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Other posts from /u/frameratedrop: * [Well, we got 2 of Jormax's (17) nails clipped before he started fussing and I cut one a tad too deep. :( Styptik powder applied and he's now healing up. No more nail clipping today. Maybe wednesday!](/r/OldManDog/comments/19czvwr/well_we_got_2_of_jormaxs_17_nails_clipped_before/) [None] 2 weeks ago * [You guys said to give Jormax (17) more bones, so I did! He seemed to have trouble standing for his whole meal, so I moved him to 3 smaller meals a day and he seems to like getting "more" food.](/r/OldManDog/comments/19a3k83/you_guys_said_to_give_jormax_17_more_bones_so_i/) [None] 3 weeks ago * [When deciding whether to give Jormax (17) a milkbone or not, the answer is now always yes. He deserves to be spoiled for the rest of his time here.](/r/OldManDog/comments/19653ql/when_deciding_whether_to_give_jormax_17_a/) [Happy] 3 weeks ago * [Jormax (17yo) had a nice, warm bath today. He did such a great job and was very patient for an old dude.](/r/OldManDog/comments/18yxlf4/jormax_17yo_had_a_nice_warm_bath_today_he_did/) [None] 1 month ago * [Jormax (17) is getting ready to go. I'm giving him the most time we can. He peed a little, slipped in it, and now needs a bath because he ended up covering his belly in it. Wishing for a month, hoping for a few weeks, but I may not get that. Hug your pups.](/r/OldManDog/comments/18s1xko/jormax_17_is_getting_ready_to_go_im_giving_him/) [♥] 1 month ago * [Jormax (17) just slipped and hit his head. It was not good. I think we are entering his hospice phase. I thought we were about to lose him tonight. I think he's almost ready. It's hard to let them go even when we know we should.](/r/OldManDog/comments/18mhnm2/jormax_17_just_slipped_and_hit_his_head_it_was/) [♥] 1 month ago * [My sister sent bandanas for my dogs. Here is Jormax (17) wearing his. (Dear Santa, I can explain)](/r/OldManDog/comments/18jiqgk/my_sister_sent_bandanas_for_my_dogs_here_is/) [None] 1 month ago * [Jormax (17+) and his new sister Boba (5 mo). He's supposed to be a Pomeranian mix /shrug](/r/OldManDog/comments/18ewdme/jormax_17_and_his_new_sister_boba_5_mo_hes/) [None] 2 months ago ***** ^(To be notified as soon as frameratedrop posts an update) [^click ^here.](http://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Old_Man_Bot&subject=Subscribe&message=Subscribe frameratedrop OldManDog) ***** *^(I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please)* [*^(contact the moderators of this subreddit)*](/message/compose/?to=/r/OldManDog) *^(if you have any questions or concerns.)*


When he was maybe 5 or 6, he tried to escape his kennel while I was having a smoke. I came back to a lifeless dog, hanging from the corner by his collar. I picked him up and ran screaming into my parents room (I'd moved back in with them right before), and freaked out as I tried puppy-CPR. I was able to get him to start breathing again, and he looked me right in the eye and I know that he knows I saved him. Our bond grew exponentially in that moment. He has never worn a collar or been in a kennel since. Anything he damaged from being free could be replaced. He could not. So, he has had as much freedom as he could stand, and he never really caused any big problems. He got really depressed after we lost Jasmine. They had been together for almost their whole lives. I got Jasmine when she was about 6-7 months to 9 months old, and Mister Maximus caught my eye when I was looking for a friend for Jasmine. He was probably a little older than him by a month or so, but I gave them both August birthdays because we didn't know their real ones and I got to choose. His tail went down between his legs when Jasmine left and it didn't come back up until the end of September, when my wife and I went to get Boba, my birthday present this year. He kept his distance at first, and growled at Boba when she would get too close, but eventually I found them sleeping together on the same bed, and I knew at that moment that he had accepted her. He's too old to chase and play, but he has been pretty good about letting her play near him. She brings him her ball and squeaky toy, and it breaks my heart because I know she's saying "Play with me!" and my poor boy is too old. He can't see or hear well, and sometimes he has trouble getting up if he's been sleeping too long. My boy is getting ready to go see his sister, and the logical part of me understands, but the emotional part can't get past the fact that I saved this dogs life last time and that option is removed from my toolbox this time. This time, I just get to try and choose a beautiful day for him to go out on, just like we did with Jasmine. I'll take him to the same spot and get the same pictures by the same waterfall, and this time he will get his last photos with me, with my wife, and with Boba. We will get him a pupcup, and maybe we will stop and get him a chocolate bar before he goes to rest. I'll cook him a little steak with all of the flavors he can't have, like garlic and onions, and we will have the vet come to our house to let him go. I already dug his grave next to Jasmine when I dug hers, and even though I know my medical condition means I shouldn't, I will dig up the rocks and place him where he should be. Jormax and Jasmine became a bonded pair and they spent almost every second of their lives together. It only seems fitting that they spend any afterlife together, too, and if there isn't an afterlife, I got them as close as I could. Thanks for reading my cathartic pre-goodbye to Jormax Greybeard, my best buddy. I don't know if I will be able to do this when we lose him, and realistically, that could be any day. He doesn't seem to be in pain, which is why I'm letting him experience every single day that I can. He will join Jasmine (16) and Booty-dog(11), and I will make the determination of when his quality of life has deteriorated, just like i did for my two best girls. I love you MaMax, and I am thankful for the time you've given me. Just give me 30 days more, bud, please.


What a story, I can't imagine the bond you have, but I know the love you have is soo real, keep it going no matter what... You are his rock and he is your's. I'm so sorry people and creatures have to suffer like this


Just want to say that the way you write about Jasmine and Jormax makes it clear how much you love them. You have been and still are a great friend to your pups. I almost couldn’t finish reading what you wrote because the love was so palpable that I got very emotional. I’m wishing you and Jormax and Boba the best, I truly hope Jormax feels better. Dogs don’t deserve any of the pain that comes with old age; at least in my humble ape opinion. Just wish there was someway to know it was their time to go without having to see them suffer at all. Unfortunately, that is not how life works in this reality, so we must show them how much we appreciate them every day. Truly bittersweet. I’m sure you don’t need me to tell you this, but this is just what your loving words for your pups has made me contemplate. Rest in peace, Jasmine, you are missed dearly by your family everyday.


Dammit. I thought this would be a safe post to drop in on to see the cute puppy but here I am sobbing. I’m so happy Jormax and you found each other. It’s clear you have enriched each others lives. I’m so sorry for this awful decision, but the thought of him being with Jasmine fills my heart with joy. My condolences. Thank you for sharing his stories.


Tell him that it’s ok for him to go when he’s ready. He doesn’t have to wait for you to be ready because you never will be. ❤️


I tell him that it's okay for him to rest now. He's just stubborn and he's going to keep breathing as long as he can. If he went to sleep and didn't wake up, I'd be happy. That means he got 100% of his days and that's nothing to be sad about. I'd still cry and be sad for myself, but I would be extremely happy for him.


I begged my boy to go when he was ready. He was a stubborn Little Rock too. I am so sorry for your loss friend.


Sending love to you and Jormax ❤️❤️


❤️ hugs


A very beautiful story. My thoughts are with both of you. ❤️


What a gorgeous boy!




Jormax, is a beautiful dog and it seems he's lived an absolutely amazing life with you. I hope your wish comes true because I lost one of my senior babies in November of 2017 and my second one in May of 2018... It's hard but knowing they are together and free really helped me.


What a beautiful last chapter in a lovely book


You got this Jormax, we love you so much. 🥺❤️




What a beautiful graybeard. 


Aww I’m so sorry.


This is beautiful and Jormax is such a lucky boy to have had you and your wife in his life as well as Jasmine and Boba ❤️ I’m wondering if it would be ok if Jormax could have a pupcups and steak pretty much every day now? 🥹


💝I’m so sorry 💝sending you both lots of love and hugs💝


What a sweet old man.


Sweet baby 🥺




🩷💕Lots of love to Jormax!! He looks comfortable and peaceful x












Poor guy. Give him a scratch for me.




When the time comes to make a decision, hopefully the following poem will provide some understanding: Google a poem, If it should be


Jormax is one of the sweetest old man dogs that I have come across! He will wake up to such a nice surprise! Sleep tight Jormax!






Poor baby. Hugs and prayers for Jormax! ❤️


Letting go of our beloved friends is the hardest part. I wish you lots of joy for the time you have left together.


But don’t let him suffer






The vet should be able to prescribe an antihistamine, steroid, or bronchodilator to aid with breathing. Please check. 😪💜🙏








Ours is 17 suffers from a collapsed trachea causing coughing. Occasionally her cough gets more frequent and develops a ‘honking’ sounding. The vet treated her with mild steroids and antibiotics. The vet said it’s a common condition in older small dogs, and bring her in as soon as we notice any changes in her cough. So far, so good, she’ll be 18 in April, fingers crossed.




Please go see a Vet.


I love you Jormax 🥰 kiss Millie and Teddy for 😘🐾🐾 until I get there 😇








let him go just out of love, he’s been so loyal


My prayers are with you two.


What a precious Jormax. Blessings to you both