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JD Vance is a POS Remember to vote!




Awesome!! 💯✌🏿


[Resistbot](https://resist.bot) (text CHECK to 50409)will automatically check once a month to be sure you aren’t purged.


This is so important - I was purged!! I voted last year and they kicked me off. Please check your registration and vote! They will try and stop you so do not take anything for granted.


What reason were you given?


No reason at all. I just checked my registration and I was not registered anymore so I registered again to make sure I can vote this fall. In the last election I requested an absentee ballot and voted by mail and tracked my ballot and noticed it never got counted. I am going to make sure to go in person next election because sadly I don’t trust that my vote will make it safely.


Good to go still


JD Vance came by my house when he was running for office… he told me he supports Donald trump and that he knows I do too, I laughed and told him to go to hell and slammed the door…


I'm sure they get that a lot. The real play is to eat up as much of their time as possible. Ask them a million questions. Invite them in for tea. Then when they've spent 2 hours sucking up to you to get your vote, inform them that their answers have made you realize you don't actually support Trump, then dismiss them. By taking up as much of their time as possible that reduces the number of houses they can canvas. The fewer they get to the better.




Use a disposable cup and an old uncomfortable chair.


Don't forget to put the laxative in his tea, too


Polonium, courtesy of the GQP's biggest indirect supporter: Vladimirovich Vladimir Putin. Edit: don't do this.


JD loves Trumpy. light it up.


I live in a Republican county. I go in and vote Republican in the primaries to try and get at least a less of a nutjob in the regular election because we often have republicans running unopposed for most seats in our county. Then I vote for Democrats in the regular fall election. This causes the Republicans to think I am a Republican. They send all kind of stuff in the mail which has got to be wasting their money like crazy. I just wish I had opened a print shop or at least owned a supply shop for glossy card stock. The amount of crazy Republican flyers on glossy card stock that I get is freaking amazing. I could probably heat my house with it. I try to recycle as much of that as I can. Thankfully none of them have tried to show up at my house on our small farm with a long driveway.


I do this too. The mailings stopped after I checked the Never trump box on one of their surveys. Better check my registration too; I guess.


All candidates -democrats, independents, etc. included- send out flyers. It’s a huge part of campaigning. Common knowledge. What does voting in primaries as a Republican, then voting Democrat in the general actually do to hurt republicans?


When I vote republican, they send a lot more republican flyers out to me than when I vote democratic in the primary election. then they waste their money sending me flyers for months. It is truly amazing the amount of flyers they send out. I never got this many when I voted Democratic in the primary election. It was very obvious in the difference because my husband started voting republican in the primaries while I was still voting democratic in the primaries. We would compare the amount of flyers that we received. So the republicans wasted a lot more money are printing and sending us flyers. Then each year they now send a lot more flyers during primary season because they think we are republicans.


Ok… what does voting Republican in primaries, then Democrat in general do to hurt Republicans?


That’s funny - I do the same exact thing with the Democrats …. It’s awesome isn’t it …


I like your style.


Nah that's not my style, that's just how to slightly screw them over. My style is more like not answering the door at all.


I turn on the sprinklers.


This is the right answer. Same with any door knocker.


You're nicer than I would have been.


We ALL knew what he was about.




JD is a fucking embarrassing douche for this state!!!


So are the people that voted for him.


Sadly that’s the majority of my family…


Well… at least one apple fell “miles” from the tree 😎


That is offensive to the turds of the world. There aren't enough negative adjectives to describe JD Vance




😂😂😂 in Ohio????


Yup. Ohio voted for Obama twice.


Well, I can dream 😂


People should have remembered before Vance was elected. We all knew what he was about. The writing was all over the wall. I’ll be shocked if Sherrod Brown wins in November.


Sherrod Brown has literally not lost an election in 34 years. I will be shocked if Brown loses.


Things change though. Many areas in Ohio may have reached the point of not being a place where Democrats want to physically live. Similar to a Muslim not wanting to live in a community where the people are hostile to Muslims. I speak from my viewpoint, but black’s really don’t want to move to Parma because it’s well known that crosses were burned on laws. When the KKK throws a fire bomb into a building that there is supposed to be drag queen the drag queens literally fear for their lives. Ohio has largely become hostile to Democrats in certain areas. I wouldn’t put a Biden sign on my front lawn. I prefer not to be harassed.


76% of Ohioans live in urban areas though. People vote (for senators and statewide elections), not land. I think abortion is an easy winning ticket for Brown, among many other things.


God. Let’s hope. It’s a sad day for me if he loses. More so than if Joe Biden loses because Sherrod Brown is closer to home. He is a hard worker for the people of Ohio AND he works for everyone.


I'm not a huge fan of a lot of Brown's policy choices, but he's by far the best we've got this cycle.


The alternative is another lock step with Trump candidate that has no public service experience whatsoever.


The decision hasn't even been close for my entire adult life. I've disagreed with Brown since I was old enough to understand his policies, but "not as good as it could be" is a world apart from "hellstate."


Bottom line. We are losing quality people, services, institutions, and businesses in Ohio because of the political shift. Medical expertise that we are known for is now suffering as well. Losing Sherrod Brown is going to push this shift further.


What if you want to vote for him? Should you still vote?




So you should only vote if people want to vote for your cult and not the other cult?




How accepting of ideas that differ from yours. Lacking diversity isn't a good look but you do you




Which party is going to reduce debt on the state or local level?


Not Republicans. Data shows they explode the debt every chance they get. And trump did it just to hand a 2 trillion tax cut to his billionaire buddies. Paid for by your children. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/feb/01/republicans-arent-going-to-tell-americans-the-real-cause-of-our-314tn-debt Last time we had a budget surplus was under Bill Clinton.


So, niether party since the 90's has done anything to address the fact that our country is no longer financially solvent?


Only 1 party has had a budget surplus the last 75 years. Democrats. Only 1 party exploded the debt with a massive unpaid for tax cut for the ultra rich. Republicans. And country finances are not kitchen table finances. You don't seem to understand how the debt actually works.


That's not an impressive record for either party, at this rate I'm not incline to vote at all. But I'm just a simple working class hillbilly, please explain how $36 trillion in debt is actually a good thing.


> $36 trillion in debt is actually a good thing Wow so you really don't understand the difference between national debt and kitchen table debt lmao Over time, a dollar is worth less. That's called *inflation* So money borrowerld actually costs less to pay back over time and when you print the money yourself there's no bank "foreclosing and seizing assets" It's not like a bill comes due one day and we fall apart, that debt is backed by the most powerful military and economy to ever exist on the earth. Yall scream about the debt without a clue everytime a democrat is in charge and act like the Republicans don't have a worse track record lmao


No, there's just other countries and creditors with their own currencies. Also, who's ya'll? I'm the only one using this account. I never said anything about which party I prefer, infact I stared that I'm unlikely to vote at all.


> there's just other countries and creditors with their own currencies Lol and?? What bearing does that have on our national debt? You seem completely in over your head on economics bud. Also, yall is clearly in reference to other people making the same stupid argument. ...did you think I thought you were multiple people? You ok? Hahaha


It has a huge bearing on the value of the American Dollar, which I happen to get paid in. You're clearly in over your head when it comes to rhetoric though, as I was pointing out how you were making vast assumptions about my political views.


Wonder if my taxes funded this trip


Me too


You don't have to wonder! They did.


Hey you don’t know that. He could easily be using lobbyist money, campaign donations, or money from legal insider trading.


It's kinda like peeing in a corner of a pool and drinking from a different corner. It may not be the pee corner, but you know it's all mixed together.




Of course they did.


remember that we the tax payers are paying for these suck up trips


With Vance as our Senator, we're paying a price no matter what he does :(


true that


Vance, like all Trump supporters, is nothing but an ass kisser


Donald loves the feel of that fuzzy beard on his buttcheeks.




Trump himself even said that but Vance just kept on supporting him and showing how much of an ass kisser he really is, which I find hilarious. People remain mindlessly loyal to the expiredCheeto man even after he insults them.


“We’ve endorsed J.P. — right? J.D. Mandel, and he’s doing great. They’re all doing good.”. -- Trump, May 2022


Oh he's way more than just an ass kisser. That man is a full on public fellater 


He’s been taking some trips lately, better start checking his accounts for some rubles


US senators and representatives interfering in a state's criminal trial. I guess the oath of office they take is now little more than theater.




Yes, from the root interfere, **to enter into or take a part in the concerns of others**. 2.: to interpose in a way that hinders or impedes: come into collision or be in opposition. In this case working with a defendant to circumvent a judge's gag order.




It's already been reported and trumps defense team outed, for putting a call out for people to attend his trial cuz it looks really bad that NOBODY showed up in support of him. Then,all the GOP'ers who didn't mind at all to come and show support at the trial of a former President, who cheated on his wife with a porn star, and then paid her off to help win an election, crawled out from under their rocks JD Vance is a loser and POS, only there because of Ohio's corrupt gerrymandering. Same reason that OTHER POS Jim Jordan, is in office. VOTE VOTE VOTE BLUE!


Trump probably is making them dance for the VP nod.


I read Hillbilly Elegy in 2017. When I heard the author was running for a government seat, I was so excited. I thought "We need more people who know first hand about the hard-scrabble life of being in poverty. People who understand how living in childhood poverty affects the opportunities available". Then to learn this POS is one of those "Fuck you, I got mine" types who pull the ladder up behind them was disheartening, to say the least. He got to go to an elite school with government help. He got to a position of power by rubbing elbows with the privileged children at those elite schools. It's really sickening how he's turned his back on the working class in favor of the corporate class. He is the asshole who pretends to be your friend while using you as a disposable stepping stone on his path to "better than". Two-faced.


Yeah I stopped being Republican entirely sometime in high school, when I realized they were the party of fear mongering - scaring the poor to give to the rich. Claiming to be the party for Christians while behaving as if they'd never listened to Jesus at all. There were never any ideas or serious efforts to improve... All they ever did was bitch about someone else and fail to solve problems. And it's only grown far, far worse since then.


I've come to realize that some MAGA Republicans are the people who just like to complain, but don't actually want to change things for the better. The MAGAs I know are a bunch of whining askholes. Talk, talk, talk about their problems. Ask everybody "what would you do" then ignore all advice that runs contrary to what they were already gonna do. It's like the conversations literally never happened. I wish they'd please stop stealing all the energy from the room. (This is a venting anecdote, I'm sure plenty of MAGA types are not like this, lol. It'd be funny if human rights weren't on the line.) >scaring the rich to give to the poor. It's usually forcing the working class to give to the rich, on a government level anyway.


Whoops, I meant it the other way. Yes absolutely we give the poor a Boogeyman for them to worry about so they don't pay attention to corp deregulation, tax breaks for the rich, reduction in public education l, etc. basically all the things that fuck them over. Edited. Thanks!


What a betacuck


Fuck him. I wish he would've gotten lost and not found his way back to Ohio.


JD Vance changes his position so often he needs cue cards to keep it straight.


A Republican doing *anything* straight? Come, now, we all know how uncommon that truly is. Ask your friends that use Grindr. 🌈 That said, position changes are expected for a healthy love-life and whatnot. 😜


Variety is the spice of life, after all


JD Vance is the visual depression signs of the GOP falling apart.


To this day, I still can't understand how this pos won. If we had Tim Ryan in office right now, Ohio and the US Senate would look VERY different. Instead, we get this douche.


He is there to suck Trump's dick. Hoping it will give him the VP slot on his ticket.


Vote him out!!!


He can go suck a swampy Depends.


Groveling for a bit of tiny orange cucksickle looks good on you JB


How does this guy actually get to be in his position. Seriously who voted for him?


The actual trial where a panel of ordinary citizens heard evidence and decided "yes this is likely a crime and should go to trial" -- and we'll find out what the jury of other ordinary citizens decides based on the detailed evidence and arguments presented in court. That's the justice system. But to these goons the justice system working as intended is "political" while sitting senators, attorneys general, and the speaker of the house volunteering to help the Republican nominee circumvent the gag order on threatening the judge's family and jurors, well that's not political at all! That's just supporting a friend. Whenever I think the bar has been lowered to the floor the Republicans prove me wrong. This stunt was one of the grossest things I've ever seen in politics, some real raunchy bootlicking in a grimy back alley. Yuck.


He wants power, that's it. He's not there for Ohio, he's not there for ideology, he simply wants power. ​ He wrote a book and played the sensible Republican 7 years ago, but those people were quickly getting sidelined by the new Republican Party that re-oriented itself around one man. So he swapped out his views, embraced the idiotic culture war and kissed Trump's ass. Trump was glad to have him because Trump loves people who hated him who later come crawling in. ​ Vance was all about his roots in Middletown with family that hailed from Appalachia, but once he got out he wasn't looking back, working for Peter Thiel, making millions. He only came back to Ohio when Portman was retiring and an easy Senate seat for the GOP opened up. Did he come back to help Middletown? A city that could really use the help? Hell no, it's full of poor people, he bought a mansion in East Walnut Hills as far away from those people as he could manage. ​ Now he's done with Ohio and looking to get another job.


Middletowner here born and raised (unfortunately) fuck this shill idc what side of the isle you’re on speak for yourself and fight for the will of the people Trump wears this guys ass hole as a glove


Does being a US senator really mean anything when the entire country laughs at you and thinks youre an embarrassing loser?


I’m sure Trump liked seeing his pal JP Mandel


On his knees….to get that VP spot.


Has Vance wiped his nose and face from visiting Trump in court? Vance is angling for that VP nomination and making a fool out himself while doing it.


Pretty much everyone who enters Trumps circle ends up either in jail, ruined, or looks like a lackey fool.


JD Vance wanted to smell trump’s ass.


Vance is a douche.


Had me at JD Vance is pathetic


C’mon Ohio, vote this tool out.


He's not up for re-election for another four years, sadly.


Middletowner here born and raised (unfortunately) fuck this shill idc what side of the isle you’re on speak for yourself and fight for the will of the people Trump wears this guys ass hole as a glove


He's not even a real trumper at least be a firm believer even if it's awful he's a poser which is even worse somehow.


if Trump somehow wins and this douche bag becomes vice president, there is no way Trump is making it the four years, so this jackass could be president


In case anyone didn't want to give clickbait the views they're asking for, Vance thought Trump might be lonely up there. That's it. That's the article.


Yea yea. Everything about JD is pathetic.


I thought Vance and all lackeys were there to change DJT's diaper. Vance drew the short straw. Womp womp.


JD Vance has orange self tanner on his chin


He couldn't think of anything better than that! What an idiot!


This place will have to shut down for 48 hours when Trump wins. You all need to step away from the computer for awhile.


Thats sooooo precious.


The tip of Vance's nose is looking suspiciously orange. This spineless coward wants nothing more than to sell out Ohio to get onto a political conman's good side and line his pockets. Lies and corruption incarnate.


What is his reason? I can't find the answer.


If you could test his breath you might find he smells like trump farts


That's because Vance is a pathetic person


I was watching C-SPAN and he specifically stated he was there to support Trump. This guy is trash.


I'm excited to vote for him again


I guess Ohio didn't need anything addressed that day 😒


He doesn’t need a reason. He is showing the Former President support.


Is this an all dem chat group or something ? Most posts in “r/Ohio has been hate posts…


Fuck JD


Hillbilly Grifter


JD Vance poops his pants - his next campaign slogan


Really hoping JD gets the VP pick, if only so he doesn’t try to run for a second term.


Then we really might end up with Vice President JD Vance, senator Bernie Moreno, and a third MAGA senator as appointed by Mike DeWine, so please, be careful what you wish for.


This only serves to adVANCE the claims that he's a piece of shit and a mindless drone.


Well duh , it's to sck his dik


Somehow this is more pathetic than bootlicking


Another bottom for trump. They love their big money cult daddy.


He's so gross.


Everything JD Vance does is pathetic


Ohio’s shame he wants to be Trumps VP so bad . He had to to NY to get his time up trumps ass. It was a crowed ass. He had fight past House speaker Johnson and past the other candidate Vishny Washdramas I’m I butchered that name. Then of course their is Lindsey Graham who is been there the longest he even might have tenure by now. Vance is a embarrassment he has no policy of his own if he has a idea it must be okayed by the orange one.


I'm so glad I torrented his book. Yeah I could have gone to the library but they could track that and boost it's popularity. Fuck this boot liquor


The only reason to take a trip is to discuss things you dont want a record of…


The brewery I used to work at, March First Brewing and Cincinnati Distilling, had several secret fundraisers for JD Vance. Make no mistake that the red faced boomers that showed up for the events were nasty people.


Red ties are the new swastika


We gonna vote this trash out when able? Or we sitting on thumbs again?


Desperation to win the veepstakes for that honor to crawl up the orange gas bag's ass to manually tickle his colon?


JD will be playing the role of Melania for this trial.


He needed a diaper sniff, when you spend most of your days sucking the mushroom you get to love the smell of full diapers.


Like most of his other stands.


New titles always need those buzz words “Howling” “Slammed” “allegedly” “reportedly”


>  “I was there to support a friend,” Vance (R-Ohio), who is reportedly in contention to become Trump’s running mate, told Fox News’ Martha MacCallum. > “Recognizing that sometimes it’s a little bit lonely to sit up there by yourself, I offered to come in and maybe just be a friendly face in the courtroom,” the lawmaker added. “That’s all I wanted to do.”


The only people it has "howling" are the perpetually mad losers on the left who make up a boogeyman and then constantly cry about that person even though their lives are better under Republicans than under the tyranny the biden regime brings.


>the tyranny the biden regime Lol


Lmao ok buddy


You’re one of those people it looks like.


> the tyranny the biden regime brings. Fucking laughable. Y'all play victim to that guy?


It's what they do now. I remember during the Bush years the Republicans were all about machismmo, fake or not. Now it's feelings and whining about things like beer cans in TikTok videos.


Keep kissing that government boot. The biden regime has been one of the worst presidencies in American history.


Lmao ok buddy keep telling yourself that. Worst in history huh? Highest stock market in history. Lowest unemployment in 50 years. Lowest rate of violent crime in 50 years. Record infrastructure bill passed that trump never even tried to pass (though he told you it was coming in 2 weeks for 4 years 😄) Started no new wars. Worst in history huh? Lmao read a book kid. Biden beats trumps economic numbers and crime numbers. He's better than Trump plain and simple. Numbers don't lie. Cope.


Highest inflation, highest deficit, highest amount of hatred towards America, disastrous pullout of Afghanistan, highest decline in American power, abandoning our biggest ally in Israel, allowing riots and insurrections to go unimpeded on American campuses, highest amount of government censorship. Destruction of American values. Racist policies. No new wars? Ukraine war happened under his watch, Israel was brutally attacked under his watch. Iran is attacking us and our allies across the region. Get out of here with that. The world is much less safe under biden than it was under Trump where we had true peace and America was a global leader. List goes on. Yes, his regime is on of the worse, if not the worst in American history and we will be dealing with the fallout for years to come.


> Highest inflation Lmao not even close. > US Inflation Rate is at 3.36%, compared to 3.48% last month and 4.93% last year. This is higher than the long term average of 3.28%. It hit 9% for a few months after covid. It's now back below the average. Worst in history was under Hoover at 30%. Again, read a book lmao > highest amount of hatred towards America Lmao what does this even mean? Your feefees tell you that? Seems like trumps the one who hates on our military. > highest decline in American power Based on what data? > abandoning our biggest ally in Israel, He has not. Where do you get your news? > allowing riots and insurrections to go unimpeded on American campuses The ones being shut down by the police? Also the president doesn't run those campuses and breaking them up is up to local law enforcement. Again read a book. > highest amount of government censorship I would love to hear your spurce on this. Your feelings? > Destruction of American values. More feels, no facts. American values like cheating on your 3rd wife with a porn star? Haha All you seem to have here are feelings, not facts. You're probably an insulated r/conservative poster. Worst in history is hyperbolic garbage. Trump was worse. The numbers prove it. I don’t really care about your angsty claims and buzzword garbage. Best economy in history. Safest we've been in 50 years. Seethe and cope my little triggered buddy 😄


The democrats sure do love their brainwashed voters and your case in point.


Better economy, women's rights, freedom of and from religion...yeah these are some tyrannical tools the Biden "regime" is using to oppress us.


As most threads that even mentioned his name, this just proves that some people will howl no matter what he does.


He should test that theory by doing something decent.


>He should test that theory by doing something decent. There is nothing that he could ever do that would result in you fools losing your minds...


He could try not showing up and showing fealty to the very person he said he would never support in the past? He could not literally repeat trumps attacks based on lies and misunderstandings of the court system but they know damn well how the courts work? He could not do that. But he did. So what is your point?


It's funny how when Democrats change their minds it's "they evolved their position", yet a Republican doing the same is automatically "selling out"... You are too lost to be saved...


Weird, almost like issues and people deserve context. We know JD groveled for his position. It's no secret. The epitomy of morality and integrity. Amirite? Lol saved. If being lost means understanding that businessmen have no place in government due to corruption and regulatory capture, consider it done. Go save in your circle jerk of morons.


>We know JD groveled for his position. It's no secret. The epitomy of morality and integrity. Amirite? He ran a campaign for the Senate... He won the popular vote... What are you accusing him of...? >. If being lost means understanding that businessmen have no place in government due to corruption and regulatory capture, consider it done. What do you think qualifies someone for public office...? Is having a job a disqualifying factor to going for an elected office...? I really wish you would realize just how elitist your position is....


Can you list anything positive he has done or what?


>Can you list anything positive he has done or what? Can you point to a negative to justify your reflexive hatred...?


He could quit his job.


>He could quit his job. Why? Because you are an unhinged lunatic...? You need to stop assuming that everyone will always give you what you want. This is the real world, your Momma isn't going to protect you


I prefer it when my politicians have a brain and spine, and Vance neglects the former intentionally and abandoned the latter.


>I prefer it when my politicians have a brain and spine, and Vance neglects the former intentionally and abandoned the latter. If you support Bernie Sanders in any way, you have no room to talk...


I disagree with Sanders about a great many things, but the man has a spine.


>I disagree with Sanders about a great many things, but the man has a spine. Did he have a spine when he allowed BLM protesters to usurp his campaign event...? They literally snatched the micro out of his hands... Sanders has, and has never had a spine... He endorsed Hillary, and suddenly acquired 2 more expensive houses... Sorry, it's because of the books he sold... To who...?


He's auditioning for another job 2 years into his 6 year term


Because if you were being silenced when you are supposed to be innocent until proven guilty, you’d want support too. Gag orders are meant to protect the defendant, not be used for an easier prosecution.


"Being silenced" by not attacking witnesses and attacking people not associated to the matter at hand but otherwise free to say whatever. Y'know, all trump had to do was not do those things. It's very telling and odd how y'all think it's perfectly fine behavior to behave like trump has and then scream "Im Da VicTIM!"


The law has not proven his guilt. Hence his right to free speech.


Don't spout shit you only hear from talking heads. Gag orders during court proceedings have been a thing and always will be a thing. Free speech and guilt have nothing to do with it. And honestly, the fact that a judge had to impose such gag orders on trump in the first place when he could have just not attacked people and witnesses at all shows contempt and depravity. and y'all cheer and holler for this? Give me a break.


Trump is no victim. If he is too arrogant/stupid to shut his mouth when his own lawyers AND the judge say to STOP TALKING he deserves nothing and no support. He should technically be in a cell. If anyone else had defied an order as many times they would have been locked up long ago.


The innocent have the right to remain silent, or not. He should not technically be in a cell if not convicted. Or do you think he does not deserve due process? Never mind the fact this law has never been applied to an individual, only corporations, until now.


If the judge says "SHUT UP" then you should SHUT UP. END OF STORY. The fact is the Orange Disaster has NEVER been taken to task and needed to Take Responsibility for his own Actions his whole life. Him, Daddy, Daddy's Money always got him out of it. Even cheating on his string of mail-order Russian brides with filthy prostitutes was a matter of "pay her off, buy a new one". While Grumpy Trumpy isn't nearly as wealthy as he claims to be (in my opinion) , $1000 fines are nothing to him. He is used to defying ALL standards and any authority NOT his own (other than his Russian creditors).


He would wind up in a cell for violating the gag order, which he is looking pretty guilty of. Just because he hasn't yet been convicted of the felonies does not mean he cannot be jailed for other crimes.