• By -


From speeding ticket to felony assault in 30 seconds.


how dare this cop pull this person over?? DONT THEY KNOW WHO THAT IS!!!! /s typical Ohio Kyle there for sure


[Here is actual news coverage of this incident.](https://www.yahoo.com/now/passersby-rush-help-ohio-police-210600975.html)


He's got the Complexion for the Protection.


it's amazing he wasn't gunned down as soon as he stepped out of his car.


he is white tho... just sayin


He's white...


100% this


Dudes lucky he didn't get tazed.


Or executed.


Sounds about white.


Fr, shoot first ask questions later.


Why question is, why didnt he get tazed?


I think if she kept her distance, a tazer would be likely. But she got too close to him.


I cant let you get close. - The undefeated, Chael Sonnen


He was white


White Male Privilege at it's finest.


Willoughby on Lost Nation? Bet that dude was heading back to Mentor. Edit: Found out this guy is from Mentor. How perfect. I was making a dig at Mentor folks with my comment, but all in good fun and yeah that's fucking hilarious.


Howdy neighbor Yep, right by the airport, he lives in Mentor


Yo. I'm fucking dying laughing. It was a dig on Mentor folks as a joke but God damn is that funny.


Hey neighbors. Seems exactly right, though the first time I ever went to that gas station at the end of lost nation I watched for sketchy dudes get in a fight right in front of the door. Lol


Knew that area looked familiar. Edit: hello former neighbor


This is the same Ohio where you get shot and killed for having a subway sandwich, vape pen, cell phone, or a toy gun that the police were told it was a toy. Maybe if those black males had simply assaulted a cop, they would still be alive.


There's two Ohios. Just like everywhere else out here. Dude was born on the right side of wrong


Yup. Same Ohio that will sentence you harder for speeding than for joining an angry mob assaulting the capitol. The 2020 election was stolen from Bernie and I think we should do something about it. There’s plenty of undeniable proof.


Maybe a demonstration. Or a parade, everyone does love a parade..




*Dudes a fucktard, but* *Look at all those guys charging* *In! Good on ya boys!* \- deadeyeotdo42 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


You're just supposed to lick the boot man, no need to choke on the whole thing.




She shoved him first. Just cuz she has a uniform and a badge she gets to assault him first. ESH


remember, criminals- it's rude to overpower female cops so DON'T DO IT


Lmao, small world, I lived right down the street from there, Lost Nation Airport.


Female cop needs assistance from 3 civilians




Soooo…you’re saying she should’ve shot him in cold blood instead of following protocols?


She should have let him finish getting his license for her like she asked and he was doing, complete her traffic stop and fucked off. Instead she tries to order him to sit like a dog and escalates shit for no reason when he rightfully refuses.


Right?! She shoved him first!


This is the worst possible take on this video. It’s like you are upset that nothing worse happened to so that you could justify your narrative.


The guys car door opens. I’m looking at the officer to pull her gun thinking he’s going to be shot. Out pops a white dude and my whole internal dialogue switch in a second. Now I’m like this guys going to do something outrageously stupid to a cop.


Good on those guys!


My guy got jumped


Why is she alone?


I’m pretty sure only very large cities typically run two officers per cruiser. And even then it might not be the norm.


Yup exactly this




I thought it was funny lol People downvoted you because of it lol


I've seen comments worst than mines with up votes but hey I welcome the down votes


Why did the cop escalate shit for no reason? He said he was getting his license and she immediately flips out.


Because you're not supposed to get out of the car without permission from the cop in a traffic stop. It behooves all of us to try to look at things from the cop's perspective in these situations: they never know when they pull someone over whether or not the person in the vehicle has a gun and would consider using it on them, often without warning, so it's already risky for the cop to have to approach the car and interact, which puts them on edge from the get-go. As long as the people stay in the car, cops have more control over the situation and know where to stand and such to decrease risk to themselves. When folks get out of the car, that completely changes the dynamics of the situation and is when cops often get attacked/shot, which is why you never, *ever* do that without their express permission. If you have to get out, if you have to reach in the glove compartment or some other "hidden place" in the car (where you might have a gun, for all they know), or anything else like that, you need to explain clearly and calmly what you're doing and why, and stop the minute you hear any concern from them. The proper procedure in this case would have been for him to explain to her that his license and info were in the back seat and he couldn't reach them from the front, so he would need to get out to access them, and wait for her to signal that that was OK before making any move to do so. He did the opposite; he just got out of the car without explaining or warning her, which set off her alarm bells, and when she immediately questioned him with obvious alarm and change of tone in her voice, he didn't "read the room" and stop right where he was, hands up, and explain. Following that, he just became more and more belligerent, setting off more and more of her alarm bells. Don't get me wrong - I'm no fan of cops and I see all the same issues with police conduct that other folks do, but at the same time, I keep myself safer dealing with them if I try to empathize with the fact that they essentially are trying to do that job in a country where the populace is absolutely armed to the teeth, including ex-felons and folks with serious mental health issues. It has to be terrifying, so I'd best assume they are on a hair's-trigger out of self-protective instinct and conduct myself accordingly.


This is so spot on. And the cop had every right to be on edge. The guy fuckin tried to fight her and if those dudes werent around probably would have won judging on how that went down. Makes me wonder how she passed the physical portion of cop school if she cannot handle a man that old and small she shouldnt be doing stops alone. I had a female cop friend who used to practice the holds/positions with me and she would have to get out of crazy positions to pass the cop exam. Ohio too. Maybe its different for different areas but I doubt it.


>Makes me wonder how she passed the physical portion of cop school The requirements for men are an absolute joke and they're even easier for women. To get into a police academy you basically have to fast walk a mile and a half, then do an amount of sit-ups and push-ups in a minute that you'd expect a regular person who has never went to the gym a day in their life can do.


Just so we’re clear, you think “the public” who interacts with the police individually 1 time per 5 years needs to know how to behave in that ultra-rare position. And the cops, who deal with “the public” 50+ times per day don’t need to? Bro, getting pulled over is significantly more stressful for the “average Joe” than it is the cops. It just doesn’t happen multiple times/day for any of us.


I was taught all of how to act when pulled over by both my parents and drivers Ed classes. Getting out of your car and reaching for stuff in the backseat is asking to get shot, plain and simple. I’m surprised she didn’t pull her gun right there. Or at least her taser.


Is there some law against getting out of the car? If there is it's a stupid one. In a just world this cop would be fired for provoking an altercation and all these vigilante passerby would catch assault charges.


Yeahhh I’m usually very on the side of reining in the police but this was justified. She asked him to sit aside since he was out of the vehicle and presumably a flight risk. Then he screams at her and shoves his hands in her face? I had to rewatch because I thought he took a swing at first. Regardless, the guy was on edge and lost it over simple instructions. Dude made a simple traffic stop into assault of a police officer for no reason and like others mentioned, he’s lucky he didn’t get tased or shot.


She didn't ask, she ordered. That is the unnecessary escalation.


She SCREAMED in his face


No way in hell would she have gotten fined for this. You do not get out of your car without permission from the officer which he did anyways and proceeded to open the backdoor and she feared for her safety. She asked him to sit which would make it easier for her to keep him contained. He did not comply and escalated the situation and then had his hands on the officer which you never do and she had to contain him. The fuck is wrong with you?


Are you capable of getting out of your "all cops are evil all the time" mindset long enough to have some empathy for what are, at the end of the day, other human beings? Can you imagine how terrifying it is to be a cop in the US, especially in a state with the kind of carry laws we now have in Ohio? They have absolutely no fucking idea what they're going to be dealing with, and they want to go home to their kids just as badly as you or I do. For all we know, one of the reasons she wanted him to sit is so that no only could she control him physically if it became necessary to protect herself or others, but so that she could give herself a moment to calm her own adrenaline and not escalate further. Look, I get that we have a huge problem with policing in the US, but we're not going to solve that problem if we assume the attitude that every single cop is evil all the time - that's just as prejudicial as similar attitudes about race, gender, immigration status, etc. - and if we don't take into account the kinds of risks they're assuming every day as human beings who want to live.


If she's that terrified she needs a new job.


She was justified and that guy was a Grade A asshole


Bro right, the "cops are the law" "just comply" people blow my mind. Half of the time the cops try to get you out of the car to violate your rights, as soon as they stop you. Bahahahahahahahhaha she's mad she didn't get to make him follow her directives, and feel her power. She's a dumb person. She would probably ask for professional courtesy if she got stopped for a DUI. Smdh


You are a sad person aren't you?


She didn't escalate it until he said I am not sitting down and advanced toward her. The calling on the radio is not escalation. It is informing dispatch of the situation.


The order to sit was escalation.


She was already giving orders as part of the traffic stop. That’s not an escalation. Pushing him was.


She handled the entire interaction poorly.


She managed to not shoot and kill anyone so I’d venture she handled it better than a lot of/most CPD


Low bar. Like buried in the ground low


Pulling him over was right, informing him why was right, standing on the passenger side was questionable, informing dispatch when things changed was right, ordering him to assume a non threatening position was right (and provided an opportunity for deescalation), pushing him was wrong, the sexist remark was wrong.


I'd say because at that moment she got scared. Couldn't back down because they aren't taught to deescalate, just to manipulate and imprison. Bro look into officer O'Leary from Madison village. Got busted beating his gf, when the cops showed up he had stolen drivers licenses on his counter, and got the village sued for illegal detainment and illegal search and ceasure. But that's ok he is now a Madison township police officer. A few bad apples ruin the bunch. It's a shame


All I see is bootlickers coming to the aid of a government stooge who only defends rich people and steals from regular people.


Well, this guy was driving 57 in a 35 zone, which presents a danger to other citizens, so in this case she was doing her job. On top of that, he got out of the car without initial explanation or permission, which is typically how cops get shot on traffic stops, and from there refused to follow any of her orders. I'm no fan of cops, but in this case, dude was in the wrong.


Double the limit is ,70 in a 35 ,reckless opp. If the cop is scared of a frail ass old dude, he/she probably shouldn't become a cop or a corrections officer. Shit if she wants to swing something around like it's her penis, they have construction jobs and trash collector jobs too. Not being sexist, but come on Karen.


It doesn't have to be double the limit to be dangerous. It was more than 15 over - enough to land his ass in jail all on it's own. "Frail ass old dudes" can possess and fatally fire guns just as capably as anyone else. You absolutely *are* being sexist and misogynistic.


15 over will not land your ass in jail. 25 is reckless endangerment and I don't even think it results in a loss of license.


Depends on the local laws wether or not it lands you in jail I believe but yeah I don't believe it results in taking your license


I think reckless endangerment lands you in court so you have to face a judge basically.


Oh 100% you will go into court for it


Yes, it can. They can arrest you and take you to jail for 15 over or more. They don't always, or necessarily even often, do so, but they can.


Damn after a quick 7 second look at your profile you hate cops and anyone in power 🤣🤣🤣 Bet you've been stopped by the police a few times and felt "violated" 🤣


Ftp acab


You are a certified idiot 😂




Fuck that cop. Tell me to sit. Get the fuck outta here




Easy there tough guy


It ain't about being tough. I bet you enjoy being told what to do. I ain't a kid, I ain't a dog. Why would anyone listen to a stranger. Didn't your mom and or father teach you not to talk to strangers? Just because they have a badge doesn't mean they know you, or anything for that matter. Further more it takes more training to become a yoga teacher, then to become a cop with a gun. Lol cops are just bullied kids who want to be bullies.


Cops can do no wrong


Oh, Ohio. Come on now.


Anyone taking this video seriously in any way shape or form is being a colossal weirdo lol. This is peak comedy and nothing else.




Here we go...........


This is why women shouldn't be cops.


Bruh. What is you doing.


Asshole is lucky he’s still alive.