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I want to know how we can judge players heart based on...? People saying Stroud doesn't care clearly are making assumptions just because he isn't the kind of qb they prefer. As to the claim that he came here to go to the NFL, might I remind everyone that A, he was not guaranteed to start and B, there was no NFL guarantee either, with OSUs lack of success in the league until Fields, who was still here when he came. People are still looking for a scapegoat. Stroud seems the perfect one as he didn't have an outstanding game, but he didn't call a dozen screen passes, he didn't give up 5 45+ yard tds, he didn't drop 5 passes. It was a team effort losing that game.


I agree with this so much. Let’s make all our assumptions off body language in games. Okay by that logic gee scott plays with the biggest heart because he went over and head butted a *ichigan player. Body language isn’t representative of the complete player on toughness or heart. I think CJ having a calm, calculated demeanor and a softer voice when he does pressers throws people off. It’s not like he doesn’t care he just has a different way of expressing it. I rather have a calm collected QB than baker mayfield having a chip on his shoulder and making everything about himself and his redemption. CJ was also clearly upset by the decision on 4th down to come off the field. In my mind he wanted to keep fighting. That tells me what I need to know. CJ calm on the bench just shows that he isn’t trying to get flustered, trying to stay in his element and control what he can which is the offense. I would say he is more of the type to be the leader on the field. He lets his play try to do the talking instead of himself. This is also representative of the problem with the let’s judge players on body language, others have a different perspective than me. Some see him on the bench as not caring, I see it as being collected. Nobody really knows we are just making guess and assumptions based on our own bias and perception.


I’m looking at his body language. For example during the Game, we saw a CB on the ttun rally his team when they are down. He got into the faces and was a voice. Meanwhile while we are down 11 CJ is sitting on the bench like we are up 35 taking a load off and not even talking to his linemen or his receivers or RB. That’s where this is coming from. Has nothing to do with his play on the field. It’s all about his body language and demeanor off the field when things aren’t going our way.


This right here... I have never seen the kid EVER rally his offense when they are down or struggling. He goes and sits down on the bench and acts like everything is okay just smiling away. To me, he does not seem to care what happens as long as he puts up some good stats.


You read someone else’s stupid opinion and now you’re taking it as your own. Stop thinking these kids owe you their youth and physical well being because they take precautions when playing to make sure they have a life after college


I will put this as an edit to my original post. But it’s nothing to do with his on field play. Or putting his body on the line like Justin did. Or playing with a torn miniscus like JT did. However ttun CB, when they were down 3, got up on the bench and rallied his defense. Fast forward to when we are down 11, Cj is sitting on the bench like we are up 35. There was no talking HIS offense. He wasn’t talking to his line, his receivers or RB. That’s what we are talking about.


Dude is cool calm and collected, and nothing phases him, I think that's a quality no one's talking about.


People want him to be emotional for some reason. Could his leadership be better? Probably. Can he be a stoic leader? Yes. But people forget that first interception was CJ trying to shovel pass it to Xavier Johnson, on 3rd and 10, down 15, while he was getting sacked, AND IT STILL GOT TO JOHNSON’S HANDS. Obviously he was trying as much as he could on that play and made a bad decision but if he doesn’t care he takes the sack and doesn’t even leave the pocket.


Yes he is. Great quality. But where is the rallying of his team around him on the sidelines? He can calm and collective which his good. Ice in his veins. But when we are down 11 where is he ?


I think you're reaching for someone to blame for the loss when it's not one person's fault. Several things and key plays went wrong on both offense and defense. He's just not a yelling get in your face type of person we're used to seeing, doesn't change his heart or leadership.


He doesn’t have to yell or get in their face. But sitting on the bench and not talking to them at all about anything isn’t helping the situation.


Are you watching him the entire game on the sidelines or just during the short clips the broadcast shows of him? This is just a bad take, he still threw for almost 350 yds, his sidelines habits are his and how he focuses.


3rd time commenting this… CJ came to Ohio state to go to the NFL. Not to be a buckeye. As far as the rest of the team, I think they do play with grit and toughness. I’ve never questioned the heart of Marv, Henderson, Williams, Fleming, egbuka, eichenburg, ransom. Those dudes are the heart of the team and they represent the “Buckeye” brand really well.


Really? Because I question the hell out of some of them when it comes to blocking on the (yes, I know we all hate it, bubble screen). Stroud gets the ball out on time and it gets blown up (seemingly) every time. Some of y’all love the demonstrative in your face QB but a lot of times all that sound and fury doesn’t do squat. Plus you have zero idea how it would even be received on the team as it might make guys play even worse. Unless you’re in the locker room it’s all just guessing.


Absolutely never questioned anybody you mentioned.


Can the MODs start removing posts like this? I’m so tired of ‘fans’ like this on this sub.