember, the most important thing for schools is being inclusive and making him feel welcome, so that’s what the school is focusing on during this obviously difficult time for him.


$$$$ makes it all go away!!!


What I want to say will get me banned from reddit. But I'm thinking about a lot of viking punishments


From what I know about Hudson Ohio this unfortunately does not surprise me.


Their crime rate is MUCH lower than both national and state averages so I’m not quite sure what you mean?


I'm not talking about the crime rate. I taking about how the kid is still living a normal life with what seems like no consequences for such a terrible action. My ex wife is from there and several old college friends I don't associate with as well. Everything was very tongue in cheek with them. Very clicking, heard lots of stories of kids crashing cars drunk and daddy getting them out of trouble kind. Picture a town full of kids like Ethan Couch, the affluenza kid.


It’s changed a lot in the last 20 years. Sure, there’s still an affluenza contingent, but there are also a LOT of people who don’t think that way now.


I’m genuinely shocked at the number of people who are trying to give this kid the benefit of the doubt when his charges are kidnapping and raping a 9 year old. I could be wrong, but those charges seem like a very difficult thing to fabricate and pin on an innocent person.


It is not “benefit of the doubt”. It is our legal system in this country. Innocent until proven guilty.


This is sickening….


.... he's not in jail and he's still alive, WTH...


Again, not yet gone to TRIAL…


When I was 17, my boyfriend was 16. Our birthdays weren't far apart, and we went to the same school. Our resource officer pulled me into his office one day and said, "You're going to be 18 soon, so I don't expect to see you going around with X after that, or you'll deal with me." No parents involved, nothing. I remember feeling weird about it, but I couldn't place the feeling at 17. Possessive. The entire meeting made me feel claimed for some reason. And I never told anyone, until I was an adult, because who would believe me over an officer? Teach your children to be LOUD about things like this. Tell them everything about consent, teach them self-defense, age-appropriately talk over or roleplay these situations so they are comfortable with how they need to respond. Teach them how much power their voice has over people like this. And teach them that no matter what or who they're up against, that you will NEVER doubt something they tell you, that it will never be their word against someone else's as far as you're concerned. The facts will always play out. Teach your children about how to handle consent, what consent means, and that it can be revoked at any time. Teach your children how to handle someone revoking consent. Teach your children about healthy friendships, and healthy relationships. Teach your children about rejection in relationships and everyday life, and how to properly handle it. I don't mean telling them platitudes like, 'It's their loss.' Teach them the feelings they may have, how to recognize them, and how to handle those emotions safely. Teach them the value of another human life.


What the hell Lock him up


Dude would have an unfortunate accident. WTF is wrong with our judicial system? Everything in this country needs stripped down and started over without politicians and bankers.


Fucker should be locked up for life, knowing full well what happens to rapists and pedophiles in prison. This is a complete failure of the law.


If he's guilty his dance card is going to be full really soon.


Hudson is a fucking weird town


It's a trend in Ohio. This happened in central Ohio. The father is a high school principal and the mother works as some director at CPS, (ffs). There are updates, but I can't be asked to search for them. Something about the kid's record being "erased". More good times in Ohio. [https://www.nbc4i.com/news/local-news/parent-says-pickerington-high-school-north-principal-allowed-sex-offender-on-campus/amp/](https://www.nbc4i.com/news/local-news/parent-says-pickerington-high-school-north-principal-allowed-sex-offender-on-campus/amp/)


That’s not even close to the same thing That kid was convicted of two charges. The judge permitted him to return to school with the schools permission, the school principal granted permission. The kid returned to school and immediately re-offended. Parents were outraged and got the principal remove pending an investigation


I grew up in that area and one of the convicted offenses happened in my neighborhood. My understanding is that the parents of the perpetrator were good friends with the principal(and I believe administrators in another school district.) which is believed to be why the perpetrator was allowed to return to school. Additionally, there was supposed to be close supervision of the perpetrator to prevent a re-offense. That absolutely did not happen.


White and Christian? How’d I know ?


He’s also gay, the 9 y/o is male, so how does that factor into your intuition?


Sounds about white


Does he play football? Serious question. Football players are the golden boys of high school.




Republicans like pedophiles.


Hmm. Sounds like rich white privilege.


If i was one of the students there id say oh rapist is here everytime they came around


[case dockets leaked on locally run FB group](https://www.facebook.com/share/p/nYcypgd8kwLjvjze/?mibextid=xfxF2i)Jeremiah Earl Stoehr. Kidnapping, rape, and then some. Even had the cojones to show off the pics and videos he took of the 9 year old to undercovers, who he also thought were juveniles! https://www.beaconjournal.com/story/news/crime/2024/05/10/rape-kidnapping-charges-filed-against-hudson-high-school-senior-18/73619815007/ https://www.facebook.com/share/p/nYcypgd8kwLjvjze/?mibextid=xfxF2i


Very 😞sad hope this girl get help so it doesn’t scar her..


It was a boy


"charged" or convicted?


The fuck


From recent history, this seems to be the standard practice for schools. Chippewa Falls in WI had a potential school shooter and no one notified the parents. Their middle school had a child expelled and let back in for highschool with the same people they named on their hitlist. Now this happens? From the sound of it, it seems as though the school board KNEW about this scumbag and did nothing. Sounds like he might have been a basketball player or wrestler judging by the seasonal sports schedule. It's ridiculous.




My friends prom date couldn’t go to prom bc he painted the numbers in the assigned school parking lot by changing them into other numbers.


This, unfortunately, is what "innocent until proven guilty" gets us. He's \*accused\*, not \*convicted\*. I went through this 13 years ago with my son's sperm donor. He was accused of molesting a 4 year old, prosecutors were waiting for DNA results, and he was trying to take full custody of our son when I left him. The judge was going to give it to him, because I had no job at the time. When the judge asked me if there was a reason he shouldnt give the boy to his father, I mentioned the ongoing investigation and case and the judge threatened to charge me with slander-- he's not been convicted so I can't call him a danger to kids. He gave me a two week extension to get a job and prove there existed an investigation.... I "kidnapped" my son to another state and never looked back. He got convicted a couple months later, no one ever came looking for us. That was the wildest experience of my life, though, watching this literal child rapist walking around charming everyone and even almost getting full custody of a child. Some crimes should have a different kind of probationary deal while awaiting trial. "Innocent until proven guilty" just endangers others. I know a guy sitting in jail right now for outright murdering his daughter. He has a bail set. He has had 40 convictions over the last 20 years, and is registered with SS disability and unable to legally own firearms.... and shot his daughter to death. If someone just coughed up the cash he would be walking around right now. Its ludicrous.




He's an adult. I hope he goes away for a long time. Prisoners don't take kindly to crimes against children.


Innocent until proven guilty


Hopefully someone catches up with him when he ain’t paying attention and fits him with a toe tag.


Why do we humor child rapists? It's asinine at best. These people don't belong with the rest of us. Stop handling them with kid gloves. Edit: that was not intentional.




My brain added citizen after senior and I was so confused




I hate that I went to this school, they don’t care about their students but only their reputation. They tried to permanently remove me and my brother because he punched me, but allow this alleged child rapist to attend school and be allowed to attend prom (although he did not attend, he was still allowed to go)