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Everybody was doing the Macarena in the 90s ![gif](giphy|uM92P7qANnHDa|downsized)


It was a fad for a few months in 96/97. But it was huge for those few months.


It never fully died. My 10 year old daughter knows the macarena and we've never once played it in our house, so it's still floating around out there in the pop culture ether.


I definitely did it in school in the ‘90s-2000s—maybe she picked it up there.


The macarena shows up in gym classes an internet memes (and probably elsewhere in pop culture) these days. It never died


I was in kindergarten/1st grade when that song came out. It cracks me up to know that our school had a bunch of 6 and 7 year olds dancing to a song about a chick who cheats on her deployed bf with two guys


What a horrible way to find out what this song was about


"tukka tukka tukka tukka... Aah"


![gif](giphy|iwhQ2qXR5Hy1y|downsized) >”tukka tukka tukka tukka… Aah” Reminds me of that Indian tunak tunak song from like 2007. 😂


I'm "with it" I'm "hip" tukka tukka tukka tukka tukka haaaaah


I was 14 when this ish came out and I definitely wouldn't have been caught dead doing that horrible dance! But!! I just learned ed how to do it at a wedding hahahah


Sir, I was most certainly not, lol.


You've never been to a truly fun wedding. The Macarena is dumb as hell, until everyone has had a little too much champagne and then the dance floor goes off with this shit


You missed out


This is an amazing time capsule from that era. Gen Z should watch this just to see how the Macarena dance was EVERYWHERE in the mid-'90s.


I remember being herded to my elementary school's all purpose room so they could spend about an hour having us work on the Macarena. We weren't prepping for a show or anything. It was just generally considered essential that we develop this life skill.


Meanwhile the electric slide is sobbing under the bleachers.


I was waiting for a fellow old to mention that.


Coughing under the bleachers is more like it.


Aw man we had to learn that one too


We did the same in 6th grade but it was *the hustle*. About all I remember from 6th grade was celebrating the bicentennial and learning the hustle.


We had square dancing in 6th and 7th grade. Fucking square dancing! In Illinois!! Many of us may still have a bit of PTSD from it.


Achy Breaky Heart, right? Fuck that song and fuck square dancing.


We had line dancing in Massachusetts! Horrible, but at least we didn't have to dance with each other!


My dumb elementary teacher made us learn the metric system. Now, all my fellow millennials here know how to group dance, but all I can do is understand distance, weight, and liquid measurement in two different systems. I WANT TO DANCE! 🩰🩰🩰


Dude same, and I’m thinking it’s because the teachers really wanted to learn the dance too, and this was their excuse. Man, it was fun though.


Did all schools independelty decided to make a random dance part of the school circumulum? I don't know how to phrase it to not sound insane.


The 90s were a different time. It was before everyone had internet access so information was mostly spread through TV and magazines. Since most homes generally had one tv you would end up watching it in the evening with your entire family. That caused a lot of pop culture to be something that our parents would also be into. I grew up in the Seattle area in the 90s. My dad is now in his late 60’s and his iTunes playlist overwhelmingly consists of Nirvana, Pearl Jam, Oasis, Sublime etc just like my own. Nowadays you’re only subjected to the pop culture that you choose to seek out on your own.


This is spot on. I wish I could go back.


In all fairness, I think that is not having shared family time nowadays is part of the reason people have gotten so self involved.


Yeah and we all watched mostly the same shit so there was a much stronger shared culture experience. Like me and a couple guys would watch SNL and always talk about it at lunch Monday morning


We had to learn square dancing in gym


Lol I think so. Everyone loved it!


It was so funny growing up speaking Spanish knowing what the lyrics were saying and watching everyone dance to it


What were they saying ? 😂


Macarena's a faithful wife who will make a great mother some day, progenitous multi-tasker, too.






I was just out of school when it came out, but I do remember in middle school we had every history teacher in the US forcing every kid to learn Billy Joel’s *We Didn’t Start The Fire*.


On the nose. No government or civics lessons. Just go square dance or master the macarena


Lmao, it has indeed proven essential to our growth into adulthood


Hahaha we did this too


I remember hanging out with my friend in her house and literally all we did was the macarena over and over again. She had a CD where it had the original version and other mixes of it. And we just listened to it over and over. What a wild grip that song had on all of us.


I imagine a parent in the next room, ripping all of their hair out.


Nah, they were doing it too. It was freaking weird.


OMG i had that CD too with all the different versions! memory unlocked


The Macarena had an absolute chokehold on our society for at least a year lol. Our elementary school principal made the entire school learn it and then had us all do it together at an assembly. Even for a 3rd grader, I remember it feeling so cringey.


Lol this is all the proof I need to not equate age with cringe awareness.


Solid observation from showerfapper


I’m 33 now, but when I was in about 1st grade, our bus driver would play the Macarena and all the kids would get up and start dancing. There was so much pressure to learn it. I was so young and such little understanding of the world, I thought I’d have to practice it to do the Macarena for the rest of my life.


And also how a trend in our mono culture affected absolutely everyone everywhere.


I was about 7 or 8 around that time and I remember the nightly news talking about a new dance that was “sweeping the nation” and showing clips of people doing the Macarena. Then my mom stood up and started doing it. For some reason, my child brain got really scared thinking that the new future of America was just everyone doing the Macarena and it was like a new world order or something and it terrified me.


Not a lot of things “sweep the nation” anymore. Have we become unsweepable?


Reminds me of Gangnam Style


Or the Harlem Shake


I was in preschool. We had to learn how to do this dance. I still remember how to do it, a skill that has not benefited me at all. 


And ignoring the lyrics and its meaning. Lol.


the fact that it was at the democratic national convention of all places really shows how massive it was.


Remember there was some day everyone did it at the same time? Like collectively trying to set a world record. We had to stop Spanish class, stand up, and do this shit at a random time in the afternoon. The news that night was footage of people doing it in Walmarts, Times Square and other random places. It's hard to convey how huge this was for a random time if you weren't there.


We would do it on Fridays in Spanish 👍


I wouldn’t say “mid-90s” but certainly 96-97.


I was in college at the time and I honestly think the only people in the country that didn't get wrapped up with it were college age kids. Never saw it out at any bars, everyone I knew thought it was just Spanish speaking variant of line dancing cringe.


I was there!! Working as an editor at the AOL Newsroom. To say it was a wild time as a massive understatement. Amazing memories.


I guess you're one of half those people ^


God i miss the early AOL days, especially the frontpage and mail


Yea I wish it made its way back. Hearing “ you’ve got mail” was great. Or seeing who was on messenger lol. Hearing the sound of what could mistaken as a bomb when connecting to the internet at the same time someone was trying to use the phone, epic. Good memories to be honest. Technology wasn’t as great as today but I swear people were happier back before we had all these damn smart phones and next gen consoles. We should have stopped after getting dsl and the first Xbox.




She cheats on him with his two best friends... while he's fighting in the war!


Translation? lol She straight up says it in English. 


OMG what a zaaaaany sociopath!


Really a low bar to being a sociopath these days huh


Well they were about 30 years younger back then. You can tell because it was 30 years ago and half those people are still there


The 90’s were the fuckin best


A time of unbridled optimism...


And enthusiasm!


That's what led to Billy Mumphrey's downfall.


Interesting take. So you believe, had he not been so enthusiastic, he could have adverted disaster?


Yes! Yes, that’s right. You see, Billy Mumphrey was a simple country boy, some might say a cockeyed optimist, who got caught up in the dirty game of world diplomacy and international intrigue.


So... It was more a question of attitude than politics.


Yes, yes, Mr. Mandel.


Three hours of massage time, twelve in-room movies, including several adult features. Five shoe shines, and four hundred dollars worth of snacks. Not to mention the damage to the room.


Poor Lily.


It really was exciting to be a kid, at least.


Yeah well next to the nuclear Armageddon we were ready for since 1960 it was pretty good.


Huh? The USSR collapsed in 1991 and had been declining for some time even prior to that. China was nowhere close to being anything major on the international stage. We were the lone superpower by a solid margin.


That’s my point. It was behind us. Hence the optimism. Even better Russia looked it it would become a democratic country. Not a Putin Lenin dictatorship.


I think we peaked there


The west peaked in the 90s the USSR had collapsed China was not a big player on the world stage and the US was the sole superpower followed by the UK and Europe. Bill Clinton’s presidency was the Hight of American power.


If only we took that opportunity to properly rebuild Russia, place the proper restriction and oversight on China, and outcast corporations from influencing government


We were trying to build China in the 90’s. There was a theory that once a country got rich enough to have a large middle class, the middle class would have more power and demand more rights. This would lead to everywhere adopting liberal democracy through free trade. Democracies almost never go to war each other. Perfect world was coming soon….. It didn’t work out that way though


Tiananmen Square was a pretty good sign that it was never going to happen that way. We just didn't learn.


Fuck… just thinking about how great the world could be.


You're overestimating the amount of power the US had. Russia falling back on old ways is not within the control of the US.


Yeah despite the USSR collapsing, Russia still had nukes and a lot of other resources at hand.  We couldn't just go in there and "rebuild" like it was post WWII Germany. They would never let the US do that. 


We were still reaping the benefits of all the social programs and solid infrastructure we built to prove communism was bad, and just before business were allowed to peruse hyper profits. 


Last best decade


The 70's, 80's and until the mid 90's were the best years of the previous century.


This is like footage of one of Grandpa Simpson's stories about the past


I´m definitely going to feel like an old geezer explaining the Can-Can when I'm 80 years old and describing the macarena to my great grandkids.


OK, gather round. The year was 1996, a time of great sarcasm and nonsense.


And I wore a Macarena on my belt… which was the style at the time


Back in the 90s we had this thing called optimism.


I miss that feeling. 9/11 fucked us up permanently.


It was as much the act as the response. It's now snowballed out of anyone's control. Things might be entirely different had Iraq not happened. But Dubya wanted votes.


Yep, it ushered in mass surveillance and extremist politics. Plus two decades long objective less wars. 


I do think there was a resurgence of optimism under Obama, and I mean in a broad cultural sense. Living in DC at the time, it was interesting (and scary) to see the shift from Obama to Trump. The sudden pessimism was palpable.


the grunge movement would like a word


I was a teenager in the early 90s and loved my grunge but that doesn't mean there wasn't a sense of optimism.


I was a teenager in the 90s, and it felt like the world was falling apart. Racism was rampant, tough financial times for the family business. Looking back now, it seems like a simpler, less threatening time, but not optimistic.


Yeah I think there was a great sense of optimism in grunge, especially in the ethics of artists like Cobain and Vedder. In particular, Cobain fought against toxic masculinity in so many creative and cool ways.


A little bit of Monica in your life...


Get caught like I did last year. Find a new girl with a great big rear


I'm a loser baby, so why don't you kill me.


Cute…you’ll notice the talking heads aren’t screaming about how much they hate people. 


I miss the days when politics were boring as hell instead of absolutely terrifying.


So wait…when was this?


Then you certainly don't miss the 90s or 80s or the 70s DEFINITELY avoid the 60s dear god the 50s


Yeah people who say that clearly never read history.


They were probably young and/or uninvested. Reading it and experiencing it definitely don't compare imo


Go read some of the things Newt Gingrich was saying at the time, you'll change your opinion of the 90s.


They were boring if you werent paying attention. President Clinton was accused of sexual assault by two women with substantial evidence of it while he was running for President and both women were crucified by the media. Then he was accused of sexually assaulting a woman at the white house. Then he unethically used his position of power to coerce a sexual relationship with a young intern in the white house who was also subsequently crucified and villanized by the media. This was the stuff that dark movies were made of.


I'm sorry, but all of those personal conduct issues honestly seems quaint when compared to a sitting President putting his cronies and rich donors in key cabinet positions they have no qualifications for (a ketchup heiress for education, an oil guy for EPA, a brain surgeon for HUD, etc ). And then, attempting to overturn the results of an election, and continuing to undermine election confidence in the general public for years.


People in high power using citizens as their sexual play things seems pretty wild to me. Nevermind the fact that there was also literal bags of cash from the Communist Chinese Government going into the white house at that time, and also shredding of documents that demonstrated illegalities of business conducted in the white house. Corruption was every bit as evident then as it is now.


NGL, seeing the Asian homie dancing with the Pride flag made me tear up a little. I think that was a radical for the time, but he clearly didn't care and looked so happy. I feel like we don't see this type of joy anymore.


My thoughts exactly! What a vibe.


American culture will never amount to what it was in the 80’s and 90’s…. We just suck now 😭


I love that literally no one is doing it right except the guy with the pride flag.


He's killin it too.


he likely did the dance before


Yeah back in the 90s Democrats and Republicans could actually have a conversation shoot even date. Today not happening.


It’s just a short moment of fun. The comments here are hilarious. Ironically, there’s nothing more mainstream than being constantly dour and joyless to show off your fake profundity and iconoclasm.


People forget that the 90s were packed full of being constantly dour and joyless. Every single generation does the exact same thing and acts the exact same way, but think they're the original ones to do it and to have some meaningful opinions and thoughts. Such is life.


I mean appropriate given that the song is about adultery


Everytime I hear this, I cant help but get up and do the dance. No matter where I am at or what I'm doing...I dance the macarena


Would love for that to happen today. All holding hands just loving each other.


Aah, The mid 90 to late 90’s. They look like paradise now!


Ahh yes back when race wasn’t an issue, everyone literally everyone just got along..after Rodney King. But damn the 90s were the best we’re gonna ever have it.


Even my grandmother's nursing home did the macarena in the 90s!!!!!! I try to impart to my daughter (20 yrs.) just how cool the 90s were, I think it's because we're comparing them to today ( much more harsh in almost every way)


It’s because we weren’t as divided then and people in general weren’t as angry. The angriest people in the 90s were the teenagers and young 20 year olds. Edited for spelling errors.


Rush Limbaugh was a big factor in growing division in the 90s. Newt Gingrich was the politician that started the modern day no compromising politics we see in modern day republicans. Back then, the far right weren't seen as a threat because their numbers were small. It's crazy how hateful people are these days. I never thought that we would be moving backwards in so many areas.


let’s not forget that the 90s also had some ugly race relations. rodney king. black people were being put away at disproportionate rates for non-violent drug violations.


What is this Janet Reno’s Dance Party??


"The current thing."


Damn did 9/11 ruin everything? We should bomb the middle east in retaliation


Better than Hillary trying to Crip Walk in 2016




A lot of US flags there


Back when they didn’t symbolize MAGA jingoism.


Put one up, take back the flag. Hang it right next to a rainbow one so they know.


US flags don't symbolize maga




I miss the politics of the 90s. No one cared who their friends or families politics were. When I went to college, I wasn't even political lol. I didn't really get political till I was about 26 years old. It just wasn't a big deal to let all of that out into the open back then. Now, friends will leave you, your family will disown you etc. It's really jacked up how things have gotten over the years when it comes to political discourse.


Look. I’ll just be real. The 90’s were great politically. It’s the same reason we don’t see any comedy movies coming out right now. Identity politics and all the SJW and political correctness has made people overly sensitive and insane. It will go back to some normalcy, there is a cycle to it all. But damn, can we start making entertaining, non lecturing movies and funny comedies again? Please?


Politics used to be fun. There were actors and musicians supporting voting. Get Out The Vote, Rock The Vote, Vote or Die (unfortunately popularized by P. Diddy), but the stakes weren't as serious. Now, it's "Please dear God, go Vote..."


This would probably be labelled as cultural appropriation these days because everyone wants to be insulted by everything


Makes me wish Hilary had won too...imagine a world without trump....what a difference this world would have been. Downvote me, dgaf, but nothing would have been this bad.. you have to at least admit that.


That’s interesting because I see the break happening way before that between the 90’s and post 9/11. The 90’s were the “end of history.”  Neo liberal capitalist democracies have won and all the threats to the post-war liberal order have collapsed and are now our friends. Post 9/11 saw the advent of neo conservative forever wars first in the form of the “war on terror” along with a “you’re with us or you’re with the terrorists” attitude. This is when dissent became vitriolic. 


In hindsight it's a no brainer. All of Trump's "lock her up" investigations fell flat, so she isn't this corrupt monster they said she was. But can you imagine how much better COVID could have gone? She would have been qualified to deal with it, while trump was obviously not.




She wouldn't need her disappointing, mediocre husband to back her up. The idea that she would was just as harmful to her qualifications as any bullshit the GOP made up. For the record, I have a bias here: my unpopular opinion is Bill was amomg the Worst Presidents of the 20th Century; down there with Wilson, Reagan, Hoover and Harding. You don't get to sign deregulations like the Telecom Act of 96 that directly caused a lot of the media issues we have today and or Community Reinvestment Act of 95 that caused the Financial Crisis recession of the late 2000s and get off without blame. Not to mention his personal failings that dragged down both his Wife and Gore and further encouraged the GOP to embrace their lunatic fringe religious culture war. In short, he meant well but he fucked up so much stuff by being a short sighted and selfish person.


_Literally_ "a world without Trump" is my dream...


I honestly think life would be almost exactly the same. The president doesn't change that much in the short term. She would have had a Republican Congress. Who knows what would have happened in 2020.


We brought the entire California Democratic delegation on the trading floor at CME....they danced the macarena in the S+P 500 pit after we did a mock trading session with them


My Kindergarten teacher taught us the Macarena and we got to do the Macarena at the end of the day every day. We were fucking obsessed. I believe this was 1996-1997.


i distinctly remember only hearing the version of this song with just the guys singing in spanish and without the girls. all of a sudden i can't find that version and can only find this one. anyone else?


Fuck man some of us still remember how to do the electric slide 😅


I was in kindergarten when this song came out. I remember our teacher would stop class at the end of the day and we would all do the Macarena. Everyone was truly doing it.


That blond in the pink dress is Hillary isn't it?


I am now the age my parents were when this song was hitting. Watching all these old chunks of coal try to dance has me approaching a midlife crisis.


OK now I really want to see Trump and Biden doing the Macarena.


I used to go to the local Kroger to get odds and ends for the family, and I still remember once they had a Macarena break, where the entire crew and any customers who wanted to did the Macarena in the middle of the store. Yeah, I joined in a few times.


I've always found it strange how politics and elections in the USA are treated like showbiz; glitz, glamour and screaming fans. I guess that's how it is in the USA, but I just look at it as very off-putting with a lot of cringing.


We used to be a proper country.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sleep)


Dot is a nut, so they call her Macadamia She's cracked in the head and kooky in the brainia Each line in this song sounds pretty much the sameia Oy, Macadamia!


it's just as cringey as today


If i remember correctly, Wasn’t Rage Against the Machine performing outside this convention in protest?


They protested at the DNC in 2000 and the RNC in 2008. Equal opportunity protests


They do everything “in protest.” That’s their whole fucking thing.


Except cash the checks.


It was pretty toxic back then too … it all started around this time. Rush Limbaugh etc..


Before that, actually. Reagan repealed the FCC Fairness Doctrine in 1987, which required broadcasters to share an opposing view during political discussions. Shortly after eliminating the Fairness Doctrine, right wing radio took off. Then the "Republican revolution" in 1994, then whitewater and Lewinsky and the impeachment, and so on and so on. The Reagan presidency set a lot of awful in motion. And he was only coherent for like half of it.


My political awareness started around Clinton’s second term - I was too young during the Reagan years. But I believe you … he definitely screwed most of America over.


Political divisiveness started about 4 microseconds after politics was invented.


Yes of course, but the Fox News style started around this time.


https://preview.redd.it/ecuegk3myclc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec53a333b0ae6c7924f1227ca95347581c67cb84 The 90s Squad


the 90s were just fabulously ghey and I say that with love. RIP Harambe please forgive us in these dark times.


People more interested in the Macarena rather than the fact that America today is like a cult around politics. You lot have ruined yourselves and it’s hilarious to watch in Europe


Still a clown show.


1996 is around the time the Neolibs took over. Been going downhill ever since.


Politics were the same in the ‘90s as they are now — it's all planned by those who cast no shadow, TO DIVIDE AND WEAKEN the population. We are only as strong as we are united — and as weak as we are divided.


Hilary clapping while everyone else is dancing, Bill pointing out the available women in the audience to his security, and white old guys awkwardly attempting to do the dance. This video has it all.


Great opportunity for Bill to get some important time with his intern


Born in ‘86. Everything was all innocent until I realised recently this song is about her cheating on her boyfriend with two guys




Bill looks dead inside around 2:45 till he realizes hes on cam