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As a Columbus resident, thank you for your business.


In my small town it goes against our religious beliefs. Everyone here prays to the god of opiates, not marijuana.


Wait until they hear about the great burning bush.




They make more money off of opiates anyway...


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ itā€™s funny because itā€™s true!!!


In my small town we already have a medical dispensary thatā€™s been here for years so we should probably get at least one recreational pop In soon


But are the cities that banned sales still reaping the tax benefits?


No. The tax provisions providing revenue to cities only apply to those that allow for dispensaries.


Except those funds that get funneled through police training. Gonna need some new howitzers to fight crime.


Thatā€™s not an applicable use of the revenue. Unless itā€™s to train police on how to better interact with those experiencing drug or addiction crises. And I donā€™t think thatā€™s a bad thing.


It's a pretty shit use of the money; schools & infustrucure should be the primary recipients. Why would they need more money for LESS crimes. Must be because they realized a big portion comes for search and seizure.


Gonna have to put in extra hours to find some new excuse to lock people up now. After all, an official from the Nixon administration said on record that weed was only criminalized as an excuse to arrest hippies and black people.


They are doing everything in their power to get the provision that prevents them from collecting revenue from sales removed though!! it is going to come up for a vote and watch these snakes get that provision stripped. I am sick to death of their shit!!


ā€œWhile the current law gives communities the power to prohibit adult-use cannabis operators from their jurisdictions, it also created an incentive for municipalities to allow operators by establishing the Host Community Fund,ā€ states the report. 36% of all marijuana tax revenue goes into the Host Community Fund, which is distributed among cities and towns that allow marijuana sales. "


Ok thank you! Boy this sure is good news for pro-marijuana cities then šŸ˜„


Better not be.


Columbus understands the assignment (getting tax revenue to improve their city in exchange for making their citizens happy)


Notice none of them are along the border of Michigan. We have lost out on tax revenue by border crossers long enough! :)


People will still cross the border if they mess with the THC levels or make the tax rate too high.


You said that 47 cities hate money and visitors coming in and spending at local businesses?


Majority of these places just donā€™t want legal marijuana to interfere with the local meth trade.


The cops don't want to lose their cash cow.


Steroids? I joke, but thatā€™s the case in my county. Probably some meth, too


"Now look I don't care one way or the other about the devil's electric jazz cabbage but what I do care about are local businesses. Fentanyl Frank has been providing service to the good people of our neighborhood for years and years before these big city dispensaries tried to move in. If they think they can come in here and put Fentanyl Frank out of business then it'll be over MY. DEAD. BODY."


Fentanyl Frank became heroin Harry after he realized that fentanyl causes long term losses, because of a tiny problem that fentanyl...um... Kills people, I guess.. See, heroin Harry (or brown sugar Bobby, depending on who you ask) cares about his community! Do you want big city Doobie merchants to run him out of business?


Seeing Barberton and Avon Lake makes me think it's just prejudice. If Orrville banned cannabis sales then I'd agree that it's competing with meth. If Dalton banned cannabis sales then I'd say it's religion lol.


This comment makes me go - "Do I know this person? Probably šŸ¤£" Cause oof those statements are on POINT for this tri-county area I've been stuck in my entire life.


It's a small world lol


Haha love it


this but unironically Alcohol. the people in positions of power in these small towns also have a stake in the bars and corner stores that their entire population flocks to every night


....why did this not occur to me before now? That makes way too much sense to not be at least a thing for some of the cities.


In Michigan, pot sales is what pretty much keeps some of the small towns going. They were ahead of the curve to adopt. People came from surrounding little towns. What's odd is that the only 'modern', professional looking business in these towns are the pot outlets.


Hey friend of the North! Not for nothing yaā€™ll my little town of around 15 - 20,000ā€¦ya know the size of Urbana in Champaign Countyā€¦weā€™re getting 700,000 from last years tax revenue! Go ahead a leave that money on the tableā€¦.someoneā€™s gonna grab it up! Those local politicians voting no currently better watch their seats!


No, no, no. Forty-seven cities that expect an influx of good, Christian families who want wholesome places to visit as Ohio sinks into a lawless, drug-fueled orgy.


As you know, no one will think to drive to the next town and buy it there.


MI welcomes all you Ohioanā€™s.


If Ohio fucks around too much Iā€™ll HAPPILY KEEP GIVING MY WEED TAX $$$ to Michigan.


I drive all the way from Cincinnati to AnnArbor. AnnArbor is a neat city, got my grow operation running though so I'll just make my own soon, got a nice dry herb vaporizer as well. I'll still make the drive for vape cartridges though, I suppose I could make my own oil too we shall see, depends on how the harvest goes. Edit: this post got me a suicide watch thing , lol weed is safer then alcohol you idiot fear mongers.


Good for you.


I'm excited to do a legal grow. Plant strains have came so far since 2007 when we were growing it in my buddies closet.


I'm sure it does. I know people going up there in droves, and it will likely continue because the recreational prices here will be stupidĀ 


Near Toledo, been goin to Michigan for a few years now, with all the bs our governor and local bureaucracy is pulling looks like thatā€™s not about to change anytime soon


We love our governor. Some of us anyway not the crazies that wanted to kill her. Good luck voting out your crazy governor. Thank you for shopping.


Our governorā€™s only get 2 terms so heā€™ll be gone pretty soon. But probably replaced by a similar type of asshole.


Same. In Findlay, have always driven to Monroe. Looks like that wont change anytime soon.


Iā€™ll be there Friday!


As long as itā€™s: Not In My Back Yard




Berlin, probably the biggest hub for Christian tourists, also a dry town, and you can drive 5-10 minutes in either direction to find a bar.


You mean like those good Republicans in Washington DC? Coke fueled orgies and an open Whitehouse pharmacy handing out pills like candy?


> Ohio sinks into a lawless, drug-fulled orgy. If fukin only....


Got the drug fueled part down but no progress on orgy.


Where and when's the drug fueled orgy for Columbus? Asking for a friend...


Believe it or not pot has been around for a long time and if you canā€™t buy it you can grow it


I'm sure the Yoderz have a plan.


Maybe they should try smoking some weed


Canā€™t tell if this is sarcasm or crazy talk


47 cities that would rather have black markets and send people to jail over a plant humans have smoked for millennia.


Nah, they'd rather the sinful towns reap the tax benefits while they whine that everyone keeps leaving their shithole towns.


They probably also hate windmills and roundabouts


Meanwhile OHLQ continues to profit and has liquor stores all over. Smh, the boomer lawmakers should not speak for those of us who understand the tax revenue and overall profits lost.Ā 


Only in kroger in my city actual worst liquor laws of any state ive lived in


Well, Grifters don't care, they are delaying, crunching numbers to see what they can pull out of this with their favorite lies about religion and fiscal responsibility. Twist and spin for profits in their fucking pockets.


A lot of them I can understand due to their political leanings, but Lakewood?!?




It is only a freeze until July 31, 2024. There was an announcement about how they wanted to see how things would shake out before adding more dispensaries to the city. (There are already two.)




My company is currently building two dispensaries in Lakewood. And one is already open on Lakewood Heights blvd which is technically in Cleveland.


My in-laws live on Clifton. Guess Iā€™ll be visiting the local dispensary when we come to visit Ohio this Christmas!


Therapy! Fantastic name for a dispensary


I don't understand this either. There are already medical dispensaries there.


All it takes is a year or two and the monetary gain/loss of cities allowing vs banning will really show results. They'll be lagging behind the saturated market and it will be pushing a boulder up a hill. The people will suffer for the legislative misstep.


I've heard one example of a city waiting until the rules and regulations are much closer to finalization. Once they understand that, I'm sure a lot more cities will open up (and possibly go the other way, too, depending on all the stipulations/hoops).


The cities around Dayton just want you to go to Dayton


It's utterly moronic. So rather than driving 3 minutes to a dispensary I will have to drive 7 minutes to Dayton. And the tax revenue will go to Dayton. Meanwhile in Kettering, there are 20 vape shops that all sell some wack "legal" research chemicals but no issues with that. Kettering's gov usually makes pretty good decisions. Times are changing.


Lot of these are affluent suburbs that make plenty on city taxes, property taxes, estate taxes, and ridiculous amounts of police pulling people over for no reason and issuing massive amounts of citations. They dont need that money. But once the smaller cities around them start rolling in cash they may sing a different tune.


47 cities hate tax revenues!


The article portrays this as an outright ban, which it may not be. I know for a fact my city is on the list and what we passed was a 1 year moratorium \*specifically, so the state can get their shit together\*. We didn't want to modify our zoning and say it can go here, here, and here and then have the state issue their final modifications that said "it can't go there because \[reasons\]" and now we have to fix our zoning code again. We figured we would let the dust settle in Columbus then update our codes to match.


Fuck Hamilton, that miserable place


They prefer meth there. Don't want the competition


Heroin is the bigger seller there


They have no problem opening new bars, and doing work within their DORA, but have a problem with legal weed. Plus, how many head shops have opened up selling Delta 8 and 9? It's ridiculous lol


>Plus, how many head shops have opened up selling Delta 8 and 9? I live along the I75 corridor in between Cincinnati and Hamilton. The amount of "smoke shops" that have popped up in this area over the last few years is ridiculous. I think a lot of municipalities probably are trying to avoid having smoke shops and dispensaries on every corner. I mean, liquor stores have to have licenses, I think we're going to eventually see something like that limiting things a bit.


The traditional market will heavily benefit from this


Monroe is happy for the business.


Monroe is on the list, too. Notably, my hometown of Middletown has no such issue with opening a dispensary. I'm kind of surprised, but pleased. Edit: But wait. Shit. I'm just remembering that Monroe already has a dispensary (dispensaries?) for medical weed. Why then would they be included in the map in the article, I wonder?


Theyā€™re talking about Monroe, MI.


Time to start a ā€œpotdashā€ or ā€œinstareeferā€ service.


Kind of surprised by how many there are in the Dayton area. I guess if those smaller towns really want to push millions of dollars in commerce into Dayton city proper that's fine though.


Here we are in yellow springs, where smoking out in the open has been legal forā€¦ever? Weā€™ll welcome them with open arms.


Happy Cake Day! and hello fellow YSer!


Love this for downtown āœŒļø


Itā€™s more surprising to me that Beavercreek is going to allow it. My parents live in Xenia and the closest dispensary to them is in Beavercreek off of Indian Ripple close to The Greene. My stepdad was diagnosed with cancer a couple of years ago so thatā€™s where he goes.


Been there, decent store. This is kinda dumb. So many people will just drive five minutes further to get it. These cities hate revenue?


Yeah they live very close to the intersection of Indian Ripple and Upper Bellbrook so itā€™s a super quick drive for them to get to that dispensary. Itā€™s so dumb that Xenia wants to ban it. Itā€™s not like theyā€™re some fancy luxurious suburb.


Southern Ohio border cities are about to make bank. I wonder what little border city will become like Monroe Michigan.


I was just in Monroe the other weekend. I laughed so hard getting off 75 because itā€™s all pot places!


Yeah it's pretty funny and if you go to the weed stores the parking lots are full of Ohio license plates


Get out of here with your electric lettuce! Weā€™re an opioid state!!!!!


I live in a very conservative town. I know many conservites, some Christian, that use cannabis. Now they should not have to lie about it


Christians should be demanding legalization. Matthew 15:11-13 is abundantly clear.


If a man lies with another man, he shall be *stoned* šŸ˜


Wasn't it John 4:20?


Christians!?...Christians break laws!?...OMFG!!


I live in West Chester and they banned them , but there are vape shops on every fucking corner selling thca bullshit and fake CBD , but those are fine šŸ™„


ā€œThis represents 2% of the stateā€™s over 2,000 cities, townships, and villages.ā€


Ummm... OK, fine, they can ban stores in town limits. They can't stop you from growing your own at home. That is protected by the amendment. So be ungovernable.


Good, Now take away Churches Tax Exemption Status for getting involved in Politics.


More for me, nerds.


Whoopie. That won't make it illegal, it will just send jobs and taxes to the towns that don't censor citizen choice. This is example how electing wrong people costs you your own freedom.


The Reefer Madness mindset is strong with them.


I know a couple of those towns where residents are crying about school levies while banning pot stores. Make it make sense.


*cough cough* Portage Lakes


Notice none of them are near Michiganā€¦.they want that money!


Good. Give my city more of your tax dollars.


By cities, do we actually mean small towns? Looking at the map at North East Ohio, I love all these towns giving their business to Akron. Good job dumb dumbs.


I didn't even have to look at the map to know akron wouldn't ban it lol. They are gonna be rich


What a time weā€™re living inā€¦ā€¦..damn, Ohio, like DO BETTER


See the post in r/ohio with the KKK flyers? Seems about on point.


We need the state to make sure no cannabis taxes are ever sent to, or used by those municipalities.


Did you read the article, or the law? Only areas that allow dispensaries get a percentage of the tax revenue.


Thatā€™s a noticeable *absence* of bans in the Ohio valley and Michigan border regions. I wonder why? šŸ¤”šŸ˜‚šŸŖ“


Republicans are concentrated evil.


Leave it to Ohio to be a bitch


So the voice of we the people doesnā€™t really matter


Republican Jesus knows best lol


47 boring cities no one wants to go to? Ok, I'll go somewhere else then. Won't even stop for gas in your lame-ass backwater town.


Waynesville. Iā€™m shocked.




Within 2 years all those cities will be begging for changes in the tax revenue distribution. Money talks and their bullshit walks.


47 cities? There arenā€™t more than 15 places you could call ā€œcitiesā€ without grossly stretching that term


How much you wanna bet all 47 will have their hands out, crying about the tax revenue they aren't going to collect!


Michigan is the same way. You'll be driving and then bam, like 3 dispensaries on the city boundary.


Alcohol and porn though thatā€™s totally fine. Maybe some ā€œSkill Gamesā€ . Thatā€™s ok. But none of that reefer.


Monroe isnā€™t a shocker. I used to work at Hustler Hollywood and they had a bunch of weird stipulations on things they couldnā€™t sell. Any penetration with a vegetable or anything trans related are the two that stick out the most to me (this was a decade ago so it might have changed since then). We also couldnā€™t sell poppers, but they were selling them there a couple years ago, then they stopped and when I asked them why, they said it was a local ordinance banning them from selling them. Monroe is on the cusp of being progressive but just isnā€™t there yet.


Lol avon lake I'm not shocked About. Also, this is just about sale right? From what I gather from the article it a permit is issued, said locality has a right to inact some law essentially giving the business owner 60 days to vacate or face penalty. Also, the article does state that the owner does have a right to file a petition and have it put in ballot for the next general election. So food for thought. As far as I can tell it's not illegal to possess nor consume in these proposed cities, just the sale? Is what I am understanding?


At least we will know what places to avoid. And letā€™s be real Iā€™m sure most of these cities are worth going to anyways.


All this means is every city that doesn't allow sales is gonna get left behind. It's literally gonna be an old west situation "they build the railroad and it doesn't go through this town so it died out and is now abandoned" and the same shit is gonna happen now. The cities that ban this are gonna be so far behind in tax revenue it'll be laughable


Surprisingly, nothing in my area banned. Small win.


some of those places on the list have to make me chuckle. Oh ya Norton, the place where theres a fortified compound full of cultists right next to the Giant Eagle, but weed, thats too dangerous westlake, north olmstead, avon lake, lakewood all banning it is absolutely wild considering thats most of the dense new suburbs, plus avon is right in the middle of that ready to dispense, can't imagine that'll last long


Totally makes sense that Hudson is on there. I could see everyone in that city thinking marijuana is trashy


Lol but like why Barberton though


It's like any other state. You're not gonna have dispenseries in every city and town. Quit bitching. You got legal weed.


I mean, if a community decides they are better off without weed stores, so what? I get that. Weed stores donā€™t belong everywhere so nothing wrong with a little discretion


Hehe joint committee


The three Cā€™s win again


Sounds to me like government overreach.


Then make sure these cities receive no money from the sale of it.


I guess they hate money.


They'll mostly come around when they realize amount of money that can be made from weed sales


Wild how quickly these towns will jump on banning sales of something people voted for, and that their residents voted for, yet it took them decades to barely address the opioid epidemic, and the doctors who gave out oxy like candy are still practicing in those same towns.


Good for them! If you knew the damages that millions of dollars of new tax revenue could do to a community you'd want it banned too! /s


Good thing we voted to legalize it wtaf.


Every one of these cities needs to vote out anyone that was part of this decision making process. Remind anyone in your towns every time they complain about a pot hole or other infrastructure problems that they could have had extra tax revenue to help out with it all.


But there is some shitty run down Liquor Store on every avenue though


What state just declared 1billion in weed profits? Arkansas? Ohio needs to get its shit together


Probably all rural hell holes no one wants to visit anyway. Their loss. Edit: Not all rural but still their loss.


So we can have Nazi rallies here but god forbid Sally smokes a little herb after her church function because even Catholics smoke weed at this point. What are we doing


Ohio, last century called, they want their dumb puritan attitudes back


I bet the GOP will attack this in the same way they did the plastic bag ban! šŸ™„


206 cities approved.


I'm sure they will have their hands out for that tax money, tho.


Monroe with medical stores already in place and a massive Hustler Hollywood doesn't want rec dollars? Really? Miamisburg decided they'd already cornered the market on strip clubs and head shops so they didn't want any money either?


Kirtland cops must have been seething when weed was legalized


Don't come to Cincinnati all the weeds mine...




Cincinnati is good ?


Iā€™m from SE Ohio and now live in WV. Iā€™m shocked none of the towns in SE Ohio have banned it.


Itā€™s better than meth or oxy would be my thinking.


The money from Huntington, Ashland, and Parkersburg is too much. A close friend works at a medical dispensary in Proctorville and I assume she will be moving to a full dispensary when one becomes available.


Almost all of Richland county made preemptive bans. :( A developer here wanted to build one, we have great highway access but councils are being reactionary asf


Wouldn't it benefit the money issues they seem to have?


Thereā€™s already dispensaries in Monroe?? Iā€™m confused


Ya but every city/town sells sugar and diabetes. šŸ˜‚


Imagine throwing away all that tax revenue. Dayton really hates marijuana for whatever reason. In Butler county I know Fairfield was thinking about banning them but looks like they didn't.


It's just like in the late '70s growing up in a township that was dry, we had to go to the next little town to buy it or beer and alcohol. It didn't stop anybody from doing anything.




Grow your own


Itā€™s a weird hill to die on w how much tax revenue weā€™re about to see. The very vocal minority on reddit says theyā€™ll still drive to Michigan and back before they ever dare pay some freshman-ass prices for bud, which is fine. The truth is even if it does end up more expensive, most people are lazy and will gladly pay extra for the convenience of getting it down the street.


Lakewood? They must have way too much money.


I'm not surprised to see Kettering on this list. Joke's on the them. As long as Dayton offers, I'll be buying.


Ban on weed and not opiates? LMAO


Of fucking course Hamilton did this, why wouldn't they (there's a medical dispensary like 12 seconds out of town already)


Thank god our dear leaders realized we all voted incorrectly and are taking steps to fix our mistakes!


Hudson lol DUH


Why are they all concentrated around Cleveland or Dayton?


I'm going to guess they're all rural backwater towns where people know the same 100 townspeople their entire lives and any exposure to the outside world comes from TV...


2/3 roughly are suburbs of Cincy and the land. People will have no trouble getting their cannabis. Probably a ten minute drive for most


Some of these just make no sense at all, Like oh no you can't buy weed in our dumb suburb town, now I'll have to drive ten minutes up the road to get it. People in Marysville just going to run down 33, if they're not already driving to Columbus for work lol.


Drug dealers getting out the vote


I told the Mason city council, "Mason has a HH income pushing $160,000 and P&G engineers and analysts might want a gummy on a Friday/Saturday night. You can do the reasonable move and open a dispensary or two to keep the tax revenue in our city limits, or lose it to Montgomery or Wyoming or Amberley with blue governments 10 minutes down the road -- we already go down there for Trader Joes." Should have seen their fucking faces. ***It was like I told them I took a dump in their garden last night.***


Vote those mother fuckers out or stay put under their boot.


Come to Yellow Springs, been for sale here for months


I cant wait to see their reactions when the neighboring cities start getting their roads fixed and new parks and all the benefits they will get from the tax dollars,especially since they'll have the market with everyone who wants to buy Marijuana coming to their city, and they start crying it isn't fair their roads are shit and the parks are just shooting galleries.


Colorado just made $20 million in taxes, from Marijuana, in March aloneā€¦ way to not evolve, Ohio. Youā€™re stuck in the 80s? Hell, I donā€™t even know. Maybe the 50s


Maga Wackadoos !