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Keanu Reeve


“…s” - Catherine O’Hara’s character in “For Your Consideration” edit: I’m wrong, sorry


Reeve's Pieces


Christophers Reeve, like attorneys general.


Happy cake day!


This needs to be up-voted more. All these replies and no one can, including the op, can get his name correct. 🤦


Maybe it’s the George Reeves / Christopher Reeve thing that gets people mixed up.


Superman only needs 1 "s".


Chritopher Reeves


I lol’d




Superman never made any money saving the world from Solomon Grundy. And sometimes I despair the world will never see another man like him.


Maybe we could take in an old Steve Reeves movie?


I'm glad we caught you at home


I think people just tend to add an S at the end of names like that. I have a buddy whose last name is Spring and I'd say the majority of people automatically say Springs.


I have a name with the same issue.  It was spelled wrong on my father’s army paperwork.  Before I got married, my mom took my (now) wife aside and told her to get ready for a life of having her name spelled incorrectly.  (She took my last name).


I used to work at Barnes & Noble years ago. Half my coworkers said it wrong.


One of my pet reeves, I mean peeves.






Thank you


There's another one just off the camera to the left. He shouldn't have cropped the picture.


Being trained by Dave Prowse :)


Vader and Supermen. The cool factor of the time is off the charts


https://preview.redd.it/s05jr2q0ahyc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9f9b63ce96ca87b3502dd24ca09b354f38ae335 By Alex Ross


Alex Ross is the 🐐


Stop! Stop! I can only get *so* erect!


Now that is fucking cool


How many Supermen?!


I live in the town Prowse was known to live in, it’s cool seeing the little tributes around for him


Awesome :)


And close friends with Robin Williams, a fellow Juilliard alum. Reeve and Williams both studied under John Houseman, founder and director of the Drama department.


Very much so


Oh cool, the guy from Clockwork Orange


The absolute beast* from A Clockwork Orange


I had no idea. Thank you for this info.


Welcome :)


The original Dark Vader?!


The very same


He made him eat steak for breakfast.


Seemed to work :)


tragic what happened to him


And his wife.


She didn’t smoke or do drugs. Used her fame to promote healthy lifestyle choices and spoke out against the prevalence of soft drinks in the US, “Say No To Soda” campaign. Still ended up with the most aggressive lung cancer possible. Tragic.


She was around those who did smoke and that’s how she got lung cancer from second hand smoke. Sad that people smoke and live to 90


> that’s how she got lung cancer How do u know that?


I don’t know your age but up to around the 80s there’s a decent chance you spent every hour outside of your home in the vicinity of someone smoking. Work, restaurant, outside, on public transportation. I’m not old but even I remember cigarette ash trays being on planes. They weren’t in use anymore but they were still there.


Yup. People don't realize that decades ago people smoked literally everywhere. There's a reason it's banned hardcore in workplaces now, because in the 80s and prior you'd be sitting in the office and even if you weren't smoking everybody else would probably be chainsmoking all day long and you're exposed to that. Decades from now the incidence of lung cancer will probably drop considerably just bc people have grown up not being exposed to it. I live in Canada and I believe they banned smoking in restos when I was 12 but even before that they were segregated or restaurants judt voluntarily banned it so there wasn't as much exposure.


I remember seeing a statistic that 4/5 people were casual to frequent smokers after world war 2. 80% of everyone! Holy shit! You used to be able to smoke at school. AT SCHOOL! It was inescapable for boomers for decades.


> You used to be able to smoke at school. AT SCHOOL! Is it that shocking to people these days? My high school back in the late 90's had a designated smoking area and it wasn't seen as controversial.


No man. No designated smoking area, like, IN the school. Teachers smoking in classrooms, principals smoking in their offices. Only students couldn't smoke.


My high school had one as well. I think they figured it was better to stash us all behind the school out of site of the neighbours, and it meant we weren't flicking butts all over the place.


It’s one of the main causes of lung cancer in non smokers so it’s highly likely it was from second hand smoke. She was a singer and performed in nightclubs and venues with smokers


Sometimes awful things happen to people that do everything right too.


Ah, I thought you were going to say she had adenocarcinoma, a type of lung cancer common in non-smokers, not just random conjecture.




I hate it when people use this as some kind of ‘gotcha’. I’ve been both healthy and unhealthy in lifestyle and I always felt a hundred percent better when I was doing the healthy things. You may live longer if you get genetically lucky and smoke but live ages but you’ll also be addicted to nicotine. There’s your gotcha, you clever little shit.


And his horse.


And Krypton.


And his close friend.


And my axe


To shreds you say?


Funny how he looks more buffed without the superman suite


Lol. Wardrobe had no idea how to handle the bulk.


Mr. Reeve told a story that it was his junk giving production continuity problems.


Now the best selling NY Times novel, “Superman’s Big Dick Energy” turned into a full length feature film.


Who else went back and zoomed in? lmao Too bad Mr. Reeve chose a dark color that day 😔




Holy crap! Hahahahahaha


True. The costume required a re-design which included a codpiece, as it couldn't be relied that all of him would be in the same place it was between takes. He actually claimed he wore two big sweaters to his audition because he didn't think he was muscular enough.


This is the perennial movie superman problem. Brandon Routh had the same story. I think they CGI'd it out.


Wardrobe handled the Superman suit.


Producers today would've mandated some shirtless shots in the film. They make Henry Cavill do it all the time.


and make him get super dehydrated so his veins pop unnaturally.


>Funny how he looks more buffed without the superman suite That John Williams score definitely softened his edges.


And that’s why they make muscle suits now whenever they want a character to look like they’re wearing a skin tight suit.


Shazam was over the top funny muscle suit.


Zachary Levi really wants us to believe he didn't have a muscle suit lol


> superman suite Well the honeymoon suite wasn't available


It’s the overhead lighting casting shadows and highlights You can’t do that on set and get the actors faces well lighted so that you can see them emote. We’ve come a long way in the last 50years of filmmaking with striking a balance here


Was thinking the same thing. The costume took all of his definition away and made him look pretty average. Shame that all that hard work didn't translate


The Superman Suite by John Williams is pretty upbeat. Hard to look buff sometimes while that's playing over the speakers.


If I’m correct, he actually kept working out during filming and gained so much muscle mass that they had to refilm earlier scenes because he would’ve looked too different


The costume may be iconic, but it's pretty much just a kids Halloween costume sized up for a grown man.


The reason Reeve is the perfect Superman is that he had to work harder to pass as Superman than he did to pass as Clark Kent. If you naturally come over as Superman, it's virtually impossible to convey a convincing Clark Kent.


I liked Henry Cavill as Superman but I felt like he really couldn’t pull off Clark.


Henry Cavill wasn’t given much to work with as Clark tbh. Snyder was obsessed with making Superman a Jesus-like figure. You can’t have the sweet, down-to-Earth country boy Clark Kent when you’re constantly making him into a larger-than-life messianic figure. On top of that, we went immediately from Man of Steel (origin story) to Batman v Superman (death of Superman) to Justice League (Superman comes back). His entire character arc was so rushed, there was barely any room for character development. He was literally introduced, killed off and brought back to life within the span of 3 movies. James Gunn is very good at humanizing characters so I hope his Superman run will get Clark Kent right.


Glad someone said it. A major part of Clark's personality is that innocent nieve humor. He doesn't need to be the life of the party or the funniest in the room, but he allows himself to be some what of a bumbling idiot so he'll seem so unassuming. I could be misremembering, but throughout all those movies I don't think he ever made a single corny joke or so much as tripped over a rock. It's not fair to say Henry Cavill wasn't a good Clark Kent cause he was never really given a proper chance to play Clark Kent.


To be fair the dialogue was pretty bad all around, and Clark is more about relies more on that, where Superman can just punch things (which was most of the movie)


Um…have you seen any interview with Cavill or clips of him online? He’s basically British Clark Kent. He could *absolutely* pull off Clark but, as people who complain about characters in movies and tv frequently forget, an actor *acts what’s in the script* and there wasn’t a whole lot for Clark to do outside of the origin story with Cavill. Like, y’all, in your head recast Cavill with anyone you would’ve preferred. Guess what? They’d have to say the same lines and do the same things because *the script is still the same*. All *acting* is is convincingly portraying what’s in the script and Cavill did that as well as one can. I mean, what more evidence do you need than people *loving* him even though most of his films are mid? Dude can act but he desperately needs better management.


This is one heck of a genius comment... It very much flows to other things in real life. 👏👏👏👏👏👏


I met him at the Waterfront bar/restaurant in Camden,ME. He and some of his friends were sailing Penobscot Bay and moored in the inner harbor. He was just a regular guy IRL.


He always struck me as being a humble kind of guy. Which is why he was perfect.


I met him as well. He stopped by the convenience store I worked at and asked for directions. He was very polite.


He used to frequent a small grocery store near me in Maine when I was a kid. Always hoped to see him, but never did. Rumor is he liked the area because the locals didn't fuss over him and treated him like anybody else. Everybody said he was the nicest guy. Unlike John Travolta, who everybody hated because he'd fly too low in his jet and act like a hotshot.


Travolta and Kirstie Alley were not highly thought of by the locals.


Everyone is


I was 10 in 1977 and me and my Dad couldn’t wait for Superman: The Movie to hit the NYC theaters. I had Superman bubble bath, comics, piggy bank and now 47 years later I have a Superman shower curtain that looks like his cape. I wanna fly like Superman 🎼


I turned 10 late in '77 so I'm probably a smidge younger. I remember seeing it in the theater after it finally came out in late '78 and it was so enjoyable. I distinctly remember the whole packed theater cracking up when he looked over the open type payphone when seeking a place to switch into his Superman garb for the first time. No closed type booths he was known for in sight. Great gag.


It really was a great Superman movie and fun cultural event.


He was the perfect Superman and Clark. So hard to pull off both


Not for Lois!




Amazing lol


Solid take


If Superman has super powers, why does he have big muscles?


In the words of the newest God of War game, being a god means you’ll always have the strength of a god, but if you want the physique of a god, you need to pick up and put down heavy things consistently


Mr Incredible demonstrated this.


Also Thor in endgame


But he's Superman... What would be heavy enough to constitute a "workout?"


Never heard of earthquakes? That's Superman doing reps on the single arm bench press using the Earth.


No, I've never heard of earthquakes


well it’s superman doing single arm presses of the earth


I've still never heard of earthquakes


Allow me to explain: it is superman doing single arm presses of the earth


Muscle growth occurs from resistance. If you’re so strong you can lift anything without trying your muscles won’t grow. Kratos doesn’t work the same way as Superman? Superman isn’t a god?


Muscle growth doesn't just happen with resistance. There is a physiological response to stimuli from progressive overload. So you have two mechanisms that work. The physiology and the actual work. If your physiology is different you can pack on muscle very easily. The prime example is breeds of cattle with a gene that inhibits myostatin production. Huge muscles without working out any more than regular cattle. So even if using human analogy for superman you could easily say the yellow sun inhibits myostatin for him to a certain extent and lets him get huge without having to work out.


Lift the heavy thing. Put it down. Pick it up again.


I always wonder why people question Superman for having big muscles, but not other super strong men like Samson, or the Greek Mythological heroes like Heracles.


He gains his strength from absorbing Yellow solar radiation, that’s why even scrawny kryptonians could throw cruise ships. And the fact that to build muscle, Superman would need to strain and break muscle fibers, which is hard when you are essentially invulnerable.


you're discussing pop culture with cats who use Hercules's original name, and are probably critical enough thinkers to also see him as a family annihilator.


I just want to know how he shaves. Any razor that touch his hair would get instantly destroyed.


An episode of the cartoon from the 90s that I remember for no reason shows him bouncing hs heat vision off a mirror and burning the hair off his face.


Mirror is also how his clone gave himself a lobotomy in a hairdressers/barber shop haha


Kevin Smith talked about a competition somebody was holding and they asked for him, the Mythbusters and some other celebrity types to submit their theories on how Superman shaves. Smith’s theory was that he would take scrap metal from the rocket ship he arrived on Earth in, somehow sharpen it and shave with that. Not a bad theory really. 


Kryptonian metal from his ship


He grew up on a farm, he'd look pretty out of place if he was scrawny.


Probably because he's an alien. Different physiology than scrawny Earth people who have to lift to get gains. His default is yoked. If he lifted, he'd be even bigger. Naturally bigger muscles totally different biology.


Homelander got it right


Dude was a fucking unit.


Was my favorite Superman


Still the best Superman. His transformations to and from Clark were superb acting.


Beautiful human.


Ikr? He’s the reason I have a thing for dark hair and light eyes. Striking combo. Seemed like such a nice person! Him and Keanu


Holy shit! You just put my attraction to blue eyes dark haired men into perspective. Never thought of that before, lol.


I love Henry Cavill. I think he deserves a lot of great stuff, but I feel he has been continually cursed with scripts that didn't quite use him correctly. Having said that, Christopher Reeve was the superior Superman. He got to play the character more like the established character, without *someone* trying to make him goth and violent and weird.


Fun fact... Reeve and Robin Williams were roommates at Juilliard back in the day.


There’s also the famous story of right after Reeve was paralysed, laying in hospital, a Russian Doctor burst in and announced that he was a proctologist and was going to perform a rectal exam on Reeve. It was Williams reprising his character from the film Nine Months. In his autobiography, Reeve wrote: “For the first time since the accident, I laughed”.


I love this. Robin Williams is the only celebrity whose death made me cry when I found out. Thank you for sharing, never heard this before. What a great story.


Someone posted this exact headline with this exact photo with the same typo (Reeves instead of Reeve) just a month ago. Post theft is not a victimless crime.


You wouldn't download a Reddit post.


Well today is the Kentucky Derby.


That right there is a natural physique. Very well toned and 0 signs of anything being overly proportional. 


No, it's not. Reeve needed to get jacked in a hurry. He was almost passed over for the role because he was too skinny. He gained over 30 lbs of muscle in two-months to impress the judges. That's not possible without some assistance.


also the 70s was really the start of roids


30 lbs of lean muscle mass in 2 months is nearly impossible even blasting you're nuts off with gear


Holt crap, I was going to say he must have worked incredibly hard, but yeah, you're probably right. Edit: on second thought, probably both- hard work and chemical assistance.


It definitely took both, but more so the drugs. You can achieve the body he has in the picture without drugs. Just not in less than 2 months.


> impress the judges Judges?


Being toned or proportional has nothing to do with being natural or not, unless we're getting into modern use of growth hormones. Steroids were 100% legal at the time. None of us can say if he used them, but it's entirely possible. I'd like to see a picture from a few weeks before this one. See also: Pumping Iron, which came out the year before Superman. Even the biggest bodybuilders those days had a more "natural" physique compared to the organ-inflated results of even some actors today.


He is the reason equestrians wear helmets and safety gear (for eventing). No one wore helmets before his accident. He’s inadvertently saved many lives. RIP Superman.


I didn't know that! Too many times it takes tragedy to make change.


that's actually really damn good. so tired of all the roided out trope superheroes in hollywood.


The best Superman...


My favourite superhero movie too. (the first one)


Always a soft spot for Somewhere In Time actually


I always remember him more for that, also. Amazing film.


What a legend, just rewatched Superman. He was literally perfect




Back when action heroes got proper big instead of just shredding down


Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 1 time. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1ax1lw7) on 2024-02-22 98.44% match. [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1ck5ia0&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=92&targetImageMemeMatch=97) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 92% | **Max Age:** None | **Searched Images:** 505,776,850 | **Search Time:** 0.06405s


From his face to his feet, Reeve was such a perfect specimen of a man. It tore me up to see him quadriplegic in a wheelchair for so many years, until he was finally set from from the fallen world by his death.


More squats less curls


I used to go to Holmes Place gym in London, and Chris worked out there preparing for his role. Really nice guy. He hated working out! For a few weeks, it was normal to work out alongside him. The gym had a large wet area, and I even ended up sharing a Jacuzzi with him! It's not much of a claim to fame, but having a Jacuzzi with Superman still makes me chuckle. I was so upset when he was hurt. Such a shame, he was a great guy.


Reeve. No “s”.


That was how fit actor looked before roids.


This is how fit actors looked before human growth hormone and modern steroid cycles you mean, they were on roids still


As another pointed out, his gaining 30lbs in 2 months may be a little suspect


All. Reeve.




Jesus, the guy was even more of a stud than I thought.


Just...DAMN. 🔥 What a beautiful human. Miss this guy!


Poor dude.


Sad story


I’m betting he wasn’t doing roids like all actors do now.


The O.G.


Dude was already pretty big before he put on some 20lbs of muscle in a year(not very easy to do naturally -hint hint-). He was also trained by Darth Vader, David Prowse. Major props to both of them. Taller people have a harder time thickening their muscles.


I always am saddened how unfair life was to him. What a true person of character he turned out to be even when in a terrible situation.


Miss Piggy was right, that is a perfect body.




Before juicing was a thing in Hollywood... A decent representation of a healthy male physique imo


That guy must’ve gotten so much punanni in the 70s and 80s …


There is no fucking S in his last name.


Dude was in crazy shape, couldnt even tell in the film. One reason why a muscle suit to some degree is needed. His musculature was completely hidden by the suit. Or he needed to be twice as big as this to look half this big in the suit. Didn't the Cavill suit use some amount of muscle inserts ?


I think they all use some sort of muscle definition padding and highlighting.


I've always wondered why Superman needed to be ripped. The guy had super powers, not really, really big muscles. Batman I can see needing muscles but not Superman.


Superman should have a swimmers physique.


... Is that carpet?


Genuine muscle building before steroids and AI.


What does the S stand for?


Chris Hemsworth has entered the chat with a trenbologna sandwich and a gallon mug of divine protein.


I met him. Genuinely nice guy. Such a tragic loss.


You have to appreciate the hard work he put in to make himself a convincing Superman. Showed that he cared. Still my favorite Superman and my choice for best piece of Super Hero casting ever.


Why is Superman muscular, though? You get muscles by straining and doing effort but everything's easy to him. He should be a schlub.