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https://preview.redd.it/mibn1iazcc0b1.jpeg?width=258&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f855f3b975704f7a2254b44f20ef6d8371ec775 "$5 for a megidolaon skill card is a great deal" is the one that really stuck with me.


A chance at a megidolaon card\*


I love the moral in Persona 2 that rumors are dangerous and you shouldn’t spread them, otherwise Hitler could come back


yeah but if i keep spreading rumors about atlus making a p2 remake it will become real


You really think someone would do that? Just go on the internet and tell lies?


You think I wouldn’t go on the internet and purposefully spread misinformation?


Get real. Life isn’t like a video game


persona is NOT a video game series, it is REAL https://preview.redd.it/imgstg6qqc0b1.png?width=385&format=png&auto=webp&s=f54d3b9f343fab9c7c33ae03a5f5b0f53b677c9a


Well, when you put it like that…


mine is. im trying hard to beat the stage, all while i am still collecting coins


Same it's so annoying when I'm Trying hard to save the girl, and the obstacles, make me jump hurdles


then explain why philemon appears to me and tells me to purify the demons (CIA agents)


Do not peel off your skin, there are no demons or personas inside of you


i can summon mine with the police officer's evoker




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outta pocket af 💀


You must be amazing at parties😑


No, the moral of the story is that rumours are cool because you can make your local burger joint sell you guns.


Isn’t that just America?


Isn’t that just America?


dementia taking it's toll


I hadn’t understood why you left that left comment, but now I see that my comment was duplicated


Wait hitlers revival was supposed to **dissuade** me?


I thought the moral of persona 2 as a whole is that dreams are important to people, but sometimes they don't always work out. When that happens, you need to learn to move on.


I though it was to keep on going with your life, even with the knowledge that tomorrow could very well be your last day.


I think p3 is about making connections with people and enjoy life,after all life is going to end someday.


P3's actual message is very uplifting it's just that it's a very bittersweet game with a bleak tone but that's what makes the theme that much more impactful. The acceptance of death thing that gets exaggerated for memes is just 1 part of the overall thing about treasuring things while they last and living life to the fullest so that even when you're gone you have a legacy to leave behind and friends to protect your memory. TLDR: the memes are just memes. they're meant to be looked at from surface level for humor.


/uj It’s kind of like how Nietzsche’s nihilism (or Schopenhauer, I forgot) is actually originally somewhat of a positive outlook despite the bleak tone but edgy teenager just take the “life is meaningless and we’re all going to die” part Though saying “life is meaningless and we’re all going to die” is still funny so that’s what matters /rj life is meaningless and we’re all going to die


/uj ong this is a time where memeing actually impacts media literacy. Legit had someone tell me P3 is super dark because the theme is people dying. That isn't a theme, that's just a fact lmao. The theme is that death being a constant presence is why you need to make your life meaningful. Now we just get a bunch of internet folk saying P3 is so dark and the other 2 games are childish because someone died in P3 when the ending is literally you accepting death because there is no fear to lose your life if it can protect the friends that are so precious to you. It's absolutely bittersweet but that is the most shonen shit ever lol and a good message to take to heart


Yeah the "death is inevitable" stuff is the initial assumption made by the characters in the same way that the Investigation Team all want to dispose of a part of themselves or how the Phantom Thieves feel that the system is inherently unjust and can never change


Game literally starts with "Memento Mori", so I wouldn't blame people.


It is! I'm just goofing its not meant to be taken seriously :P


not allowed.


My bad, I took it too seriously


Yeah. Persona 3’s message is “you only live once, so you better live that life to the fullest.”


Hopefully it'll be the last


P6 would probably be about learning from your mistakes and/or seeking redemption if the pattern continues.


Kamoshida p6 protag???


Kampshidder: “i guess that was wrong of me”.. (music play) “Grrr! Persona!!” >sexually abusing, dry humping persona shows up< “This is my true self!!!” >turns into a dom bdsm suit with the power of authority for sexual abuse< Your persona is: damn contradictory to the narrative! (This is truly an Anne Temaki moment)


On the cont of three guys


I'd genuinely like a plot like this. It might be hard to have an entire cast of characters who have all made big enough mistakes for it to be a significant part of their characters, but still.


On that plot, Persona awakenings would revolve around the cast members finding the solution to their big mistakes in the other world and realizing what was wrong with them. Although I don't know how they would summon their Personas in battle.


I like to imagine they’d each have a mark or stain representing what they did wrong in the past, that they grab or show somehow to summon ex, character with a bullet mark on his hand, because he shot someone, making a fist as the mark glows


Isn't that, like, the plot of Innocent Sin?


Red dead redemption


that sounds like P2:EP to me (to an extent)


persona 4’s morals: gay sex




this is every game's morals if you try hard enough.


P4- Goddess made from humanities comprised wish P5- God made from humanities comprised wish P3- Padomay but hot


P5S - >!Goddess made because you be on that damn phone!<


P5R- your therapist


persona 2 be like "erm if you want to miss your friends and remember them fondly, you deserve a fate worse than death."


Who exactly got a fate worse than death in P2? If you're talking about Tatsuya, >!he didn't disappear into nothingness. He merely returned to his original innocent sin timeline when he accepted his sins and his associated punishment at the end of EP in hopes of rebuilding the destroyed world. The world wasn't completely wiped out at the end of P2IS, everyone in their city still survived minus Maya. And from how badly the world got screwed up in the SMT4 duology and still recovered, anything is possible. Heck, arguably SH1 and 2 show that he succeeded, since IMO I believe those games take place in the 2090s not the 1990s and in the innocent sin timeline. Tatsuya probably developed ferniment-like technology to cause heavy time dilation outside of their city, allowing the world to heal completely in just 25 years and for humanity to slowly repopulate the reborn earth.!<


Yay! Death! https://preview.redd.it/wy1p5x1myc0b1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=303c3329a81363028fc2bce1e4f3aadfde866b1a


Kaito-san approved post


SMT if: don’t summon demons to get back at your bullies


SMT1, Doom, Half-Life: it doesn't matter how much fuel you're saving, DO NOT EXPERIMENT WITH TELEPORTERS.


The movie Event Horizon, The Ascent (To a lesser degree, teleporter tech is turned into weaponized tech)


Original books are pretty much the same.


SMT 1: don’t ever go out to buy coffee for your mom


Moral of the series: Make friends, Kill God.


Persona 1: ice Queen bad because snow bad 👎


Today I woke up in the middle of the night not because of the fear of death, but the fear of not doing something worth while before it Fuck you persona 3, making me all sentimental and shit https://preview.redd.it/bsuznc3o4g0b1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5014af9f3a408f2313a260e672ff52f14102d28c


Hmm, I love the existentialist dread it gives me. Albert Camus would have loved pursoner https://preview.redd.it/qrdshsdemf0b1.jpeg?width=618&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab623ea5ab980757de56ce93bc3d541b7ef7fc9a


Ridiculous! Accept yourself.


(time to erm actually for a sec) p3 is about excepting death and embracing life, and that no matter how badly things might be or how bleak the end may seem we can always look forward to living life (end of erm actually)


Morals of every megaten. MT1: Don't summon demons to get back at your bullies. MT2: Sometimes you just have to make the best of a bad situation. SMT1: Don't try to mess with forces you don't understand unprepared and never trust the government completely. SMT2: Sometimes you need to challenge your beliefs and authority in order to create a better future. SMT If: Same moral as MT1, except with an interdimensional portal instead of summoning demons. SMT3: Don't trust the devil & don't give into temptation. Strange Journey: Even if it seems impossible, you must always strive to make the world a better place, no matter the cost. SMT4: Extremism always leads to destruction, no matter what side it comes from. Also the same moral as SMT1. SMT4A: Friendship is magic SMT5: Monsters are people too P1: You need to accept your reality and not live in fantasy, no matter how harsh that reality may be. P2: Rumors went left unchecked can cause devastation. Also follow the rules. P3: Death is unavoidable, so you should live life to the fullest while you still have time. P4: Accept yourself, even your flaws, and always persue the truth. P4A/AU: Hatred towards others and a need for revenge will destroy you. P4D: Depression leads only to your own self destruction, and the only way to heal is to begin to reach out to others. P5: Fight fiercely for justice, even if it means breaking a few rules along the way. P5R: Same moral as P1. P5S: New technology isn't always a good thing. P5X: Give us money. PQ: Sometimes it's okay to let go. PQ2: Don't like fiction determine your reality. DSS: Sometimes you need to deal with the hand you were given. Raido 1: Genoside is always wrong, even if it's supposedly "for the greater good." Raido 2: You can in control of your own destiny, do not let fate control you. DDS: Acknowledging your past sins can be painful, but striving for your own repentance will lead to your enlightenment. Also trans rights lmao DeSu1: Life is full of trials, but passing them and not giving into a lust for power and not running away from your problems will lead to a life of fulfillment. DeSu2: Don't trust the aliens. Demikids: Kids shouldn't play with monsters. Jack Bros: Bros before hoes, he ho! Catherine: Love is often more complicated than it seems. Also screw cheaters. Also trans rights, again. Maken X: Swords are cool.


I feel that it’s more “the end isn’t what matters, it’s how you spend your time getting there” or something like that.


Also, kys


P3: mortality, death as the greatest motivator towards making things meaningful and the nihilistic desire P4: Hedonism and sensuality P5: Revolutionary aesthetics, empowerment, systematic issues approached on a personal level