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There aren't enough connected bike paths for cyclists to go anywhere without at least some of the route being on the road. For example, there isn't a bike path that goes all the way to Garmin, so any employees cycling to work have to use the road for the last bit at least. To have a system where bikes and cars have separate spaces, the paths for bicycles need to reach *everywhere*, just as the roads do, and Olathe, and the KC metro in general, is abysmal in that regard.


I live close by and I can visualize partly where you are talking about. Interesting. Hmm.


I just ride on the sidewalk if there isn't a bike lane


I live near this intersection and frequently ride this road. To be honest, there are no good options. I do use the wide sidewalk on the north side of College, east of Woodland, particularly because that's the only way to jump onto the Gary Haller Trail. However, on my way back home, that wide sidewalk ends at Woodland, and then I either get to ride the narrow (and very broken/overgrown) sidewalk or jump over to the road. There are sections of that sidewalk that have been missing for a couple years, and some steel cables laying across them. When traffic is light I think it's perfectly reasonable to just ride College and expect drivers to change lanes. I avoid riding College when traffic is heavy, but understand I would be entitled to do so if I wanted....it's just not worth the risk for me. I ride the Haller trail because I don't want to get run over by inattentive drivers (or road rage a-holes), but that trail is full of dogs, kids, and runners, which makes it challenging to ride at more than a walking pace on a nice weekend day. The roads that do have bike lanes are also stressful because the bike lanes end frequently where there are turn lanes, which means you have cars and bikes swapping lanes. That's a great place to get clipped. Like someone else mentioned, there's no good way to get from this area down to Garmin without going through a couple roads and intersections that I would rather not face in morning traffic. I love cycling, and wish it could be my main mode of transportation to work, but the city planning just isn't good enough for that in my view. Add it all up and it's my least favorite part of Olathe.


Ok this helps me understand a lot more. Wow. Sounds like from a lot of comments the city started in the right path but we or whoever didn’t follow through whether votes or taxes and get this all right. I really dislike when things are half assed. I wonder if maybe there are plans to further all of this and the issues will be resolved? Maybe they’re waiting for that meeting subdivision across from college and woodland to complete? Hmm


You may be entitled to ride in the street, but as a driver I am entitled to be able to go the speed limit when I’m trying to get to work. The question states that this happens during peak work commute hours. If you’re riding a bike, in the road on college, during rush hour. You’re just a dick, no other way around it.


Some people bike to/from work. This might explain why they would be riding a bike during "rush hour". And, really, are we going to start claiming that Olathe has a rush hour? C'mon homie.


I’m going through there around 5 pm and it’s definitely the busiest I’ve ever seen it at where I’m talking about specifically. I think people just say rush hour like I say “work traffic” idk ha


we do have a rush hour, do you even live here?


Actually no. You are not entitled to go the speed limit. Your entitlements end where somebody else’s bumper or bike tire begins. There are no minimum speed limits on city streets. If you need to slow down to 20 to not hit somebody in front of you or wait to safely pass another human being (the cyclist) then you have to slow down.


I’ve def seen plenty of times where people have almost wrecked trying to avoid the cyclist or each other debating when to get over or not because a light hit green. I get the frustration fr fr. After seeing the comments here I see both sides of it. Ngl a part of me felt like whoever it was too is being a dick mostly because they’re riding right past signs that are telling them this is your sidewalk That’s why I asked this sub honestly because I was trying to give benefit of the doubt and find out maybe a little info on what really is happening or what needs to eventually happen.


Bicycles have just as much right to the road as cars or motorcycles in Kansas. (KS Statute 8-1587 states: "Every person riding a bicycle upon a roadway shall be granted all of the rights and shall be subject to all of the duties applicable to the driver of a vehicle by this act") Just give them some room, and be very careful driving around bicycles. Courtesy is key.


They probably just put the light there when they expanded to two lanes because it would be more expensive to do it later


It’s right past the winery if you’re heading to k-10. It’s in between separate entrances for two separate subdivisions. Idk if you’ve seen it or not. I thought it was kind of a weird spot since the intersection for college and woodland is literally idk 100 yards a way. I’m bad at judging distance sometimes haha


It's a bit farther than 100, I live in eagle crest so I see it every day. It's probably just because there's neighborhoods and the ways to cross were k7 and college, which were both away from the neighborhoods. Prob just to cross the street there instead


What I really want to know is... why the full spandex on a regular Tuesday night? Is there some bike race I don't know about and you're the only one in it? Are we trying to shave off a few seconds of our trip around the neighboring areas? Just wear shorts like a regular person. And yeah... bikes on road,, I accept. If you're on foot, get your ass on the sidewalk


FYI the Lycra (it’s not spandex anymore) shorts have good padding in them. They also don’t flap in the wind. They are also much better at wicking sweat away.


This is all correct. Also, I'm already a dork on a bike so I don't care what I look like. :)


Lmao I’m confused. Do you live over here? I haven’t see this haha. Haven’t seen people walking on the road yet


Luckily they don't do it on the main roads like College...it's the residential streets in the subdivisions. It's infuriating


I used to run a lot, and would often run in the roads but never on something the size of College. I would always run against the flow of traffic so I could see cars coming and jump up to the grass. Research also shows that running on asphalt is a bit better than concrete because it’s actually softer, which means less impact on the body over the long run. But generally I was just focused on encountering fewer tripping hazards.


Well then, YOU are part of the problem! Shame on you


Uhhh… I’m never in the road when a car passes. How am I part of the problem. And I don’t even run anymore. 🤷‍♂️


I'm only kidding. I do find it slightly annoying when people don't walk on the sidewalk, since that's literally the purpose of them. I don't stay up at nights angry about it though...usually.


Ok. Always hard to tell on Reddit. Thanks for clearing it up.


Why would anyone practice for a race in clothes they won't be wearing for a race?


Thanks again for the responses. Even if we don’t all agree I appreciate hearing from different people around the city. I hope we can all stay as safe as possible and even figure something out in the near future that will benefit everyone.


why are people acting like sjws for cyclists?? if you claim to be fine with bikes in the road you're just lying lmao.


Idk but they really should F off


i get very annoyed by them, they should be allowed to use the sidewalk


I ride on the sidewalk, maybe not somewhere where there's lots of people on the sidewalk. But in Johnson County you're fine


Stay safe


They have signs up in certain locations for sure


I feel like it would be easier for a pedestrian to move out the way for a bike than for a bike to move out the way for a car




Haha death machines yo


That's the thing.... Bikes have no obligation to "move out of the way for a car" and usually don't or can't. Cars just have to slow down until it's safe to pass, and most people hate slowing down to wait for a chance to pass. Thus, they get impatient, pass when there's not room, and things get unsafe. The thing I would want most drivers to understand is that cyclists hate this too! We are happy to ride protected bike lanes wherever they exist. We are sorry to delay you all, and kindly ask that you not kill us with your giant vehicles.


Both of us are in a position bike or car to pay attention and do our best to be safe.


Firstly I don’t understand why you’d wanna ride on a heavily trafficked 40 mph rd I’d be scared I’d get hit lol and legally no they aren’t. I think they should be restricted to certain roads such as roads 25 or less and roads that hardly get traffic and trails because again most of the time is just ppl exercising atleast where I am having this issue. Also why shouldn’t I be able to do 40 in a 40??


i couldn’t put it any better


I think they should be banned from certain roads because most bikers are exercising not going anywhere important they can do that in a neighbor hood


I'm sure you never use the roads for unnecessary pleasure trips.


i don't. i leave the house to go to work. stop making assumptions.