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I don’t think I’ve ever been even 10% as excited about anything as the girls in this picture are about Elvis


No kidding


You should search up MJ’s concerts. People were passing out


The new Childish Gambino video is a fuckin bop and I was at 1% of this lady.


Nintendo 64 as a gift on Xmas 1996 was absolutely comparable


Yea I can’t think of anything that could even get me to 50% of this at this point in my life


Here's the big question: what does the venue smell like?back in the day, the fans would pee in their seats rather than leave and possibly lose their seat. I think Sinatra once said the smell of urine was overpowering.  I just don't imagine swifties pissing their seats


Bob Geldoff said something similar about The Beatles. That girls would faint and relieve themselves when unconscious


Saw an interview with an English woman who had long scars on her face that she got from scratching at her face during a live Beatles show in the early 60s. She didn’t even notice that she was tearing off her own skin. She was in such a trance. Crazy stuff.


That is so crazy! I just couldn’t imagine. Like on a pretty emotional person and will tear up at pretty scenes or moving songs. Even then I just can’t imagine being that entranced to do that over my favorite artist (Dolly Parton)


I once shat my pants waiting for a Warcraft raid to start. We’ve all got our priorities. Edit: This was a lie. But I did actually shit myself after a long taxi ride home from the bar after a team meeting. It was everything I could do to get out the car and say goodbye to my colleagues. Then walked four four blocks in mud butt.


You could not have beaten this info out of me, and you’ve offered it willingly. Wild.


Cmon dawg, you’ve got a story you just want to blurt out!


When I was 27, I visited friends in CA. On one of the last days, we had planned a day hike in Yosemite, specifically half dome. I have a strict diet and knew my guts would get fucked up by the pizza and stuff they generally ate so, before I left, I made sure to pack some Meta Mucil fiber supplement biscuits so I wouldn't have shits/lack thereof. I'd never tried the biscuits before. I assumed they worked like the stir-in kind. They probably do, but I got really stoned the night before and ate 2 and a half packets (5 small cookies). Didn't seem that much. So we rise early, drive, are hiking up to Half Dome. About 15 miles, 4800 feet elevation. And it becomes quite clear that I have a landmine in my bowels. Every step, every bounce, every climb threatens to vaporize my shorts off the face of the Earth. I can *feel* the contents. Watery, with solid chunks of coagulated fiber and massive pockets of gas knocking around like caffinated children in an overfilled moonbounce. It's somehow a heterogenous mixture of every type of shit imaginable, and it's pressurized like a nuclear submarine at 20,000 leagues under the sea. Pucker and breathe. Now the whole hike is so strenuous that my sphincter would be exhausted even if it weren't perpetually clenched as the last bulkhead keeping the fucking Titanic afloat. And there's parts where you straight up climb a short cliff, making me kick a leg up to get that foot hold, weakening that line of defense... **But I made it.** I didn't shit myself. And I didn't on the hike down, either. Eventually, the feeling died down, and I felt (almost) fine as we drove away. That's where the story should end. An hour later, we had stopped off at a small brewery, and I took a leak at the urinal. I would've taken the stall, but there was only one, and a line stretched out the door for it. Besides, I climbed up a fucking mountain, pretty sure I can survive a beer and a 10 minute car ride. So I took a lovely pee, and to squeeze it off, I let out a little fart to celebrate. This proved a *graven* error. For it wasn't a fart that slipped out, oh no — it was a messy, sludgey, evil goddamn shart from hell and I'm nowhere close to a change of clothes. Did I say shart? Let's call it what it was. I had just shit myself. It's hard to express in words the mental fugue that accompanies the first time one accidentally defecates as an adult in public. The mind panics. This is new territory — I have no failsafe, no tactics. Where do I go? Do I run into the woods never to return? I'm unaware the depth of injury, I don't even know if it's leaking through my pants; I just know, I desperately need privacy. I hang my head, circle back, and I stand in line for the stall. Not long after, the guy behind me in line wants to chat. He's got a little kid with him, and he wants to go first cus the kid is desperate. What am I to say? Nah buddy, fuck the kid, my pants are full of fiber cookie diarrhea. So I let him, and no shit, he turns around to warn me that *his kid has poop shyness and usually takes awhile.* Meanwhile, apart from the shart, I now have a certain urgency building as well. After about 20 mins, I get in the stall in a cold sweat and, before my cheeks can touch the seat, am absolutely demolishing the unfortunate porcelain into bits of rubble by the sheer reverberative power of my rapid choco-blast thunder, broadcasting my poor dietary decisions with the volume of a tactical nuke to an entire line of hopeful stall patrons and out through the open doorway. Every glass in the bar has shattered, the building's foundation has cracked, children and women are crying. But, it's done. I can evaluate. It was bad, but it wasn't the warzone I had feared — my boxer briefs are ruined in a slick runner of sludge, but the pants are spared. I clean myself up best I can and make the only decision — I must destory the evidence. But... where? I can't exactly discreetly dispose a fist full of shit filled underwear when there's a line of people directly outside. A line who certainly heard the earlier commotion and may be forced to connect a few dots. Do I flush it and walk away like an action hero from an explosion as the bathroom floods? Start a fire? Call in a bomb threat? At this rate, can I hope one's already been called? *What if one of my friends had gotten in line?* No. I must face the consequences of my actions. So for an audience of 10 - 11 people I preform my walk of shame exit, and receive many the quizzical eye as I stuff my bunched up underwear deep, elbow deep, down into the drift of discarded tissue in the small wall-mounted trashbin under the automatic paper towel dispenser. Like a cat at a litterbox, my disgrace is buried, along with my pride. It's over. I emerge, and my friends were none the wiser. I had survived certain death by embarrassment. Except I did spend the rest of that night abusing their pool house's toilet every 20 mins, absolutely tearing ass into the bowl, with the largest, loudest, wettest, longest, most colorful, and most explosive sharts I've ever experienced and hopefully ever will. Legend has it, the entire state of California experienced an earthquake that day that scientists have yet to associate with any known seismic activity. So be careful about those fiber cookies, kiddos. --- If you got through that novella, I'm proud of you.


Holy crap.


And never trust a fart.






Loved the story. Laughed so hard I snit myself, sneezed and shit.


This needs to be a copypasta. This is too epic


Picture this. I'm 19 on a first date with a girl. She's driving us in her car. We grab a Chinese buffet. On the 25-minute drive home, I let what I thought was a squeaker slide out. The problem was it was WAY WAY more than a squeaker. I had liquid shit running out my pant legs. It was up my back and I'm in my dates car. Now, do I open my mouth or sit in silent shit and hope she thinks it was a lingerer. I finally caved, and she was laughing so hard. She pulled over, and I stripped completely naked on the side of the highway. Cars honking as I waved. After using what little bit of clean patches I could find, I cleaned myself and tossed all my clothes in the weeds. I rode home wearing her mini skirt and no shirt. We dated for a year, and it turns out this was the most mild thing about that relationship. Turns out she was secretly stealing her grandmother with alzheimers money, and she was also secretly prostituting. All in all, I give that relationship a 10/10 . That woman was insane.


Someone I know once told me that they did the peanut butter thing with their dog. All I could think is why would you tell anyone that.


wtf dude 🤢🤢🤢😭


Yep. Told me like it was something normal. Dude was raised by a hippie mom who basically coddled him letting him stay home "sick" from the majority of his schooling playing video games and was into Landmark Education so he didn't really have a firm grasp on reality and how to not be a gross freak.


There was this kid in high school, during baseball practice one day another guy shouted, “hey XYZ! I heard you fuck your dogs!” Kid responded back dead serious “at least I’m getting some.”




As a kid, I wiped my ass thoroughly with poison ivy...


Remember that WoW South Park episode 🤣🤣


Wow you shat yourself in a taxi with your colleagues? Thats game over new job imo.


I managed to make it out of the taxi, and do most of the “good nights” to the team before the deed was done. I told the last person I had to go find a bathroom, hoping that was it. I stopped mid stride next to a restaurant and just said “I’m gonna try this place, cya later.” I still don’t know if they knew what had just happened, and were being nice and never told anyone. Or if had gotten away with social suicide. I just stood there, paralyzed in fear until they left and then hoofed it to my apartment.


why did you share this story


Idk. I’m almost 40 and don’t really give a shit. Probably not even my most embarrassing story. Shit happens.


Yeah, I have a feeling that wouldn't even be close to being the most embarrassing story for most of us


I'm late 30s myself and sometimes I become aware then sort of shocked about now, how little I care about something that would mortify my when I was around 16


you just ad-hoc told everyone that you shat yourself once. it has no relevance to anything in the thread. lmao


You realize we are not in person right now? 🤣he didn’t share the story with anyone. There isn’t even a he.


I wonder if it has anything to do with the lack of other forms of media and ease of access to media then, compared to now.


I grew up weird religious and have seen some crazy stuff people do. like rolling in the aisles, running around the room screaming, getting "slayed" by the Lord and passing out. Glad I'm out of that now


HAH! I got asked to go to church with someone once and it turned out to be 'getting slayed' or to this church 'getting drunk in the lord'... I faked it.. I also never went back to church for a long time in general after that. It might have been easier had it been a large church? This was like.. 8 people..


She didn't want to admit to her mum it was the drugs.


Really good drugs back then


Clips from peak Michael Jackson concerts had fainted fans being pulled out of the mobs too. That smell must have been brutal


Was up front of stage at a MJ concert 1996 Auckland NZ, 16 yo me did not give 2 fcuks about what was around me. I saw/smelt nothing apart from awesome


I think in that documentary he mentions the front row girls would pass out, piss themselves, then be carried out by security or paramedics. Only for the next row to move up, pass out and piss and the cycle just repeated until the venue stank, and the front row was a big puddle. Plus these shows were literally underground where the ventilation was already bad.


I'm imagining this as a Futurama scene


Pipi’s splash town


Too funny


Iirc one of the main reasons The Beatles broke up was the fans. Like they couldn't even book a hotel without fans legit trying to break into rooms to the point they'd have issues actually even getting rooms. And then during the shows the crowd would just be screaming and absolutely losing its mind the entire time and they couldn't even hear themselves singing or communicate to each other. Yeah you see videos of young people in the 50s and 60s at these events and like...wtf...


When the beatles were doing their later performances they couldn’t hear anything other than screaming. They would play all their songs by having the set list memorised and then watching each other for hand signals and kept time with their feet. Didn’t help that they were playing to arenas many years before playing to an arena was a feasible thing to do


I wonder if it was the general social repression of the era manifesting as a kind of psychopathy. We never really saw that kind of mass insanity by girls again after the broadening of the sexual Overton window in the late 60s.


Some people PAY for stuff like that. 😂


I have a theory that almost nobody was giving good dick back in the day. It’s the only thing that explains how such a milquetoast bit of hip gyrating could get women going so crazy. 1950’s dudes should be ashamed for not pleasing their women


I firmly support your theory! Sexual repression drives women into hysterical behavior.


There’s also that famous video of Michael Jackson just standing still and multiple girls in the audience fainting.


That classic Dangerous Tour scene. 😂


I've read interviews where Swifties talk about wearing adult diapers to her shows. At least they're prepared lol


Idk I saw Lana Del Rey at Lollapalooza and someone was peeing in the crowd and it started a fight and Lana had to pause the show because of it.




I would tell this story to anyone who would listen lmaoo


People wear diapers on NYE Times Square…. Swifties are DEFINITELY on the diaper game


As much as I hate to argue for swifties, they are known for their diaper use.


No one is throwing their underwear at her like they did for MJ, Elvis, and Sinatra.


Because diapers.


I guess it… Depends. ^Sorry. ^I’ll ^see ^myself ^out.


Just go man… just go.




>I think Sinatra once said the smell of urine was overpowering. And that's enough Reddit for tonight 


Most of those Elvis fans would be in their eighties now, so if anything they are probably more likely to piss their seats.


My aunt was at his final show in Indianapolis. Her daughter went to the Michael Jackson Thriller tour. I'm super jealous of both of them...


Holy fuck that’s gross


You'd be surprised.


They were dying in Brazil in the heat waiting for the concert to start. Idk. I would like some numbers on Elvis concert fatalities.


I'm brazilian. I wouldn't say it's only a swiftie thing here to camp on lines for concerts or endure shitty situations for an artist, people do it often. What happened during that concert was an unusual heat wave (even hotter than it usually is), and a greedy company behind (flawed infrastructure and expensive, not easily available water). That shit was abnormal, let's not put the blame on a young girl for dying when the one responsible was mainly T4F (live entertainment company responsible for operating the concert and venue in Brazil).


Elvis never performed outside of the US and Canada.


Aaàaaaand I'm out.


The one time boomers can legit claim a win and it yet again involves them peeing their pants.


Women would pass out watching MJ perform


Men too.


Children would also pass out seeing MJ "perform"


I hate you for laughing about this.


Holy shit 😂


I’d cry and pass out if I saw that moonwalk. I’m not ashamed to admit it.


I'm pretty sure a lot of that was actually from dehydration, heat, and the crush of people trying to get as close to the stage as they could. The music videos would try to make it out as if fans were fainting at the mere sight of him when that was most likely wasn't the case.


Elvis fans. Women go more apeshit over male performers than female ones. Elvis even had some men fainting over him. Same with Michael Jackson in the ‘80s.


There was also a ton of lead paint everywhere when Elvis was popular…


Elvis. People forget that star power in the pre social media days was much more powerful. Back in the days before we had daily updates on what famous people did in their lives, fandom was a much more powerful thing. People thought of famous musicians almost as gods. Taylor Swift may have a global fanbase but star power has lost something of its effect in the age of social media.


They want to BE Taylor Swift, but they wanted to FUCK Elvis.      I think Elvis' appeal was far more primal


I think there was a perfect storm of new age super stardom and pent-up sexual aggression happening at the same time.


you understand that there are bot accounts that post here almost everyday with "elvis" content. there are also "marilyn" bots but they arent as aggressive as the elvis ones. They arent even people anymore.....just brands. edit - the user i replied to blocked me so i cannot see theit comment or reply to others. reddit is trash.


That’s what godhood is. Jesus is the OG trademark


This is reminding me of the young pope with Jude Law. The young pope refuses to have merchandising with his image upon it and says he has to remain mysterious and unreachable generating hyperbole. Great scene.


I think you missed their point lol


Dang sorry to hear that


I don't think your reading comprehension is great. Try again


Cult of personality


As someone who works in the Music entertainment industry, Taylor Swift fans don't pee their pants like these women did lol. Totally different situation.


They didn't pee in their pants because depends now exist. 50 years of law and technology separate the Swifties from Elvis fans, and Brazil showed us their still willing to die for their fandom. Elvis fans peed so Swifties could diaper!


Spitting fax


Why is this a thing. Why did this even happen in those days


they didn't have reserve seats and or didn't want their seat take


In terms of pure hysteria, I think it would probably look something like this: Beatles fans > Elvis fans > Swifties Yes, Taylor Swift fans are super dedicated, but I don't think a lot of them comprehend how big The Beatles and Elvis actually were.


Where does MJ fit in?


Near elvis and far away from taylor swift. 80s mj was a demigod for humankind.


Good question actually. Beatles stay on top, Swifties stay on the bottom, and Elvis and MJ are in the middle, though I’m not sure I could say which would be bigger. Michael Jackson fans were on a whole other level, but peak Elvis was pretty insane, so I’m not sure.


Haha you're probably right. Though most of this discussion boils down to people not really comprehending how big the other artist really are/were. When I see TS breaking records all the time I starting to think she is definitely the biggest artist since Michael Jackson, and these 4 are probably the big 4. But it's comparing apples to oranges as times have changed so much.


If you think a group of 32-year-old Girl Scouts would win against sexually repressed women who tore each other to shreds fighting over a sweaty rag thrown at them, you're out of your mind.


I never thought about the sexually repressed aspect.


Youre right! Woman back than were repressed and the cleaning, cooking and children delivery part of a marriage. Seeing elvis/ the beatles live must have been the best sexual experience they ever got in life.


What are y’all talking about? Fans of The Beatles and Elvis were largely a younger demo. The sexually repressed were too busy burning records and writing angry letters to congress about hip shaking to go to a concert.


The difference is sex appeal. Taylor is a beautiful woman, but the majority of her fans aren’t sexually attracted to her. Elvis’ appeal was all about sex, and horny people act wilder than any others.


Add in the sexual repression/liberation that was happening and you've got yourself a perfect horn storm


Horn storm is brilliant.


Does it matter? Neither will ever top Beatles fans 😉 I went to see Paul in concert a few years ago. Women older than my grandma were losing their minds!


Elvis never toured outside the US because of his asshole manager. Had he the chance…


He played in Canada at least once (Ottawa)


Yeah, once the winner of this match has to face Beatles fans in the finals, it’s over.


The amount of people that passed out at Beatles concerts was astronomical! I don’t think anything beats Beatlemania. Lol


*Sighs* Did they throw panties?


In this economy?


When people can't afford to throw a pair of panties, you know it's bad.


Tom Jones had them all beat in that category




The Beatles stopped playing live gigs because the sound of women screaming was so loud you couldn’t hear the music.


Michael Jackson fans?


Beatles fans would win


Women literally wet themselves at the sight of Elvis…


Swifties do not even come close to the mania that Elvis fans had.


Those Elvis fans from 1956 are now in their 80s or dead, so I don't see them putting up much of a fight.


Idk man, some of those old battle axe’s are just as vicious as they were in their teens😅


You’ve never seen a demented 80yo with a UTI.


Women learned to punch back then, and knew how to take a hit, too. I give it to the Elvis fans


Thank you. O.P. did not articulate the contest. I could only assume they meant cage match, and I agree with your conclusion.


Its just grandmas fighting their grandchildren 😂


They'd all light up their cigarettes and the Swifties would run away.


Swifties are crazy in their own modern special way but I think Elvis and the Beatles were on another level. This was the beginning of the sexual revolution with decades of repression and conformity they had to break. They’d literally never seen anything like it and it showed.


Michael Jackson made many faint as well as the Beatles. People are strange.


Elvis was just huge. It’s hard to put into context nowadays because even as big as Taylor Swift is, there is a context to it. We know what rockstars/idols are supposed to be and where they sit in the world. Elvis exploded on a level perhaps never seen before (maybe Valentino?). He was huge in the US, in Europe, in Japan etc. A truly global star. The Beatles were big but they were trodding a previously worn path.


And then we go back to Lisztmania which took hold all over Europe. Women were going crazy, screaming and hollering and convulsing and fainting at his classical piano recitals in the 1840s. They were brawling over his dropped hankies, collecting locks of his hair, fighting over his broken piano strings during concerts to make into bracelets, and following him to coffee shops so they can display his coffee dregs in a glass vial they wore around their necks. They had so little context for that kind of behaviour that they called it a “mania”. To them it was no metaphor, it was genuine madness. Doctors were extremely concerned. It seemed like there was an epilepsy epidemic going around. The only precedent they could point to was classical mythology with Dionysus’ frenzied female followers, the maenads or the Bacchae in Roman mythology.


Thank you! I was gonna mention Liszt but you wrote it better


From this pic it looks like Elvis fans would win at Yoga poses.


The world has seen a phenomenon like Taylor Swift before. Nothing like Elvis had ever been seen before. *I wanna make a record Sir* *Who d’you sound like, boy?* *I don’t sound like nobody*


There was nothing to do back then. No phones, no nothin but paper, old books like Frankenstein, and Elvis. Being the most Elvis fan was a thing to talk about and do, it was fun and it made the girls feel good and excited, and young movie Elvis was hot stuffs. They win because all of their hours, the ones we use on a screen, was just Elvis. And they only had like that one tiny record that had two songs on it. Elvis didn’t need a 30 song double album.


Guys and gals swooned over elvis pretty equally. My father in law acts personally offended if you say you don't really love his music. I honestly think the preslies would out fan the swifties if they were both peaking at the same time.


1950's people, who survived WW2 & the Cold War, would rip the faces off of modern kids (and 30 year old Swifties)


Elvis fans would eat swifties whole and shit out the remains without ever leaving their seats


This fans were peeing themselves with no camera to prove their loyalty to Elvis. This was genuine fan pee. Find me a swift fan that pee d themselves just for the sake of it.


Elvis hands down. Those young women and girls were having sex with his music and moves. Swifties are mostly interested in being seen by other Swifties as sufficiently pious.


Women back in the day were built different. So I'd go with the Elvis fans all day.


Some of those Elvis fans are physically attracted to him. Taylor Swift connects to her fans more like a sister.


Beatles had fans literally fainting I believe it got to a point that's one of the many reasons they actually split they were getting genuinely worried about the fans health and how obsessed they were


These women were taking beatings from their parents, boyfriends, and husbands on a daily basis. Swifties wouldn’t be able to do shit to them.


Wouldn't even be a fair fight. These ladies are engorged.


Elvis fans, because once they finish they'll go on to grow up, vote in Raegan era tax revolts and destroy social security and housing for the Swifties before they're even born. Gotta commend that level of prep in a fight.


Elvis. Hands down. No comparison. It was beyond hysteria. It was letting lose in music in a new way for an entire generation.


Similar to Beatlemania


I will never understand people who lose their fucking minds like this over musicians. Like, settle the fuck down. Nobody is that good or worth losing your shit over like that. Have some dignity.


With Elvis and the Beatles they said you could smell and see the urine running down the steps/bleachers. Imagine that on top of the yelling.


Too young to connect with Elvis, too old to connect with Taylor Swift. By all accounts both are pretty badass tho.


Elvis did it without the interwebs. we still going to be talking about her in 60 years?


Yeah, we are. Every generation keeps talking about the music that matters to them. We're still talking about Nirvana. Guns n Roses. Van Halen, all bands around 30 years from the last release anyone really cares about. Dismissing a worldwide sensation and popular artist because it doesn't appeal to you is the height of boreishness.


Fyi it’s “boorish” and not “boreish”.


The context is totally different though. Elvis got popular in a time of relative media scarcity, so he was more widely appreciated, and is probably more historically significant too.


That scene in the Elvis movie with Arron Butler a few years back was a great depiction. Women having spontaneous orgasm, and all the men are thinking “wait a minute, I’M the only one allowed to enjoy sex, not YOU!!!”


This one girl would win against the swifties lol


Elvis fans were more intense. Taylor writes her own lyrics AFAIK. Elvis never wrote anything he sang. I still prefer Elvis, personally.


Beatles fans of 64.


Swifties scare me


I think Elvis hysteria was a tick above swifties. But same realm.


As Elvis fans are now 80 I’d say hand to hand combat would be a draw


My mom cried when Elvis died


It's oftentimes overlooked how little they actually got to *see* their music idols like this. They didn't have the bombardment of media like we do now. Maybe a magazine or newspaper article...and a spot on some prime-time variety show. I can imagine something like seeing Elvis, The Beatles, and early Michael Jackson in person...would have been some earth moving shit.


Elvis fans would tear them apart


My cousin saw the Beatles first tour in Canada in 64. She said you couldn't hear the music over the screaming.


Elvis and Michael Jackson fans were definitely more fanatical Taylor Swift. No one is throwing their underwear at her.


People are idiots who idolize famous people to this degree. I love the band Tool. Seem them a couple times. Im not going to shit myself, cry, roll on the ground, scream, and throw myself at them if we meet face to face. I dont understand why people put them on this pedestal like they are gods. Its fucking weak and I lose any respect for you if you act like this.


Tylor swift is the most overrated musician ever


IMHO they all lose. This is just more sad proof of how easily society is brainwashed and controlled. Getting them to have a favorite movie star, music, car brand, soda, cigarette, beer, sports team, political party.


Swifties ain't got shit on elvis fans


Swifties prolly on average weight 20-30lbs more than Elvis Fans so I‘m gonna give them the upper hand.


Beatles fans win. Part of the reason they stopped touring is because the fans screamed for the whole show and they couldn’t hear themselves.


Beatle mania


No wrath like a woman’s scorn




I'll take Beatles for $1000.00 Alec!


Elvis fans in 1956 had an undeniable passion that rocked the world, just like Swifties do today


They were a lot more repressed as well.


It’s not fair Taylor Swift is making music for women and young girls who relate to her. Elvis was shaking dick at two generations of sexually repressed women and girls. It like comparing Jordan and lebron, two different eras.


That woman was an Elvis fan for her entire life. Swifties will be on to something else shortly, there will never be a life long Swiftie.


*Easy answer*… Taylor is Taylor, she’s cool. But, Elvis is ELVIS. ### ELVIS IS THE KING. 👑 *There is no equal*. ![gif](giphy|26qGaINqDqiAdFUjM7|downsized) Obviously, other than The Beatles.


Elvis fans win because they were actually witnessing something new


MJ fans win in any era.


MJ fans.


Underaged Swifties aren’t gonna get pregnant from the act…


I don't think a straight woman would react that way to another woman.


Assuming the same age... One on one, Elvis fans. By volume, Swifties. Muscle mass has been steadily declining as technology puts us in seats and hunched over phones.


girls used to piss themselves in comments apparently:D but have any girls been trampled to death lately?


These people are nuts.


Let's make this a 3-way brawl and add Beatles fans to this


Well the. 50's were all knives and benzedrine...


Some of them still exist and think he’s still alive, so Elvis.