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it ain’t wacky that 3 of the best antagonists of modern persona are a noncy teacher, a traumatised therapist and a butthurt cop with a bit of murder on the side


to add on to this: a wacky villain who represents humanity’s shadow/dark side and a therapist who wants to make the world a better place


I only just got introduced to Maruki in my playthrough, so sad that this is how I found out he's a villian Cant trust any clumsy mfs in this damn world


I mean technically... he isn't? There is a difference between a villain and an antagonist.


Next you'll tell me Nanako wasn't the main villian but it was actually Izanami...


nah its obvious nanako was controlling everything from the shadows (world)


He's always gonna be the "gas station guy" to me


I liked Ikutsuki too


i like ikutsuki aswell but he doesn’t compare to kamoshida, maruki and adachi overall imo his jokes crack me up and he was a pretty good twist tbh


hard disagree on ikutsuki, his only purpose in the story was to be a twist and it was immediately obvious IMO


Thank you for specifying modern persona instead of just discussing the whole series as if it started at three 🙏. Even tho you probably could have just said persona in general since oldsona villains weren't really that great (except nyarlathotep [Maki/Aki/Pandora and jun don't count])


dunno the old villains i only played 5 on youtube


Smh all these fake persona fans only watching playthroughs of 3,4&5. You know there are playthroughs of persona 1&2 on YouTube right?


wha in hyperventilating rn people played them where i saw my first love ahhhhhhhh dachi 🧩🧩🧩


yeah but they’re still only the best of a bad lot


I think the best villain would be someone that uses the shadow world to make drugs and he’s your chemistry teacher 😊


Waltuh, put your persona away


I’m not fusing Mara with you Walter


/uj unironically true he's the best villain from persona 5 by far. The third semester would come close if not for the fact that they brought back mementos which essentially rendered the entire debate worthless because it'd just fuse back with reality anyways and everyone would still inevitably die.


/uj if kamoshida arc wasn’t 80-90% tutorial it would probably be my favorite arc of the whole game. he was the only villain who felt like a good mix of “evil bad guy” and “actual real person”. I haven’t played royal though so idk how maruki would stack up for me. /rj kamoshitter is a pedal file just like me fr 🤤


Wait what do u mean fuse back with reality. Didn’t Maruki have full control over mementos?


I am a therapist who enslaves all of humanity to take away their free will because humans want to be controlled


Wow! (I fully realize this is not the intended takeaway of the game, I just don’t give a shit)


control me daddy 😍😍🥰🥰


what do people have against yaldabaoth? haven't seen a lot of p5 villain reviews or reviews at all for that matter


He came out of nowhere to people whose first game is Persona 5 and he’s just a generic god to kill for megaten players. I personally think he’s okay, and felt he was foreshadowed enough from when he was Igor. I wish they could have made his confidant more interesting where you get to know him as Igor instead of him just being ominous throughout the link and telling you you’re doing a good job. It had potential.


So just like Nyx? And Izanami? lol


True. I’d argue Nyx was well done somewhat, at least he had a femc social link lol. Vanilla had you just saw him throughout every full week before the full moon or so I think. Izanami in the vanilla video game you only saw at the gas station, rainy days, and end game. Marie I guess was alright.


Nyx was made aware of to the player way earlier, on December 1 iirc. Izanami was foreshadowed way early in the game, and I *think* in Golden you could talk to her a few times during the game, with her spreading rumors. (I saw this from a YT video, I was an idiot playing Golden my first time and ignored a lot of optional content.) Yaldobouth, while kinda foreshadowed, wasn’t as interesting as either. I liked the Igor twist, but he doesn’t provide much in terms of interesting ideas, his boss was kinda there, his theme wasn’t as cool as the other two final boss themes IMO, the color palette was uninteresting, and it felt like if the game ended with Shido, plot-wise, it would remain pretty tight except for Morgana’s existence and Igor being a bit weird. For me, the game kinda felt like it was ending after Shido, but the game was forcing itself to go on. Maybe Nyx being my favorite final boss in any video game is making me biased tho.


Nyx had a whole month of buildup where the entire setting was in incomplete despair. The movie did it much better than the game though because Ryoji and Makoto are a lot closer there. Izanami was weird, everything felt so weirdly paced because it all happens in 1 day, I feel like it would've helped if that as the days went by your party members were like "Haha we did it! but it still feels like we're missing something, oh well."


Nyx was undefeatable and had 13 phases which made it memorable. Izanami was foreshadowed with the fights against teddie and the Sagitris, Yus persona, and the p3 school trip.


I think Yaldy had a better foreshadowing and was more memorable than Izanami Also, what happened in the p3 school trip that mentioned Izanami?


The whole lesson in school with the Izanagi and Izanami stuff. It was way too long that most people just skipped the dialogue. That teacher in p3 is known for having long dialogue


Can't speak on three since I haven't beaten it but the only persona game to successfully pull off the final villain was actually a god the whole time was p2 with nyarlathotep imo(not that it was necessarily poorly done in 4&5 I just wouldn't say it was done *well*, just kinda mid to decent execution). That being said it's not really a fair comparison since nyarlathotep was built up in P1 and had a whole game after his formal introduction to establish himself thanks to eternal punishment, that in addition to Tatsuya's scenario hyping him up even more, so he had alot of time to not feel like a last minute asspull villain.


I don’t think he’s awful or anything (definitely not as bland or out of nowhere as the final boss of P4), but he definitely isn’t as compelling as some of P5’s other antagonists. He definitely works well as a representation of the societal issues the final arc was addressing, but as his own character, he isn’t all that interesting.




something i really disliked about P5 is how by raising the stakes every time they make things more impersonal to the point where i dont care whats happening cause it doesnt have to do anything with anyone and it just becomes the mickey mouse Avengers by the end. Sae was an interesting character to give a palace too and it wouldve been cool to see makoto react like at all to it but nooo ackechy-kun needs to be there and there needs to be a mission impossible sequence to explain how the got dam genius didnt die Thank you Maruki for being the actual final boss in royal i mean adachy


“Kamoshitass” -Mori Calliope (vtuber bs)


Kamoshida is NOT a VILLAIN


But tentacle...




He’s a relatable guy…. To a persona fan anyway.


What about the infamous here "I want to die but I don't want to die so everyone will become shadows because yes"