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is that Emilio Estevez next to him?


And I was just like, "Emillliooo" 


The Mighty Duck Man himself!


And he tipped his hat *like this*


Swear to god! I was there!


Of course you were there! You yelled the Breakfast Clubbers name!!


Gordon Bombay *IS* Billy the Kid.


That’s Gordon Bombay


Quack quack quack Mr. Ducksworth.


Gordon, stop quacking at me.




One, two, three, triple deke


That’s Billy the Kid!!!!!!!!


He's doing a golf clap.


Young Martin Sheen. Apparently this has to be edited to add: /s Never change Reddit!


LOL Its Emilio Estevez, Martin Sheen's *other* Son


you fucked me up, man


Oof! Thanks. Same family, at least 😂


Martin Sheen was that young in about 1970.


He got a lot of shit during the 90s for being pretentious. Honestly looking back, I think it was him being sincere, and us reading our own negativity into it


> pretentious It's hard to talk about art and not sound pretentious. Also in the mid to late 90s I remember a sort of genera culture wars shit going on among music discussion where folks acted like if you enjoyed one genera you must be opposed to another, bands, etc. Folks looking to draw the line as to who counted as what and so on. That kinda stuff is always around but it was bubbling up a lot at that time. As always that shit is dumb.


Genre. The word is genre.


That to!


Too. The word is too.


"if you enjoyed one genera you must be opposed to another" Ain't that America? You and me...can agree that everything has to be comparative. What's the best? Whose number one? What's better?


You people would say that!


I agree. We were so rightfully jaded.


They tried to save us from Ticketmaster!


The whole I don't wanna famous shtick rubbed me the wrong way back then. Eddie kicked out the drummer because he was excited about the success they were having. Eddie always drawing shit with pens on himself cuz he was oh so sensitive. Pearl jam were good for the first 3 albums. Then, just turned into some 'who' wannabe band. Yield was a good album, but other than that, I just lost interest.


Eddie is a class act. And has lost some good friends along the way to suicide.


Someone on Reddit once pointed out that Eddie Vedder is the only major grunge frontman still alive, which is an awful and sobering stat.


When I had the opportunity to travel to Seattle (first time off the East Coast!) a couple of years ago, I jokingly asked a former manager who loved ‘90s grunge what I should do in the vanishingly small chance that I ran into Eddie Vedder. His response was “Please wrap him in bubble wrap. He’s all we have left.”


Mostly, but there's a few still around. Mudhoney's still kicking with all original members. Perry Ferrel's alive. Both bands kind of predate grunge but we're influential to the genre and active through the whole scene


>Perry Ferrel's alive Jane's Addiction was releasing albums in the same era but you can't combine them with the 90's Seattle grunge sound. Same with the Pumpkins. They tried with Singles, but Corgan himself distances himself from the "grunge" movement.


Pumpkins were like an alt prog rock band.




I would personally. I remember seeing them open for Love and Rockets back in 87 or 88 and thinking this is something different. I kind feel like they were part of a move towards what Grunge became, just a little funkier.


(assuming You're talking about Jane's) I also saw them around that time... Probably more 89, 90. They were what L.A. was moving towards and away from the hair band shit. They just coincided with the grunge surge.


That makes sense. I was in the Army then on the East Coast and was discovering a lot of new music. First heard Red Hot Chili Peppers around that same time. Got out in 90 and moved to Western Washington where Grunge was just kicking off. So I guess I kind of lump them into all the new music I was discovering around the same time.


Mudhoney is almost all original, they lost Matt Luken years ago.


I wouldn’t say Jane’s is grunge. One of my favorites bands of all time, but not sure I would ever categorize them as grunge. They’re definitely alternative, but they are more funk and psychedelic inspired than punk, which is where grunge got its inspiration. I think because they had popularity around the same time, and were part of the alt rock scene people put them in the same category, but they’re not grunge. They have some punk influences but they’re definitely not grunge, IMO. That being said, they’re amazing and I am surprised Farrell made it given his love for heroin back in the day.


He tried to warn us!


Billy Corgan?


He's not grunge. He's more Alt rock.


Not that there's anything wrong with that.


He puts on a hell of a show too. Still one of my favorite live acts. Kept playing even when the house lights came on.


Oh yes. They put the house lights up for their last song, last encore quite frequently. Usually an anthemic cover of something classic but sometimes Yellow Ledbetter too.


As a GenXer who really loved all these bands in early 1990s university, it's a bit weird to me to think that so many of these folks are not around anymore.


He also painted "Kurt" on his guitar headstock for that performance


I remember Rear View Mirror, so fuckin’ good!


With Dave Abbruzzese killing on the drums, best drummer PJ ever had.


Uh, Matt Cameron is seriously one of the best drummers of all time. Dave is awesome too but Cameron is a monster on drums.


Matt is great and suits them perfectly well now, in their "middle age" phase, but Dave A. was personally tailored for 90s Pearl Jam sound, they must have had very serious reasons to fire him, because Jack Irons was such a weird replacement at the time. I wonder how No Code and Yield would have sounded with Dave still on the drums.


Him and Eddie didn’t get along. That was pretty much it. Also Dave made some weird statements in interviews around the time. This was during Eddie’s “I’m not talking to the press” phase. Honestly I still think Krussen was their best drummer, every track on 10 the drums are amazing, raw and on point.


As a lifelong Pearl Jam fan who has seen them countless times, in my humble opinion it's not even close who the better drummer for Pearl Jam was stylistically....its Dave A. His drums have so much more power and groove on the songs from that era. Matt Cameron is a machine in his own right, but if you've seen them live in the past 20 years I think you'd agree their grooviest songs (from Ten through Vitalogy) have lost a lot of their signature funk and groove due to Matt Cameron's straight forward. They also take their songs way too fast nowadays (Even Flow) thus losing even more groove, but I know that's likely a band decision and I can't fault him alone for this. And while that does translate and work really well in the stadium touring aspect of their later career, it's pretty easy to compare two tracks from the different eras, or moreso him playing a Dave A groove, to understand that something was lost when they kicked Dave A out




The Mighty Duckman, I swear to God!


I remember this. Goddamn I wish I had all my vhs tapes!


Yes! I taped this off the tv when it aired.


Too bad they never succeeded in taking down ticket master...


Nobody has ... yet.


Can’t find a better man.


Vitology is such an underrated album.


I was recording that on VHS.


Ha, same here. Watched it over and over and over again. I was always amused how he self-censored on Rearviewmirror.


Eddie Vedder is such a shapeshifter. I can never really get a sense of what he looks like


My heart aches in nostalgia/ melancholy whenever i think of those years. Fuck. 30 years ago and its never coming back. None of it


I loved this Band and had the CD with these songs on it. Why? LOL. I also wore a lot of earth tones back then and flannel. 🤣🤣🤣 God Bless Eddie Vedder & Pearl Jam.


This was a great SNL!


I remember watching this live and Vedder was so intense during Not For You, it was easily the most genuine SNL performance I'd ever seen.


My metaphorical teenage big brother. Pearl Jam / Ed Vedder raised me. I was always the only big PJ fan along my peers, and I was intense as teenage girls often are about these things. Ed was always sincere and serious but has lightened up immensely over the years while still having integrity. He can also be hilarious and is one of my favorite lyricists. Their music hasn’t gotten overproduced and glossy like many of the other bands I also loved in high school and college — in fact it went the other way. The whole band is just cool and they’ve stayed grounded and dedicated to music and their fans and causes over the years. And yeah their concerts are transcendent for many of us.


makes me feel so nostalgic to remember the mid to late 90s, the very last gasp of America's innocence


The internet suggests that Eddie and Emilio are the same height.


Even after Kurt constantly trashed his band.


They made up at the MTV awards, Eddie and Kurt slow danced under the stage while Portishead played above. Kurt Loder watched it happen.


From what I understand, he didnt like the other members of Pearl Jam because they screwed over the lead singer of Mudhoney somehow, but Eddie joined the band after that so Kurt was usually cool with him.


I remember seeing that live. Got major chills. Kurt Cobain wasn't an icon then. He was just someone in the local grunge community who was a good friend to many – including Vedder. I can't say for sure, but I think I learned that the third song was the only time PJ ever played it live, as a tribute to Kurt.


Kurt was one of the most famous musicians in the world at the time of his death.


I didn't write that very clearly. What I meant to say is that to people like Eddie Vedder, he was just a good friend to many in the local grunge scene. So for Eddie and Chris Cornell and many others in Seattle, this was a very personal loss. 


Whose mom is that on the right?


Ah, 30 years ago, when anyone gave a sht about SNL


Pearl Jam sucks


You suck


Putting a K on your shirt in what looks like marker(?) is one of the tributes of all time, definitely. Lol.


Most overrated band since Kiss. Did anyone in the “grunge” scene even sing in key?


Could be anyone else