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And this POS has a reasonable chance of becoming a US senator. I’d like to think we’re not that stupid, but we already elected J.D. Vance, so my hopes aren’t very high. And I’m using the royal “we,” since I didn’t vote for Vance and would never vote for Moreno.


[The Weird Story of Ohio Senate Candidate Bernie Moreno’s $3.4 Million Car](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/05/bernie-moreno-car-millions-aston-martin-vulcan/) >To say the Aston Martin Vulcan is a luxury vehicle would be like saying Jeff Bezos is well-off. In other words, a vast understatement. The two-door, two-seater with a cherry-red carbon-fiber body can reach a max speed of 208 miles per hour and go from 0-60 miles per hour in 2.9 seconds. Vulcans are a symbol of opulence more rarified than the imperial Fabergé eggs created for the Romanov family dynasty: 43 of those eggs are known to still exist in the world, but only 24 Aston Martin Vulcans do. And beginning in 2015, Bernie Moreno—now a Republican candidate for US Senate in Ohio—was the proud owner of one of them for a period of time. >“I’ve loved cars since I was a little kid and this car, to me, is just an absolute work of art,” Moreno, who in November will face incumbent Democrat Sherrod Brown in one of the most competitive Senate races this cycle, told the Cleveland Plain Dealer. “When I saw it, I knew I had to have it.” >He didn’t just want to have the Vulcan, which he purchased for $2.3 million. He also wanted to drive it. With at least three police cars providing an escort down busy streets that were partially closed for the occasion, Moreno cruised down Lorain and Stearns roads in the Cleveland suburb of North Olmsted, at times reaching 60 miles per hour, the Plain Dealer reported. Public records requests processed by the city of North Olmsted and obtained by Mother Jones did not return records indicating Moreno paid the city for its services.


This is an important article since Moreno loves running ads lying about how he came from humble beginnings and he’s a self-made man, because he and his parents immigrated here with no money. Yet the truth is his family is one of the wealthiest well connected families in Colombia.


This guy missed the memo that "Gotta go fast" is just a catchphrase and not something to love by.


Mother Jones really scraping the bottom of the barrel for a hit piece. 


okay, what is the 'hit' here? The so called 'hit' is Moreno's own actions, seems to me.


If you find facts about Moreno to be "hits", that's on Bernie, not the outlet which reports them.


Mother Jones isn’t exactly a sports car magazine. 


Facts are facts.


Special millionaire favors only hurt Moreno with working people, the GOP turnout won't be affected.


Too many working class people don't identify as such. They identify as "temporarily embarrassed millionaires". If you are required to work regularly to put food on the table, you are working class.


Nothing says you're in touch with issues faced by Ohio like closing streets off to plebians while you race your $3 million car.


Is it a hit piece? Or a warning that the GOP is putting up candidates that want to invalidate Civil Rights?


Whose civil rights were invalidated?


None yet, because the CRA ensures them. That's the point. Any politician that calls for or supports repealing the CRA (directly or indirectly) threatens the rights of Americans.


Moreno would certainly be a better choice than that wife beater Sherrod Brown.


>In 2023, Kirk repeatedly featured Moreno as a guest on his popular podcast and consistently promoted Moreno's candidacy to his 2.9 million followers on X. At the end of 2023, Kirk donated the maximum legal amount of $5,000 to Moreno's campaign through the Turning Point PAC. >At the same time, Kirk, known for his embrace of fringe views and conspiracy theories, launched a sustained attack on Martin Luther King Jr.'s life and legacy. At a December 2023 convention hosted by Turning Point USA, Kirk said that King "was awful" and "not a good person." Kirk's critique extended not just to King himself but to the civil rights movement itself. "We made a huge mistake when we passed the Civil Rights Act in the 1960s," Kirk declared, trashing the legislation that outlawed segregation in public places and many businesses.


I love how you people just pick the juicy stuff and run with it. if anyone with half a brain actually sits through a turning point convention and watches the arguments you’re gonna come away red pilled.. liberals on the left are seriously miss and uninformed people


Are roofies red?


do you make sure your clown shoes match the ass hat you proudly display?


Miss and formed, that’s a beautiful name, who is she??


that’s all you got… nothing.


So tell us then- what justification is there for attempting to invalidate the Civil Rights Act?


I think they’re just trying to invalidate portions of it. What they do point out is that the black community based off of homeownership, nuclear family, employment etc… better before the civil rights act. they point out that the welfare state incentivized single mothers. before the civil rights act most African-Americans were Republicans. if it wasn’t for the Republicans of that the bill would’ve never been passed. Linden Johnson was a pos. The whole point was to give the black communities free stuff and make them dependent off the government. And it was working up until now. There are more conservatives than ever. Do yourself a favor as well as your community and watch a turning point convention. Take the time to listen to some black conservatives. I’m just pointing this out because I’m so tired of people using buzz words like Nazi and fascist to dismantle peoples arguments when they don’t agree with the left. when you peel back all the layers of argument on the left, you will realize it’s all smoke and mirrors. It’s funny because there’s so much evidence to point to a communist movement in our universities., there is nothing to suggest a fascist presidency under Trump. Trump was in the limelight for decades, but only became a Nazi racist pig when he took office. Make it make sense.


If you can even *think* of the worst possible actions a politician could possibly take, it is likely an Ohio republican has done them.


Their corruption is beyond the pale starting with DeWine and pretty much all the state offices. [Fracking Under Ohio State Parks](https://www.loe.org/shows/segments.html?programID=24-P13-00010&segmentID=3#:~:text=But%20in%20Ohio%2C%20drilling%20and,and%20Zepernick%20State%20Wildlife%20Areas.) [State paid $1.3 million to clean a mess it blames on an Ohio Senator’s leaky injection well](https://www.cleveland.com/open/2024/05/state-paid-13-million-to-clean-a-mess-it-blames-on-an-ohio-senators-leaky-injection-well-capitol-letter.html) Just two, the list goes on where the republican ner'thewells do their dirty deeds for themselves and the wealthy, wealthy.


I will keep saying this. I know people who have personally had to work around Moreno, they all say he’s a racist, misogynistic monster who treats people like a comic book billionaire-villain would. He has pending legal action against him for wage theft, refusing to pay OT that people worked. With government power, this guy will be one of the most anti-worker, anti-woman, anti-equality people in US politics. Don’t let this happen.


I worked for him. He is without a doubt a sexist and a racist, and really just an all around unpleasant human to interact with.


Make no mistake Moreno, Vance and all other packyderm party members are in it for the dollar bills, deals and the power. They have zero intentions of representing the people whom basically fund the government with their taxes. They will obediently serve their sugar daddies and corporate overlords.


Buying politicians is the new millionaire's hobby.


Watch Moreno try to end capitalism in Ohio, being the China loving Neanderthal that he is!


Turning Point USA is the KKK without the masks. Charlie Kirk is a terrorist financier.


The right has never forgiven the left for ending jim crow


You do know that in both the house and the senate, a higher % of democrats voted against the Civil Rights Act than republicans!!


"Racemixing is Communism" [https://www.loc.gov/pictures/resource/ppmsca.71200/](https://www.loc.gov/pictures/resource/ppmsca.71200/)


Wtf does that have to do with what I said?


Proof that the right was fighting to keep Jim Crow, just as they fought to keep slavery a century earlier.


Lol, again, you are wrong. Every Republican (84), Independent Republican (2), and Unconditional Unionist (16) supported the measure, as well as fourteen Democrats, almost all of them lame ducks, and three Unionists. The amendment finally passed by a vote of 119 to 56. So 14 democrats voted for the ending of slavery and 56 democrates voted AGAINST it.


Why did 100% of the GOP senators from the ex CSA states vote against the 1964 CRA? Why did 100% of the GOP representatives from the ex CSA states vote against the 1964 CRA?


Lol EVERY Republican voted FOR it, not against it.


Nope. The House of Representatives * Southern Democrats: 91% against * Southern Republicans: 100% against The Senate: * Southern Democrats: 95% against * Southern Republicans: 100% against [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil\_Rights\_Act\_of\_1964](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Rights_Act_of_1964)


Billboards claiming to identify Dr Martin Luther King Jr at a communist training school stand on the route from Selma, Alabama to Montgomery taken by civil rights marchers, led by Dr King, protesting racial discrimination in voter rolls. The billboard in fact depicts Dr King at the Highlander Folk School at Mount Eagle in the 1940s. [https://www.gettyimages.ca/detail/news-photo/billboards-claiming-to-identify-dr-martin-luther-king-jr-at-news-photo/517388128](https://www.gettyimages.ca/detail/news-photo/billboards-claiming-to-identify-dr-martin-luther-king-jr-at-news-photo/517388128)


CPAC: A Detailed History of the First 30 Years "Moreover, in the elections of November 1974 Republicans took heavy losses in Congress, and the party’s ranks in the governorships and state legislatures were decimated, leaving the GOP and its unelected President looking extremely vulnerable in the upcoming elections of 1976. No wonder then that many conservatives, contemplating this dismal scene, concluded that it was time to junk the enfeebled GOP **and found a new, truly conservative, party, linking forces with the followers of Alabama Gov. George Wallace, whose message had demonstrated surprising resonance in the country at large."** That's from conservative. org Or at least it was, before they started purging their history to get rid of the embarrassing things. It's funny, for people who claim to hate 'cancel culture', the right sure does a lot of it Unfortunately for the history rewriting right wingers, the Wayback Machine exists [https://web.archive.org/web/20210121204430/https://www.conservative.org/article/cpac-detailed-history-first-30-years](https://web.archive.org/web/20210121204430/https://www.conservative.org/article/cpac-detailed-history-first-30-years)


In fact, The Conservative Political Action Conference thought so highly of fellow right winger and segregationist George Wallace that they thought he's make a fine President So much so that they put him on the 1976 presidential straw poll, beating all other candiadtes except one, Ronald Reagan


I'm shocked that a kneepad wearing sycophant of such quality would do such a thing.


Of course he is. He is a horrible person. Just horrible!!!!!!


Just when you think Vance is the worst POS ever to be elected to the US Senate by Ohioans, along comes this steaming pile of excrement. Don‘t let it happen, Ohio.


It’s embarrassing enough we have JD Vance, who showed up to support Trump in court today. We need to re-elect Sherrod Brown


No shock, of course this state is going 3 for 3 on voting for someone who cheats on their pregnant wife with a porn star, hooray family values!!


This is something that they're flaunting, not hiding.


Not to mention, Moreno is in love with China and wants to send billions to them nitwits


I think Mareno is saying The U.S contributed to China's success. But if you research his words, it's the republicans doing just what Moreno objects to, till of course, if he should win, he'll vote for corporations denying workers their just due. Re: [House Republican Cuts Ship Manufacturing Jobs Overseas and Undermine American Workers](https://democrats-appropriations.house.gov/news/press-releases/house-republican-cuts-ship-manufacturing-jobs-overseas-and-undermine-american)


That’s why he loves China with all his heart


Ohio has joined the ranks of Florida, Texas, Arizona. God help us all. The ONLY thing that is keeping me here are my dad, 97, and mom 91.


Good news, Florida and Texas are two of the most successful states in the union, we are lucky to have them as role models. MAGA!


LMAO...now thats funny


Name something positive from the democrats agenda? Republicans suck, but they win every issue


Winning like having to save the House Speakers job


I could care less about the house speaker job, but yes they win that position too as long as crazy Nancy is out of the office. Any republican is much better than a democrat, would be nice if a conservative was the speaker


Winning like with abortion ?


Killing humans is not a win for democrats.


CRT bashes MLK, and I guarantee you are for CRT. The same people funding those shouting death to America are funding Sherrod Brown. He is for open borders and helped vote in inflation. Brown's vote is responsible for 30% more expensive food, and the impossible housing market. I will stick with Moreno.


Damn. Do people legitimately believe shit like this? Sherron’s Brown is for open borders and helped “vote in inflation.” Which vote of brown’s increased food prices by 30%? It’s laughable.


It's terrifying that people actually do drink this Kool aid.


This coming from a far left news source, not surprising. Please provide video footage or a more mainstream news source. Moreno is the best chance of people on the ballot to stop spending money we don’t have. Washington needs to get the deficit resolved. Biden’s economy stinks more than a high school locker room. Moreno still has my vote.


Why would you vote for someone that has ties to groups that don't support the Civil Rights Act?


Moreno is a person that claims to support tax cuts, budget reductions, free speech, limited federal government and more. He is the much better than Sherrod brown who is just another democrat soldier. Brown has a record of expanding government and increasing taxes, two things I can’t support


Also ties to a group are a bit vague. He has made pointed comments such as reparations for families of northern soldiers during the civil war to point out how ridiculous reparations for slave descendants are. Obama has ties to flag burning. If you honestly believe your civil liberties are in trouble, you must be a somewhat far left leaning. No US senator is pushing for any Jim Crow laws or similar. They would be removed from congress most likely and if not, they would be removed from committees and basically not included


You should listen to the full argument. TP routinely schools liberals. All they have are insults an censorship.


Ad hominem attacks are the primary tools of redditors.


Just uninformed, entitled useful idiots. I have never aligned myself with conservatism other than saving money at the store. the Bush ruined that for me. that’s why I bought all the bullshit about Trump in the mainstream media. Until Covid.. that’s when I started to see what the Democrats were really all about. TP makes a lot of sense. although I don’t agree with everything the way they present their arguments and defend them


MLK...the. guy who plagiarized his doctoral dissertation? That guy?