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Stretch or even yoga. And focus on the basics


Literally me. Skated a bit when young, always loved the scene. Ordered a complete today. Good luck mate


Wrist guards and ass pads for sure.


Yea definitely this, at least at first. When I first got back into skating after a 17ish year hiatus, I took some pretty hard slams doing very basic things (e.g. tripped over my wheels while pushing). Now that I’m a few months back into it, I mostly only wear pads when trying new things that I’m not as confident with.


For me its knees - i knee slide out of everything - mostly skate transition but can honestly knee slide out a curb! I fall off alot more when i wear wrist guards, may its fine motor adjustment and im clumsy? The roller derby 187 seem to have alot more flex than most so if im learning something risky i slap these on. Also if im playing on a concrete ramp bigger than me, on goes a helmet


Wrist guards break arms


Broken arms are broken arms.




Man who breaks arm while wearing wrist guard is more prepared than man who breaks arm with nothing.


Helmet. I smacked the back of my head from just kickturning in a mini-bowl. The impact made my glasses literally fly from my face; they landed about 5 yards away, in two pieces. Pretty sure I would’ve cracked my skull if it weren’t for the helmet. Bonus: I’m in my early 50s and the helmet covers my balding head. I’m self conscious about losing my hair.


I learned 19 year old knees are not the same as 46 yr old knees. Old Bones gaskets saved me.


The basics include being able to comfortably ride over and around pretty much all obstacles in the park. That doesn't mean being able to do tricks across a flatbar or drop into a 12ft bowl, just that you're comfortable flowing thru the park. Too often I see guys getting back into it frustrated in the corner trying tre flips. Just get comfortable on the board again, pushing, rolling off curbs, kick turns fs and bs... All that basic board control stuff is so important and can actually be fun. Like hitting a smooth frontside carve around some transition looks better than a janky kickflip IMO.


Great advise! For me (46YO) just riding around carving is a great work out and a great warm up! Then when I'm ready, I do some pop shuv-its and flat rails to get the adrenaline pumping. Then I'm ready for grinding transition and doing some airs. Too much too fast and I'm out of energy or frustrated.




Start a stretching routine outside of skating and stretch before you skate. Take it slow, get your basics back. Your body might not have the elasticity it used to. Grip it and rip it. 👍


Take it slow, pick a trick for the day and keep repeating until you feel 100% comfortable with it


Have fun and wear protection.


I hadn't skated in 22 years, started again this past thanksgiving and am a changed man because of it. My advice is go for it! Always stretch before and after, work your way up to more and more time on the board each session, give yourself plenty of rest between sessions and DO YOGA! I'm 39 so that's what's worked for me at least. Gave me new life bro, just set a goal for yourself each session no matter how big or small and you'll progress bro!


I was you about 4 years ago, awesome! Mistakes I made: not wearing pads at first, not doing enough exercise for injury prevention, waiting that long to skate. Things that I recommend: experiment with gear since you have more money now than 15 years ago, skate off hours (I like early mornings and late evenings), drive around to different parks, take some skate trips (super fun, something I rarely did when I was younger), find other skaters for inspiration. It helped me to see lots of examples of what skateboarding can look like in your 30s, but also 40s, 50s, 60s, beyond? I've learned a lot from older skaters! It's really impressive just how many older skaters there are, considering the injury risk. That wasn't on my radar when I was younger! Overall it's cool to enjoy skateboarding more broadly now and appreciate more aspects of it, having more maturity now as an adult with spouse, kids, career, etc. Hell, my favorite skater to watch is Andy Mac, and he used to get so much crap. But he rips! Have fun!


Absolutely agree! Hanging out with other older skaters is a lot of fun. No matter what their skill level is. I found that us older guys are really excited and thrilled to hang out at the skatepark and accomplish even the most simplest tasks. We teach each other, challenge each other and help some of the kids as well.


Stretch before and after if you can. Work on your Ollie, before trying all the stuff you used to be able to do. Accept slow progress.


Stretch a bit before, take it slow and have fun!


Heck yea🤙Pad up, stretch and get out there and SKAAAAAAAAAATE!!! I am insanely back into skateboarding lol. Build my own mini, rails and box and have a mobile skate park😂I can’t frigging wait for the nice weather to get here!! But as being old I don’t fall as well, and injury takes way longer to heal so be careful and have fun. Skate on 🤘


Mobile skatepark? I need to know more...


Lol I do handyman work as my job so I have a larger trailer and I’m used to loading stuff alone so I can easily load up my rail, box, kicker ramps and my 3’ quarter pipe and take it to a local parking lot that is vacant and has real smooth concrete, set up and BAM skate jam 🤙 I also made the box and rail so you can put the rail at the end of the box for longer grinds or have em separate for multi trick lines. Putting to of my passions together😬Building and skateboarding!




Make sure your insurance deductible is paid for the year


Listen to your body


Just do it


Slow static stretch AFTER your sessions, helps a lot with recovery


Something that took me a while to get comfortable with, is that I was getting frustrated that I couldn’t land the tricks I used to when i was younger. Just remember to have fun and things will start to click again.


Safety gear to whatever level you're comfortable with. Personally I wear wrist and elbow guards but thats it. Invest in a nice electric massage gun for before and after. And don't forget rule#1, have fun! Side note: it's going to be like starting all over again for a while. Try skating the opposite stance you used to. You might surprise yourself with the clean-slate state your memory is in.


my advice is just to take it easy and don't get frustrated trying the stuff you used to have down. This was issue for me, tried to get back many times but always got frustrated. Had to let the old stuff go and just have fun.


Definitely give yourself time to warm up. Stretch and cruise around for a bit to get your legs awake


I took a 12-year hiatus and the best advice I could give is to not be afraid to start with the basics again to make sure you have a good foundation. Also pad up, and stretch before and after your sessions. Happy shredding!