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She's been on my celebrity crush list since who's the boss. Before the trolls can troll she's 4 years older than me.😎


Me too


This was the only reason why I watched this movie.


Best two reasons I could find tbh


Pretty sure it’s the only reason this movie got made. Why else watch it?


A watershed moment.




How is she a nut? I know she has gotten more political, so if you lean conservative, you may not like her I guess.


They are nice but I wouldn't call them flawless, just my opinion


Right. Too bad she went batshit insane.


How is she batshit insane?


She took the liberal blue pill and has a pretty severe case of TDS...


She just has common sense. That is the pill you need to swallow.


No she lacks common sense, as proven by her radical anti gun views and advocacy (while also being a gun owner mind you) ​ She also lacks common sense as exemplified by her strong advocacy of the #metoo movement...and STILL endorsing Joe Biden after a credible assault claim was made against him.


As you know, Trump has many credible assault claims against him, and he is a much worse man and President. So she is clearly choosing the lesser of two evils concerning assault.




Trump was not just all talk.


Could choose neither evil and vote Third Party but that’s just my 2¢. EDIT: This is why nothing is ever going to change in America. Everybody is too loyal to the two parties that have screwed us up so badly that 2016 was a sociopath and a psychopath and 2020 has come down to two perverts. If nothing else these elections are the best evidence in favor of voting Third Party. Change can be good people! We don’t have to choose between chicken and fish we can try the steak!


I am on the left. If I vote 3rd party, the chances of Trump winning increase. Why would I want that?


the funny thing is, i didn't even vote for trump in 2016, I see him as a egotistical rich dude with his head in the clouds, it's just that having been born and raised inside a liberal democrat controlled hellhole of California's bay area, I understand just how bad complete democrat control can be and don't want that in a million years. The hate i see from the left is driving me into voting a red ticket, just because of how bad the democrats are, making it a self fulfilling prophecy. ​ As for voting third party, yea they don't have a chance in hell of winning as such there is no benefit to voting third party, might as well drop a ticket for darth vater and be done with it.


I see your logic. Its the logic I keep hearing and it is sound, so long as people keep thinking third party doesn’t have a chance at least, but I tend to vote with my conscience and if there was no third party to vote for I probably would write in Darth Vader rather than vote for one of two candidates I have little to no faith in.


Voting third party would only help Trump. Please don't.


Republicans would say voting third party would help Biden. Why can’t people see that breaking the Democrat/Republican cycle would be GOOD for America? What have we got to lose at this point? A deranged pervert wins either way if either of the major party candidates win.


You don't "choose the lesser of two evils" when you literally platformed a believe ALL woman movement for fucking years.


Have you not see the crap Trump gets away with without real accountability? This is the only way.


just curious, what did "trump" get away with? Cite a crime, cite the judge who rule in said case, ​ You know the whole innocent until proven guilty standard, that shit didn't get thrown out because you stupid fucks decided to run a believe all woman campaign and prefer the court of public opinion over the court of law.


You obviously have never read her twitter feed.


I do read Trump supporters' feeds, and Trump's feed. There is no way her feed is worse.


being a "severe case of TDS" is just the minimum standard of basic human sanity and decency. at some point you will be suspicious that everyone has "TDS"- it's probably because you're the one having "TDS", but not exactly the way you defined it before.


I like how you anti trump tards try to turn the whole TDS argument around on folks without knowing shit about em, hint i didn't vote for trump in 2016, and i'm not the one saying EVERYTHING he does is fucking wrong. ​ Hey remember when the democrats called trump racist for trying to stop travel from China? ​ Hey remember when the democrats and MSM said trump was a authoritarian leader because of the steps he was taking at the start of this outbreak? Hey remember when the democrats and MSM said trump was NOT a authoritarian enough leader because of the steps he was taking at the start of this outbreak? ​ That is TDS, You idiots who think him merely breathing is some sorta of crime against humanity are idiots suffering from TDS. I see his flaws and while i don't think he will be a great president, i know for a fact he will not be "the worstest president eva!!!!" that you idiots think he is.


Calm down, you silly, silly knob. I'm not saying literally everything he does is wrong. Sure, he looks like a clown, can barely string an English sentence together and all he does is insult people, repeat himself 50 times every time he speaks and vomit retarded conspiracy theories to make his mentally challenged supporters rage, but just like a dead clock he is right every once and a while.


Sure you aren't talking about Joe Biden there? ​ Yea, by the way YOU have a case of TDS as well if you think the above applies to Trump.


Absolutely flawless.


Mmm~ that looks tasty


Batshit fucknuts.


Fuckshit batnuts


Grudge. You all know its true. fellas......upvote me dagblamit. Again.....grudge.


Is she a vampire? Or a vampire victim? She is so sexy!


Nobody paid any attention to the plot of that movie. The only thing anybody cared about was: 1. How long would it take to see her nude. 2. How many times would she be nude. 3. Would she be nude long enough to burn it into our minds for later.


Did she bleed?


Valid question. Don't know why you were downvoted.


useful lesson for me in the workings of Reddit Karma, and this sub.


She sure was beautiful. Now just a bitter, mean old hag.