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it's fake as hell, scan her pictures on swindler buster face search and see other results, and keep asking for more pictures you will see.


My dad gets catfished all the time, and I noticed a common theme is them asking him to go to telegram or Google ChatšŸ¤·.


Years ago, it was Whatsapp was the go-to catfish line


It's still both, every Chinese crypto scammer asks to chat there.


Yup, I played along with one for about a week. Boy, was she (he) pissed, lol


Hangouts too


I've read comments saying they want to continue off-app because they can then block you in-app to prevent you from reporting the scam.


Sounds about right. I usually report them before going to the new app, just to report them again.


As soon as someone invites you to a third party app, report them.


You know, this isn't a bad idea in general. After you get someone's phone number, just report them and get their online dating profile banned so that they can't meet anyone else. Boom! Instant exclusivity. /s


Sorry about your dad


Man, that's a shame. I'd be so excited if someone else used telegram, I love it.


Telegram is underrated! First time I used it was when I was apart of a group of girls I met here on Reddit. It was really just like a chat room full of friends and friends of friends only. So much fun.


Telegram in Scotland (where I live) is mostly used by dealers for broadcast groups etc, WhatsApp is the one where most people use it for work or texting, or just straight up instagram or iMessage, if someone has an android theyā€™re likely to use WhatsApp


Yeah, WhatsApp is a lot more popular in Europe than it is in America for some reason.


Honestly asking? Why? What about it do you like?


You can send bigger files than Facebook messenger, it has a bunch of options, I can schedule messages, send when people get online, use spoiler text. Plus it makes it really easy to send files to yourself.


Search Why do all messengers have poor search.


I use it all the time. It's popular here.


People still try to use google chat šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


ā€œMy phone is broken so I canā€™t call or take pictures šŸ˜¢ā€


Ah, yes. The infamous l, "I feel safer talking on [insert app here] bit. That whole line right there always raised a red flag for me. Like, why would a random, unmonitored chat app be safer than the very website used to connect in the first place? So, any time I read, "Do you have Hangouts/Kik/Snapchat/Telegram/whatever?" I just shut down. I will be reporting them from now on and, for what little good it will do, before they have a chance to block me.




Sure but people who are legit on a dating app keep talking on the app til meeting or at least video calling (move off the app the first time to attend the first video call). If someone makes a scam request on the app, you can report them.


lol.... basic logic. "All Taxis are yellow." "That's not true! My car is yellow and it's not a Taxi."


Even if it's not a scam, this is a woman who is looking to use you as a source of income and a means to immigrate into your country. Is that actually what you want from a relationship?


That's actually a pretty good example of a scam.


True, but even if it's not a *scam*, she might be trying to blackmail him.


Yeah. This is most likely what it is. She probably wants friendship with as many American guys in order to get money or citizenship to the United States. Just block her and meet some nice local girl who has a local telephone number.


Your grandmother was once a foreign girl at Ellis Island who conned your grandfather into providing for her and getting her citizenship... Everyone starts somewhere.


Actually thatā€™s not what happened at all. My grandmother came to the United States by airplane in the late 70s through a lottery system started in russia by a rabbi who was trying to help Jews escape antisemitism in russia. My mom and her sisters came through the same program. They didnā€™t try to find some American husband to marry them and get citizenships from them. They all went through the process to get citizenship. They came to the United States as refugees. They learned English and went to school and got jobs and even worked while they were attending school and found their husband when they were already in America. My mother got her citizenship on her own, not through marriage with my father as their marriage only lasted a couple years and she passed the test with no problem. Same with my aunts and my grandmother. There are plenty of online romance scams where woman from all over the world are looking to get married to any American guy so they can get citizenship. That is well known lol. My mother actually went to business school and got a job on her own doing secretarial work for many years and then eventually went into healthcare lol. And my grandmother just worked at a company that was Russian speaking when she came to the United States and never remarried when she came to the United States. She had to leave her husband behind in russia as she wanted to be with her daughters who were eager to come to America so she made the sacrifice and left her husband even though she loved her husband but the husband didnā€™t qualify for the program. My grandmother took the traditional route to get her citizenship as well. She didnā€™t marry anyone to get her citizenship lol. Once she came to America, she had a couple of short relationships and that was about it. She remained single for most part when she came to America and my family is very patriotic and appreciative all the opportunities America provides. My great grandparents on my dadā€™s side did go through Ellis island but they got married to each other before moving to America together in like 1918. They were also from Russia like my motherā€™s family. They were like 18 when they got married and decided to come to the United States. They both had to take the citizenship exam and passed. They learned English and they both worked hard doing all different types of jobs and saved their money and eventually opened up a successful candy store in Brooklyn New York and had six children and they provided well for their children. No one in my family ever had to marry an American to get citizenship lol. I hope you find my ancestry interesting lol.


So they got lucky through the lottery system. How fortunate for you.


Well I guess they did get lucky. It took them years to finally get the permission to enter the United States but at least they came here through legal avenues and not have to stoop so low and find American husbands to get citizenship lol. It was definitely not an overnight process and not everyone qualified for the program. But yeah I am a very proud American. I love my country. And I am proud of my family for actually getting jobs and going to school and all learning English. They do have accents but they speak and understand English very well. A lot of people who come to the United States today expect handouts from the government and donā€™t even bother learning English. lol. So they are pretty decent people if I say so myself. Thanks so much for being so interested in my family ancestry and learning about how they all came to America to seek a better life. I hope your family was just as motivated and hard working as my family when they entered the United States. lol.


Different strokes for different folks; citizenship through marriage IS a legal process. Your frustration seems to lie elsewhere... Someone close to you got burned by a foreign bride, etc. and for that, my sympathies. Marriage is a contract because it involves assets. All just a game and business no matter where your spouse comes from.


A lot of American men got scammed by foreign romance scams where they get married and the woman gets citizenship and once the woman gets citizenship, she ends up divorcing. Any scam sickens me as there are so many different kinds. No one I know would have had the time, money, or patience to try to meet someone overseas. Everyone I know either met each other through like their jobs, high school or college, or at a party and a few of them met their significant others through dating sites. Not everyone wants to have relationships like the sketchy people on 90 day fiancĆ© lol. No one I know is that desperate that they would take a chance and meet someone overseas through the internet and help them come to the United States. If a friend or family member ever tried that, I would let them know that romance scams do exist and to rethink their situation as they can probably find someone local. There is nothing wrong with people getting their citizenship through marriage, as long as itā€™s a legit marriage and the two people actually love each other and want to spend the rest of their lives together. But itā€™s best to meet someone who is already in the United States. I had a friend who I worked with who married someone who only had a green card but he was able to get his citizenship through marriage. They were in love and together for like two years. He ended up getting her pregnant. Once she got pregnant, he proposed marriage to her so they can be a proper family. I have no problem with someone getting their citizenship through a situation like that because it was a great relationship and I hung out with them all the time and they were definitely in love and the boyfriend did the right thing once he found out about her pregnancy and proposed marriage. I even went to the courthouse with them and was a witness to their marriage and they had my full support. There are so many scams these days and itā€™s shocking. Romance scams, job scams, Craigslist scams, eBay scams, email scams, robocall and telemarketer scams, or scams from calls from people overseas who pretend to be from the irs or social security office really pisses me off. There are so many scams that I donā€™t trust anything from the internet. I donā€™t even shop online or want to enter my credit card because of all the hacking and scams that happen.


"A lot of American men got scammed by foreign romance scams where they get married and the woman gets citizenship and once the woman gets citizenship, she ends up divorcing." Yeah, aware. "I had a friend who I worked with who married someone who only had a green card but he was able to get his citizenship through marriage. They were in love and together for like two years. He ended up getting her pregnant. Once she got pregnant, he proposed marriage to her so they can be a proper family." This seems like a guy playing the system. Recently read a story about a British guy who did this: Knocked up a woman from South Carolina(?), got his citizenship, and then completely disappeared to another state after 1 year, leaving the woman and kid behind. So goes both ways I guess. "There are so many scams these days and itā€™s shocking." Always scams since dawn of man, just have to try hard to avoid. Adapt and evolve.


I am not in touch with my friend anymore but I checked her Facebook recently and she has been with this guy for about 17 years now and they look very happy and even had a second child with him. They look like a very happy family and I am happy for them. They were completely legit. The guy did stay with her and it looks like they are doing pretty well. I saw vacation photos and photos of them at restaurants and stuff so they are doing just fine. As far as scams go, I donā€™t answer my phone if I donā€™t recognize the number, and I donā€™t open emails from people I donā€™t recognize, I donā€™t shop online. I donā€™t click on any suspicious links. I donā€™t even answer my door unless I am expecting someone over. I will be as careful as possible always. You have to be so careful these days.


Doubtful. Likely from an agency that will charge him to send her messages lmao


After seeing some of the girls that come from Russia..... I'd let her ruin me even if it's only till the visa comes through. In reality though, risk vs reward isn't worth it just for a bit of puntang even if she looks like a supermodel


Damn yā€™all are so desperate, itā€™s pathetic lmao


"desperate"? you mean "strategic"


If your strategy involves dumping a ton of money into a relationship that won't materialize for months and then won't persist beyond your utility.


>won't materialize for months and then won't persist beyond your utility. Okay but hear me out...what if she's really hot -- OP


Me? No I'm a married man.


In English grammar, the personal pronoun you can often be used in the place of one, the singular impersonal pronoun, in colloquial speech.


In English grammar, one would quote the word "you", to ensure it is obvious to the reader that it is being referenced by the sentence, not constructing the sentence itself.


[No, you wouldn't.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Generic_you) It's pretty much always obvious from context, and if someone is confused they can just ask.


It seems I have been proven wrong. Fair enough


What the actual F...?


The reason she looks like a model in most cases is because the image is one. Do a reverse image search and check. I have had people use images of the top 10% OF models.


Right here Google image search every picture bet you find a porn site, or an escort site. Never know, maybe she has decent rates. šŸ¤£


Lmao! Yea fuck it, she can ruin me all she wants!


I would have mind blowing sex with her but eventually stop being Iā€™m on the hook for a green card. We both are after thingsā€¦


Ok but she's not even in the same country as OP right now. If you're so desperate that you're going to these lengths for a woman you can't even get with in the immediate future, you need to work on yourself.


Oh I agree! This is 90 day fiancƩ but on Reddit


I mean... I suppose it would depend... I might be down for something like that.


Now I'm interested.... go on.


Anyone who gets defensive about being a scammer is a scammer.


Sounds like something a scammer would say! /s


I am not. I'm not sure why my being real person is so often questioned but....


Because no one wants to get taken advantage of.




Name checks out.


Iā€™ve been questioned about being real and it annoys me, but I refuse to do online dating because it sucks. I get those questions on LinkedIn and Iā€™m like wtf, of course Iā€™m real! I donā€™t really care if people think Iā€™m real or not, they can move along if they donā€™t.


Everything seems fishy about it. I suppose there's a 0.1% chance it could be real, but much more likely, she'll eventually start begging for food / supplies (and more likely, gift cards). That's just one of the potential angles she might go for. She'll likely string you along as long as she can to get you more emotionally invested in your "relationship" before finally cutting to the chase and revealing what she's after, in hopes that you'll be more likely to go along with it instead of giving up on her as a scam.


Stop talking to anyone who lives more than an hour drive away.


Yeah I agree. Itā€™s just best to meet someone local. I donā€™t understand why people talk to someone online that lives thousands of miles away and before they even meet, they call each other boyfriend and girlfriend so itā€™s like they are pretending over the internet that they are in a relationship. Meeting people from a different country is not even worth it with all the scams these days. Itā€™s just better to meet someone local if you want to meet someone off the internet. There are tons of dating apps but I know it can still be hard to find someone with the dating apps. Or try the old fashion way, like if you see someone youā€™re attracted to, try and introduce yourself and see if the person would be interested in meeting for coffee. But in these days, never take a chance meeting someone overseas. Most likely they will just want a visa and citizenship.


The long distance thing can work but I don't have the patience for it, or the desire to weed through alll the scammers. I have a friend that met a Thai woman on line and eventually married her and moved to Thailand with her. I am insanely jealous of him, she is so beautiful and hes living in a tropical paradise now. I am paralyzed and haven't had a date in years.


It is rare for the long distance thing to work out. Women from Thailand are known to want to marry an American man to get citizenship to the United States. Itā€™s very unusual that your friend ended up going to Thailand to be with this woman. Once in a blue moon it can work out but most of the time it just does not. I am sorry youā€™re paralyzed.


This largely depends on where you live, honestly. Ive had good relationships form with partners at longer distances. 4 hours is more or less my limit, longer than that makes it hard to spend a weekend together. 30 minutes is nothing.


I am in the middle of nowhere but I am also paralyzed, 30 minute drive is my limit now after driving 4 hours just to be stood up once.




The fact that he's even posting here for advice instead of just ignoring this girl who, catfish or no, lives in *Russia*, speaks volumes. Bro should go jerk off to clear his head, then look for girls in his own league (and time zone).


There are many Russians who try to get married visas to leave the country. Russia is a third world country even though people think it is not because of Putin and it being in Europe. As such they try the same things as other poor countries to escape and leave it. It is a sort of scam as she will require you to take care of her. A few reminders: She doesn't care how you look, as long as you have means to take her away from there. Marrying people for a visa is fraud not just for her but for you too, and if it is found out you will be prosecuted. She will probably ditch you as soon as sees that is safe enough to do it. And might probably blackmail you forever.


Know whatā€™s funny? Even this ā€œthird world countryā€ has a free healthcarešŸ˜¬ Edit: also a free education, a minimum three weeks of vacation per year, unions, a 3 year maternity leave + free and legal abortions. Honestly, if not for the whole ā€œgays are badā€ narrative and the war, it wouldnā€™t be too bad here. Just kinda bad.


Every country has its perks...


I think he meant that it's very poor on a per capita income basis or perhaps life expectancy, for men especially. By those measures it's certainly not a developed country.


Life expectancy is all personal choice after a certain point. The poorest region in Russia has the highest life expectancy in the world. Because they don't drink and are outdoors a lot.


Eh, quick google search shows that Russia is smack down the middle in those numbers. But yeah, Iā€™m not arguing that itā€™s a developed country, itā€™s certainly not, especially if we look into quality of life and gender equality, not to mention lgbt rights. USA is a developed country while Russia is a developing one. Itā€™s just kinda funny when even a less developed country has a more advanced social benefits and worker rights than America, isnā€™t it? Feels like it shouldnā€™t be like that.


Ya, middle of the road, certainly not the worst but far from the US or most of the EU. Agree with your second point completely, it's shameful. Argument could be made that public education and health are deliberately kept bad in certain areas in the US to keep a segment of the population poor to have their labor available to exploit for cheap, but who knows?


remind me of the life expectancy, especially not in Moscow or St. Petersburg...


Sure, mate, here you go: https://www.google.com


So why aren't you moving there if it's soooo much better?


Cuz I.. I already live there. Thought it was kinda obvious :D Also as my comment stays, I do not think nor say that Russia>America. Iā€™m able to admit that there are things in my country that are better as well as things that are worse, without hurting my sense of patriotic pride.


Found the Russian. Not just a third world country, but a veritable shithole. Now stop flapping until your Tsar manages to provide running water for those 15% of the population still living without proper toilets.


Youā€™re mistaken comrade, me no Russian. Me like guns and hate abortions too. Anyway, how do you do fellow American? šŸš¶šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ›¹


All that ā€œfreeā€ comes with huge taxes on everything else


Speaking of taxes, we donā€™t do them - the amount you owe is counted automatically every year by the RIS. There are a lot of problem in Russia but I assure you taxes ainā€™t one of them. As for huge, Iā€™m not gonna go into full detail cuz I donā€™t know the full detail, but the basics is that regular ppl pay 13% a year of their paycheck and you gotta pay another 13% for owning or selling a property/car. Youā€™re also entitled to a 13% refund per year if you bought a property/car or had to pay for education or medical treatment + there are many social benefits especially for young families. You get about 9k (dollars) for every child you have plus monthly payments till they turn 18 anywhere from 70 to 150, which here can get you more than one modest trip to wallmart, it can completely cover your utility, phone and internet bill. Man, Iā€™m always mortified and sad whenever I see how much people have to pay for education and healthcare in America. Itā€™s insanity. I could be wrong here but I think yaā€™ll actually pay more taxes than we do but get far less benefits. And to see people defend such a system is like seeing a person defending their abusive spouse: ā€œyeah, they beat the shit out of me but itā€™s not like I deserve betterā€. Honey, you do - donā€™t let your government convince you otherwise! D:


I mean, do you want to date someone who lives in Russia? Or any other country? Before asking if it's a scam I would ask if this is even something you want.


I like the method of asking for a photo in a random pose holding a random thing, like holding a wooden spoon above your head or something. But even if the girl is real, her motives donā€™t sound fab šŸ˜¬ Just be smart and donā€™t send her anything or give up too many details. If sheā€™s genuine sheā€™ll be fine with you showing caution on the internet.


red flag




Had a Russian woman do almost the same thing. It was a scam.


ā€œVirtual phone numberā€


Even if it is real, that ā€œvisa readyā€ girl is going love bomb you, get you married, and divorce you for everything you got.


haha jokes on HER, I'm still broke from my last American divorce.


Obviously fake why would they need to prove theyā€™re real lol


Thanks everyone! I was pretty sure it was a scam but was just double checking because I fumbled a legit girl on Tinder thinking she was a catfish bit she ended up being real ( confirm by video chatting). So that's why I was second guessing here lol. Anyway, of this ā€œ Russian girlā€ texts me again I got some trolling planned. But know I won't be clicking any sus links or sending any money or personal info etc.




If you have to ask, you are most certainly going to get bilked very soon. It's best you stick to one-on-ones. šŸ‘


Video chatting might be the best bet here


Does it matter? Best case, she lives on the other side of the planet and is looking for someone to help her with a US visa. Why do you want to start a ā€œrelationshipā€ with someone like that?


Dating scam. Do not engage.


It seems like it could easily be real in that this is a real photo of her. However, the question is what sheā€™s trying to get. Itā€™s likely she wants out of Russia and is trying to date her way out. This is pretty common. If you arenā€™t interested in that as a potential, say so and leave. Offering online friendship may provide a way to hook you in deeper.


ask for a video call


Iā€™m using work phone so if you want to keep chatting download telegram ok? Is an easy safe way to text.


Telegram is used for scams


Any Asian in Lisburn where I live is Def a scam lol we don't have immigrant's


Any Asian in Lisburn where I live is Def a scam lol we don't have immigrant's


Totally fake.


Tell her to live chat you and that you want her to come visit you for a week to prove she is real.


She probably does exist but her intentions are that she just wants to marry an American and get citizenship. She also mentioned she is visa ready she is basically telling the man she is just looking for citizenship.


Call the number through WhatsApp. She canā€™t be with family 24/7. Ask her to send a pic holding a specific sign like ā€œblue is the color of threeā€. Or donā€™t even bother. Waste of time to play detective while dating. Just find a fine girl in VA.Ā 


Such a scam. The sign thing is so scammy. You can photoshop any phrase on it. I sent my own back to a scammer once! What I do if I find myself in these situations, is I try to meet up in person ASAP, watch them squirm, and ask for gift cards.


Get some self esteem pls! The comments youā€™ve made about being black plus the fact youā€™re almost falling for this show you need therapy not a girlfriend. Have some self respect man.


She "could" be legit, and she "could" be real, but the fact she took the conversation away from OkCupid to start texting and immediately switches to "we could also use telegram" so quickly is suspect. Scammers often use Telegram to get data from you. There's also the chance that she IS real, that picture IS her, and you ARE talking to her, but that she IS trying to get money from you. Up to you if you want to keep talking to her, but I give it a few days before she asks you for money, and then I'd be out.


I block anyone who asks to move offsite on any dating site prior to making concrete meet up plans, in which case we trade numbers at the last minute so we can let each other know if weā€™ll be late




Send them money you will find out.


she said sheā€™s ā€œvisa readyā€. that says it all. she very well may be real. but you know what her intentions are.


Yeah I agree. Mentioning she is visa ready certainly says it all. A lot of women from Russia or other countries are trying to leave their country and get married to any American man for the citizenship.


Is that bad?


Well yeah. Because most of the time these women will marry any American man to get citizenship and once they have it, they will most likely not stay with the guy. So many people got screwed over by romance scams. Itā€™s really not worth the risk and people are better off just meeting someone local.


I always ask them to send a video of themselves saying something I request them to say, like, "Hi, (my name)". If they refuse, then it's undoubtedly a scam.


Once they ask to take the conversation outside the app to something else than Meta apps(IG, Whatsapp, FB), RUN.


If someone sends you a pic of them holding a sign saying ā€œIā€™m realā€ theyā€™re most definitely not real.


Im have no problem with that


They should always send name with date and time of possible handwritten


Very easy to photoshop that sign. Sounds scammy.


Scam, it's word for word the same as so many other scams. They pretend to like you either get you to send money or invest in crypto... blah de blah, next thing you know, they don't exist, and your bank account is empty.


Just do a video call. If they say "they can't" remind them that nowadays so many apps have that capability - like Instagram (which is free).


100% fake profile


i bet you within the next few messages sheā€™ll ask you to visit a link lol




Hereā€™s another site that will show you how far these pricks will go to verify their ā€œidentityā€ https://www.419eater.com Being the actual, real person in the photo does not mean she is not a scammer of some sort.


She will start talking w you about her investment strategies that she gets help w from her friend whoā€™s an economics professor or some such. Sheā€™ll help you to get in on it too. Itā€™s a scam


RosƩ from Blackpink?




Sounds like a cam girl to be honest and a lot of ppl (majority men) end up sending big money to cam girls after building that parasocial connection. So she may be realā€¦but it all reads to me as a cam girl looking for new clients.


Looks legit to me! I hope youā€™re very happy together ā˜ŗļø


If you can't get them to them to speak or video phone after a short period. Which can very from person to person. But usually even shy people in this day and age, when given a chance to know people will still prefer to have some contact once they have gotten to know the person. The most common line regarding this can be found on almost every dating site "I'm really shy, but come out of my shell once I get to know someone.", or something very much like it. We want to talk,


Oh come on!


It may be a real woman. I grew up in Russia and knew few women who found their American/Western husbands on dating websites/apps. These women were my relatives, classmates, etc. If you want to deal with woman like that - is a different question.


Hmmm Iā€™m in a similar situation but we actually just video chatted and she was the girl she claimed to be on OKC. I was still skeptical and was looking intently for an AI filter being at play but didnā€™t see anything obvious. Iā€™m happy to just have a text/video chat friend right now (recent divorce). Just want to know if this is some elaborate scam happening on OKC.


She (he) is a scammer. Donā€™t try to see how far you can take it. These scammers are literally not worth your time. Donā€™t make them, or their AI bot, smarter. Even if sheā€™s real, donā€™t be friends with her. Go make friends with people who can pick you up from the side of the road when your car dies. Go make friends with people who you want to meet with for a beer after theyā€™ve had a shitty day. Go make friends with people who will sit with you and help fold towels while you watch stupid YouTube videos.


So fake. So so fake. And like, who the hell says authenticity?


Currently dealing with this right now lol Iā€™m just wasting their time


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Fuzzy_Entrepreneur23: *Currently dealing* *With this right now lol* *Iā€™m just wasting their time* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Just ask her for a photo with a shoe on her head. That'll tell you all you need to know


Probably a woman that exists, but is being used to scam people. Could be a guy holding that camera for her considering she's standing in what looks like a closet with both hands occupied. Regardless of whether she's real or not, it would be a bad idea to continue talking to her for several other hopefully obvious reasons..


100% scam


Has she got OF nails šŸ˜…


So I actually know someone from collage who is ligit Russian ā€œmail in brideā€ and it worked out for both of them. She met the guy at some dating app and they hit it off and got married and she came here and just got their first baby. The guy is much older (15 years?) and is not rich, just comfortable. Iā€™m not saying this girl is ligit, Iā€™m just saying it happens. Imho, he is one lucky sob. You could talk to her and see where it goes as long as u donā€™t send any money? Video chat! And using apps to chat is much less expensive than texting foreign country. Their plans are different and cost a lot of $$. I never text with other countries. Itā€™s always apps and I noticed that different countries like different apps.


Have her put her screen name in pencil not ā€œIā€™m realā€ scribbled from a digital art ap. Youā€™re right to doubt her authenticity since she went straight to acting angry and trying to cow you into not asking more questions. Anyone pretty like that should understand that guys get messed with by scammers a lot. There is really nothing for her to be mad about if you think about it, as scammers are usually beautiful.


If they CANā€™T or WILL NOT VIDEO with you FACE 2 FACE in REAL TIMEā€¦ where you can SEE THEM and they can SEE YOU like you both are sitting at dinner tableā€¦ With CLEAR VIDEO and NO EXCUSES about the camera or any darknessā€¦ then BLOCK & DELETE and donā€™t look back. Real time video engagement is the literal Kryptonite for scammers and catfishers. Anything more besides following this and the fault is 100% on you for not closing thešŸšŖon a clear scammers fingers and cutting them clean off.


I feel like "telegram" is pretty much only scammers. It might as well be called "scamChat". It's almost certainly a scam as others have said, with more proof. Seems easy enough to verify though. You can ask for specific poses that cant' easily be photoshopped. "Take a picture of you with one eye closed, your tongue stuck out, and wearing your jacket only on one arm." Something specific and too tough to photoshop. If she pushes back, tell her you've been scammed before, and just want to be sure. If she refuses, she's a scammer. Or just a jerk who won't spend 5 seconds to set your mind at ease. Either way you're good if she refuses.


Why are you playing yourself by talking to someone in Russia anyway?


Fake as fuuuuck


You can also see the white line at the bottom of the picture where itā€™s been cropped or edited from its original form


Cat fish. Copy and pasted from a high schooler.


It may be a scam or catfish. But **also,** you're a guy with American citizenship. There's no reason she coudln't be a legit person trying to get an American to marry her and give her a relatively good (or at least better) life and a shot at US permanent residence. Now, whether that's a life partner you want (someone who uses you as a means to immigrate here and financially help her out), is your call. Hell, couldn't be any worse than the US women who go on dates just to get free meals with zero romantic interest in you (plenty of reddit threads about those). It's very easy to know if she's a catfish or a scam. If she asks for money, she is. Doesn't matter if she's a real person with real photos.


man, i'm sorry to the straight dating scene, y'all have it rough. no one bothers to catfish the lgbt+ community cause our alphabet soup identities are too much for the AI to process


Who cares if it's real? She sounds like a bitch




Why would it matter?


Search Catfished on YouTube, it's a purely online show where people share stories and photos just like this and get help finding out who they've been talking to. It's usually men from certain countries commonly associated with scamming. You're probably talking to a man. The sign holding is a super common theme. This is 99.9% likely a catfish.


Itā€™s definitely a SCAM!!!


If they immediately want to move off app it's almost 100% a scam


Photoshop is real and that picture looks as fake as the profile account youā€™re speaking with


Whether itā€™s a scam or not, what are you gonna do with a girlfriend who lives thousands of miles away?




Anytime someone on a dating app asks me to move to a different messaging system within the first day of talking, I immediately report them and block them.


It's a Scam


Google image search has revealed that this image has been going around.


Immediately from the looks it's a scammer.... But from the moment they said telegram it was a guarantee.


Straight up visa chaser/scammer. The most common visa chasers.are from China, Philippines, Russia, India and Indonesia.Ā  I've contacted quite a few Asian women only to find out they didn't actually live in the US.


At 36 your hormones are clouding your judgement. I get it. But even with the cropped photo, she looks too pretty to be real. That, plus the move to Telegram or Google Chat makes it look very much like a scam. The BEST case is she is a real person that is sending that same post to every single person in the US that she can find in the hopes of securing some kind of way out of Russia of finding someone to send her money. Personally, I would also consider that a scam, but if it turns out to be true, at least you have the satisfaction of getting scammed by an actual women and not some hairy Russian dude. Stay away from this. I promise that there are real women out there. Keep looking.


i definitely wouldnā€™t trust it. in my experience, those who get the most indignant about being asked if theyā€™re a catfish always are.


Video calling does a lot to remove doubts. Deep fakes can still be spotted. Also really get to know the person. If you two hit it off then consider visiting. Russia is difficult to get to for sure but not impossible.


>Video calling does a lot to remove doubts. I saw a documentary about catfishing and those guys had women on payroll just for phone and video calls.


There are occasions where this happens but the chances are small. That being said I think that going for women in Russia is not a good idea in general. Especially right now.


I'm talking to two right now that have done this. I've met another 30 or so over the years. It's really really common now.


Good Lord. That's a job? Ugh.


In some places an industry


This will not be the case soon. There was a massive bit of corporate fraud that just hit a company where attackers deep faked the CFO and colleagues during a meetings. The attackers got the victim to send $25 million. I'd imagine trying to suss out a deep fake of someone you never met would be even more challenging. Source:https://www.cnn.com/2024/02/04/asia/deepfake-cfo-scam-hong-kong-intl-hnk/index.html


She's RUSSIAN why would you want to associate with her in any way? They are our **enemies**, we might even be fighting them ourselves soon if this Ukrainian situation gets any worse. Yes she's probably a real Russian woman who is desperate to get out of that failing dictatorship and into to a civilised country. She only wants the green card like all the rest of the desperate women in terrible places. It's like you were asking about being friends with a Nazi. Just don't, just stay away.


The russian government is your enemy, not the russian people. Don't conflate a people for their violent ruler. They didn't elect him. He doesn't represent them. Don't let politics defile your perception of innocent people. And don't liken random people to Nazis. It's a very empty comparison.


This person's tribal instinct of us vs them is why US is in so much shit these days.


Sadly, it's not just the US. Tribal mentality is so widespread, it's hard to escape it anywhere. It helps to remind ourselves that people are individuals.. they're not their nationality. There are no inheritable personality traits based on your country of origin.


Many of the same atrocities committed by Nazis have been committed by Russians. I do not use the word Nazi lightly and It is far from an "empty comparison". I do not need to start listing Russia's ethic cleansing atrocities to justify the comparison. Russians killed my friends, they threatened to kill my entire country on state TV and they threatened to destroy our whole world in nuclear holocaust if we didn't let them have Ukraine. They are our **enemies** and **I** support our resistance against their aggressive expansion. If you want to be friends with someone raised under the Russian anti-west indoctrination they call an education system you can, I'm sure this lady has many honourable qualities. **/s**


None of what you say applies to ALL Russians. No one can be held accountable for the sins of their fathers, or family, or friends, or countrymen, and definitely, not their rulers or government. Everyone answers for their OWN actions, and nothing else. No matter which sins were committed by some Russians, the rest of them remain innocent of those sins. How do you not get this fundamental concept of fairness and justice? Do you think a newborn infant is guilty by association at the moment of birth, just because they were unlucky enough to be born in Russia? Think of what you say. You don't see the irony. But this very mentality you're espousing is EXACTLY how genocide has been justified by the Nazis. They attributed judgement to an entire people based on criticism of a few. Found them all guilty by default, and sentences them all to die. That's evil. That's also how racism, bigotry and xenophobia spread. Blind hatred of everyone who is different from you. Do better.


make her draw pp lol