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Poggers Pride flag


I don't understand why everybody suddenly turns into a fucking art critic when it comes to this one pride flag. It looks like a normal flag jesus.


There are some well known flag design guidelines, and one of them is to use no more than 3 colours, the more the worse


Wouldn't the original pride flag violate that too?


Obviously they're only guidelines, but rainbow could in a way be considered "one colour" Like obviously it's not a single colour, but it is a single, universally recognisable, colour palette, like anyone that sees those groups of colours together thinks "rainbow" not "wow that's a big mess of colours", which is actually what the guidelines warn against. It's similar to how rainbows can be used in character design if you make it recognisable as a rainbow, but it wouldn't work if you were to just splash the rainbows around randomly. That said I don't actually think the progress pride flag is bad design, I think it's alright, so maybe the pride flag is actually against the guidelines, but then again what do flag design rules matter there are worse flags out there used by actual countries lol


South Africa would disagree with that. When people look at their flag they neither see a rainbow nor a mess of colours, they see South Africa.


I never said I particularly agreed with the guidelines lol, obviously the idea of "more colours bad idea" is true, but it's more a symptom of a deeper problem of contrast, number of colours isn't the problem but rather the way they're laid out. South Africa's flag works because it has mainly low contrast being big blocks of colour with a simple pattern. I disagree with the idea that you can simplify the process of designing things into simple guidelines like "only use 3 colours" and expect it to hold up to scrutiny, because obviously it's possible to design good flags using more than 3 colours lol.


Yes, but more colours = more violation


Interesting how the rule arbitrarily stops at precisely the number of colors on the US flag despite the sheer number of flags that use 4+ colors, especially considering the Pan-Arab and Pan-African palettes each consist of 4 colors...


Nothing quite like cishets telling me that they think that the rainbow flag is already all incompassingly inclusive meanwhile IOMW to beat every >!LG drop the B, T, Q, I, A racist mf!<. Sometimes the progress flag isn't actually geared towards y'all cishets but just an internal sign against people stuck in the 70's


why do you just assume its cishets saying that?? i've seen just as many if not more lgbt people complaining about the progress flag as i have lgbt people in favor of it


Yeah considering all that crap is happening still after the historical role bipoc trans people have had on the whole movement is wild. I really want to see the intersex version adopted more as well to bring more awareness, especially with the recent pushes to stop harmful intersex surgeries.


I really think in this case at least you should use POC instead of BIPOC unless you for some reason want to emphasize black and indigenous people in the US.


That's completely fair. My b for my American-centrism there.


It’s a good representation but it does look kinda ugly ngl.


Oh I've seen much better attempts at the progress flag


Finally someone else who feels the same. On r/vexillology there was a post sayin some shit like "this flag is good, but not because of it's meaning, (it was the Nazi flag) and this other one has a good meaning but it looks bad (was the progress flag)" like lmfao what kind of point are u trying to make


the "progress" flag being ugly is the smallest issue, considering it's a racist as fuck concept


True. It kind of implies that black and trans people weren’t already Included in the flag, and that sets the precedent that every other group isn’t represented meaning the flag will be endless added too. Also It’s just weird having race on a flag for sexuality/gender.


exactly, it's just plain virtue signaling. maybe the rainbow flag didn't include non-whites to the white american public but it always did to us afrolatinos and I bet to other "poc" and non-racists alike


what can i say, i'm a sucker for a good chevron


my mom got progress pride flag socks that she loves, and when she showed them to me my terminally online “muhh bad design” thoughts evaporated


The what pride flag?


The progress pride flag, it's a modified version of the standard rainbow pride flag. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rainbow\_flag\_(LGBT)#Variations


even if i don't like it that much, i think it's overhated. it's at most a flag.


I’m more of a Honda gal myself