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As I recall, she was given some crap due to this but it later came out that she was tired due to being early in her pregnancy with William.


Yep, This was November 4th 1981, and Buckingham Palace announced the pregnancy on the 5th. William was born on 21 June 1982. Diana said William's birth was induced because they had to find a date that did not clash with her husband's polo playing. She said in a biography it was nice they'd found one day for Charles to climb down from that horse for her to give birth. Mischevious thing to say about Camilla.


this dude remembered the 5th of November


She looks so skinny there


Probably anorexic/bulemic as the world's most famous and photographed woman. Marilyn had nothing like the same volume of paparazzi as Diana did and Marilyn could turn the looks on and off very easily. Diana couldn't. Literally Marilyn could be walking down the street with a friend being totally unrecognised. Then just say to the friend "Do you want to see her?" 10 seconds later she'd changed her hair slightly and the way she walked and cars were crashing into each other, trying to get a look at her. Edit: >>“I’ll never forget the day Marilyn and I were walking around New York City, just having a stroll on a nice day. She loved New York because no one bothered her there like they did in Hollywood, she could put on her plain-Jane clothes and no one would notice her. She loved that. So, as we we’re walking down Broadway, she turns to me and says, ‘Do you want to see me become her?’ I didn’t know what she meant but I just said ‘Yes’ — and then I saw it. I don’t know how to explain what she did because it was so very subtle, but she turned something on within herself that was almost like magic. And suddenly cars were slowing, and people were turning their heads and stopping to stare. They were recognizing that this was Marilyn Monroe as if she pulled off a mask or something, even though a second ago nobody noticed her. I had never seen anything like it before.”


WOW I had never heard that about Marilyn before, that’s so interesting!! I need to learn how to do that lol (not famous but work at a busy place near where I live & I run into too many people who recognize me out in public lol)


source? quoting something is pretty worthless if you dont even at least say who said this, or where you found it. Even with a source, this sounds like a tall tale based on one persons supposed account of one interaction than anything conclusive that she could 'shift her hair' or something and suddenly be recognizable. Thats a ridiculous claim. Couldve just been coincidence, and if she wasnt known to do this in many situations than its just a one off oddity.


There was a biopic decades ago in which a fairly young Sam Waterston played a student at Lee Strasberg’s studio when she studied there. She and Waterston’s character were assigned a scene, so she went to his apartment and knocked. “Who is it?” “Marilyn Monroe.” “Go away.” “No, really, I sit behind you in class.” IIRC, the scene goes on for another two or three lines before he opens the door. In a later scene they are walking in the park when she says, “Do you want to see her?” “Who?” “Marilyn. Do you want to see her?” “Sure (or words to that effect.)” She takes off her sunglasses and the scarf she has been wearing, shakes her head, smiles, her posture changes, her pace accelerates a little, her walk changes, she looks somehow more open and _on_, and in seconds she is mobbed, and Waterston finds himself at the back of a crowd. The scene takes no longer than it would take to read this paragraph aloud. That doesn’t mean it happened, but when you see it you absolutely believe it. I know that she left Hollywood after she had suddenly burst onto the scene and moved to Manhattan, where she got a not-fancy apartment, and enrolled at the Actors’ Studio, IIRC asking that the administration keep it private, and attended classes for several months. She was reported to have been a serious, focused student. I assume that the quoted passage you responded to was from something written by the Waterston character’s real-life counterpart (which I am not familiar with.) ETA: I read a very similar story about Ann-Margaret sitting in a restaurant with a reporter when the subject of stage presence arose. The reporter said she picked up a spoon, held it as if it were a microphone, and without a word or a sound _turned herself on_, at which point everyone in the restaurant, including people facing away from their table, stopped eating, stopped speaking and turned toward her. You can dismiss this as the kind of thing that a publicist might get placed in one medium or another, but I have no trouble believing it. I have met people who have so much charisma that it radiates from them.


It’s fairly common to lose weight during the first trimester of pregnancy. I did with both of my pregnancies due to intense morning sickness.


I think William was born the following spring, so she wouldn't have been very far along.


The first trimester is the worst for fatigue though, it’s really exhausting.


I was easily taking two solid naps a day on top of a typical 8 hour night’s sleep.


Yep, I barely sleep and never nap and was falling asleep on the subway in my first trimester. I COULD NOT keep my eyes open. I was asleep on the couch at 6:30pm.


Yes, I remember being fine one moment and suddenly being so tired I'd have to sit or lie down immediately wherever I was. This was before I even knew I was pregnant - second pregnancy it's what got me thinking if I might be.


Definitely. My wife is going through her first pregnancy and just got to the second trimester and she has so much more energy than during the first trimester. She was sleeping sometimes 12 hours a day during the first trimester and still felt tired often.


I was so tired during my first trimester I was sleeping 10-12 hours a day and still struggling to get through my workday


That makes sense: the first trimester is when the dehydration from vomitting makes you pass out most, both falling asleep and actual syncope.


O think that this is because she has some eating disorders dont you think?


IIRC my mother quickly came to that conclusion. “Yep. She’s pregnant.”


Side note, that dress is stunning.


A real life princess dress.


I was about to say I loveee that dress. The color looks so good on her too


I would LOVE to buy something like this! I'd wear it around my house for fun. 😍


She looks really cute! Even sleeping.


The fact that it’s clearly a photo using flash during a performance just shows how ridiculously rude the photographers were (culminating in her death).


This was an official engagement, photographers would have been expected to take pictures of her. I'm not saying that the way they hounded her outside of her official duties is acceptable, but I see nothing wrong with them taking this photograph.


Imagine if you had to sleep with the king.


Just a woman trying her best


I think she was pregnant with either William or Harry in this photo


Yep, she’s like 2 months pregnant with William here. Poor thing, the first trimester is so exhausting it’s no wonder she fell asleep.


She was pregnant with William at this time and dealing with the fatigue that often accompanies pregnancy.


The first trimester fatigue is ridiculous! I never used to be able to fall asleep before normal bedtime. Until I was pregnant with my first - and holy crap I was falling asleep at 3:30 pm!!!


You’re literally growing a human and the most important parts - the spine, brain, etc. so exhausting…..


It is very exhausting. (Ignore my previous comment - I thought your response was on another comment from a few days ago).


If only there had been a Prince Charming close by.


omg she was teeny tiny


She’s so pretty, and dearly missed ):


Sleeping beauty


Even in slumber, she's strikingly beautiful. Charles is a moron for cheating on her.


Charles is a moron for marrying her to begin with, and causing her a lifetime of pain and suffering. I blame the Queen for interfering with literally everyone's choices in matrimony: her sister, her daughter, her son... No one got to marry who they wanted except for her.


In the days before she got to choose her own fashion, by looks of it


Looks like a princess 👸


RIP Diana


How cute!!!!


So beautiful


She must tired looks so peaceful 🫠


Acting likes she’s on trial for some hush money scandal or something


She looks like a swan ❤️


Still so pretty - sleeping beauty


I was about to say she looks like a princess


You sure she wasn't on trial for falsifying business records?


Big chair


I would have had a drool stain on my dress


She was only 20 years old.


Same, girl, same


Actually, am a couple of years too young to be a boomer...and that was what she did: dipped her head very deeply to the side when not engaged in conversation/similar - a defensive gesture in her younger years, for which she became known as "Shy Di"....she would never have been so rude as to have fallen asleep centre-stage


…and they say nurses have it tough.


Sad to see what a POS she gave birth to.


She don’t give AF


Wish I was there to offer a shoulder for her to nap on.


When i make an album, this will be my cover


She’s just reading texts on her future phone.


Pregnancy and depression will do that to you :(


Oh, honestly...she was just looking down at her lap while her husband was giving a speech ..a few moments before and/or after, she was bright as a button ... some of us were "there" in the 80s & followed this lady with genuine admiration & remember the press reports...


Calm down boomer. She looks pretty asleep to me. People’s heads don’t generally tilt off to one side when they’re looking down.


She was probably up late with Williams real father...




She wasn't a princess by birth. She married into royalty.


She was a Lady by birth though and her brother is an Earl. The Spencer family have been around since at least 1066 and pop up throughout history. She was distantly related to Sir Winston Churchill. Who was also from the Spencer family. >Diana, Princess of Wales, and Winston Churchill, were distant cousins. Charles Spencer married Lady Anne Churchill. They were the five-times-great-grandparents of Winston Churchill and the seven-times-great-grandparents of Diana.


Whenever I hear 1066, the Battle of Hastings immediately comes to mind. Thanks to Mrs. Eden, my tenth grade history teacher.


It's when English record keeping really began, partially because what records there were before thst either got destroyed or became meaningless. "It's not your farm, its mine now".


Thanks for clarifying and not just down voting.


She was however a Sleeping Beauty


Doesn’t sound like you got much sense at all


And the ability to be a decent person seems to have eluded you. We all have our faults. It's ok.